LEGO Deals

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Nearly struck out at KMart, but was able to find a bunch of Ostrich Races, so I picked one up. Not really interested in it at all, but I figured it could kill some time and maybe serve as spare parts one day down the road, if need be.
Went to a 2nd Kmart, but they had zip. They had a Undercover Cruiser tag marked for $3, but no actual sets. They did have some PoP stuff, but none of it was on sale, and most sets I scanned came up as above MSRP. Even the sales they did have weren't ringing up properly. Oh well. Can't win 'em all :).
Yeah, everything there is above MSRP. What really stunk was I found the Ostrich Race in an aisle away from the rest of the LEGO stuff, and next to it was the Desert Attack, so I thought that might be $3, too, but it scanned at $13.
can someone give me the # to look up battle of endor my store had 4 on wednesday wondering if they still have them and if it went cheaper yet.
Hey guys, I have some set from a few year backs, uh, the Mind Creative thing. I know this is CAG and not Slickdeals, but I wanna sell it- should I just toss it up on eBay as a lot or keep it in the box?

My Lego side says keep it as a box but I've seen pieces lots go for a lot, and yeah ;x.
[quote name='mickeyp']Do you think the asin search is accurate? It shows out of stock and I know they had 4 a few days ago.[/QUOTE]
Around me Target has sold a crazy amount of stuff in the last 3 or 4 days. I would imagine it is sold out now.
Yeah, I gotta think it's fairly accurate. Every time I have gone to Target lately, people have been ravaging the toy clearance areas. Even getting a peak at the stuff has been a freaking chore. That's why I was amazed that I found the Endor set that I did, with it just sitting there in plain view on the end cap. Yeah, the box was beat up and open, but everything was in there. Definitely surprised it was still there. The only thing that probably kept it there was the fact that it was unmarked. I'm sure a lot of people probably thought it wasn't really on clearance and were too lazy to just walk a few steps and scan it.
[quote name='GoingIncognito']Yeah, I want an Endor set. The closest target I can find that might have it is Jersey City :(. The Ewoks look like great minifigs.[/QUOTE]

LOL... stay away from mickyp's endor set, I'm sure he is gunning for that one. I really enjoy the set I just wish they would support a certain theme all at once instead of having multiple. I guess later on this summer we will get another set, I hope they do a landing platform or something like the Home One set where they have the Emperor along with Luke and Darth Vader overlooking the space battle.
[quote name='skiizim']LOL... stay away from mickyp's endor set, I'm sure he is gunning for that one. I really enjoy the set I just wish they would support a certain theme all at once instead of having multiple. I guess later on this summer we will get another set, I hope they do a landing platform or something like the Home One set where they have the Emperor along with Luke and Darth Vader overlooking the space battle.[/QUOTE]

Haha, no worries! Jersey City is too far for me to go for a Lego set, even if it is as cool as Endor!
Man I can't believe I didn't score anything Lego at any Target's this year. I wasn't pursing it though so that might have been a factor, last year I took a few days off of work. >_<

I did get some other toys as presents for 75% off which is nice but nothing for me. I did find some World Racers and tons of Hero Factory but none of them entice me enough to get them. Also, the Galactic Enforcer was still $70 at this store.
[quote name='GoingIncognito']Yeah, I want an Endor set. The closest target I can find that might have it is Jersey City :(. The Ewoks look like great minifigs.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='GoingIncognito']Haha, no worries! Jersey City is too far for me to go for a Lego set, even if it is as cool as Endor![/QUOTE]

Don't feel bad about being too far away from the JC store. They didn't seem to have it, despite it saying there was limited availability. I'm actually about 15 minutes away from that store, so it was the first one I checked.

[quote name='skiizim']I did find some World Racers and tons of Hero Factory but none of them entice me enough to get them. Also, the Galactic Enforcer was still $70 at this store.[/QUOTE]

Outside of getting the Endor set and Battle Packs, that is pretty much the extent of what I have come across at the few Targets I have visited. And like you, neither theme interests me enough, despite the savings. A couple of weeks ago, I visited the Linden, NJ store, and they actually had a bunch of LEGOs on clearance, about a 1/4th of the clearance aisle, but the ones I was interested in were still 15% off. I might have to go back tomorrow and see if anything survived. Then again, I've wasted enough money this weekend on LEGOs. Should probably relax for awhile.

If I had to choose a set I'd like to see, it's one that lost out to Home One, and that's Palpatine's arrest. I just think it would be pretty cool, because you could have a window that shatters, Anakin's speeder, and a bunch of cool mini-figs, especially if they had a Palpatine with two faces.
Man, I wonder how that PotC ship will translate to USD. $102.99 converts to $164 at the moment, and that boat doesn't look anywhere near the size or quality of the Imperial Flagship...
[quote name='FadeToOne']Man, I wonder how that PotC ship will translate to USD. $102.99 converts to $164 at the moment, and that boat doesn't look anywhere near the size or quality of the Imperial Flagship...[/QUOTE]

Well, PotC requires additional licensing fees when compared to generic Pirates. Hopefully the ship is either bigger or cheaper :)
Well I will go and check my store anyway later. I will let you know how it goes. I really should not even spend the $ on it even if they do have it.
Off topic-I have a Bioshock 2 PS3 special edition that I was thinking about returning to Target-- I really want the game but was thinking I'd rather have it on xbox 360 even without the extras.
Check your Kmart guys...I just got 3 different POP sets including Quest Against Time for $3 each!!!

Also got SP Undercover Cruiser for $3.

Maybe all SP, POP, and PM are $3
i was just at kmart last week and they had zilch, nothing, nada other than ben 10 on clearance. could the POP sets have possibly been marked down to 3 bucks each in my absence? sigh...
Built Garmadon's Fortress over the weekend. To be honest, it's a pretty disappointing set. The figures are the best part of the set, namely Samukai who has four arms and an opening jaw. Garmadon is cool, but not nearly as menacing looking as I would expect the main villain to be. And Nya has a reversible head...the packaging only shows her with her civilian face, but the other side of the head has her with her Ninja mask on. There's a good reason they don't show the interior of the fortress on S@H or the package, and thats because there isn't one. There is a ground floor with a jail and a table, but there is no interior second floor despite the appearances from the front. The front Spider thing is also a pain because it doesn't actually connect to the front of the fortress, it balances on a technic connector. Overall, its good for parts, and is a good buy at the $35 bucks that I paid, but stay away at $70 or even $60 dollars.
[quote name='180husher']Check your Kmart guys...I just got 3 different POP sets including Quest Against Time for $3 each!!!

Also got SP Undercover Cruiser for $3.

Maybe all SP, POP, and PM are $3[/QUOTE]

I think all PMs are $3 based on what I read on toys and bricks.

I think the PotC ship will most likely be $100 to $130. Converting Lego prices doesn't work, we always get them for cheaper. $100 seems to cheap because of the lisencing so I'll say $120.
[quote name='180husher']Check your Kmart guys...I just got 3 different POP sets including Quest Against Time for $3 each!!!

Also got SP Undercover Cruiser for $3.

Maybe all SP, POP, and PM are $3[/QUOTE]

Quest Against Time??? Isn't that like a $50 set? Even though it's 20 degrees, you're making me want to go out and check the two other KMarts that are close to me.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Quest Against Time??? Isn't that like a $50 set? Even though it's 20 degrees, you're making me want to go out and check the two other KMarts that are close to me.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, Toys n' Bricks reports that it's selling for $3. Helluva savings for those people lucky enough to find it.
These are the $3 sets from KMart that have been found at more than one KMart but not all of them....

K-Mart ($3 deals)​

  • 91% off – Power Miners Claw Catcher $3 (reg.$34.99)
  • 85% off – Prince of Persia Ostrich Race $3 (reg.$19.99)​
  • 90% off – Prince of Persia The Fight for the Dagger $3 (reg.$29.99)​
  • 94% off – Prince of Persia Quest Against Time $3 (reg.$49.99)
  • 90% off – Space Police Undercover Cruiser $3 (reg.$29.99)​
Fred Meyer is having b2g1 on LEGOs this week, along with the 10% off home coupon. Good luck finding anything though, I went to 2 this morning, but they still have not restocked since Christmas. I did find a Separatist Shuttle for $12 though, it was unmarked clearance. Only other things I saw on clearance though were Duplos I already had, but FM clearance is always pretty YMMV so other may have more luck.
My mom told me there was no $3 sets at the KMart near by that has LEGOs. No Power Miners, or PoP, besides the $10 set. There is only one more store within 60 miles of the house, and that one has about 5 sets of LEGO on a good, none clearance day, so I'm not bothering with it.

And I really wanted some $3 ostriches, and the SP set.

She did scan a whole bunch of other sets too, she said nothing was $3, so it's most likely only those $3, and maybe all PM sets that were cleared out months ago.
Went to all 3 Kmarts in my area and I was able to find 2 Claw Catchers at one of the stores. I was hoping to find some PoP sets but oh well. This is the first I've bought of any Power Miners stuff but at $3 each I wasn't about to pass them up. It's like I told my girlfriend last night, at $3, there aren't a lot of Lego sets I won't buy, including the impulse sets...
I went to a Kmart yesterday but didn't find anything. They did have a rack with a $3 sign so I'm assuming they were there if they ever had any. I scanned a few sets, but they were all regular price.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Went to all 3 Kmarts in my area and I was able to find 2 Claw Catchers at one of the stores. I was hoping to find some PoP sets but oh well. This is the first I've bought of any Power Miners stuff but at $3 each I wasn't about to pass them up. It's like I told my girlfriend last night, at $3, there aren't a lot of Lego sets I won't buy, including the impulse sets...[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel. I have no real interest in the PoP sets, but for $3, how can you pass them up?
Yeah, it looks like alot of Space Police, Power Miners, and Prince of Persia are all just $3 at Kmart. Early this morning I got POP Ostrich Race, 2 Fight for the Dagger, and one Quest Against Time for $3 each at one Kmart. They were not marked and not in the clearance section. I scanned them figuring they would be 30% off like the other clearance. When I saw the $3 on the scanner I freakin' scanned every set they had. That's when I found a $3 SP Undercover Cruiser. Other sets scanned at normal clearance prices like the Toy Story Train for $60 and Build-a-Buzz for $19.

Then this afternoon I stopped at another Kmart and saw one PM Claw Catcher which I scanned and it came up for $3 like someone posted here earlier. I'm thinking this is some kind of clearance pricing glitch. I have to do some more driving tomorrow and might check another store or two to see what I can find.

Looks like Etcrane's reign as King of the Lego deals was short lived...$100 set for $13 = 87% off vs. $50 set for $3 = 94% off!
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[quote name='etcrane']But my set was better ;) jk[/QUOTE]

Mine has a "light" brick!:boxing: :lol:

Actually, you are going to make me return my $50 Portal because I feel I paid too much now knowing what you got it for.:lol:
Found a pop quest for time and a claw catcher for 3 bux apiece. One of my Walmarts finally put their old clearance stuff back out and the damn Indiana jones sets are still full price. Going to check my other kmart tomorrow after school.
Is $40 too much for palpatines shuttle?
Went to the only Kmart around, and nothing. There was a table with a $3 sign hanging on it, but I did find 1 PoP set that rang up as MSRP. Just my luck, I never find anything good at Kmart.
edit: if anyone had an extra undercover cruiser or fight for the dagger I would be interested in some bags only shipping... a guy can hope can't he?
[quote name='180husher']Mine has a "light" brick!:boxing: :lol:

Actually, you are going to make me return my $50 Portal because I feel I paid too much now knowing what you got it for.:lol:[/QUOTE]

Haha, true that light feature with the dagger is pretty sweet. It all balances out, you make me sad that I paid $50 for something you got for $3 ;)
My Kmart had one PoP (the little army builder set) and one PM (Mine Mecha) both rang up at full MSRP. The $3 toy clearance racks were up, but no-go on the Lego.
You guys finding these Legos at $3 are damn lucky. Stores here in michigan must know they dont need to mark any lego sets down that low to sell it because i havent seen anything here. Only checked three stores but they are the biggest stores around with the most clearance items. They either didnt have any or were still msrp. Have to check others i guess.
[quote name='PANZERGRENADIER']You guys finding these Legos at $3 are damn lucky. Stores here in michigan must know they dont need to mark any lego sets down that low to sell it because i havent seen anything here. Only checked three stores but they are the biggest stores around with the most clearance items. They either didnt have any or were still msrp. Have to check others i guess.[/QUOTE]

The hell with Kmart, I didn't even check, I have two of them literally a few miles apart from me. I have seen Legos there on clearance but never that cheap. The last time I scored there was maybe a few years ago when I picked up 3 V-Wings for I think $32.

I desperately tried looking for a Neptune Carrier this last time one was discounted but MIA while the other had them but at full MSRP.

On the brighter side I was at Target today and picked up what I'm assuming is a fisherman from series 3. I still haven't opened it but you can clearly feel the fishing pole and the line. Found it on my second try and didn't have to sit there like a dirty perv feeling up on Legos.
Well if anyone would like to pick up a SP Undercover Cruiser for me on that clearance price of $3 I'll gladly paypal immediately with all fee's covered. Would really like to add this set. I'm still waiting on the galactic enforcer to go on further clearance. One week food poisoning and a three day weekend gone with the flu. Ugh!!
[quote name='ackbar7']Went to the only Kmart around, and nothing. There was a table with a $3 sign hanging on it, but I did find 1 PoP set that rang up as MSRP. Just my luck, I never find anything good at Kmart.
edit: if anyone had an extra undercover cruiser or fight for the dagger I would be interested in some bags only shipping... a guy can hope can't he?[/QUOTE]

It's not $3, but I can sell you the one I bought for $15. Let me know.
[quote name='ItzTitoYo']One week food poisoning and a three day weekend gone with the flu. Ugh!![/QUOTE]

You haven't had food poisoning unless you have had it come out both ends at the same time. It has happened to me twice both times from vacationing in Mexico. Trust me on this, not the greatest feeling.

EDIT: I hope you feel better though, sucks being sick when the weather is shit.
[quote name='skiizim']You haven't had food poisoning unless you have had it come out both ends at the same time. It has happened to me twice both times from vacationing in Mexico. Trust me on this, not the greatest feeling.

EDIT: I hope you feel better though, sucks being sick when the weather is shit.[/QUOTE]

That's exactly what was going on! It was my first time and I was ready to hit the ER. My doctor told me to relax and stay hydrated. Either way it's kept me from visiting my local Targets and I'm sure the Family Home on clearance is now gone. :(

Thanks Skiizim!!

PM me if anyone can help me out with the SP Undercover Crusier, thanks!
[quote name='Pirate331']Allow me to encourage everyone in this great thread to do their part in fighting secondary markup and general reseller douchery by reporting this fellow's auction:

$55 (it was $45 before I called him out on it) to ship the SP Police Central from Vegas via Parcel Post. I didn't realize Nevada was on the moon.[/QUOTE]

And that's shipped with No Box. 'to save you shipping fees. if you need the box add another 6.99' uh. yeah. wtf, for $55 shipping I expect it to be personally delivered with white gloves....
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