League of Legends anyone?

[quote name='nateorz']For example, when I choose a champion I don't know (like I did earlier with Corki)[/QUOTE]
If this wasn't a custom game or a co-op vs ai game and you are level 30 I don't blame them.

Finally got fed up of practicing Jungle Jarvan in co-op and decide to go try it out in a normal. Instant lock Amumu Jungle... and I'm more than okay with that!

Game went very well. Three of us had wriggles and slaughtered Baron early game. Wards and eggs everywhere.

Enemy team had a Nasus that could hit like a truck at the 15minute mark though. I think today was the first time I've ever been killed by a Nasus before xD.

[quote name='Morphx2']The only good AD carry is the one that FlipprDolphin uses :)

And i wont do a 5-man premade with the CAG people anymore (usually), at the most a 3-man (you know who you are!), or a 4-man if wakaakakaka comes back[/QUOTE]

So not on that list.
[quote name='crystalklear64']If this wasn't a custom game or a co-op vs ai game and you are level 30 I don't blame them.[/QUOTE]

I do it all the time ;)


So Morph is too good for CAG premades. Anyone else down?

I promise I'm terrible. And I will ruin your beloved normal game stats.
[quote name='crystalklear64']If this wasn't a custom game or a co-op vs ai game and you are level 30 I don't blame them.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't either, but I'm not level 30 and I've had no prior experience with RTS/RPG games like DoTA or HoN. I only got into this because of friends.

[quote name='RabbitSuit']Enemy team had a Nasus that could hit like a truck at the 15minute mark though. I think today was the first time I've ever been killed by a Nasus before xD.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like he got free farm. If Nasus gets farm, he hurts...a lot.
:p I don't mind my normal score going down. Hell, after my 9 game losing streak, can't get much lower now anyways.
You can add me to the CAG premades if you guys want.

[quote name='nateorz']I wouldn't either, but I'm not level 30 and I've had no prior experience with RTS/RPG games like DoTA or HoN. I only got into this because of friends.

Sounds like he got free farm. If Nasus gets farm, he hurts...a lot.[/QUOTE]

Nope! He had nothing notable in minion farm or kills/assists. In fact, he had no kills or assists at that point xD. He was lanning bottom with their Annie (cause Akali decided she was a better mid). And Annie was the only one able to get some CS since I kept'em under the tower.

Such is the life of Teemo though. Even Nasus without farm can sneeze at you and deal decent damage.
So tired of playing games where we can rape our lane and get the tower down in under 10 minutes, yet the rest of the team is completely incompetent so we lose.
[quote name='panzerfaust']I do it all the time ;)


So Morph is too good for CAG premades. Anyone else down?

I promise I'm terrible. And I will ruin your beloved normal game stats.[/QUOTE]

Yup, im only good with Icedrake/Waughoo/waakakakakaka

[quote name='Morphx2']Ice and I are starting to rock our duo queuing

Lots of wins![/QUOTE]

And in spite of bad teammates like an Ezreal who feeds mid, a Warwick who just jungles until late game and never places any wards, and an Ashe who can't carry.

Then there was the Udyr who loved the run into the 5 of them under the tower by himself.
So, my fiance and I finally saw my bloody valentine last night. By mid movie we had a bet going as far as who the killer was. The bet was no league of legends for a month if I lost and no candy bars for a month if she lost.

How the hell was I supposed to know that they're surprise twist was the most obvious answer! >_< *sigh*
[quote name='RisenShadow']So, my fiance and I finally saw my bloody valentine last night. By mid movie we had a bet going as far as who the killer was. The bet was no league of legends for a month if I lost and no candy bars for a month if she lost.

How the hell was I supposed to know that they're surprise twist was the most obvious answer! >_< *sigh*[/QUOTE]

Could have looked it up online.
[quote name='RabbitSuit']Could have looked it up online.[/QUOTE]

We were in the middle of watching it. That would have required moving to the computer and turning it on.

Plus, where's the fun in a gamble if you already know the outcome.

:cry: sadly lost this one.
I think Ice and I are the perfect combo!

He likes tanky or tanky dps champs

I like squishy champs

If we can both hold our own and farm, we can USUALLY do pretty well. We can usually carry our team if our team is "ok", but if we have more than 1 person who just plain suck, but its tough

Long live Ice and Flippr!

Too bad he will have to find another buddy next week :p
Could have gone to the bathroom, pulled out a phone and googled it. Or called somebody with access to the internet if you don't use a smartphone/don't have internet plan.


Oh well, see you in a month.
Since there seem to be more people playing this game, would anyone be up for a 5v5 custom game with 10 of us? Or even an ARAM game?

We could do 3v3 with 6 if there aren't enough.
[quote name='icedrake523']Since there seem to be more people playing this game, would anyone be up for a 5v5 custom game with 10 of us? Or even an ARAM game?

We could do 3v3 with 6 if there aren't enough.[/QUOTE]

I'm down with that.
I've been playing a lot of normal games recently with the new champ coming out and I kinda went on a champ spending spree when I had like 12k IP. Kinda wish I hadn't since I suck with most the ones I bought (Shen, Nidalee, Taric).

I've been rocking Renekton lately. Don't think I've lost a game as him all week, even when things were awful early game.

This game I just played now I was solo top but they had 2 (Morde and Nidalee), so I switch with our bot. Smart decision since Cait (flippr) and Zilean got a lot of kills and I was able to farm 130 minions. I just laughed as Jarvan would use his flag and spear on me and just waste mana.
Played a fun normal this morning. I was gonna jungle with Jarvan, but we had a Trundle that wanted to jungle as well. I asked him to switch, kindly, and he responded with, "You Switch or I feed".

So I switched to Teemo, and he said, "thanks" :| 2 seconds before lock-ins was over, he switched to Alistar, and proceeded to feed their Karthus in mid. And he was taking advantage of it too. Built a soulstealer right away :| And the jerk was dishing out 600damage, globally, with his ult.

The rest of the game was him roaming the map, knocking enemies that were about to die away from us. Proceeded to bitch and moan about the team we had in all chat.

Asked the enemy team to report him for feeding/trolling near the end, and basically just got told to grow up. :( That was the most disappointing part of the game.
What an asshole. I really hate playing with people like that who demand people accommodate them. Next time that happens, just queue dodge. Better to wait 5 min than spend 20+ playing with them.
I had ranked game
Malz and Trist were bottom lane
Malz had like 20 CS and was like "Annie, switch with me, i need CS"
Annie was like um....NO (she was in mid and tearing it up)
So he went mid anyway like an ass, so we had 2 mid
All game he was bitching

Then we won cause of Annie, Cass, SINGED (meeeeee), and Trist
i waz playin this round as tryndamere and we were losin so hard yea and then annie was like lol oops my panties fell off and then my boner suffered endless rage and i slapped the other team with it and gg
Last night I played Jungle Amumu for the first time and it was good. Though I still prefer taking Mp5 seals instead of armor, jungling makes me have to take blue a lot.

We also had a Tryndamere that game who acted like Mundo (went where he pleased) and never typed in chat. He'd run into 3-4 of them, kill about 2 and then die. I told him to stay with us since we could kill all of them. He ignored me. Our final push he grabbed their blue buff even tho me and Annie were nearby. We had to stay with him but when we did, they all died.
As lame is this is going to sound, I'm really enjoying playing Vlad. I recently quit WoW after playing for about 5 1/2 years and he reminds me a bit of a less-flamboyant male Blood Elf. He's really aesthetically pleasing to me and I've always been a fan of blood mages (yeah I know he's a hemomancer but seriously, they're the same thing right?). I also like playing an AP that isn't reliant on a mana pool and/or isn't a ninja.
It seriously blows my fucking mind how completely dumb 90% of the people who play this game are. Just got out of a game where people were bitching at my friend to use CV more despite him using it every fucking time it was off CD. We had a Kat and Ez who literally did NOTHING but sit ten miles back in team fights, wait for us all to die, then go in and ult to clean up (they're the ones who were bitching the most, imagine that). We also had a Panth that would ult then rather than jump and stun, would just run back to the base and not attack a damn thing.



xD I had a Panth like that before. In the middle of a teamfight, he suddenly used their ult to jump up, then there's a ring popped up around the current battlefield. Everybody just chased us out of it. Then they slaughtered him the second he came down.

We were able to pick at them from the back though. I believe we lost two and took our four. So it all worked :p

How is Nasus? I've been seeing him a lot lately, of course he's free this week, but previous times it was a never seen thing.

Nothing wrong with liking Vlad, nateorz. I finally got a chance to play him this week and I'm glad I never picked him up while he was on RP sale. Sure, I could survive well -- used him in one normal match and went 4-2-20. But unless I was able to snowball, I wasn't much use for the team aside from slowing the enemies and soaking damage/attention away from the others.

I'm looking forward to giving Rumble another go soon.
Nasus is stupid as hell. His Q is so ridiculously OP if it gets farmed. I cant wait until they cap him and Veigar.
I wouldn't say Nasus is OP in any fashion. Sure, his Q can make short work of towers endgame, but even a mage with Lichbane can do that easy enough. +800damage with a single proc? Yes, please!

I kinda feel like his ult duration is a little low though. If he pops it early, it's simply to kite him until it's done. :| It always sucks when he pops it after he's at 25% hp, then he's suddenly at 40% hp thanks to the extra HP. And he proceeds to run or beats you down.
I played Nasus for a long time, his Q may be OP, but everything else about him is UP (except his ult which is neither).

Spirit Fire is damn near useless until level 4. The cast speed is so slow, it's like saying "Don't stand in this circle for the next 5 seconds." It's also one of Riot's brilliant ideas to have a spell do magic damage and reduce armor. Lolwut?

Wither is the best slow in the game, but it's only that, a slow. Now with more Tenacity items, it's effectiveness is really poor. It slows more during it's duration, the most potent part is at the end. Since Tenacity cuts durations 25-35%, you're losing it's most effective part. Leveling it up only gives you more duration, no CDR or mana cost change. The latter is especially bad because 100 mana at level 1 is often 1/3rd of your mana pool. It doesn't sap AS/MS and it isn't a hard CC like stun/silence.

Q is really good, but unlike Veigar, it's a melee skill. So it's much harder to farm if you're zoned out.
So apparently the LoL client got hacked or something. Came out of a game and there were all these weird alert messages. One was allegedly linking to a keylogger.

Plus a couple high rated players accounts' got hit too. #1 on solo queue has 9999 elo as of this posting lolz
Holy hell!

unR Pobelter has 9999ELO! He needs a nerf! No longer is he able to use a mouse for gameplay, he now has to use a Nintendo Power Glove.

Did they happen to get the guys on the other ladders? It looks like they all dropped 300elo. I could have sworn that they were 2300elo in 5 v 5 premade yesterday, but now there isn't one over 2000elo in both Premade 3 v 3 and 5 v 5.
Me and Waughoo had shitty games tonight.

First one, we were doing really well. But their Master Yi just farmed and backdoored. Our TF apparently didn't know how to do it and never thought to save his ult to protect against it. Took them forever to get our nexus though.

Second game, we had a useless Garen who was doing an Ashe build (stack Doran's Blade and then IE). Our Ez and Cait were fed, but me and Waughoo went down every fight so Ez and Cait had to run. They had so much tankiness with Morde, Sion, and Jarvan. Their Corki and Kennen were so hard to get to in fights. I needed to be Amumu.
I am not surprised League got hacked. I mean what isn't getting hacked nowadays ;).

Although I firmly believe Dota II when it comes out will be just as bad as league with it's players because Valve is releasing it and everyone will flock on the bandwagon.
I like that our TF literally didnt know how to backdoor. Ice told him to backdoor and he didnt understand what he was talking about.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']I am not surprised League got hacked. I mean what isn't getting hacked nowadays ;).

Although I firmly believe Dota II when it comes out will be just as bad as league with it's players because Valve is releasing it and everyone will flock on the bandwagon.[/QUOTE]

If Valve makes DOTA2 F2P, then I'd agree. However, I think if they charge any sort of base amount for the game, I think a lot of the retards will be eliminated.
There will still be a lot of them. Look at all the idiots who play LoL and have bought a boatload of RP.

Speaking of DotA2, Valve will finally show some stuff at Gamescom in October.
[quote name='SEH']If Valve makes DOTA2 F2P, then I'd agree. However, I think if they charge any sort of base amount for the game, I think a lot of the retards will be eliminated.[/QUOTE]
I will have to disagree. I been a former WoW player for like 2-3 years and even with a $15 a month charge and charging for the game+expansions, the amount of idiots were astronomical in WoW. Dota II would be no different, sure it might cut down a small portion of players, but since Dota II will have low system requirements and have the valve name, I can see people eating this up, even at $50 (or in 1-2 years when it goes on Steam Sale).

Actually nothing against DOTA II but I could imagine Valve stealing the LoL system, except charging money for the base game.
Just played against a jungle Yorick. He tried to gank me and Alistar top with their Kayle. He wasn't even level 6 and we killed both of them. Kayle made the mistake of ulting him instead of her. He finished 0/10. Unfortunately, my team was too passive in starting when there were no towers, so I'd go in, take everything and die, and they'd have all the fun :whistle2:(

We did win though which is what counts.
bread's done