HD DVD Deals: Buy Any HD DVD Player Get 3 HD DVD's Instantly + 5 Via Mail CC & BBy

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170 (100%)

Please post any HD DVD deals thread. No Blu-Ray allowed ;)

Links:5 Free HD DVD Movies w/Purchase of any HD DVD Player
HD-A2 - $198.99 shipped
Buy the XBOX360 HD DVD Player & Get Heroes S1 HD DVD Free :hot:

HD-A30 $310 Shipped (Click to check current price, it fluctuates)
Ocean's Trilogy $55.95 Shipped

X360 HD DVD Player - $178.99 Shipped
HD DVD Heroes
For a limited time, buy the Xbox 360 HD-DVD Player and get a copy of 'Heroes (Season 1)' on HD-DVD for FREE! To redeem this offer, simply add the Xbox 360 HD-DVD Player to your cart and 'Heroes' will automatically be added to your cart as well. This offer is only good while supplies last (or ends on 11/4/2007, whichever comes first).
(Applies only to products sold by Buy.com. Does not apply to products sold on our site by third-party merchants through Buy.com Marketplace.)
Offer valid from 10/21/2007 to 11/4/2007
Click here for complete terms and conditions.
Harry Potter Year 1-5 Limited Edition Giftset $83.21 After code CTBM or NVBM
Ocean's Trilogy Giftset $44.97 After code CTBM or NVBM

HD-A3 - Includes Bourne Identity & 300 Plus Choose 2 additional Titles...works on Pre-Orders + 5 Free HD DVD's via Mail = 9 HD DVD's for $199.99 :hot::hot::hot:HDA2 - $197.99
HD DVD's For $13.99
[quote name='Sporadic']The free Heroes deal is also at J&R.com if you don't want to wait until the 21st

[quote name='DX']Starting Friday (11/2) at 7AM WM will start running its first "Secret Sale". There will be 3 different sales this holiday all with different items.

So here is the complete list of $14.96 HD DVD's for this Friday:

Clerks 2
Lucky # S7even
Failure to Launch
4 Brothers
Italian Job
Sleepy Hollow
12 Monkeys
Big Lebowski
Sea Biscuit
Alexander Revisted
Blood Diamond
Full Metal Jacket
The Last Samurai

Imports Links: Exclusive Titles and Suggestions:
[quote name='Sporadic']Anybody interested in imports, EzyDVD is doing a 2 for 50 (or 25 a pop) sale for Universal titles.


Import exclusive titles include

Rambo 1-3
The Holiday
Total Recall

And there is also non-combo versions of

Children Of Men
Smokin' Aces
American Werewolf In London
Miami Vice

for you combo haters.

The really nice thing is that the AUD is weaker than the US dollar. So I was able to grab Rambo: First Blood for only 27.23 AUD (US $22.39)[/quote]
I just got mine also:
Sopranos S6P1
Planet Earth

All will probabl go to EBAY, I may keep PE as EBAY prices are not that great on any HD-DVD....still should make SOME money though. I know some people will frown at me, but I need the money right now, plus I get my five free HD-DVD's out of the deal :)
glad so many people have gotten their players...

im actually looking forward to this ending so this thread can get back to some movie deals lol
Everytime i've tried this in store... i've gotten denied... tomorrow im going in with that insider printout and requesting it once more... if they still deny me, then there shall be hell to pay.
worked perfect I was a little worried seeing as I had to drive each way 45 mins but worked perfect they knew nothing about it just handed it to em and bam HD DVD Player
Planet Earth
Ultimate Matrix
194 OTD
Thanks guys well worth the trip after a long day at work I wasn't chancing waiting another day till I went back to the city
My wife went in and ask an employee about getting two free movies in addition to Heroes. She was told no first, but then after talking to a manager, the employee told her that she could but the titles would have to be under $34.99 as stated in the ad. She pick up a couple of titles and the player and got a rain check for Heroes. Great deal, thanks for posting.
Yes sir, now THAT'S a deal! I got:

HD-DVD Drive x2
Soprano's Season 6, Part 1
Soprano's Season 6, Part 2
Heroes x2
Planet earth
Ultimate Matrix
King kong x2
Plus 10 more via mail in rebate

For a grand total of $360.00

anyone else think that $240 for a season of Sopranos is kinda crazy? I saw the one part when deciding on what to get free and thought it was a bit nutty. I see Amazon could get them for about $170, but still...... =]
I don't know if anyone cares anymore but I tried to get the deal online and got kind of a crabby reply:

I am Al*** with Best Buy Customer Care.

I understand your concern about your recent inquiry on the discounts offered on the products you purchased online.

I regret to inform you that the products and promotions that you are seeing on our Weekly Ad are actually for store purchases only. You can only avail the discounts if you purchase the items in your local store. The "Buy Online" button gives you the option to purchase it online. That is why, you'll never get the promotion offered on our Weekly Ad for the products you purchased.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any questions or concerns. We look forward to your next visit to one of our stores or to www.BestBuy.com I thought for su... work. A pretty solid NO on the online deal.
[quote name='Pookymeister']anyone else think that $240 for a season of Sopranos is kinda crazy? I saw the one part when deciding on what to get free and thought it was a bit nutty. I see Amazon could get them for about $170, but still...... =][/QUOTE]

Yes it is a total rip off. And what the HELL are they thinking dividing it into 2 parts, if you are going to charge that much they should at least pack it together in a really nice container with some cool swag.
too bad all the store are already close in the east coast. but i will try it out tomorrow anyway when it opens

also. if i do able to get the soprano box set, can i exchange it for like harry potter next month?
tried to get it

went to best buy didn't see any heroes or 360 drives

guy said there should be 4 of each and went to the back to look

saw a guy walking around carrying 4 of each, told him not to worry about it and went home

oh well
[quote name='nharmon91']are you even keeping any of it[/QUOTE]

Hell ya I am! One drive, Heroes, Planet Earth and 7 of the ten mail in movies. The Sopranos may be a gift for someone while the second drive and Matrix are going out to trade for more movies.
[quote name='doubledown']I just got mine also:
Sopranos S6P1
Planet Earth

All will probabl go to EBAY, I may keep PE as EBAY prices are not that great on any HD-DVD....still should make SOME money though. I know some people will frown at me, but I need the money right now, plus I get my five free HD-DVD's out of the deal :)[/QUOTE]

If you know people are going to frown on you, why dont you just keep it to yourself.
[quote name='BigMastadon']Everytime i've tried this in store... i've gotten denied... tomorrow im going in with that insider printout and requesting it once more... if they still deny me, then there shall be hell to pay.[/quote]

All you have to do is have them ring up the player and Heroes season 1(make sure its the HD-DVD version) first.
Got Planet Earth and TF for free, no questions asked.

I hated the 2nd and 3rd Matrix movies and never liked the Sopranos and didn't feel like trying to eBay them (besides, with this deal being all over here, SD, and FW there's going to be a glut of those for sale soon). I'm plenty happy with the deal.
Thanks to everyone for the heads up ! :applause: I got Heroes plus Matrix and Planet earth series ! WOW what a great site! I have a question ?? Can you also play games thru the HD DVD Player ??? Thanks Again Everyone !! :)
[quote name='unjust']Thanks to everyone for the heads up ! :applause: I got Heroes plus Matrix and Planet earth series ! WOW what a great site! I have a question ?? Can you also play games thru the HD DVD Player ??? Thanks Again Everyone !! :)[/quote] no you cant
[quote name='animemaniac14']so is the matrix ultimate collection the same as the matrix trilogy? or am i wrong :([/quote] ultimate has more extras as well as animatrix but the discs are double sided
[quote name='Ghostbuster84']All you have to do is have them ring up the player and Heroes season 1(make sure its the HD-DVD version) first.[/quote]

I've already got it... its just a matter of them adjusting the price which is what they have denied me on every time.
I was able to take advantage of this today. I got the HD-DVD player, Heroes, Matrix Ultimate and Planet Earth. I've already sold the HD-DVD player for $150. So I essentially got all these movies for only $30. Thank you CAG!:D
[quote name='rsigley']tried to get it

went to best buy didn't see any heroes or 360 drives

guy said there should be 4 of each and went to the back to look

saw a guy walking around carrying 4 of each, told him not to worry about it and went home

oh well[/quote]

Damn that sucks. I hate people like that. Sorry dude :(
I saw Toshiba A2 priced for $198. Best buy is running get 2 HD DVDs for free instantly when you buy any Toshiba HD DVD players. You guys think Wal mart gonna price match this deal and give me 2 free HD DVDs if I buy A2 for $198. I got the bestbuy ad.
[quote name='rsigley']tried to get it

went to best buy didn't see any heroes or 360 drives

guy said there should be 4 of each and went to the back to look

saw a guy walking around carrying 4 of each, told him not to worry about it and went home

oh well[/quote]

I wouldve waited for him to checkout - possibility they would have limited him
I was all happy coming home... until I saw this thread filled up with people getting Planet Earth and Matrix Trilogy >.<

Anyways, I got this deal with Heroes, Transformers and Knocked Up. I was thinking about trying to get Matrix at the store but I decided against it, and now I see that I could have and I wish I did. Not to mention one of my buddies was working the customer service desk... I'll be heading back tomorrow morning when they open hoping to return/rebuy for the Matrix and PE. If not, oh well, still a great deal anyway.
It got lost about 10 pages back, but the HDD deal for DVDempire is only $12.50 off not $15, confirmed by Jed

use code 1372779 for $12.50 off of $50

3 titles or more = free shipping otherwise cheapest shipping seems to be $2.55 for one item

some good deals

oceans gift pack = $46 shipped

can get the three discovery atlas videos for about $46 too

nip/tuck s4 = $44

rest are cheaper at warner's site or ebay
I was going to jump on this deal tomorrow but as soon as I heard about this "glitch" I drove to BB.


Xbox 360 HD-DVD plus King Kong and remote: $179.99
Heroes: $99.99
Matrix Triology: $89.99
Sopranos Season 6: $119.99

I was watcing the monitor and it came out to $560 something, but after the cashier hit the enter shes like $195.

Just an amazing deal, thanks guys!
tho i still think the VERY short lived "Blockbuster Video" Coupon was the best deal i've experienced this year....this is a VERY VERY close 2nd..if not almost a tie...to that deal considering how much im saving. But BBV coupon still reigns overall :whistle2:D thanks for the Deal OP!
I got this as well, too bad my HD-DVD player already crapped out. It read the first Planet Earth disc fine but then when I decided to see how King Kong looked I got a 'disc not recognized error.' I proceeded to put in Heroes discs, Matrix discs and none worked. I'm gonna take it back tomorrow and exchange it, hopefully I just got a rare lemon. I got a great deal though.

I got:
Xbox 360 HD-DVD Player
King Kong (came with hd dvd player)
Heroes Season 1
Planet Earth
Ultimate Matrix Collection
5 Free Movies through Mail! (Probably Babel, The Thing, Full Metal Jacket, The Frighteners and Troy)

All for $179.99 + tax!

Thanks for the news on this guys, I was originally going to get Heroes + 300 + Transformers but after hearing you could get the box sets I got those instead and will later buy 300 and Transformers.

Funny thing that happened to me is that the guy that got my HD-DVD player told me 'you can get two free movies $34.99 or less, not those two though they're box sets' and I told him 'yea I know, I heard these work too though' so he was like 'oh ok, now I'm curious too, I'll go checkout with you to see if they work' after he saw they did he was like 'Hhhmm..maybe I should get these too...' haha. No questions asked, nothing, they were just amazed that it worked.
LOL, I already had an add-on, but I just couldn't pass this up.

They didn't have Planet Earth, which was a bummer, but I did get Heroes, Ult Matrix, and Smallville season 6. All I've been wanting to pick up but had convinced myself to wait for price drops. LOL. I guess free will work.

Now I just have to figure out what to do with the extra drive.
Me and my friends all picked some up. But the last of us, right at closing, in phoenix had a real hard time, the managers came out and said they had received calls from corporate about making sure only 35 dollar or less movies are used, so they enforced that.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Me and my friends all picked some up. But the last of us, right at closing, in phoenix had a real hard time, the managers came out and said they had received calls from corporate about making sure only 35 dollar or less movies are used, so they enforced that.[/quote]

damnit, looks like the deal is most likely dead :cry: oh well I'm still happy with my purchase. Thanks CAG for this deal!
[quote name='Renegade_Zero']damnit, looks like the deal is most likely dead :cry: oh well I'm still happy with my purchase. Thanks CAG for this deal![/quote]

The boxset deal may be dead but you can still take advantage of the 2 free movies deal (under $35.00) if you haven't already. It's still a great deal.
I scored a deal similar to that... if y'all wanna follow really quickly:

1. First trip to best buy, got HD-DVD drive and Heroes S1
2. Read CAG, decided to get my two free HD-DVDs on. Went back there, but the customer service person couldn't figure out how to get the deal, so she "returned" my drive and re-bought it along with the two DVDs i picked with a gift card. I tried to get The Departed and Planet Earth at first, but Planet Earth only showed up as discounted to $45, so I got Transformers instead.
3. Read CAG again today, decided enough is enough and went to a second best buy, got another drive, heroes, the matrix trilogy (no ultimate... bummer) and Planet Earth.
4. Went back to the first best buy and returned the extra drive and Heroes S1. She didn't bother asking about the other two free HD-DVDs, and probably would've let me keep the extra Heroes set since (in her words) I "got it for free anyway". Not wanting to push my luck I left and then...
5. Fist pumped in triumph.

Total Haul:
XBox360 HD-DVD add-on ($179.99 + tax = $193.26)
Heroes S1 HD-DVD set (free)
The Departed HD-DVD/DVD combo (free)
Transformers HD-DVD (free)
Planet Earth HD-DVD set (free)
The Complete Matrix Trilogy set (free)
5 HD-DVDs with mail-in rebate (free)
Taking advantage of an awesome CAG deal (priceless)

[quote name='nharmon91']well I am back, this deal is def in the system, you dont have to say a word. I couldnt bring myself to buy any boxsets but buying the sopranos pt 1 and 2 which togeher cost $260 (they are $129.99 each at my BB), was tempting and def would have worked.

360 HD DVD Drive
Heroes HD DVD
Transformers HD DVD
Batman HD DVD
Accidental $70 GiftCard

For a grand total of $194[/quote]
Well, hmmm for a so called "dieing format" I enjoy the fact that the HDDVD forum has recieved double the views and replies of the bluray forum.

And for all of you getting in on the offer... damn I wish I had money.... Oh well.
We should keep a running tally of who gets the best deal from this little mistake.
who says that hd is dying? they have more exclusive companies. br is a good technology but until it becomes more affordable to the common customer then there wont be any clear winner.
[quote name='munch']For those selling some boxsets, are you going to do it now, or try and waitout the inevitable flood of stuff on ebay?[/QUOTE]

If I score one today i'm mos def going to wait it out.
[quote name='Snake2715']munch supply and demand, supply and demand.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I know. I wasn't trying to bring back Say's Law or anything, I just wanted to know what everyone else was doing. Which one's are you guys selling?
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