KrissX download code hunt (

Ok searched through first 6 pages, doing the normal check of everything, and then checked first 2 page again just in case you posted it after a bit. Nothing. I assume you haven't posted a code yet? Also you might want to take this code down on the screenshots. I think they might of been there since your Frogger Returns giveaway or your Flame of Judgement giveaway. Thanks for the contest though even if I never win them.
[quote name='Skram']Ok searched through first 6 pages, doing the normal check of everything, and then checked first 2 page again just in case you posted it after a bit. Nothing. I assume you haven't posted a code yet? Also you might want to take this code down on the screenshots. I think they might of been there since your Frogger Returns giveaway or your Flame of Judgement giveaway. Thanks for the contest though even if I never win them.[/QUOTE]

Much appreciated.
Found one but it's used already. :(

Don't know how many were posted though. Is it just one at a time throughout the week?
This is just mind numbing. Maybe I'm overlooking something but I've scoured the articles and didn't see jack. I know the objective is to get page views, but maybe you should hide hints on some of the pages to narrow down the search or something?
[quote name='sunfiredragon']This is just mind numbing. Maybe I'm overlooking something but I've scoured the articles and didn't see jack. I know the objective is to get page views, but maybe you should hide hints on some of the pages to narrow down the search or something?[/QUOTE]

Bluedot, I appreciate the contests but after trying (and failing) at all your code hunts, I know they're not for me. Having said that, I still got to wonder if you really enjoy torturing the "new" cags. I come in and read all these code hunts just to chuckle at all the whining. Congrats to the winners of these contests you have more skill than I!
[quote name='downsouthtigger']Bluedot, I appreciate the contests but after trying (and failing) at all your code hunts, I know they're not for me. Having said that, I still got to wonder if you really enjoy torturing the "new" cags. I come in and read all these code hunts just to chuckle at all the whining. Congrats to the winners of these contests you have more skill than I![/QUOTE]

I have to agree. I've never done well during code hunts so I just spare myself the torture =)
I found a code (K9KYW-R9QCX-C6GGJ-7YBR8-4VFX6) in the Q&A with Guerrilla Games on Killzone 3 (Part 1) article.

About fucking time! lmao. After a couple thousand clicks, I finally found an active code!

Thanks bluedotlounge!
dude, really, I went through every article you wrote this year yesterday and found the two that were up by then and had already been redeemed, but kept looking anyway, not knowing that there werent even any more out there, maybe next time you could put all the codes up at once, i know you get paid per click but we don't all have the time to go through every article five times just so you can make a buck
[quote name='elross']dude, really, I went through every article you wrote this year yesterday and found the two that were up by then and had already been redeemed, but kept looking anyway, not knowing that there werent even any more out there, maybe next time you could put all the codes up at once, i know you get paid per click but we don't all have the time to go through every article five times just so you can make a buck[/QUOTE]

Then don't bother searching. =/

Some people can be so selfish, he didn't have to give away the codes at all you know.
he gets them because he's a reviewer, and i don't blame him for wanting to get paid, it's a great and rare job, and the man write's well, but esentially, he's asking you to search through all of his articles 5 times, which if you have that much free time, maybe you should find a hobby.
[quote name='elross']he gets them because he's a reviewer, and i don't blame him for wanting to get paid, it's a great and rare job, and the man write's well, but esentially, he's asking you to search through all of his articles 5 times, which if you have that much free time, maybe you should find a hobby.[/QUOTE]

The thing is that he never ask you to do it. You do it if you want to.
lol. this is a contest. you have to win it. he isn't going to just give them away like a raffle or to the first old man complaining that he can't find it on the 6 articles he reread. lol. these are supposed to be tough. i say bring back the white text and picture codes. at least make it a challenge. unless it's a ps3 code, then you should make it easier ;)
bread's done