Holy ****!!! (Good ****) Blockbuster

Drat, my mum had work to do, and tonight is open house I hope she doesn't go! I need Burnout 3! ^_^
[quote name='el bobo']Drat, my mum had work to do, and tonight is open house I hope she doesn't go! I need Burnout 3! ^_^[/quote]

Can't you go?
No, I can't drive ;_; my dad is still at work, and my brother only has his permit. This is just in! They pay $10 for any game including PS1 GB, GBA etc. I'm not sure about NES or Snes.
[quote name='el bobo']No, I can't drive ;_; my dad is still at work, and my brother only has his permit. This is just in! They pay $10 for any game including PS1 GB, GBA etc. I'm not sure about NES or Snes.[/quote]

Im sorry, this is just TOO unreal, even for BB/GR. $10 bucks for GAMEBOY games? Come on man. No way. Ps1 as well? Cant be. You can buy NEW ps1 super good titles for $15. Why on earth would they give you $10 when we are in the NEXT gen after it? Theres no profit in it for them. I mean, would YOU pay $10 for madden 99 on ps1? Then who the hell would!

Enough ranting, my point is, you got retard over the phone. I want to believe it, but HOW CAN I believe it?
Im bumping this because this *possible* deal affects a lot of my trading that I was to do today (eb deal for ps is ending) Please somebody help me figure out if this is even remotely legit. Even just current gen stuff for $10 would be cool.
The only deal I know about is the extra $5 per game after you trade in at least 3 games. I have no idea about this $10 at least per game deal.
Ok, I got the DM on the horn and he told me theres NO deal this weekend other than the mentioned dvd one. They will take all current gen but ONLY ps1 games of last gen. (weird eh?) There is no guaranteed amount you will get although his quote of $35 for burnout ps2 made me think this place may have DECENT but not super trade in prices.

Oh, and if you were wondering, my area (Richmond Va) is the test market for all blockbuster promotions (no gamerush ones though) So, if theres a nationwide deal going on, my guys gonna know about it (since he test ran it once already)
Whoops $5 for PS1 games, I misunderstood the employee. As for it, some of the games I got $8 for, but not $10. They were some old 2001 games that I got at Gamestop. I got Deathrow, Pre-ordered Conker, and that was it. They do not give $10 for every game, but if you are lucky they might.
Do they give you cash for the dvd's or store credit? If you get store credit, can you save it to use at a later time?
bread's done