I like both...


3 (100%)
pretty simple. I want/like both next gen systems. But they are different. I won a mt dew sweeps for an xbone. I cant wait to play with kinect and play Forza and DR3.When I find a PS4 I will prob buy it. But I will also buy the eye so there is only a small actual price difference. I used to consider myself a "hardcore" "gamer". But upon reading forums(not here usually) and facebook links with xbox and sony fans screaming at eachother I had to get out. I just play games. And I want them to be awesome. And both will be.
Isn't the demographic for this site like people in their 20s, 30s, etc..? Adults with budgets? I just don't get it. I understand bigger forums where all the kiddies argue like neogaf, ign, gamespot, gametrailers, etc... But on CAG I'm really confused as to how anyone cares. 

Isn't the demographic for this site like people in their 20s, 30s, etc..? Adults with budgets? I just don't get it. I understand bigger forums where all the kiddies argue like neogaf, ign, gamespot, gametrailers, etc... But on CAG I'm really confused as to how anyone cares.
Some people treat their favorite systems/companies like sports teams (which is another thing I guess I can't relate with). I don't really understand why, but they associate their identity with their platform of choice. And they want to think that their team is the best team, so anyone who thinks otherwise is obviously wrong.

As crazy as this sounds, I think there would be a lot less fanboy arguments if there were less unprovoked comments about fanboys. Oftentimes, it seems like as soon as a post is created, someone will say something along the lines of "oh boy I can't wait until the fanboys derail this thread", which then causes a misguided poster to reply "yeah, those Xbox fanboys are a real pain in the ass" etc. until we end up in yet another argument. Sometimes I think those people actually WANT an argument to break out.

I don't think there is anything wrong with expressing why you don't like a console as long as it well-reasoned. I want to own all systems as well but criticism is fine too. The PS4 has no compelling games and at least for me the video apps have been problematic. The Wii U is less powerful and most likely will only have noteworthy Nintendo games on it and the gamepad is kind of a bust even though Sony & Microsoft are really pushing second screen experiences in some way. I'm not going to personally speak on the Xbox One but the general impression so far is that UI and matchmaking are a joke and though voice command works a majority of the time, it really needs to work like 99% of the time to be viable and using your voice isn't always ideal for some situations (i.e. playing when someone is asleep). They all have valid issues and criticisms and nothing is wrong with pointing those out. However saying someone is stupid because they bought a system is ridiculous and always has been. The only time I've seen the forums really devolve into this is when someone comes in with a very flawed argument attacking or defending a system. I can really only think of like 2 or 3 posters who do that though, by and large this forum is fairly civilized.

I'll likely pick up a PS4 in about a year once their excusive game library has built up. I'm sure I'd like Killzone, but it's just not a system seller for me.

I'm not completely blown away with the launch X1 titles, but at least I've got the combination of Dead Rising and Forza.
I was searching for a neutral thread to ask this question.  I'm glad I found one.  I will tell you that I have have both.  I will also disclose that, to date, I have not even opened my PS4.  I make some extra money buying and selling games so having both consoles stems from that.  

Here's my actual question.  People keep ranting about the PS4 sales (which are greater than XB1 sales) but the Xbox One apparently sold far better in North America.  Maybe I'm lost, but isn't that the key location for sales?  PS3 crushed Xbox in Japan last gen but it didn't really matter.  While both PS4 and Xb1 are selling really well, shouldn't Sony be more concerned that XB1 outsold the PS4 in North America than Microsoft being concerned about other regions?  (Sorry that sentence is partially unintelligible). 

When figuring the price is in sonys favor and that they are not clearly dominating xb1 now is probably concerning them. Add Titanfall in a few months only on XB1 has to be making them nervous.
I have Wii U, PS4 and Xbox One. None of them are perfect by any means and none of them are must have consoles yet. Ill gladly play whatever good games come on on either one of them though. Never understand why people are always so eager to hate what they dont have.

I want both as well. I don't get why everyone hates on the other consoles so much. Just play your games and have fun. Don't like a certain console, don't buy it, it's as simple as that. 

People keep ranting about the PS4 sales (which are greater than XB1 sales) but the Xbox One apparently sold far better in North America. Maybe I'm lost, but isn't that the key location for sales?
The announcement that The XBox One sold far better in NA came from Microsoft. Also, the exact wording was that it sold "faster," not "better."

The total number of PS4s sold in North America to date is higher than XBox Ones. But because the margin between the two isn't very large at the moment, and because the XBox One launched a week later, Microsoft can claim to have sold their systems faster. The rate at which they sold them was higher, even if this figure was influenced by there being a smaller amount of time for them to sell.

This is what is referred to as "spin." Microsoft had no real metric by which they could claim to have come out ahead of Sony. So they presented the data at hand in a manner that would seem more favorable. Of course, it could quite easily be argued that Microsoft might have managed to outsell Sony in NA if they had launched the XBox One at the same time as the PS4. But since Microsoft chose their own release date, it would be churlish to adopt that strategy.

At the end of the day, it's really just quibbling over minor factors anyway. With the current competition so evenly matched, a slight sales advantage this early means almost nothing. A margin that small isn't going to convince any 3rd party developer to start cranking out exclusives. You won't see a shift like that without a sizable regional lead.

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I walked past a ps4 yesterday at a Walmart... The gadget geek in me wanted to buy it... I also thought about flipping it but its to close to Christmas for that. I think bundling with the camera and a slight price drop I will bite.
I have a feeling that Microsoft will price drop before Sony.  After all of us hard core gamers have purchased 1 or both consoles the gamers on smaller budgets are going to have a harder time with Microsoft's $500 price tag.  $400 is the safer price point. 

i got xbox one. ill get a ps4 prob by next year or so. once a few games come out that i want. none of my friends play ps3/4 so xbox was an obv 1st choice for me

Isn't the demographic for this site like people in their 20s, 30s, etc..? Adults with budgets? I just don't get it. I understand bigger forums where all the kiddies argue like neogaf, ign, gamespot, gametrailers, etc... But on CAG I'm really confused as to how anyone cares.
A bulk are broke and/or tightwads (given the nature of the site) who don't buy every console and thus still have that lame loyalty/fanboyism.

It's not nearly as bad here as on most other sites though.
Well for next console gen i plan on getting all the consoles. I only had a wii/360 combo for most of the current console generation. I'm not hunting for a ps4 but by the time a few exclusives come out for it I should be able to easily pick one up at Gamestop with my credit. I almost bit on a Wii U but don't need it now, still have plenty to play on my 360/One/3ds/ and vita. Once Smash gets an official release date I'll start to plan and budget for a Wii U

bread's done