I found a second person who Half Life 1 makes sick!

[quote name='rumarudrathas']Here's a funny observation on my end:

I own CoD4 for both the PC and the 360. and I find myself playing th 360 version more because I felt less dizzy and sick than playing on the PC. It might be the fact that I have to put distance between myself and the television set, or it could be the difference in my posture from PC vs. Console gaming (on the couch, laid back vs. on an office chair, leaning forward.

Come to think of it, I'm currently playing through Titan Quest right now on the PC, and I don't know what it is (could be the annoying screen refresh that I'm noticing), but that too makes me feel a bit dizzy if I play it too long.

My old roomie used to go through a bag of candied ginger whenever he and me would team up on CoD4 on XBL, and I heard that ginger does help with the problem a bit.[/quote]

Huh... that is weird. I play COD4 on PC more, because when I play it on the 360 it makes me kinda dizzy.
[quote name='nbballard']supposedly it's highly psychological. IF you think you'll experience the simulator sickness, it will be worse. I've been played flower on the PS3 for 3 hours last night- until my wife asked me why it wasn't triggering my motion sickness. Next thing you know- I had to turn it off.[/QUOTE]

For me at least it's not at all. I hardly ever am, and I don't expect it, but back in the day Half-Life 1 made me sick super fast, and Turok 2, and a few other games. Now when I WAS expecting to feel sick with it, I don't, so... it's weird. Maybe too I'm better at holding my viewpoint steady? Don't know.

[quote name='darthbudge']Huh... that is weird. I play COD4 on PC more, because when I play it on the 360 it makes me kinda dizzy.[/QUOTE]

I got the PS3 version because I wasn't sure if there was activation DRM on the PC one, and it was find for me. (Still don't much like Call of Duty, though it sure was gorgeous.)
[quote name='Wolfpup']
I got the PS3 version because I wasn't sure if there was activation DRM on the PC one, and it was find for me. (Still don't much like Call of Duty, though it sure was gorgeous.)[/quote]

There's an online activation thing for multiplayer (but requires no cd if you run the MP shortcut), but I think the SP uses secureROm disc check, but don't quote me on that one.
I totally get that Motion Sickness when I play Half Life 1 as well....Never had any problems with games like CS 1.6 or TFC, but for some reason I can only play for 10 minutes or less...Never had any problems with any other FPS games... Perhaps there is a high level of motion blur in the game?
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