if you could go back in time what would you buy!!


Well here it is , what everybody thinks," if I could go back in time i would buy" you tell me!! We all know what we could make money on, but what would you buy for your own personal collection, just for you.I would love to have a mint earthbound for the snes( i dont't even remember this game when it was out.)i would also would have liked to have little samson for the nes. (it really is a great game) and also harvest moon snes.
Discs Of Tron cab or the original Tron arcade game.

I've seen, what they go for now and i wish i could have gotten one back then.
Suikoden 2. Every time I think about picking that game up in stores back around the time it was released & not buying it, I kick myself. I'd love to have a mint copy in my collection, but not enough to shell out $150-$200. :whistle2:(
I would definitely invest in a Neo-Geo AES, and I would buy as much games as possible (especially the Metal Slugs ;))

Not only are the games extremely awesome, they are also now worth hundreds, if not thousands of dollars :whistle2:(
True Love for the PC. Also a original May Club would be pretty cool. The original Sid Meier's Pirates and Crusader of centy.
[quote name='Strell']Amazon.com stock.[/quote]
You and I are on the same page. ;) I would have bought IBM, INTC & MSFT though:lol:
Super Nintendo 2 / mini, I saw the second SNES model for $30 and Virtual Boy games going for $10 at my local Walmart a long time ago. Also, more Virtual Boy games, since I only have Mario Tennis, when my TRU was getting rid of them along with all the other clearanced NES/Sega Genesis games/stuff.

Virtual Boy, the power adapter and games like Mario Clash and Wario Cruise
NES Toploader
Sega Genesis Model 3
Sega CDX
Sega Dreamcast Sports Edition
Oh yeah, and I'd also go back, and tell my parents to enter the 1990 Nintendo World Championships, and keep going back in time until they win :)

Then I'd have them try to get one of the Gold Carts from the Ninty magazine
I loved the Dreamcast. But I got one about 3 months before they discontinued it.

I'd go back in time and preorder it for myself. Then I would spread the word, and make it the 360 of its time.
I would go back and buy Berkshire Hathaway stock (class A) when it was about $7 a share. It is currently valued at over $100,000 per share.
[quote name='Graystone']I loved the Dreamcast. But I got one about 3 months before they discontinued it.

I'd go back in time and preorder it for myself. Then I would spread the word, and make it the 360 of its time.[/quote]

If only it had the software to back it up... sure, it had lots of great games but not nearly enough and definitely not enough support from third parties.

I would have bought sealed copies of Marvel vs Capcom 2 on PS2, to think it launched at only $40 ($10 cheaper than most PS2 games at that time).
[quote name='-Never4ever-']would have picked up my preorder for Panzer Dragoon Saga at TRU :([/QUOTE]

Didn't have it preordered but with as little as I played video games around that time, I didn't bother to even look at it. Now I wish I had gotten it.
Stocks, a Sports Almanac, and a shitload of Domain names. And when I got back to this time, I'd be unwrapping a minty new NES w/ R.O.B. console that I bought on ebay for $10,000.
woulda bought Marvel Entertainment stock before the Spiderman movie came out. I only invested in virtual stocks, which of course shot up but are worth absolutely nothing.
Just for my own personal collection I wish I would have bought Suikoden 2 and Valkyrie Profile when they were cheap. I need them now to complete the my PS1 RPG collection and just can't justify dropping 100-200 each on them.
I wish I would have gone to this video store going out of business sale sooner and picked up a lot of SNES games (most of which i have now,... but i could of had for much much cheaper) I also would have got more game boy games and I should have picked up more PSX RPGs when I saw them.. (I had all the major ones.. but never Suikoden...

other than stocks .. everyone wishes for stocks..

I kind of wish i was more socialable (I'm only 22.. but like 10 years ago.. i wish i was more socialable) ..

gaming related but not video.. I wish I would have gotten into Magic the gathering sooner.. (i started playing TCGs with the star wars one in 95.. shoule have gotten into MTG) and I probably would have the really expensive 200+ a piece cards.. and be rich on the pro tour..

but ah well.. I think I've done pretty good.. my collection isn't terrible (its no where near comprehensive.. and i haven't leaped to the next gen yet) but i've scored some sweet deals on here and in pawn shops.. so no complaints.. now its time to kick back and work on that back log.. but not getting earthbound kinda stings to this day.
I also should have bought all of the virtual boy games when they were on clearance. maybe even the atari jagur
I would have actually tried to get an SNES with games. No, I didn't ever own one myself.

I always just visited friends who had one instead and that was good enough at the time, apparently.
[quote name='mosey73']I also should have bought all of the virtual boy games when they were on clearance. maybe even the atari jagur[/quote]

I remember when toplader NES's were $50 and I only bought one.

I remember when Sega Saturns were $50 and I didnt buy any.

I remember when Dreamcasts were $50 and I only bought one.

and I wont even get into the games I passed up...
1. SNES RPGs ( I never had this system when I was younger)
2. Pick up the Saturn when it was being clearanced out.
2a. Make sure to pick up Panzer Dragoon Saga
3. Get Neo Geo AES
4. Get PS1 RPGs ( I had a n64 that gen)
4a. Make sure to get one or two copies of Valkyrie Profile (I have this game right now, but I have an unusable disk 2 :cry: .)
Stock in MS in the early 90's

100 Copies of the first editions of Marvel and DC comics

Old school guns and swords

i did manage to get about 20 panasomic 3do games on clearance from best buy!!! i also got about 12 snes games on clearance from meijer link to the past super metroid ect all these were under 10 each.
Limiting this to video games:

For myself: NES Toploader, Atari 7800, Minish Cap

For Ebay: Toploaders, Earthbounds, Panzer Dragoon Sagas
bread's done