Humble Bundle Thread

I don't remember what my dad bought me for dinner 20 years ago. However, I DO remember the fun times kicking his ass playing Scorched Earth on our gateway2000 x386. Those cherished memories of his agony when I MIRV'ed his tank to oblivion will last me a lifetime. Don't deprive your child of those moments with her dad. Screw the food, go with the games.
That's right. . . there's a dumpster on the side of that mini-mart that's bound to have something half-eaten the kids can enjoy.

I already caved on that one, just to have the ability to install games digitally that I will never play and already own the discs of (Civ III and IV).

Also, are all of those Civ games showing up twice in anyone else's library? I find it quite annoying. I already have enough unplayed games that I have bought on multiple systems in my library, I don't need duplicates making me feel even more guilty.
Is it worth getting Civ III and IV if I already have all the Civ V stuff? Or Ace Patrol and Railroads for that matter?


Is it worth getting Civ III and IV if I already have all the Civ V stuff? Or Ace Patrol and Railroads for that matter?

i would say no on civ 3/4. unless you're a civilization addict, you really only need one of the games. ace patrol/railroads, i've never played.

fwiw, i'm in the same boat as you, and will probably buy the 1 dollar bundle anyway, lol

Pokemon is for lightweights....
Pokemon can't handle their liquor​
does anyone it happen or was it quick 5 second glitch like it didnt happen but it did ?
I think you got an email from because the first page of it is full of games it thinks are $1 at the Humble Store, but aren't.

Looking at the Sid Meiers Humble Bundle, it's pulled in $2m with 11 days left. That seems a pretty impressive figure so far.

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I have a "ZZZzzz" category that I dump junk into. It currently has 47 entries, including a bunch of Mac versions and some base Paradox games where I have a separate entry for the "Gold" edition.
I actually don't have costume quest or stacking...I'll get the dollar tier
Add Psychonauts (on PC) to the list and that's me... Guess I'll do a dollar also.

Out of curiosity when was the last DF game to be profitable enough to pay for their next project...?

(I'm beginning to feel like I should ask for a receipt for tax purpose whenever I deal with them now. Really starting to feel like a charity.)

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I have a "ZZZzzz" category that I dump junk into. It currently has 47 entries, including a bunch of Mac versions and some base Paradox games where I have a separate entry for the "Gold" edition.
I call mine "Permanent Backlog." Currently it has, uh...118 games in it.

I think you got an email from because the first page of it is full of games it thinks are $1 at the Humble Store, but aren't.

Looking at the Sid Meiers Humble Bundle, it's pulled in $2m with 11 days left. That seems a pretty impressive figure so far.
ah thanks mindriot that makes me feel better i didnt miss a sale

Unless you're weird and think having 700 of something is enough.
Pshaw, I have at least half of that in Magic the Gathering DLC I haven't touched. The other half is from Dungeon Defenders.
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Pretty lame Double Fine Bundle. Had they included Iron Brigade and The Cave, I would have purchased it. As is, it had nothing I didnt already have. 

Unfortunately Schafer is too arrogant to admit that.  What they should do is move, cut salaries, and fire some staff.  But... they won't do it.  Doesn't really matter if they focused on one game at a time: they have too many employees.  You'd have a bunch of people sitting around on their hands doing nothing.  So, of course, they just lean on Kickstarter and Humble to subsidize their broken business model.

Just wait. It will. After an $80.000.000 kickstarter campaign. Will take 3 years in the making and after the first half they will smoke those funds. So, DF will make another strategic marketing campaign (?) to raise more funds. Then, some months after they launched the game, it will be in a humble bundle. BTA tier... A couple months later, $1 tier.

I'm kidding
Am I?
For a Pschonauts sequel, it would be worth every penny and then some. In fact, I would be one of the people that gave big bucks during the initial campaign only to turn around and give more of my hard earned money during the 2nd campaign. My wallet would basically be an open book for Tim and he could just take more as needed. And don't even get me started on a Zak McKraken and the Alien Mindbenders sequel or a MM: Day of the Tentacle Sequel. I would actually take a mortgage out on my home to get those games made.

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Unfortunately Schafer is too arrogant to admit that. What they should do is move, cut salaries, and fire some staff. But... they won't do it. Doesn't really matter if they focused on one game at a time: they have too many employees. You'd have a bunch of people sitting around on their hands doing nothing. So, of course, they just lean on Kickstarter and Humble to subsidize their broken business model.
Um, they have too many empoyees because they work on more than 1 game at a time. If they only worked on 1 game at a time, Tim could effectively fire 60% of the staff.

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That was my point.  They won't do it because he won't fire the staff.  Hence you have to give them stuff to do.  Hence you have to pay them.  Hence you have to have multiple projects and beg from the masses to find them.  It's glorified welfare.  An established studio and developer like Schafer doesn't want to admit he can't sustain himself... hell look at Chris what's his name the Total Annihilation dude.  He grovelled on Kickstarter because he didn't want to lay off staff.  And while that's a noble sentiment it isn't very practical.

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That was my point. They won't do it because he won't fire the staff. Hence you have to give them stuff to do. Hence you have to pay them. Hence you have to have multiple projects and beg from the masses to find them. It's glorified welfare.
No, your going at it backwards. Tim isnt working on multiple titles becasue he hired too many people and he needs to give them something to do. Tim has stated multiple times that he wanted a studio that worked on multiple titles simultaneously and he hired those people with that intention in mind. So its not a case of developing more games because you have such a big staff. Its a case of Tim hiring such a big staff to make multiple titles. That was his intention. Of course, if he changed his method and went to a single game studio, he could effectively fire 60% of his staff. Since this is exactly the kind of studio he wanted, I cant see that happening unless he hits serious financial problems.

As for calling what Tim does glorifed welfare, you cant honestly be serious? The best part about public funding is NOBODY has to give a single penny if they don't want to. People can give to their hearts content or they can walk away and never give Tim or his games a second thought. To suggest that is some sort of glorfied welfare is nothing short of ridiculous. As long as Tim delivers on the game side, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with the funding methods he has used and quite frankly, Broken Age is hands down the best point and click adventure I have played since The Longest Journey and it would easily be in my top 5 adventure games of the last 10-15 years. So in my opinion, he is delivering. I gave 250 bucks to the Broken Age Kickstarter Campaign and I am not disappointed in the least.

As for Tim being arrogant....well, considering Tim's resume contains games like Full Throttle, Grim Fandango, Psychonauts, Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle, Monkey Island 1 & 2, Costume Quest, and Broken Age, he has earned the right to be arrogant. I can deal with deserved arrogance. Its undeserved arrogance that gets under my skin.

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No, your going at it backwards. Tim isnt working on multiple titles becasue he hired too many people and he needs to give them something to do. Tim has stated multiple times that he wanted a studio that worked on multiple titles simultaneously and he hired those people with that intention in mind. So its not a case of developing more games because you have such a big staff. Its a case of Tim hiring such a big staff to make multiple titles. That was his intention. Of course, if he changed his method and went to a single game studio, he could effectively fire 60% of his staff. Since this is exactly the kind of studio he wanted, I cant see that happening unless he hits serious financial problems.

As for calling what Tim does glorifed welfare, you cant honestly be serious? The best part about public funding is NOBODY has to give a single penny if they don't want to. People can give to their hearts content or they can walk away and never give Tim or his games a second thought. To suggest that is some sort of glorfied welfare is nothing short of ridiculous. As long as Tim delivers on the game side, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with the funding methods he has used and quite frankly, Broken Age is hands down the best point and click adventure I have played since The Longest Journey and it would easily be in my top 5 adventure games of the last 10-15 years. So in my opinion, he is delivering. I gave 250 bucks to the Broken Age Kickstarter Campaign and I am not disappointed in the least.
I agree with you when you say he's using the funding to build up a studio but I disagree that there's nothing wrong with it, particularly when I'm certain that a good chunk of that Broken Age money was used with the intention of building up his studio and bringing people in for other projects as well.

A Kickstarter is supposed to be about one project, that was all the was specified. To come back later and say you ran out of money to do the one project when the reality is you hired way more people than you needed for the one project because your goal is to build a studio is rather disingenuous in my opinion.

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bread's done