KBtoys.com/eToys.com 80% off Game Blowout (mostly old last generation titles)

Apparently now the deal is running till January 14th on the remaining old stock they have left, including the $24 Xbox game screen.

So, you all have 6 days to grab what's left before they stupidly jack the prices back up AGAIN.
I am surprised that screen is still available. Is it a huge POS or something? I noticed the PS2 screen was gone real fast. I understand at around 30 pounds (joke) an Xbox is far from portable, but for $24 it should be a no brainer.
You got me, since I've never played any of my games 'on the go' before, but if my family had a mini van or other larger vehicle and we were going on a long road trip and I WASN'T driving(which I'm usually roped into), I would've probably grabbed a screen for the PS2 or Xbox.

Although, I believe there was a rumor going round of a portable Xbox at one point, though if it's anything like the original Xbox I'd venture a guess that you'd need to lift some weights just to carry it around. Although, if they made a portable one, I might well buy it, since I play my Xbox frequently.
As I was typing my last reply I heard a knock on the door. It was the mail man delivering my Xbox screen. After testing it I can assure you that it is indeed a POS. Mine has 1 burnt pixel, in the dead center of the screen. Even though there is a brightness and color adjustment the screen is always too bright or too dark. No matter what I did I could not get rid of some kind of static or interference on the screen. It does have to inputs on it, 1 for the Xbox AV input and another RCA/S-video input. It may be worth $24, but not much more.
That's why I laugh at the prices for those portable screens, since many aren't worth the $$$, but for $24, it's worth a shot I suppose. I just wish KB would add some other games to that clearance, since they have TONS of older games on their site, including Robot Alchemic Drive(RAD) for PS2 for full price still.

No wonder so many of their stores went out of business.
There are 2 KB stores near me that are still floundering around, although none of them carry games anymore. They have really taken a nose dive in the past few years. The stores are always dirty, selection poor, service terrible. It is sad because I remember going to KB when I was a kid and it was awesome!

As far as the screen goes, I may have expected too much as I have the Sony screen for the PS1 and it is very nice.
Yeah, my PS2 one arrived. Its okay, but kind of sucks for an RPG; the contrast and color is just shit, so text is difficult to make out.
bread's done