KMart blue light sale part 2!


Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you know, this weekend (Friday,Saturday,Sunday) for Presidents Day there is another bluelight sale going on at KMart. 50% off selected games again. Not sure of the titles but I doubt they changed since last weeks sale. Just thought I'd pop in and maybe someone wasn't able to go last weekend or didn't have money. BTW, I can confirm this sale.
[quote name='Arkay Firestar']No one found Golden Sun 2 the Lost Age? Nuts.[/quote]

I saw that at the El Monte, CA KMART. They only had one copy and I think it was $9.99.
[quote name='The Successful Dropout']picked up:
street fighter anniversary collection $14.99
metal slug advance $14.99
strike force bowling $4.99
metroid/wavebird bundle $19.99
metroid/wavebird bundle $00.00

she somehow missed scanning the bundle twice, so i only was charged for one[/quote]

Return the Metroid from one of the bundles and get both Wavebirds free . . . they only scan the code on the game.
[quote name='Sway']Not sure if this has been asked, but does anyone know if the sale extends into Monday?[/quote]
Sign at the one I was at today said through 2/21 (Monday).
I went to a better kmart tonight and found circle of the moon.

they still have at least 1 metroid bundle there
How is the metroid bundle packaged? I went to a K-mart today and they had the _game_ on the shelf, but there was no sign of a wavebird anywhere. There was also a `wario world'/game guide bundle game all by itself. Did this store just `unbundle' them and stick them out as regular games?

At least I found a couple interesting things:

MGS: The Twin Snakes (hard to find!)
Dark Cloud 2
Karaoke Revolution 2! (Got it for $14.95!, they had to override the price and put in the wrong amount, it should have been $20).

They also had the ancient, original Devil May Cry and Resident Evil: Code Veronica X w/bonus, both marked at $49.95. I didn't ask them to scan them, although I probably should have as it took at least 20 minutes of standing around watching Fox on their TVs in the electronics department before anyone came by...
[quote name='CaptPete']How is the metroid bundle packaged? I went to a K-mart today and they had the _game_ on the shelf, but there was no sign of a wavebird anywhere. There was also a `wario world'/game guide bundle game all by itself. Did this store just `unbundle' them and stick them out as regular games?

At least I found a couple interesting things:

MGS: The Twin Snakes (hard to find!)
Dark Cloud 2
Karaoke Revolution 2! (Got it for $14.95!, they had to override the price and put in the wrong amount, it should have been $20).

They also had the ancient, original Devil May Cry and Resident Evil: Code Veronica X w/bonus, both marked at $49.95. I didn't ask them to scan them, although I probably should have as it took at least 20 minutes of standing around watching Fox on their TVs in the electronics department before anyone came by...[/quote]

MGS: TTS really isn't that hard to find IMO. I don't believe that the Kmarts are supposed to take apart the Metroid Prime Bundle but it basically looks like a Waverbird (in its older packaging, not the new one that is harder plastic) and comes with a Metroid wrapped around with some plastic to the front of it. On the Metroid, it should say Kmart exclusive.
I am psyched. I wanted to pick up a couple more wavebirds for my cube. I tried looking for trades from missing the sale last time and what not with no luck. I almost left the Big K today as I didn't see much but low and behold on the bottom shelf behind the glass two Metroid\Wavebird bundles. THANKS OP!!!!
I picked up Onimusha 3. Good deal for around $7.80. Too bad all the Kmarts in my area very got Street Fighter Anv. Collection, I really want that game. Does anyone mind posting a scan of a receipt showing $15 Street Fighter Anv. Collection. I might want to price match it at Circuit City. Thanks.
I picked up F-Zero GX for $10, they also had Amplitude for $10 is this one worth pickin up? I hid it so I might go back and grab it, should I?
Stop by Super KMART. OMG, the parking lot was so dead. Anyway, I picked up:

Jak II gh for $9.98

I did not picked up:
Socom II gh $9.98
R&C: going commando gh $9.98

They had grip of them in the bin.
asked a woman working there sunday about if this was it and she said they will probally have one every month or every 2 weeks or so til the items are gone. seems some people in south bend are complaiing cause they got to pull the games and put them in the sale :)
Does anyone know if this sale is going on today (Monday) as well, I have seen some posts say Sat and Sun and some include Monday as well? I wanted to get there over the weekend, but I just could not make it., thanks.
Yeah, the 50% off sign at the store I went to said SAT-MON.

[quote name='bsschorr']Does anyone know if this sale is going on today (Monday) as well, I have seen some posts say Sat and Sun and some include Monday as well? I wanted to get there over the weekend, but I just could not make it., thanks.[/quote]
Which would be cool if someone could find me Contra: Shattered Solider, plus Transformers, if Transformers is $9.99.

[quote name='soulwish2003']Yeah, the 50% off sign at the store I went to said SAT-MON.

[quote name='bsschorr']Does anyone know if this sale is going on today (Monday) as well, I have seen some posts say Sat and Sun and some include Monday as well? I wanted to get there over the weekend, but I just could not make it., thanks.[/quote][/quote]
Not much going on at the Palm Bay store... Hitman PS2, demo discs PS2, Eyetoy Groove PS2, and a crap load of FZero GBA and Hamtarro (sp?) GBA...

[quote name='shrike4242']Which would be cool if someone could find me Contra: Shattered Solider, plus Transformers, if Transformers is $9.99.

[quote name='soulwish2003']Yeah, the 50% off sign at the store I went to said SAT-MON.

[quote name='bsschorr']Does anyone know if this sale is going on today (Monday) as well, I have seen some posts say Sat and Sun and some include Monday as well? I wanted to get there over the weekend, but I just could not make it., thanks.[/quote][/quote][/quote]
[quote name='shrike4242']Which would be cool if someone could find me Contra: Shattered Solider, plus Transformers, if Transformers is $9.99.

[quote name='soulwish2003']Yeah, the 50% off sign at the store I went to said SAT-MON.

[quote name='bsschorr']Does anyone know if this sale is going on today (Monday) as well, I have seen some posts say Sat and Sun and some include Monday as well? I wanted to get there over the weekend, but I just could not make it., thanks.[/quote][/quote][/quote]

Transformers is $15; I got it last week. If you're interested in it at that price, I'll see if I can find one for you. Lemme know.
Well, over Saturday and Sunday I went to 3 of my local Kmarts. I wasn't able to find the 3 I wanted most (Metal Slug (Xbox), Street Fighter Anniversary (PS2), and the Toca 2/Colin '04 bundle (xbox)), and I don't think I'll be looking any more. Going to 3 different Kmarts has not improved my opinion of Kmart in the least.
[quote name='DenisDFat']I went to a better kmart tonight and found circle of the moon.

they still have at least 1 metroid bundle there[/quote]

No kicking? That's disappointing... :(
[quote name='postaboy']Stop by Super KMART. OMG, the parking lot was so dead. Anyway, I picked up:

Jak II gh for $9.98

I did not picked up:
Socom II gh $9.98
R&C: going commando gh $9.98

They had grip of them in the bin.[/quote]

So is R&C: Going Commando also part of this sale? I couldn't understand you language and sentences. Could someone maybe tell me if they are? I really don't care whether or not it is GH but that would be nice to find one if they are part of the sale. Also, I hadn't known that Transformers (PS2) is also part of the sale. I'm not even sure my Kmart ever carried one of those. I know they never carried SF Anniversary.
[quote name='MorPhiend'][quote name='DenisDFat']I went to a better kmart tonight and found circle of the moon.

they still have at least 1 metroid bundle there[/quote]

No kicking? That's disappointing... :([/quote]

I thought he already kicked something in the Kmart earlier in the thread :D.
does anybody have suikoden III they stock up on and wanna trade for a wavebird w/ Metroid..

2 copys suikoden III for a Wave Bundal & prime?

yea mine is out... But i picked up the last two wave bundal...
6 Kmarts later....I took my brother to the chiropractor tonight, and there was the last Kmart I'd dare trek to about 4 miles away. I went, they had no games out or anything. I found Viewtiful Joe GC. I bought it. I thought it was a myth. There was one more. This was the Willowbrook, IL location in case anyone cares.
[quote name='Animal7390']if anyone still has an extra mp4/wavebird bundle kicking around i will gladly buy it from them[/quote]
I thought that it was just the Metroid bundles that were on sale...I know that was the case last week.
[quote name='Spoon_si']does anybody have suikoden III they stock up on and wanna trade for a wavebird w/ Metroid..

2 copys suikoden III for a Wave Bundal & prime?[/quote]

I doubt it, seeing as unopened copies of Suikoden III fetch over $50 on eBay. :roll:
[quote name='hiccupleftovers'][quote name='MorPhiend'][quote name='DenisDFat']I went to a better kmart tonight and found circle of the moon.

they still have at least 1 metroid bundle there[/quote]

No kicking? That's disappointing... :([/quote]

I thought he already kicked something in the Kmart earlier in the thread :D.[/quote]

Yes, but that was a different K-Mart. He should really be sharing the love.
[quote name='shrike4242'][quote name='shrike4242']Since I think the sale is done, let's lock this thread and hope for the next one?[/quote]

See above quote.[/quote]

Still waiting...



I got Street Fighter: Anniversary Edition for PS2 from the Blue Light sale at $14.99 + tax. Was that a good deal? Wonder if I should keep it... bought it mainly for the animated feature.
[quote name='cheapass Gundam']I got Street Fighter: Anniversary Edition for PS2 from the Blue Light sale at $14.99 + tax. Was that a good deal? Wonder if I should keep it... bought it mainly for the animated feature.[/quote]

I would keep it. It's one of my favorite games for the PS2. SF3 is one of the most balanced fighters out there. I picked up mine at release for 19.99, so I'd say that is a good price.
[quote name='pacifickarma'][quote name='Spoon_si']does anybody have suikoden III they stock up on and wanna trade for a wavebird w/ Metroid..

2 copys suikoden III for a Wave Bundal & prime?[/quote]

I doubt it, seeing as unopened copies of Suikoden III fetch over $50 on eBay. :roll:[/quote]

Really I have an unopened copy of Suikoden III that I got in the Buy 2 get 1 free TRU sale 3 years ago!
[quote name='cheapass Gundam']I got Street Fighter: Anniversary Edition for PS2 from the Blue Light sale at $14.99 + tax. Was that a good deal? Wonder if I should keep it... bought it mainly for the animated feature.[/quote]

Yes, keep it. I wish my kmart had SF AE but at least I got Onimusha 3 for under $10. I just hope other stores like CC and BB drop SF AE's price soon.
[quote name='cheapass Gundam'][quote name='MorPhiend']


Someone's been watchign too much Pokemon lately.


:rofl: !

It's not my gif, BTW... I just stole something beautiful.
bread's done