How did you get your name? (real name)

[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x'][quote name='SadieDee']My name is Sara without the "H." My parents just liked the name. They kept the "H" off because they thought my last name was already too long (they didn't like the "H" either). I also have an older brother named "Gary" and they wanted to keep the names the same # of letters long (like we are going to fight about who has the longer name?). We both have longer middle names though with a different number of letters so I guess it didn't really matter anyway.[/quote]

Cool, my name's Sarah (but with the h). I guess it was either that, Ariel (o_O) or something else that I can't remember, but my parents both agreed on Sarah.[/quote]

Hey, that's cool! That would be funny if we had the same middle name. Mine is Louise (yea, I know...lame!), what's yours?

My parents also liked the names Rebecca and Danielle but they didn't go well with my long last name. "Ariel" would be an okay name if it wasn't for "The Little Mermaid." I never cared for the movie because I never really cared for the idea of clam shells as That name just reminds me of the girl from "Amish in the City" now.
I was named Doug because my dad's name also starts with a D, and my parents wanted my name to start with a D. My brother's name also starts with a D.
My name is Kevin Alan Kipp.
All my immediate family has K.A.K. as our initials.
Kelli Anne ( sis ), Kathy Ann ( mom ), Ken Arthur ( dad ).

There are other initial ( get it? :D ) similarities in my family, but I don't want to get into it.
I'm gonna name my son Robby, just so that when asked his name, he can say, "Robby, the name of my father, and his before him..."
Name's Rommel but it seems a lot of people don't know how to pronounce it since it's spelled the same way as the German name (which I'm not named after)... they're always pronouncing it Rom (sounds like CD-ROM) - El instead of Rome (rhymes w/ home)- El so I eventually got sick and tired of having to correct ppl all the time so I keep it simple and tell them the name's Mel. Oh, and my parents originally wanted to name me Tom but since there were already 6 other Toms in my family, they wanted something more original than Tom the 7th so they went w/ a weird setup: all the kids will be named after my dad's first name's first letter and since his name is Romulo, I became Rommel and my sis is Rowena
[quote name='dnt_h8me2']My name is Kevin Alan Kipp.
All my immediate family has K.A.K. as our initials.
Kelli Anne ( sis ), Kathy Ann ( mom ), Ken Arthur ( dad ).

There are other initial ( get it? :D ) similarities in my family, but I don't want to get into it.[/quote]

PUN!! :applause:
My name is Bienvenido. Bienvenido means welcome in Spanish. I'm the "III", so I got it cause of my dad and my grandad. Makes for a great conversation peice.
My name is Jesse and I honestly don't know why my parent's named me that. My middle name Robert is my dad's name (and his middle name is his fathers, etc), but I don't know if I can give a son Jesse as a middle name.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']The Bible.[/quote]

Admiral Ackbar ain't in the Shaq-fuin' Bible. Only Chewbacca.

And maybe Jar-Jar.
I'm named after my dad - Im a Jr. I am about to have a child of my own and we are avoiding naming a boy after me. It gets confusing for other people. As you get older, you get mail, dr's files, phone calls, ect mixed up. I have lived in my own house for 6 yrs now and I still get some of his mail and he still gets some mine. Which, when I think about it, is weird - he has never lived at this address. Some people are just stupid.
[quote name='pumbaa']My name is Bienvenido. Bienvenido means welcome in Spanish. I'm the "III", so I got it cause of my dad and my grandad. Makes for a great conversation peice.[/quote]

That would make a great pickup line for the ladies :wink:
my name is kristian. spelled with a k because the native language of my parents doesn't have the letter C in its alphabet.
Yeah Help1. If I can see we have more in common, maybe we can be friends. But I stand my opinion on that killzone post. Maybe you're really not an xbox fanboy. Lol. :)
My name is Jesse. I really like my name as not many people truly have the name. The one thing that sucks is people always spell it jessie. I'm a boy so this kinda pisses me off when the spell it the girls way. Also when people call me Jess..... :evil:
My name is James, originally my dad wanted to call me Yanick, he apparently likes the idea of a boy having a woman's name, the doctor who delivered us is also our cousin and he felt that he should be the one to name us and he wanted to call us James and Jimmy. I would have been Jimmy and my twin brother would have been James. My father did not agree and alllowed him to name one of us, so he named me James and my twin brother was named after my mom and british actor Nicol Williamson, I think that's his name. My mother is named Nicole, my brother Nicol. However 'till this day at home or to people we're close to I am known as Jimmy and my brother as James. I never call Nicol in fact neither does the rest of the familly. I don't think I have introduced myself as Jimmy. At work everyone knows me James as well as in school... That's my story :wink: My father; his name is Leslie by the way, Leslie Emanuelle.
I was named "Hallie" after my dad's old girlfriend in high school.

My brother was named "Evan" after my mom's old boyfriend in highschool.

Yeah, people always laugh when I tell them that. My middle name, Rae, is after my aunt.
[quote name='CrimsonGeist']Yeah Help1. If I can see we have more in common, maybe we can be friends. But I stand my opinion on that killzone post. Maybe you're really not an xbox fanboy. Lol. :)[/quote]

Ive owned my ps2 longer than my XBOX and I have tons more games for ps2...
My name's Mike, because uh yeah. I have the same initials as my mom and my brother has the same initials as my dad. My sister has random initials, I don't know why they decided to do that.
[quote name='kristianator']my name is kristian. spelled with a k because the native language of my parents doesn't have the letter C in its alphabet.[/quote]

Long story, my mom didn't speak that much English. When she was in the hospital after I was born, I guess the nurse asked her about my name. The only thing my mom could say was, "my husband." She was asking for my dad. The nurse thought I my mom wanted to name me after my dad, so now my name is John. Had it not been for my mom's lack of the English language, I would be Jesus (Hey-seuss). Guess it all worked out in the end.
My name is Jason, I was given that name cause my dad's name is Jay, and I'm his son. So I became Jay's Son.
[quote name='mousin']Mauson is my real name, mousin is just a nickname , since i was in first grade, all the people who didnt know how to spell my name would spell it mousin on like valentine cards and stuff.. its pronounced mouse - in. i got my name Mauson because my dad name was Mau, and i was his son.. so it came Mauson. =]

share your name, doesnt matter if its unique, or your named Bob.[/quote]

Sounda about right...
My full name is William Lindsey Logan IV so I'm guessing all of you can pretty much figure out where I got my name (hint: my father, grandfather, great-grandfather lol). When you have a name w/ a number on the end aren't u automatically supposed to be a lawyer or something professional? lol
[quote name='SadieDee'][quote name='x0thedeadzone0x'][quote name='SadieDee']My name is Sara without the "H." My parents just liked the name. They kept the "H" off because they thought my last name was already too long (they didn't like the "H" either). I also have an older brother named "Gary" and they wanted to keep the names the same # of letters long (like we are going to fight about who has the longer name?). We both have longer middle names though with a different number of letters so I guess it didn't really matter anyway.[/quote]

Cool, my name's Sarah (but with the h). I guess it was either that, Ariel (o_O) or something else that I can't remember, but my parents both agreed on Sarah.[/quote]

Hey, that's cool! That would be funny if we had the same middle name. Mine is Louise (yea, I know...lame!), what's yours?

My parents also liked the names Rebecca and Danielle but they didn't go well with my long last name. "Ariel" would be an okay name if it wasn't for "The Little Mermaid." I never cared for the movie because I never really cared for the idea of clam shells as That name just reminds me of the girl from "Amish in the City" now.[/quote]

HAHA, my parents said the exact same thing about Ariel. That's why they didn't use it :p. And my middle name's Ann. :\
my names alain. and no i didnt spell my name wrong. it has the extra "i" in tehre. iono y. its pronounced alan, but i think my mom was drunk or high when she named me. o well. its unique
[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x']
HAHA, my parents said the exact same thing about Ariel. That's why they didn't use it :p. And my middle name's Ann. :\[/quote]

Lol, my mom considered giving me the middle name of "Ann" because it was her's too. She decided against it because she thought it had too many "A" sounds. (i.e. "Sara Ann" sounds a lot like "Saranwrap" :wink: )

The middle name I got wasn't much better IMO. "Louise" is just one of those names that should not be bestowed on a kid. It's a lot like "Bertha" and "Rufus." Does anyone ever name their kids that anymore?
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