Help a CAG choose an acoustic guitar


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I've always wanted to learn guitar and part one would be choosing and buying one. Anyone have any guidelines to picking a good guitar? Please keep in mind I'm a beginner, so I don't need the best of the best. I just need something that'll get me started in case I decide later it's not really for me.

What brought me to thinking of finally getting one was catching HSN with that guy Esteban. Are his guitars any good? I'm a bit hesitant to bite on the deal they have for one of his sets, which is around $99 shipped.

I really don't know where to start though as far as choosing a guitar so your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I've seen the Esteban thing but I don't really know how those guitars he makes are.

I am sort of a beginner, as in I've taught myslef a little, and I have a lower-end Takamine that serves me really well. I don't know the model number but I'm sure they have them on the internet ( is a nice site).

I'm sure there are others that know more, but just getting that brand out there.
Don't get an Esteban package. My friend started with one of those and it was just a cheap piece of junk. Go to your local guitar center and ask the guys who work there to help you find a good guitar for around 150-200 bucks.
I had an Ibanez and never had any complaints about it. I probably would have upgraded to a Martin or a Taylor at some point if I had kept playing.
If you plan on planning for a good long while, Ovation guitars are the way to go.

Built in tuner, uber good sound, and like Stag said, is your friend.

5 years ago, I bought my CS257 Deluxe Acoustic/electric from them.

I got the greenburst design. Rosewood freboard, kick ass shallow design, 21 frets, chrome headboard pegs, and they tossed in free shipping AND a free case (not some bag, an actual Ovation hard case- with an accessory holder inside) and free picks, 2 sets of strings and a set of picks.

I got it for around 500 if I remember correctly. Last time I checked, the guitar is down to about $350. Not on the cheapassgamer side, but a guitar is a guitar.

Check it out
Thanks for the responses.

What exactly makes a beginner's guitar different from an intermediate level's guitar? I just like to know as much as I can before I go into a store.

And what are some things I should look for in a guitar? Are there specs that I can compare? The wood the top and fret are made of? I'm completely clueless when it comes to this, so thanks for those links to music sites.
I recommend going to stores and trying out the guitars. Look at the ones that are in your price range, try to find people that know guitars (not the people working at say Guitar Center, they're complete douches and just want your money) and see what suits you.

Honestly, it's not so much the bells and whistles on a guitar you want to look for. Try to find something that you like and feels comfortable for you.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']What exactly makes a beginner's guitar different from an intermediate level's guitar?[/QUOTE] Basically it's just a cost/value thing. You don't want to break the bank on a guitar when you're just starting out, especially if you don't know that you'll stick with it. Besides which, you won't be skilled enough to really take advantage of the added quality.

I have one of these, by the way. I only paid something like $140 for mine though. It was a few years ago.
I agree with thegarageband, going to the store to try things out would be the best idea. I would recommend one brand to focus on while there is Yamaha. They make very good quality, entry level acoustic guitars. The quality is good enough with them that once you get decent chops you won't need to instantly upgrade.
Also, I know you said an acoustic but you may want to look at electrics. They have lighter gauge strings and are easier to play.
...And yes, the Esteban is junk.
Hehe...yeah, it seems the Estebans are just pre-cut plywoods that resemble guitars, so I'm definitely avoiding those.

Is it a big difference going from electrics to acoustic? It's just that the sound is amplified right? A lot of the songs I want to eventually learn have acoustic. I might decide on electric though, assuming what I learn there will transfer to acoustics and I won't have to relearn everything.
Syblmnl is totally the guy who used to go to parties with a guitar around his waist, and then proceeded to sit down in the corner and play every three chord song that chicks would swoon to.

And in the event he ever forgot his guitar, he managed to find one at the party.

He probably also did this before he learned how to play those chords, instead just playing the part.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Is it a big difference going from electrics to acoustic? It's just that the sound is amplified right? A lot of the songs I want to eventually learn have acoustic. I might decide on electric though, assuming what I learn there will transfer to acoustics and I won't have to relearn everything.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's a big difference... just ask Bob Dylan. :)

In my admittedly limited experience, I was able to be sloppier on electric with a little help from overdrive and distortion pedals and a full band. Acoustic demands a lot more precision.

It all comes down to what you want to do and what kind of stuff you want to play. If you just want to start a garage punk band, get an electric guitar. Otherwise, start off with a modest acoustic.
I think I'll be going with the Ibanez IJV50 a CAG suggested earlier. I can always upgrade later if I really get into it. Anyway, reading the reviews, it looks like I should upgrade the strings first. Could someone kindly inform me of what kind I should get? I was reading stuff about Elixir Medium Strings, but I'm not sure which kind exactly since there's a ton on the site. Obviously, I should get strings for an acoustic, but there's all sorts of different finishes ("polyweb", etc.) that I have no idea which is the right choice. Here's the link for the strings from that site I'll be ordering from:

I wanna try and get the order in today so I have a chance of getting it by the weekend. Thanks for the help again.
[quote name='Strell']Syblmnl is totally the guy who used to go to parties with a guitar around his waist, and then proceeded to sit down in the corner and play every three chord song that chicks would swoon to.

And in the event he ever forgot his guitar, he managed to find one at the party.

He probably also did this before he learned how to play those chords, instead just playing the part.[/QUOTE] :lol:

Actually I never went to parties. Not my scene.

Besides, I don't need a guitar to make the ladies swoon. ;)
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