Hey, what's up with the CAG idiots putting up spoilers?

[quote name='boo']I'm glad you corrected that. I almost thought you were in 4th grade and couldn't spell a four letter word.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='camoor']Yeah - but *spoiler* he's just kidding! :D[/QUOTE]
That's good.

That bald chick at the end didn't seem happy
[quote name='Cornfedwb']Amazing, I dont think there's a single sensible post anywhere in this meandering 3 pages.[/QUOTE]

I agree, and feel bad for wasting my free time.
WHOA! Where did you get that awesome pic?

I'm surprised it hasn't been on the internet since Al Gore invented it.

It fits so well, and isn't at all trite.
[quote name='zewone']WHOA! Where did you get that awesome pic?

I'm surprised it hasn't been on the internet since Al Gore invented it.

It fits so well, and isn't at all trite.[/QUOTE]
He deleted it. :rofl:
I think he should make an entire thread with only that picture.

We could discuss things about it. Like the lighting, and whether or not we would save a printed version of it if we were on a sinking boat.
[quote name='Liquid 2']What was it an image of?[/QUOTE]
I don't know if we can find another copy.

I think Graystone made it himself, it's super rarez.
[quote name='zewone']I don't know if we can find another copy.

I think Graystone made it himself, it's super rarez.[/QUOTE]
If its raer it prolly be on da ebay.
[quote name='tiredfornow']Would you let me stay on your boat Strell? and would you give me your floatation device when we were sinking? :cry:[/QUOTE]

I would reach for a lime and give it to you.

They are bouyant.
[quote name='tiredfornow']Would you let me stay on your boat Strell? and would you give me your floatation device when we were sinking? :cry:[/QUOTE]

Careful Strell.. I think he's trying to get in your pants.
[quote name='whoknows']If its raer it prolly be on da ebay.[/QUOTE]
Ha-ha! Yeah!

You're funny, too! Good work!
[quote name='Cornfedwb']Careful Strell.. I think he's trying to get in your pants.[/QUOTE]

I suspect all humans - and some of the more cunning monkeys - are trying to do just this at all times.
[quote name='Cornfedwb']Careful Strell.. I think he's trying to get in your pants.[/quote]

Trying? It's already been done.:booty::booty::booty:
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']aww, i missed it. howd he get banned?[/quote]

He went on a mass meatspin link spree to all the mods and flooded Cheapy's box with it.
[quote name='tiredfornow']He went on a mass meatspin link spree to all the mods and flooded Cheapy's box with it.[/QUOTE]
but, you forgot that part that he photoshopped his own head on the guy getting it in the pooper.

That was weird.
[quote name='zewone']but, you forgot that part that he photoshopped his own head on the guy getting it in the pooper.

That was weird.[/quote]

I have to agree with everyone who doesn't like spoilers.
I myself love them since I dont often have time to finish every movie/game and knowing the ending before hand just saves me time. I do however respect those who dont like spoilers and think is rude and malicious to spoil it for everyone just for a cheap laugh. How does it feel to upset so many people?
Schadenfreude is not a positive character trait no matter what anyone tells you.
agreed with the OP, but seriously, if you like Harry Potter, just stay away from the internet till you're done :)
Who seriously gives a crap. It's not the end of the world if something gets spoiled, it just means the fun is over now. Move onto the next thing and forget about. I hate Harry Jewfuck so this whole spoiler thing is just another way for internet fags to piss off other internet fags, and isn't that why the internet is here? To piss people off and look at porn.
[quote name='What the hell?']Who seriously gives a crap. It's not the end of the world if something gets spoiled, it just means the fun is over now. Move onto the next thing and forget about. I hate Harry Jewfuck so this whole spoiler thing is just another way for internet fags to piss off other internet fags, and isn't that why the internet is here? To piss people off and look at porn.[/QUOTE]
Your ideas intrigue me and I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.
[quote name='What the hell?']Who seriously gives a crap. It's not the end of the world if something gets spoiled, it just means the fun is over now. Move onto the next thing and forget about. I hate Harry Jewfuck so this whole spoiler thing is just another way for internet fags to piss off other internet fags, and isn't that why the internet is here? To piss people off and look at porn.[/QUOTE]
I wish you could see the impressed expression on my face.
[quote name='What the hell?']Who seriously gives a crap. It's not the end of the world if something gets spoiled, it just means the fun is over now. Move onto the next thing and forget about. I hate Harry Jewfuck so this whole spoiler thing is just another way for internet fags to piss off other internet fags, and isn't that why the internet is here? To piss people off and look at porn.[/QUOTE]Really living up to your avatar there.
[quote name='Cornfedwb']Harry Jewfuck? Well now let's all welcome "What the hell?" as a great and positive member of our community. :roll:[/QUOTE]

Let's preserve this memory as the first moment cornfedwb exhibited what are arguably PC tendencies. Kudos. ;)
[quote name='What the hell?']Who seriously gives a crap. It's not the end of the world if something gets spoiled, it just means the fun is over now. Move onto the next thing and forget about. I hate Harry Jewfuck so this whole spoiler thing is just another way for internet fags to piss off other internet fags, and isn't that why the internet is here? To piss people off and look at porn.[/QUOTE]
Wow. You are not going to last long here. Also, you seriously fucking suck at being transgressive.

Spoiling shit for anybody is bad enough, but what really boils my blood is when assholes have no consideration for the children they are ruining these things for. For instance, the dickholes who think it's really cool to drive by crowded bookstores when they release these things, and shout out the ending or whatever. Yeah, the adults can probably deal with it, but to do that shit to young children, that's just completely cruel and fucked up beyond all belief. The kind of people who do this shit, leaving these poor unsuspecting young 'uns who are simply enthusiastic about a fantasy novel series in tears in the bookstores, well, I'd have no objection to such people being blasted into deep space. Cruelty towards to children, in any form, is something that I have absolutely zero tolerance for.

Also, Dumbledore comes back as a zombie and eats Snape, and then aliens invade and kill everyone, and then Harry (who is actually a 37-year-old accountant) wakes up and all 7 books were a big dream. No lie.
[quote name='TimPV3']Wait, people don't want to be spoiled?

Guess I won't be wearing that Harry Lives shirt today afterall.[/QUOTE]
That's probably for the best since you'd be lying...with him dying and all.
Spoilers don't bother me in the least. In fact the more info I get the more interested I am about something.

And all of this spoiler nonsense and people "spoiling" the book is hilarious. People are doing drive by spoilage for goodness sake. It's fucking madness.
Lol, drama.
[quote name='What the hell?']Who seriously gives a crap. It's not the end of the world if something gets spoiled, it just means the fun is over now. Move onto the next thing and forget about. I hate Harry Jewfuck so this whole spoiler thing is just another way for internet fags to piss off other internet fags, and isn't that why the internet is here? To piss people off and look at porn.[/quote]

You're an idiot.
[quote name='coltyhuxx']You're an idiot.[/QUOTE]
Oh right, we're going with the "if you don't agree with me you're an idiot" approach.
[quote name='whoknows']Oh right, we're going with the "if you don't agree with me you're an idiot" approach.[/quote]

Well, when you're as smart as a bag of hammers, that's usually all you can come up with. On second thought, the hammers probably are smarter than colty, lord knows they're more useful.
[quote name='whoknows']Oh right, we're going with the "if you don't agree with me you're an idiot" approach.[/QUOTE]
Um. Did you not read the quoted post, or did you just want to shoehorn in your petty point?
bread's done