In this thread we identify words/phrases we use way too much.


[quote name='GuilewasNK']Hotlanta.

Whoever came up with that should be forced to [/quote]I agree completely. Even before moving down here, I thought that was the dumbest sounding title.
This thread is aids.

This monstrous bitch of a woman I used to work with used to use the term hateful in just about every god damn sentence. Now whenever I hear someone use it, i imagine them dying to a pack of coyotes.

On a side note, yesterday I was tired and trying saying "From Scratch," to a friend, and it came out "From the Scratch." So now that seems to be my latest mouth-typo that is creeping it's way into my real vocabulary.
[quote name='guinaevere']Actually

I agree completely. Even before moving down here, I thought that was the dumbest sounding title.[/quote]

Sorry about my "creative" language. I normally don't get like that.
bread's done