How do I get rid of this itchy sensation after showering?


I shower once or twice a day and I've switched soaps almost every time I'm out of soap but I still end up itching all over my body for a good hour or so after I get out of the shower. I'm not talking about a little itch on my leg and one on my shoulder.. MY ENTIRE BODY ITCHES. I really don't know what to do about it and I'm scared if I itch it too much I'll end up breaking the skin and peeling my flesh back! My body is usually really red by the time the itch stops and it really, really bothers the shit out of me since I'll lay on my bed or stand in the middle of my room itching myself for however long it takes to stop. Not itching the itches isn't really an option since I'd probably go insane with the itching being everywhere. My showers usually last 10-15 minutes of nonstop scrubbing and I like to think I smell clean and am clean when I get out. Has anybody else had this problem? Am I buying the wrong soap? Am I not clean enough? OT forum, WHAT DO I DO?!?!
I've heard that Mexican hair is really coarse and can lead to itchiness. Thank God you're white and you know that's not the problem.
I would talk to a doctor.

That said, my first instinct is that you're allergic to something you're using in the shower, either a soap or a shampoo. A few years ago I developed a really bad rash which also itched and talked to a dermatologist and I was allergic to the shampoo that I was using. Once I switched, it cleared up in no time and has never recurred.

So yeah, talk to a doctor.

Also, I'm preemptively prepared for the possibility that this is a joke I didn't get. :D
Do you tend to shower in really hot water? Showering in water that's too hot has led to skin irritation for me similar to what you're describing, so you could try lowering the water temperature a bit. Otherwise, I really have no idea >_
I would have to ask if you tried a new soap or something as well. I remember myself, it didn't cause extreme itchiness, but when I tried my mom's soap a night I stayed there during the summer (so couldn't use my usual), I did have some unusual spots on my skin for the next week or so.

I would have a suggestion, but seeing how it happened AFTER your shower, I'm not sure it would work. But in the past, when I got extremely itchy, taking a shower would usually help and the itchiness would calm down.
My guess is this is either rash, or more likely your skin is just very dry from the shower. Do you live in a dry climate, or is your skin very sensitive to soap?
Well besides any medical conditions as some have stated, I know that sometimes the skin dries and itches until the body reproduces all the oils you washed away (learned this while trying to find out why ferrets stink) so you can try a soap with "moisturising" (hate that crap) or shower less. Truthfully if its not that bad, and its not a medical condition like an allergy or something, Id just try to suck it up and live with it cause that happens to me after showers in the morning although I admit mine doesnt sound as bad as yours. But after walking around a while it goes away, hence the body oils theory.
[quote name='JJSP']Stop banging Budge's mom.[/QUOTE]

Hahaha. WTF?


I get this same problem, but only on my legs. What I have found is that if I scrub on my legs too hard it causes them to itch. So I have to very lightly do it and then let them air dry instead of drying them off with a towel. I think it is because I have hairy legs. :cry:
I live in south Texas so it's pretty dry down here. I don't shower with really hot water either so I guess that can be ruled out. I try and get a new soap every time I run out of the previous soap so either I'm buying the wrong ones or I'm doing something wrong. I haven't been to the doctor since I'm one of those people that doesn't guzzle down prescription pills and if I can figure out what's going on through others experiences of just research on the net I'd be fine.
Maybe you constantly switching soaps could be a cause.

Have you tried showering without any soap (yeah I know it's not really the point but for experimentation's sake) to eliminate that as a culprit?
I am really hairy too, darthbudge, but it's not like I grew some body hair overnight. It started happening a few months ago and up until now I never really paid attention to it.
I didn't start switching soaps until it had been happening for a while. I'll try the no soap thing tonight. I'm at school waiting for class to start and my balls and ass are itching so bad. :(
Could be a mild case of eczema. I had a similar problem a few years ago. Here's what worked for me.
1. Lower the shower temperature a bit. I used to like nuclear hot showers, but that was causing some of the irritation.
2. Switch to a soap formulated for sensitive skin. I used Dove's Sensitive body bars.
3. Apply lotion after showering. I use Cetaphil's Moisturizing Cream. It comes in a small tub, not a bottle. My problems cleared up after taking these steps.
[quote name='JStryke']I would have to ask if you tried a new soap or something as well. I remember myself, it didn't cause extreme itchiness, but when I tried my mom's soap a night I stayed there during the summer (so couldn't use my usual), I did have some unusual spots on my skin for the next week or so.

I would have a suggestion, but seeing how it happened AFTER your shower, I'm not sure it would work. But in the past, when I got extremely itchy, taking a shower would usually help and the itchiness would calm down.[/QUOTE]

This is called Tinea versicolor and it's a pretty common allergic reaction to soap products, etc if you are allergic to them, especially when switching to something new although these things can develop. It's not always accompanied by itching, though it can be. This is what I had and when I switched shampoos and took a week of antibiotics it cleaned right up.

OP, have you noticed any visible signs of irritation or is it just itching?
I'm surprised no one asked the OP if he has treated water.

I know HARD water can cause the issues stated in the OP, no visible ailments, but just itchy.

Usually can occur if the Salt pellets are low.

As soon as we moved out and into town water, the problems went away. (lived in a shared apartment complex with water softener)

Also really dry air can do it too, hot water will force the skin to dry out and if you towel off it'll make it even worse. I would suggest you fog up your bathroom prior to going in, PLUS turn down the water to at least a little above warm.
Get some of that gold bond lotion, that stuff is great for itchy skin. My arms have done this sometimes, that lotion usually stops the itching within a few minutes.
I've tried lotion but it just makes my hair stuck to my skin and itches more when it dries up. :lol:[quote name='bvharris']This is called Tinea versicolor and it's a pretty common allergic reaction to soap products, etc if you are allergic to them, especially when switching to something new although these things can develop. It's not always accompanied by itching, though it can be. This is what I had and when I switched shampoos and took a week of antibiotics it cleaned right up.

OP, have you noticed any visible signs of irritation or is it just itching?[/QUOTE]Just itching. I would have ended up going to a doctor if I had rashes or something like that. I might develop a rash if this keeps happening. :cry:
Anyway, tonight, I'm gonna see if not using soap when I shower does anything. Maybe switch to a body wash and see if thats any better. Thanks for the responses guys. :)

Oh, and I usually use warm/cool water when showering.
It's the water. The water in TX (I just moved here) is crap. It's hard water. I had the same problem when I lived in VA10 years ago after movinging from NJ. The water was too hard and my skin did not like it. After talking to my doctor he gave me some tips.
My solution: Use Ivory soup, after shower immediate lotion (I use Olay Body Quelch) and most important: a filtered shower head. I had one when I was in VA - I just bought this one:
to use here. Good luck.
[quote name='McToots']It's the water. The water in TX (I just moved here) is crap. It's hard water. I had the same problem when I lived in VA10 years ago after movinging from NJ. The water was too hard and my skin did not like it. After talking to my doctor he gave me some tips.
My solution: Use Ivory soup, after shower immediate lotion (I use Olay Body Quelch) and most important: a filtered shower head. I had one when I was in VA - I just bought this one:
to use here. Good luck.[/QUOTE]

If it's just itching, then it's the hard water.

the filter is nice, would save versus getting a water softener.
Tried the no soap thing and I still itch. Definitely think its the water or I'm some sort of really large chia pet. [quote name='McToots']It's the water. The water in TX (I just moved here) is crap. It's hard water. I had the same problem when I lived in VA10 years ago after movinging from NJ. The water was too hard and my skin did not like it. After talking to my doctor he gave me some tips.
My solution: Use Ivory soup, after shower immediate lotion (I use Olay Body Quelch) and most important: a filtered shower head. I had one when I was in VA - I just bought this one:
to use here. Good luck.[/QUOTE]Think I'm gonna try one I saw at Target earlier thats 20 bucks cheaper. Thanks for the idea though. I just don't get how I've lived here my whole life and never had a problem up until a while back. :cry:
[quote name='McToots']It's the water. The water in TX (I just moved here) is crap. It's hard water. I had the same problem when I lived in VA10 years ago after movinging from NJ. The water was too hard and my skin did not like it. After talking to my doctor he gave me some tips.
My solution: Use Ivory soup, after shower immediate lotion (I use Olay Body Quelch) and most important: a filtered shower head. I had one when I was in VA - I just bought this one:
to use here. Good luck.[/QUOTE]

It is probably this. When I moved over here, I started itching after showers as well.
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