How to Get a Browser on the DS?


Isn't there a program I can buy/download that will let me operate a browser on the DS? I heard this from somebody at gamestop. Anybody know how I can get this?
They're going to be realeasing Opera for the DS next year. As of now you can't download any internet browsers (that I know of).
If you're REALLY interested in it, it might be worth it to you to buy the European version of Opera. It will cost more than just waiting for the US release ($50 at Play-Asia), but if you're like me and you know you'll get some use out of it, it's worth a purchase (click HERE for a nice review of the Japanese version from DualScreenRadio - they do it in a practical manner, not featuring high-graphical sites, browsing like most of us would browse with it as to not overplay its flaws like some reviewers have done). I'm still waiting on my copy to deliver that I ordered.
[quote name='TheBigBoi']They're going to be realeasing Opera for the DS next year. As of now you can't download any internet browsers (that I know of).[/QUOTE]

Any idea what month next year?
bread's done