Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Played The Silver Case Demo. I recommend people try it out before you buy cause it wont be for everyone. Takes about 30-40 minutes to beat it. You can tell Suda 51's influence easily. It's a fairly typical crime thriller story, but it seems to have some twists and weird stuff happening. I can tell this will be a game I only want to play once very likely. The game screams old school PS1 era. You get the blocky type graphics and tiny cinematics and such. I don't mind that actually. What drives me nuts though is the annoying as heck sound that plays every time it outputs text to you. It's trying to sound like a typewriter but ends up sounding annoying. The graphics going on in the background also annoy my eyes because they're very busy. I also dislike when someone starts talking and this blue square goes on the character portrait. Way too busy.

The music is ultra old school, but I really like it. Very synthy sounding and generally alright sounding. It never bothered me at all. The exploration controls generally suck badly. You explore in a 3D environment and it feels old school. You also have to type specific letters to move, use inventory, interact with stuff and save. It's very, very clunky. Also you must mouse wheel up/down or page up/down to look up and down. This is necessary to look at stuff and you must interact with it on whatever level it is at. It's not terrible at all, but feels old school.

I honestly don't think this will be for everyone. It feels like a crime thriller, and even that's not really my style. It seems well done though, and isn't as clunky as playing some other old PS1 games (yes I know it's a remake...still feels old and clunky). I will likely just get the game and forget the LRG physical possibly. It seemed like a game and a story they don't make anymore. I honestly can say that sometimes the moe stuff that infected anime/visual novels was not always for the better. Serious stories just don't seem to be written that much anymore is all. I really feel the need to support these releases in some kind of way though. 

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Played The Silver Case Demo. I recommend people try it out before you buy cause it wont be for everyone. Takes about 30-40 minutes to beat it. You can tell Suda 51's influence easily. It's a fairly typical crime thriller story, but it seems to have some twists and weird stuff happening. I can tell this will be a game I only want to play once very likely. The game screams old school PS1 era. You get the blocky type graphics and tiny cinematics and such. I don't mind that actually. What drives me nuts though is the annoying as heck sound that plays every time it outputs text to you. It's trying to sound like a typewriter but ends up sounding annoying. The graphics going on in the background also annoy my eyes because they're very busy. I also dislike when someone starts talking and this blue square goes on the character portrait. Way too busy.

The music is ultra old school, but I really like it. Very synthy sounding and generally alright sounding. It never bothered me at all. The exploration controls generally suck badly. You explore in a 3D environment and it feels old school. You also have to type specific letters to move, use inventory, interact with stuff and save. It's very, very clunky. Also you must mouse wheel up/down or page up/down to look up and down. This is necessary to look at stuff and you must interact with it on whatever level it is at. It's not terrible at all, but feels old school.

I honestly don't think this will be for everyone. It feels like a crime thriller, and even that's not really my style. It seems well done though, and isn't as clunky as playing some other old PS1 games (yes I know it's a remake...still feels old and clunky). I will likely just get the game and forget the LRG physical possibly. It seemed like a game and a story they don't make anymore. I honestly can say that sometimes the moe stuff that infected anime/visual novels was not always for the better. Serious stories just don't seem to be written that much anymore is all. I really feel the need to support these releases in some kind of way though.
Wait it takes 40 minutes to beat it? It took me twenty to get through the intro. Do I just read slow or what

I'll likely play it next, just got my LRG supplied Steam code for the game. Right now it's Dracu-Riot, which sometimes bores me a bit with all the crime happenings, but for the most part is fun and interesting.

Yeah I bought LRG release so that more games get releases like that I wonder if they released an option to remove the typewriter noise
That noise sucks badly.....I was like damn the whole game will have this horrible fake sounding typewriter noise.....but i'm sure it will be worth it.

Played through chapter one of TSC last night. It's really weird so far. Gameplay is.... Old school. I'm enjoying it though. It's definitely not for everyone, but I find it nice to go back to a game from so long ago. Very cool. Plus it seems like the story will be very typical suda so I'll keep enjoying it
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It was inevitable. Didn't LRG say that the rights reverted back to the developer as soon as they completed their single print run?
Yes. Correct me if I'm wrong, it was said in the little documentary video thing. So LRG can't do any reprints, but the developer is free to go wherever they want and print more. It's about time a dev realized feeding resellers was less important than feeding themselves and getting gamers cheaper options to buy the game. It'll be interesting to see how this affects the overall market for that game.

It was inevitable. Didn't LRG say that the rights reverted back to the developer as soon as they completed their single print run?
Yes, our contract is structured such that we lose any and all rights to the game immediately upon sellout. Our partners can choose to do another print if they want. The majority won't but there is bound to be a few who will.

The one exception to lost rights is the packaging - we maintain exclusivity on our cover art in perpetuity. There is always some degree of guarantee that our release will be limited regardless of what partners choose to do regarding reprints.

Just to make it abundantly clear - Limited Run has nothing to do with these reprints. We won't sell them, publish them, or distribute them. That's on eastasiasoft.

eastasiasoft's press release announcement shows a mention of the price in the comments - HK$199, which translates to roughly $25 and some change. It will be an import from Hong Kong obviously, so shipping might make it a bit more than LRG's release (but definitely less than the eBay listings for it lately).

I missed the original release, so an option to get this on my shelf is always welcome. I'm going to try for the LRG release on Black Friday, but failing that, at least this can be a backup. I'm not concerned at all about long term value myself, since this is two limited releases, on an already limited/niche system to begin with. I say, the more options for physical Vita releases, the better!
Although I managed to snag 2 copies of Soldner (one went to another CAG here at cost), I feel like this game was way underprinted, considering the demand for shmups out there. I'm glad that more people will be able to get a copy to add to their collection. It's a fantastic shmup that deserves to be preserved in physical format.
If anything, those who buy the reprint to actually play will end up making the platinum trophy even rarer. :D/
You mean the Asian reprint will have another set of trophies including the platinum? I have Soldner digitally and LRG's PS4 and Vita copies. I don't mind another reprint if it has "earnable" trophies (meaning that you can replay the game and earn trophies again). Of course, if not, I'm happy with the copies I have already. I don't see why Rainbow Moon won't follow the same suit...

Theoretically this should have another earnable trophy set since it won't be using the same product code as our release. I'm not privvy to the details so if anyone wants clarification it'd be worth asking eastasiasoft directly.

You mean the Asian reprint will have another set of trophies including the platinum? I have Soldner digitally and LRG's PS4 and Vita copies. I don't mind another reprint if it has "earnable" trophies (meaning that you can replay the game and earn trophies again). Of course, if not, I'm happy with the copies I have already. I don't see why Rainbow Moon won't follow the same suit...
I thought it would be the same list (i.e., more people playing the game but not earning all of the trophies -> platinum trophy becoming even rarer), but based on Doomstink's latest post, that might not be the case. Also, LRG didn't release a PS4 version of Soldner-X 2, just a Vita version...right?

Theoretically this should have another earnable trophy set since it won't be using the same product code as our release. I'm not privvy to the details so if anyone wants clarification it'd be worth asking eastasiasoft directly.
WHAT?! Quick, someone with a Twitter account needs to ask eastasiasoft about this! :whee:

...On a related note, I still wish both Shantaes this month had separate trophy lists.

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Was this released physically in ASIA to begin with? If not, how can it now be a reprint? Technically, this would be the first print, as it's for a region different than the LRG release. Also, is this version in English?

I personally don't see an issue either. Since this game went so fast, and demand was there, it's no surprise the publisher would want to make more money than what they received the first time around.

I don't think this will happen that often, but when and where demand wasn't met, I can see others doing extra runs as well. I hope they don't look at how this sold at LRG, and produce tons, as then it is going to set, and they will be right back to where they didn't want to be to begin with, having tons of inventory they can't move.

Although I managed to snag 2 copies of Soldner (one went to another CAG here at cost), I feel like this game was way underprinted, considering the demand for shmups out there. I'm glad that more people will be able to get a copy to add to their collection. It's a fantastic shmup that deserves to be preserved in physical format.
Thats great you hooked up another CAG for cost. I missed out on LRGs release of Soldner so the reprint is good news. I own it digitally already but agree with you that it deserves to be preserved in physical format. Now we need Darius Burst in physical format for both PS4 and Vita. Also if any shmup fans here haven't played Sine Mora on the Vita then check it out.
Let's be honest, there's still going to be people out there trying to complete their NA collection, and overpaying for the NA version anyways. :p

This is great for people who just want a physical copy to play though.

Let's also be truthful here - how many of us will buy this a second time to get the unique cover art? I know I plan to buy it and I have absolutely no reason to beyond the new cover art.

Let's also be truthful here - how many of us will buy this a second time to get the unique cover art? I know I plan to buy it and I have absolutely no reason to beyond the new cover art.
Meh...I'm kind of put off by the fact that it's an "Asian" region release. I don't really feel the need to double up on games where there is already an NA release even if the cover art is different.

To each their own but I have better uses for $25-$30 than alternate cover art.

I think the Soldner reprint will have an effect on future releases.  It makes me wonder about Shantae.  Wayforward is pretty big and has relationships with other publishers, so it seems very possible the Shantae PS4 games LRG are selling this month will get released again in the future, either separately or as some type of compilation.

I'll definitely double dip in Soldner, partly because it's a great shmup but also to support physical releases of Vita games. And yes, the different cover artwork makes it worthwhile to me. The LRG release will remain unique, so no one should be upset about this.

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Yes, our contract is structured such that we lose any and all rights to the game immediately upon sellout. Our partners can choose to do another print if they want. The majority won't but there is bound to be a few who will.

The one exception to lost rights is the packaging - we maintain exclusivity on our cover art in perpetuity. There is always some degree of guarantee that our release will be limited regardless of what partners choose to do regarding reprints.

Just to make it abundantly clear - Limited Run has nothing to do with these reprints. We won't sell them, publish them, or distribute them. That's on eastasiasoft.
So... what if you guys just held on to one of the copies and never sold it?!:lol:

Got my Vita copy of One Way Heroics today. First purchase from LRG and I can't wait for the Shantae PS4 releases.
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Interestingly enough, I had two packages scheduled to be delivered today, one arrived and the LRG did not. Once I compared the two tracking numbers from each package, I noticed that the LRG package had a time stamp of 8 minutes earlier. Just as I figured that out I happened to catch the Mailman driving near the end of the neighborhood. I inquired about the time-stamp difference and described that the item was probably going to be a small BLACK bubble mailer. He agreed to look at the apartment building (two buildings away that share the number with mine), and sure enough it was there, miss-delivered. However it the package was not black...

Once I got my copy of One Way Heroics I opened the game, increasing the collectors value for everyone else. inside the (new?) pink bubble mailer, was included a nice OWH card and checklist on the back. But I noticed that there was no colored LRG logo card this time. I got a LRG logo card from #1 Breach and Clear, #3 Saturday Morning RPG and for #11 Octodad.

I don't really need it, but I did expect that trend to continue, but hey if it cut costs I don't mind.

(As for the previous comment about a double package, that was mostly wishful thinking, and not really a REAL suggestion. lol though it would be nice.)

Once I got my copy of One Way Heroics I opened the game, increasing the collectors value for everyone else. inside the (new?) pink bubble mailer, was included a nice OWH card and checklist on the back.
Personally I thought it was more "Red" actually, but it may have been pink. I threw it out, so I can't check it now, but I'll be sure to take a closer look if they use that color again.

Interesting news about the Soldner reprint. I don't know if reprint is the right word, since it's not LRG and a different region. Either way though I think I'm good with the copy I already have and probably won't be double dipping. Regardless though having more physical copies out there is always a good thing in my book.

Once I got my copy of One Way Heroics I opened the game, increasing the collectors value for everyone else. inside the (new?) pink bubble mailer, was included a nice OWH card and checklist on the back. But I noticed that there was no colored LRG logo card this time. I got a LRG logo card from #1 Breach and Clear, #3 Saturday Morning RPG and for #11 Octodad.
Personally I thought it was more "Red" actually, but it may have been pink. I threw it out, so I can't check it now, but I'll be sure to take a closer look if they use that color again.
My Dragon Fantasy order came in a pink one. I remember upon seeing it pausing for a second thinking they must have run out of the black ones. It still makes the shipment stand out though. :lol:

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They bought the pink envelopes because it was cheaper. I did mention about the breast cancer awareness thing during their live stream though
Hoping my LRG sweater gets sent out soon. It's been over two weeks and it's starting to get cold outside...
Has it shipped? I ordered a pack of stickers a while ago that got lost in the shuffle of a few games releasing. I emailed them about it and I had them like 3 days later. It had somehow slipped between the cracks. Maybe just send them a friendly email. These things happen :p

Hoping my LRG sweater gets sent out soon. It's been over two weeks and it's starting to get cold outside...
We should have all our orders sent out by mid-next week. We're dealing with about 13,000 orders and we only have a shipping staff of two people. We'll have a bigger fulfillment team starting in November, but bear with us for the moment. :)

We should have all our orders sent out by mid-next week. We're dealing with about 13,000 orders and we only have a shipping staff of two people. We'll have a bigger fulfillment team starting in November, but bear with us for the moment. :)
Take as much time as you need, just wanted to make sure my order wasn't lost in all the commotion/business you guys are having. Also if you guys ever offer signed merch/games that would be cool...

Sounds like you decided not to leave the fulfillment center that one last batch to ship.

Good. :D

But yeah, take your time.  As long as they arrive to me undamaged, and all parts of the orders are complete, I will be a happy camper. ^___^

Thanks for the update.

Take as much time as you need, just wanted to make sure my order wasn't lost in all the commotion/business you guys are having. Also if you guys ever offer signed merch/games that would be cool...
If you don't see tracking by next Friday (the 21st), send an email to [email protected] and we'll sort it out!

Douglas offers signatures through his Patreon and he hand ships all of his Patreon supporter's orders. We're not paying ourselves much right now, so he'd appreciate the support. :)

For dev signatures, I'm thinking about trying to get Suda to autograph some cards to slip in random Silver Case orders when we ship them in December.
Wait so now LRG is also gonna be selling the Shantae OSTs??? Dang it I don't want to spend more money but it's Shantae! Well now I have to buy them. So that's two games and three OSTs.
bread's done