How much should a recent college graduate expect to earn?

[quote name='Dendaman']I'd have to agree with this. Better to ride the wave of a (hopefully) rebounding economy in a couple years with a higher education degree than to fight for the scraps with everyone else with only a Bachelor's.[/QUOTE]

I would usually agree. However, experience trumps education. If you work full time while getting a Master's in say 3 or 4 years' time, it will help more than studying full time and getting said degree in 18 months or 2 years. Another thing is that the recession/depression may not be over in 2 years.
Definitely go for a Master's or Doctorate.

Unless you are getting into nursing or criminal justice, an Associate's Degree won't net you much. A Bachelor's Degree can be enough to get your foot in the door with many jobs (retail management, teaching, government jobs), but a lot depends on the networking you have done more so than your GPA.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']I would usually agree. However, experience trumps education. If you work full time while getting a Master's in say 3 or 4 years' time, it will help more than studying full time and getting said degree in 18 months or 2 years. Another thing is that the recession/depression may not be over in 2 years.[/QUOTE]

I'd agree with that. Especially since he's in the business field.

Get that degree and take a lower paying job. Spending an extra year from needing more time to finish classes, your thesis etc. will pay off by having both a degree and experience to put you WAY ahead of people coming out of undergrad then, and let you ride out the economy.

Plus, with MBAs they don't tend to offer paid assistantships (paid tuitions, plus a salary) very often anyway--same with Law school and med school--since they expect you to make big bucks down the road and be able to pay off loans. So you're not missing out on that, as you would in say the social sciences or other fields either.
In the UK I expect to earn about £20-25k...which is about $35-40k in the US.

Im doing Business Management, whether I will get a job will be determined this year!
bread's done