How do you pronounce FAQ?


2 (100%)
I was just wondering how most people pronounced FAQ. I used to spell it out "F-A-Q" then i started pronouncing it as if it was a word like "Fact". So "game faqs" would be "game facts". Yeah, i know its random, but i don't wanna do my essay right now and i was curious.
i remember GAMEFAQs had a poll on this...i pronounce it "game facks" ..."game F-A-Qs" is too long for im lazy :lol:
[quote name='swetooth9']i remember GAMEFAQs had a poll on this...i pronounce it "game facks" ..."game F-A-Qs" is too long for im lazy :lol:[/quote]

Laziness is what got me to change also.
I say it "Game-Eff-Eh-Kyews." Some friends I have and various people on SOCOM II call it gamefacks. It really is meant to be said Game(Then say each letter). FAQ is an acronym after all.
[quote name='ex0']I say it "Game-Eff-Eh-Kyews." Some friends I have and various people on SOCOM II call it gamefacks. It really is meant to be said Game(Then say each letter). FAQ is an acronym after all.[/quote]
Not necessarily. Look at NASA. or NASCAR. or NOAA.

It always bothers me when people say F-A-Q. I've always said fack or facks.
FAQ = Frequently asked questions
AKA "Eff-Aye-Kew" or "fak" for short

Ergo, in the case of Gamefaqs it's supposed to be pronounced "gamefaks", because "game-Eff-Aye-Kews" sounds pretty retarded.
[quote name='jsweeny']Usually I'll say it like fax.
but ever so often it like so...Fah Queue. [/quote]

I think I hear that pronunciation most often.
[quote name='Gothic_Walrus']Personally, I say ba-na-na.


Seriously...fack is what I usually say. Spelling it out bothers me, for some reason...[/quote]


that's faqin hillarious
bread's done