League of Legends anyone?

it depends if they are able to CS or not. If they are good as CS, the point is to build them up because support doesn't get as much from items as a carry.

If they are not good at CS, it's money wasted, in which case I will start last hitting.

Just started ranked, people are really shitty in this game in ranked. Got bitched at for:

- being 2/1
- "only having 2 wins," apparantly these pros I'm playing with just skip right to 300 wins
- having no CS when I had to bottom lane alone vs 2 people. I couldn't even get experience half the time. They used the tried and true 2 top strategy, and still sucked

Not sure if I can really take the ranked community much longer.
I played a Dominion game yesterday. It was me (Jax), Shaco, Udyr, and Teemo. We kept getting killed top and our Singed sucked bot. Once, I landed a stun on all 4 of them, but their Ashe got a quadra.

Then I went both and Singed went top, they still kept getting killed. I said, "lol you guys suck." Teemo told me to shut up b/c he was in first place and I was 2nd to last. I said congrats. Then I got items and went top with them and got kills and we won because I was Jax on Dominion.
[quote name='BigPopov']Not sure if I can really take the ranked community much longer.[/QUOTE]
the ranked community is the same as the normal community, except you have e-peen in the form of elo.

but even in normals you will find the same guys making fun of you for sucking, etc.

i played a game with 4 friends and there was this one guy playing nunu that they kept making fun of like he was the worst player. i pick vayne 'cause my vayne sucks so i need to get her better.

and so the game goes on and i'm actually doing terrible but i'm hanging in there, i don't commit to anything dumb but i'm still behind.

late in the game we win a teamfight, acing them 5-2, we have naut, me, and nunu alive. and then over skype everyone's like OMG scumbag nunu, it's even typed in allchat. and i'm like, haha, they're giving him crap cause they hate him like usual.

and then i hear
"oh man you denied vayne a penta."

and i'm like, what? i almost had a penta? i just wanted to win the fight and stay alive.

i got to play a game that seems like all the "high level" games i've seen.

it was super fucking boring. neither side taking any risks. everyone moving where they "should" be to defend and attack. people farming their cs all game.

then we had one fight at the end and we won which meant we won the game.

i hope i never have a game like that again.
played against a team where two people disconnected, so me and my friends played really lazy and we'd just stand there and autoattack instead of using abilities. we'd win of course because there's like 2 or 3 of us, even though we'd trade 2 for 1 for no real reason.

the enemy ryze starts talking shit.
"you guys are lucky this 3v5, you guys are so bad."
"i'm getting 2-3 kills even though it's 3v5, lolol."

it's so funny when people think they're good when the other guy is clearly sandbagging, haha.
it's bs when it happens for the people on the 5 too, because it's boring. i like winning legit, not rolling people because of coincidence. and there are skills i'm trying to improve on that i can't when the other person's not there. especially because i lost the last game and i really wanted to win the next.

talking shit about how bad the other team is eliminates all those sympathies though.
I had a game once where the other team was winning. They were doing much better, but it was mostly because we had a troll on our team who was feeding. Then like 2 of the other team DC'ed. Someone on the other team is like "Would you guys surrender? We were clearly going to win" and some guy on our team is like "Yeah sure", and he was serious. The rest of us are like "Uhhhh, noooo". And then this guy and the other team start talking like we're huge jerks for not surrendering. We're like "Well, you were fine with us having an obvious troll, and you wasnt going to help us out". Then they start talking shit about us the rest of the game. So we turn it around, and are about to win when the other 2 guys reconnect. Then we win. Now we have 5 people on the other team who are saying they are reporting us.

However, now there are 3 people on the other team we can report for verbal abuse, and 2 for AFK/DC, and one on our team for verbal abuse. There is no "Report for not surrendering" option, so they had nothing on us.

Now I've been on PLENTY of teams where someone leaves. Never have I had the other team surrender for us, they usually just talk more shit. So why in this case did people expect it, I dont know.
[quote name='crystalklear64']i seem to remember such a game...[/QUOTE]

Waughoo did say there was a troll on his team, so odds are it was you.

My opinion on that type of situation is this: It happens to me plenty of times where a troll or disconnects ruin it for my team. So when it happens to you, I'm going to take full advantage of it.
whenever someone on the other team leaves i want to put the game out of everyone's misery by winning as fast as possible.

when someone on my team leaves i still play it out because i feel like i need more experience learning my character, even if we are losing.

come to think of it, the only time i surrender is when i'm playing with friends on weekdays and we need to get in as many games as possible, so if we're doing bad at 20 then we just surrender to start fresh instead of potentially dragging it out to endgame.
I remember a game, I solo q'd and got a 4. We were doing well, at worst down 2 kills. I was something like 4/1 or 4/2. 20 min in, they decide to surrender because their friend just got on.
its actually good to play out those losing games if you're trying to get better. most people know what to do when they are ahead/doing average with their champ. very few people know how to play when they're losing.

i always say its possible to make a comeback but i forget that not everyone knows HOW to make a comeback and I'm not yet good enough with all the champs/combinations to tell them what to do.
[quote name='kainzero']rengar needs buffs because he sucks.[/QUOTE]


Fun champ. Jumping on people is 2 gud 4 u.

Riot, pls stop making top laners and junglers. Moar mid, support, and AD pl0x.

Oh, and KaRMa WHeRe?!
it seems like he gets blown up. jumps on people, does no damage, can't tank.

every rengar i've played with or against has been terrible.
I did a custom last night to try out Diana... I might buy her. She's pretty fun in mid, and after like lvl 4 she farms like a boss.

....oh wait, they're nerfing her
[quote name='Morphx2']I GOT A STORY!

My support mundo went 4-0-15 and our Ez went 10-1-7 and i got yelled at the whole game![/QUOTE]

y u feed
it's almost as bad as the game i played where we had a nunu went support mid with tf and they destroyed their lane... nunu had 30 cs and tf had 100 cs and the ahri had 25 cs, while the cait in bot lane was even in cs with the enemy graves.

and the entire game tf is bitching about nunu trolling even though we were destroying the enemy team.
[quote name='kainzero']it's almost as bad as the game i played where we had a nunu went support mid with tf and they destroyed their lane... nunu had 30 cs and tf had 100 cs and the ahri had 25 cs, while the cait in bot lane was even in cs with the enemy graves.

and the entire game tf is bitching about nunu trolling even though we were destroying the enemy team.[/QUOTE]


We had one game were two people on my team jungled. Ganks galore and we wrecked face.
[quote name='kainzero']me and my friend are so good at setting up ganks[/QUOTE]

Dat ice wall.

My one friend likes to do this thing where when we're winning he'll /surrender as a joke and normally everyone will hit No. Well, last night I hit yes to be in on teh funnys. Apparently the other people wanted to be funny too and we surrendered 4-1. He won't be doing that again for a while.
I think that was a pointlessly wasted flash. He could have easily just walked around and been fine. Man I never see anyone play the bird anymore. One girl on my list plays only Anivia, but other than her I never see her played.
Well, I'm going to try to retire from LoL. So many games lately my team is just full of morons or disconnects. Everyone just blames someone else (usually the jungler). One game yesterday our Brand is whining for ganks, I don't because he's always low. And one of his many deaths he was staying at the tower with barely any HP or mana, so it was incredibly easy for their Malz to just E him.

So, yeah, that's probably it for my LoL career.

700 wins, 677 losses
October 2010 to August 2012
[quote name='icedrake523']Well, I'm going to try to retire from LoL. So many games lately my team is just full of morons or disconnects. Everyone just blames someone else (usually the jungler). One game yesterday our Brand is whining for ganks, I don't because he's always low. And one of his many deaths he was staying at the tower with barely any HP or mana, so it was incredibly easy for their Malz to just E him.

So, yeah, that's probably it for my LoL career.

700 wins, 677 losses
October 2010 to August 2012[/QUOTE]

That seems silly. I'd just quit playing for a bit, or just play when you can get a group together.
Eh, I've not been having fun and it's been a long time since any new champion has really interested me. They're just so poorly made now. Take Rengar, he's clearly made to be a jungler looking at his kit, but he's so weak early game he can't do it well and can't survive fights later.

I'll also be starting graduate school in a few days, I want to get straight A's in that. I also want to start looking for a job so I can eventually move out.
[quote name='kainzero']so i didn't know fraps also records your audio stream. lol this music.

also condemn is so broken. that angle makes zero sense. it's a good thing i was playing with my friend who is terrible and trolls all the time so i can play against terrible players like these.


Looks like it's working fine to me
bread's done