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CAG Veteran
Here's how to get your FREE Nintendo Dual-Screen (DS):

Sign up for one offer using the the TOP link, then post your link here. We'll get three other people to sign up under you. When the top link has 3 referrlas, we'll move the next person to the top.

My second post is a quick guide

The Conga Line
McBradd - (2 referral)
urielduma -
era5000 - (1 referral)
Link127 - (2 referrals)
pimp tyranny -
MenuBoy -
smalien1 -
camelkgames -
heffaji -
CocaineReaver2k -
luke -
slimymeteor - (1 referral)
miJinator97 -
Terabyte7 -
TheMuz -
AzN_BaLLeR -
Zarkon -
ChessPieceFace -
ptcruiser9roc -
Minger -
hmbtnguy - PM me your link
Pezdro -
fudgemonkey89 -

People with all their referrals:

People Missing in action:
sblymnlcrymnl - please pm me your link
mousin - pm me your link
jbroush99 - pm me your link
zewone - pm me your link
onetrackmind - please pm me your link (the one in the previous thread is wrong)

The original thread can be found HERE
The down side is that you have to keep bringing in 3 new people for every 1 person that signs on the list so there's no way everyone can get satisfied. That's where pyramids always fall apart - you need an ever expanding base and at some point you reach saturation level.
Some quick help.

I get to the part where it asks me if I want to sign up for BGM or whatever, I click no and it gives me the same page over and over. Any help?
Hrm...this is a really intriguing deal. But when you tell us not to create a new Ebay account if we already have one, do you mean "don't create one with the same e-mail account?" Would it work if I registered under a different e-mail addy? Thanks for the info.
fyi, at least 5 people i know have signed up under my link and on my status page it shows no one they only show up after the offer is complete?
[quote name='punqsux']fyi, at least 5 people i know have signed up under my link and on my status page it shows no one they only show up after the offer is complete?[/quote]

I think it shows up 32 days after someone signs up. I have two people under me, and neither of them are up yet.
[quote name='hmbtnguy']signed up under Ledhed[/quote]

Thanks buddy! Unless someone else signed up under me without telling me, you're my 3rd, so I can be taken off the conga.
I still can't get the thing to work. In my status page, it says I've got to refer someone or something like that, but when I click to go to the page, it just reloads the status page. WTF?
[quote name='GTZ_NSR']I still can't get the thing to work. In my status page, it says I've got to refer someone or something like that, but when I click to go to the page, it just reloads the status page. WTF?[/quote]

I assume you mean this page?

How long ago did you complete an offer? It takes over a week for it to show up, and even longer for anyone who signed up under you to show up. Completed referrals under you should show up 32 days after they signed up. Just sit tight, everything should show up sooner or later.
I just checked and it showed up but was: Nintendo DS 55 Days

Isn't longer than everyone elses?

The page still reloads when I:
In order to qualify for this offer you must refer three (3) friends. You can use this link to return to the referal section.

So something isn't right :(
[quote name='GTZ_NSR']I just checked and it showed up but was: Nintendo DS 55 Days

Isn't longer than everyone elses?[/quote]

You must have just signed up recently. The fine print on the site states that you must wait at least 60 days after completing an offer for it to count as completed. The idea is that most people will overlook this, sign up for something that only lasts 30 days, and either have to pay for another month of service to recieve credit for it, or cancel and recieve no credit.
Seriously, update the list on the first page. Please. People at the top prolly have 10 referrals each, and I'm not even on there yet. Help a brother out.
[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='Minger']Ebay doesnt seem to work...:([/quote]

It won't if you already have an existing ebay account.[/quote]

I have 2 eBay accounts. You just have to use a different version of your name (ie I have my full first name on one account, and the short version n the other) and a different e-mail address.
Just did a quick update to the list! I can't beleive how great the responce is so far!

Just a couple of things -
Credit won't show up for your referrlas until the referrals offer clears. This means is they sign up for a trial, you have to wait for 32 days to make sure they don't cancel.

Another note about Ebay - If you sign up using a credit card, you'll get credit within a week of placing sucessfull high bids over $10. If you sign up without a credit card, it takes 32 days at least.
Question for McBradd, Here's what you said in a previous post

"Just a couple of things -Credit won't show up for your referrlas until the referrals offer clears. This means is they sign up for a trial, you have to wait for 32 days to make sure they don't cancel."

Is this for all offers? So anyone who signs up under my verify id number must keep a free trial for at least 32 days? Thanks.
[quote name='Ragingbull2380']Question for McBradd, Here's what you said in a previous post

"Just a couple of things -Credit won't show up for your referrlas until the referrals offer clears. This means is they sign up for a trial, you have to wait for 32 days to make sure they don't cancel."

Is this for all offers? So anyone who signs up under my verify id number must keep a free trial for at least 32 days? Thanks.[/quote]

Yes. Both you and anyone who signed up under you must keep their offer for 32 days.
Update on my earlier post regarding multiple eBay ID's. In a guide put out by eBay it says that they allow a person to have multiple usernames as long as they're tied to the same e-mail address.
How come this conga is ok..but mine gets burried under the put all congas here Post.....Whats your secret Mcbradd?
Well my blockbuster 2 week free trial ends today. I'm canceling for two reasons. It looks like the conga has died and I probably wont get any referels. Also Netflix is MUCH better than Blockbuster. Netflix carries alot more copies of hard to find films like Evil Dead and they send them much quicker. So for only $2 more Netflix is my choice.
[quote name='miJinator97']Well my blockbuster 2 week free trial ends today. I'm canceling for two reasons. It looks like the conga has died and I probably wont get any referels. Also Netflix is MUCH better than Blockbuster. Netflix carries alot more copies of hard to find films like Evil Dead and they send them much quicker. So for only $2 more Netflix is my choice.[/quote]

Since when did Evil Dead become hard to find? Maybe I'm just out of touch with the world, but it's all over the place here.
I had Evil Dead at the top of my que for 2 whole weeks and the whole time it said "Very Long Wait". Jersey girl, Spartin, and others had a long wait too. I never did receive them. Other movies in my que said very long wait, long wait, short wait, etc. I NEVER had that problem with Netflix.
Yeah i know Jersey Girl was a dud and i probably wont like it. Thats why i didnt waste my money at the theatre. I want to see it because its a Kevin Smith film.
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