JeFF HarDY'S tna debut entrance inside!!!!

I hope he beats Jarret for the title. I want to see someone else with the title. Though I'd love to see AJ with the belt again.
why are they preventing him from returning wwe?
havent been watching wrestling for a while so now im curious
[quote name='MeGaWC27']why are they preventing him from returning wwe?
havent been watching wrestling for a while so now im curious[/quote]

cuz cmon.. thats a big name talent they got there....i mean i know its only a matter of time but its cool to see him fight ppl like aj styles
o..k... I'll just rephrase my question....
why did jeff hardy leave wwe in the first place?
thx for the answer anyway guyver2077, showed me my mistake in asking the question :D
[quote name='MeGaWC27']o..k... I'll just rephrase my question....
why did jeff hardy leave wwe in the first place?
thx for the answer anyway guyver2077, showed me my mistake in asking the question :D[/quote]

substance abuse lol and he did not come back to wwe because they wanted him to go to rehab
[quote name='MeGaWC27']o..k... I'll just rephrase my question....
why did jeff hardy leave wwe in the first place?
thx for the answer anyway guyver2077, showed me my mistake in asking the question :D[/quote]

If I remember correctly, it had something to do with him doing drugs or alcohol or something like that, and he refused to admit he had a problem, so WWE fired him.
Its sad too because i felt he was much more talented than his brother, however jeff leaving gave matt the chance to get his own gimmick which was working very well for him
[quote name='No Mercy Video']Its sad too because i felt he was much more talented than his brother, however jeff leaving gave matt the chance to get his own gimmick which was working very well for him[/quote]

yea i always kinda liked matt better but it did work out well for matt. he came out on his own. and jeff might make it big in tna.
I always thought they were both really talented, the only problem is neither one was ever good on the mic or at showing any emotion. However, since the whole Kane-Matt-Lita love triangle has developed, I think that Matt has gotten a lot better outside the ring.
bread's done