Help a fellow CAGer(er) out

[quote name='Ikohn4ever']in the next few days there should be an image maker with many fonts, ability to customize font color and background, as well as font size[/QUOTE]

Bump 'cause it's up. :cool:
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Bump 'cause it's up. :cool:[/QUOTE]

you noticed, its in the trial version of the customizable font, but we wanted people to still be able to use it.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']you noticed, its in the trial version of the customizable font, but we wanted people to still be able to use it.[/QUOTE]

So I take it more options will be added?
[quote name='Saucy Jack']Wow... the new font like Subbie has looks pretty sharp... nice work. :D[/QUOTE]

I agree. I can't wait for the WiMP and Rhapsody versions to come out. :D
[quote name='Tiphireth']I agree. I can't wait for the WiMP and Rhapsody versions to come out. :D[/QUOTE]

Wimp version? Oh, I get it... :lol:

Just use Winamp, dude! :)
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']you noticed, its in the trial version of the customizable font, but we wanted people to still be able to use it.[/QUOTE]
how do i change the font?
[quote name='munch']I couldn't stand it anymore and i DL'd winamp. This is pretty cool.[/QUOTE]

nice thanx for the support, i dunno if you guys want the color background or not but if u dont, you can just leave it blank
[quote name='DT778']but then you won't be able to see the pimpin purple font.[/QUOTE]

you could still see it, it just wouldnt be as pimpin purple...I cant believe i just said pimpin purple.
I'll be getting this once you guys get it going with Windows Media. I have Winamp, but I don't really use it much...hope it's going well for you!
[quote name='Rig']I'll be getting this once you guys get it going with Windows Media. I have Winamp, but I don't really use it much...hope it's going well for you![/QUOTE]

Same here.

Make sure to support WMP 9+10, dude! :D
This is a follow up thread that started here . For a quick recap, my friend and I have made a site/program called audioxml and what it does is while you listen to music on Winamp, Itunes, or WMP a log of the music you listen to is kept. You are able to show others what songs you listen to in message boards, myspace, and aim. You can easily see your musical tastes, find similar artists, or find new music from other members with similar interests.

Besides just using the program on winamp, Itunes, and Wmp, you can also make custom scripts to be displayed on message boards, everyone likes customize everything nowadays. There is already a decent amount of CAGers on the site and they all seem to enjoy, though they may say different in secret pms.

The first thing you need to do is create a free account and enable it. Once you have your account, you download the plugin. You run the plugin and play your music on iTunes, Winamp, or WMP. That's it! We do the rest.

As and added bonus we have started a contest to win 50 bucks. We are currently running a referral contest. The person who refers the most people over the next 1-2 months, will be given 50 bucks via PayPal. You can use the link on the left menu to send to your friends. Good Luck! We will have a page up soon where you can see who has the most referrals.

All I am asking from you guys is to go to the site and check it out. Sign up if you want and use it if you feel like it. There is no obligation or fee or any crap like that so do not worry about that sort of thing. I appreciate everyone just giving it a look over and appreciate even more for the people who sign up and use the site.

All you got to do is click either the music link below or , any cfeedback is appreciated.
Thanx in advance

[quote name='Scorch']So why can't you edit the original thread and bump it instead of making a new one?[/QUOTE]

why cant you say anything nice?
[quote name='Scorch']So why can't you edit the original thread and bump it instead of making a new one?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']You don't have to bribe us to get us to spread the word. :lol:[/QUOTE]

gotta payoff the true followers, plus it would almost cover the price of a certain bleach game comin out on the GC, if you win of course. ;)
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']gotta payoff the true followers, plus it would almost cover the price of a certain bleach game comin out on the GC, if you win of course. ;)[/QUOTE]That would be nice. :cool: :lol:
[quote name='Scorch']So why can't you edit the original thread and bump it instead of making a new one?[/QUOTE]
Took an act of mod-dom to take care of the simple things.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']So, "SoundKid" huh? But my sig still says "AudioXML". :whistle2:k[/QUOTE]

i think if u change the way your songs are shown it will change things up, plus we got slicker images for forums too
[quote name='DT778']no dice

and it was working before and not now?

that image isnt comin up on yours? have you tried right clickin and using the properties as what to put in?
i wanted to make it smaller so I edited it a couple of times then it stopped working.

this is what comes up when i right click and select view image
[quote name='DT778']i wanted to make it smaller so I edited it a couple of times then it stopped working.

this is what comes up when i right click and select view image

let me get back to you after work today
Set this up, and I like it a lot more than so far. I like that this is constantly updating, as opposed to updating the weekly chart once a week. Just need more users on it! I'll do my best to spread the word :lol:
[quote name='hopesfall']Set this up, and I like it a lot more than so far. I like that this is constantly updating, as opposed to updating the weekly chart once a week. Just need more users on it! I'll do my best to spread the word :lol:[/QUOTE]

thanx, i hate tryin to "advertise" on here so it helps when others do the work for me :)
Haha I hear ya. You shouldn't worry about advertising on here though; you put a lot of work into this, so spread the word and be proud! :applause:
Created an account but not getting an e-mail (been about 30min)... AOL mail might have you guys spam filtered. Is there a way that you can delete my account and/or switch the e-mail address I have associated with it?
[quote name='Genocidal']Created an account but not getting an e-mail (been about 30min)... AOL mail might have you guys spam filtered. Is there a way that you can delete my account and/or switch the e-mail address I have associated with it?[/QUOTE]

yeah I can delete it, I will give u a pm later tonight when its been done, or you could create a new account if u want
I can't seem to find a place on the website where I can change my time. (My music is always two hours earlier than my actual time.) Can you point me in the right direction?
[quote name='Rig']I can't seem to find a place on the website where I can change my time. (My music is always two hours earlier than my actual time.) Can you point me in the right direction?[/QUOTE]You can change it in the forums, but as far as I know that has no effect on the pics ...
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']You can change it in the forums, but as far as I know that has no effect on the pics ...[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I had already tried that, and it didn't work. :whistle2:?
bread's done