Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2 Blu-Ray Deals comes out 9/9/08


28 (100%)
It will be released on September 9, 2008 which is next Tuesday. Its just weird because none of the weekly ads mention this coming out. has a deal with both flims for $39.99 together has a similar deal but you have to purchase each film together to get $10 off which with each one being $24.99 will end up being $40.
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[quote name='foundation']I don't doubt what you're saying, but just to chime in from personal experience, I bought both without stickers at BB and both had the rebate forms. It's possible people are swiping the stickers thinking they're worth something.[/QUOTE]

Well that's good to know then. Oh, well. I didn't want to take the chance, because I really only wanted to upgrade if I was absolutely able to get them for $10 each after rebate.

As with everything, they will be on sale again. :)
Picked up my two copies from BB, and they had the sticker on the front of the shrinkwrap. This was an in-store pickup order.

Best part is that they pulled the DVD copies and not the BR copies, so I managed to get $10 off the order. :D
All right, so I picked these up from Target the day of. I forgot to cancel my amazon pre order and I just got them today. They came shrink wrapped together and Vol. 2 had the $10 sticker in the front. What gives?
Any chance someone can post a scan of their rebate form? I used the in store pickup at Best Buy and neither volume had the form.
[quote name='ecwfan']Any chance someone can post a scan of their rebate form? I used the in store pickup at Best Buy and neither volume had the form.[/QUOTE]

likewise if possible
[quote name='ecwfan']Any chance someone can post a scan of their rebate form? I used the in store pickup at Best Buy and neither volume had the form.[/quote]

To claim the rebate, you need the original form, no copies allowed :cry:
I've seen conflicting information on this rebate if you didn't get the forms. I read on another forum that Disney would accept all the information printed on a 3x5 card. On yet another forum I read if you email Disney at [email protected] they will agree to send out the rebate forms for both the Kill Bills. I'm going to try emailing them now.
[quote name='ecwfan']I've seen conflicting information on this rebate if you didn't get the forms. I read on another forum that Disney would accept all the information printed on a 3x5 card. On yet another forum I read if you email Disney at [email protected] they will agree to send out the rebate forms for both the Kill Bills. I'm going to try emailing them now.[/QUOTE]

I would email before using the 3x5 card method. Disney isn't likely fulfilling these rebates directly. They are probably using an outside company. If the rebate isn't submitted on the original form that's an easy way for the rebate company to deny the rebate instead of paying it out.
This is who may be fulfilling their $10 rebates for Kill Bill:

Budco World Headquarters:
13700 Oakland Avenue
Highland Park, MI 48203
[email protected]

Possible phone #: 888 278 6011

I've called them about one of my $10 rebates from the last promotion going MIA, and I used the 888-278-6011 number to call them. There's no live operator on that number, you leave a message and they call you back. It took a couple of days to get someone to call me, so don't assume you'll get immediate response.
[quote name='ecwfan']I've seen conflicting information on this rebate if you didn't get the forms. I read on another forum that Disney would accept all the information printed on a 3x5 card. On yet another forum I read if you email Disney at [email protected] they will agree to send out the rebate forms for both the Kill Bills. I'm going to try emailing them now.[/quote]

I emailed them the other day and haven't heard anything back yet.
[quote name='blackhole82']I emailed them the other day and haven't heard anything back yet.[/QUOTE]

I got a response to my email today. They are going to mail me the rebates forms. Hopefully I get them soon.
I emailed Disney and they said they are going to mail me the reabte forms. Now the copies that people got from Amazon that are part of the $39.99 bundle pack, are the barcodes or POP tabs altered in any way that say "Not for Resale" or "Part Of Bundle" that would make it obviously excluded from submitting for a rebate?
I was beginning to worry that my rebate forms weren't going to show. Surprisingly the two forms I requested from Disney came in the mail yesterday.
My rebate checks showed up already. :shock: Sent in about a little less than a month ago.

Though, if they'd just send me the check for National Treasure, instead of continuously fucking it up over and over again, then I'd really be ahead.
[quote name='xbox_mole']I emailed Disney and they said they are going to mail me the reabte forms. Now the copies that people got from Amazon that are part of the $39.99 bundle pack, are the barcodes or POP tabs altered in any way that say "Not for Resale" or "Part Of Bundle" that would make it obviously excluded from submitting for a rebate?[/QUOTE]

Anyone buy from Amazon and can answer this question that I posted earlier?

bread's done