Infamous 2 - New City, New Villain - June 7, 2011 - Demo Out Now

The link on the playstation blog gives a rundown of the story and says it is Cole. Says he's looking to get more powerful to fight a thing so ya, makes sense as to why he has ice powers.
Cole grows hair, gains ice powers, and has a different voice... Makes no sense, but whatever works! I loved the first game, so I hope this one is twice as good.
I don't know.. he looks different, has a different voice, and has tattoos that weren't visible in the last game.

On top of that- he appears to be using some sort of shock rod to do his melee attacks instead of his hands like the last game.

The new voice wasn't nearly as bad as the last voice. I'm looking forward to learning more.
I probably should have avoided the trailer. The new voice sounds so annoying compared to the last one? At least the first voice just sounded like some tired beat upon guy.
Hey guys, here's Nathan Drake in inFAMOUS, too! With tattoos!


I could get with the morphing looks thing, since Kessler didn't look like Cole much; but Kessler was ass ugly, had a long face and pointy chin.

I thought it was awesome that Cole was an unattractive main character, and I'm not looking forward at all to having Nathan Drake jump around with "witty" remarks in response to everything that happens (what I'm dreading will happen).
Cole had plastic surgery?!? :shock: I don't understand why they changed his look. Before, he looked like he could have fit the villian look and the hero look, but now he looks like he would only fit into the hero slot. He has no...ruggedness (?) or intriugue to him.

Anyway, they need to figure out some way where it is more exciting to explore the city. I liked that they had a full city to explore as well as rooftops and power lines and enemies littered every now and again, but I think what made the game most repetitive were the powers. Shock bomb, shock bomb, shock bomb, and everyone was dead...
I just don't like the fact that they changed Cole to someone else...other than that I'm looking forward to the new powers they're adding to the game!
They changed a lot, but it doesn't really bother me that much. If the gameplay is still good/better then that's good enough for me.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Anyway, they need to figure out some way where it is more exciting to explore the city. I liked that they had a full city to explore as well as rooftops and power lines and enemies littered every now and again, but I think what made the game most repetitive were the powers. Shock bomb, shock bomb, shock bomb, and everyone was dead...[/QUOTE]

They need more moments like climbing the tower in the second part of the game. One of the recurring problems in these sandbox or open-city games is not enough memorable moments. While Infamous was a great game, I can't remember nearly as much of it as I can Uncharted 2. It needs more set pieces mixed in with the open world gameplay.
[quote name='elwood731']They need more moments like climbing the tower in the second part of the game. One of the recurring problems in these sandbox or open-city games is not enough memorable moments. While Infamous was a great game, I can't remember nearly as much of it as I can Uncharted 2. It needs more set pieces mixed in with the open world gameplay.[/QUOTE]

thats beause u2 was awesome and had alot more replayability to its sp than infamous. alot of the stuff missions in infamous became a chore after a while. the boss battles were kind of meh too in some spots. they could use more variety in enemy types too.

so did they say whether youll start the game with all abilites open or will they do some kind of lame "oh my all my powers are gone" thing? or since it seems like hes going to get ice powers could most of his abilities switch over to varying ice abilities?
[quote name='elwood731']One of the recurring problems in these sandbox or open-city games is not enough memorable moments. While Infamous was a great game, I can't remember nearly as much of it as I can Uncharted 2. It needs more set pieces mixed in with the open world gameplay.[/QUOTE]

I couldn't have said it better myself. Although, I just beat inFamous about a week ago and I loved it.

I'm really dissapointed that they've redesigned Cole. He was so different in the trailers that I thought it was a completely new character and argued with my friend for quite a bit before we looked it up.

*edit -

[quote name='guardian_owl']There's a pretty obvious reason why
would be back and it's the only thing which makes sense since the character had literally NO FUNCTION in Infamous 1.
Zeke eventually becomes The Beast. We already know he has a thirst for power when he tried to use the ray sphere at the top of the tower in the 1st game. As is usually the case in tales with twists, if a character doesn't appear to have a purpose it's usually saved till the end for the twist.

By about the final 1/3rd of the game it was getting pretty repetitive so bearing any sweeping gameplay improvements I'll probably skip Infamous 2.[/QUOTE]

I felt Zeke was the goofy and out there personality that was needed to contrast Cole's non-chalant demeanor, so I didn't mind him at all. Your theory does not sound correct though because inFamous 2 starts off with Cole being whooped by the Beast and then moving to the new city to become more powerful and defeat him where he's seen with Zeke. Unless
there's a more screwy timeline plot coming. Which I highly doubt.

According to IGN:
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I always think its a mistake to add in all of this crazy timeline, warp in time, hole in the alternate universe, different voice, look, city stuff. I don't understand why keeping Cole the way he was, and adding in new powers (which makes sense, considering he was hit by a bomb so really he has the potential to do/earn any powers) and environments and whatever else they want to add in.

But changing up the story as much as they might be trying to do is just a bad idea. It will either just confuse people or not feel like a "smooth" transition from InFamous 1 to InFamous 2.
FYI, the reason they changed voice actors was due to needing someone to mo-cap while recording. The old VA wouldn't cut it.

GameInformer has a special podcast to answer questions about Infamous and a theme to a lot of the questions is that they've taken criticisms seriously when making the sequel. Specifically, they mentioned that the clingy jumps will be reworked for the sequel. You retain quite a few of your powers to start with to make you feel powerful at the start while still having room to grow throughout the game. You start off with the cable-grinding ability and they've expanded the traversal stuff quite a bit. They also mention that despite the fact that
Cole is working with Zeke again, he still has issues with Zeke over what happened at the end of Infamous.

The podcast is only 30 minutes long, so it doesn't need a huge investment.

GameInformer has a lot more stuff on their Infamous 2 hub:

A Look At The Militia
A Look At New Marais
A Look At The New Cole:
A Look At Some of Cole's New Abilities
A Quick Video Interview

Thanks Tanuki. That picture... kind of killed a bit of my positive vibe. I'm probaby still going to enjoy the game, but I'll miss the old Cole.
I enjoyed the first game quite a bit and I'm looking forward to this one. Personally, I don't really care that Cole lost his jacket and grew some hair, even though I did like the old look.

And although I liked the old voice, too, I'm fine with a change as long as he doesn't become too whiny or anything. Let's reserve judgement until we hear more of the new voice - could be an improvement (or at least just different, neither better nor worse).
The look and voice of Cole is still stupid, but holy shit that gameplay looked good. I love the destructibility of the environment. That cyclone type move at the end was bad ass as well.
I'm sure they will still have to have a different voice actor still. Hopefully it's not the same old Cole but more of a hybrid of the two or a happy medium.
I didn't like the fact that they were trying to use the same character and make him look totally different- but I hated Cole and Zeke so much I was going to let it slide.

Now i'm in wait and see mode.
I loved the first game and didnt mind Cole. I never even thought of him as being a bad character until i read about it with these articles. I like the fact they are going back to the same look of Cole 1. Would have been strange seeing him look different, but supposed to be the same person. Zeke is the problem. That guy character should die. Very annoying.
I just hope if they have moral choices again at key story points that they ACTUALLY have a story impact this time. It was super lame when I replayed the game a second time for the evil ending that the result was the same damn thing on big karma events like the choice between the two towers and whether or not to re-activate the ray sphere.
I just got back into the first one after a few months. I forgot about being able to buy new powers so I was getting bored. But once I upgraded some, and the story missions started to mix things up I was hooked again. Only on the second islands ending I believe though.

Still, I am glad to se there will be more of this even if I am a ways off from finishing the first. I had hoped they would take it to south America since they mentioned the terrorists there but that could have been false news in-game. The new city In the trailer looks great, so I hope to finish the story soon to understand it all better.
I'm really looking forward to inFamous 2. I just got my platinum for inFamous last week and now seeing these trailers really gets me excited. It would be nice if they gave Cole an mp3 player allowing us to listen to music while roaming New Marais, maybe even allow us to use custom soundtracks. I know that would have helped me keep my sanity while searching for the last couple blast shards.
did any of you get a code for an infamous 2 theme? i got an email the other night saying i got it for signing up for the infamous 2 site but i dont remember doing that.from what i can tell its a couple of diff scenes from the upcoming game.
I like the look of "new" Cole now, the other character model just didn't look right especially considering we were playing as the same guy. Some how his look entirely changes for no reason? Gameplay looks great though, better then the first much smoother overall. The key to this game is not turning repetitive like the first one did.
bread's done