Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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I received my first blowout sale order.

Thank you Limited Run for packing 5 games in a flimsy 12"x7"x9" box that arrived covered in dents plus crushed corners and only included 1 small piece of bubble wrap that didn't even touch all sides of the box. Yes, 90% of the box was empty and the games were just loose and flying around in there.

Everything was mostly ok, just a couple cover art dings, but what a disappointment for paying almost $200.

Years ago I would get an appropriately sized box with decent packing to keep things secure in transit when buying multiple games. I still have a couple of those really sturdy boxes, they even had the Limited Run logo on them. Things sure have changed.

I suppose I should be thankful I even got my order after only 23 days?!
Yeah, I've noticed the quality of their shipping boxes has taken a down turn recently, especially the bigger boxes. Guess they are running out of things they can cut costs with, other than raising the prices of games again.
I received my first blowout sale order.

Thank you Limited Run for packing 5 games in a flimsy 12"x7"x9" box that arrived covered in dents plus crushed corners and only included 1 small piece of bubble wrap that didn't even touch all sides of the box. Yes, 90% of the box was empty and the games were just loose and flying around in there.

Everything was mostly ok, just a couple cover art dings, but what a disappointment for paying almost $200.

Years ago I would get an appropriately sized box with decent packing to keep things secure in transit when buying multiple games. I still have a couple of those really sturdy boxes, they even had the Limited Run logo on them. Things sure have changed.

I suppose I should be thankful I even got my order after only 23 days?!
Pretty much every store ships shittier than they used to. Heck, Amazon used to plastic wrap your items to a piece of cardboard and then place it in a box. Stuff arrived in excellent condition. Now you are lucky if you get get it in one of their not bubble mailers instead of just a poly bag.
Pretty much every store ships shittier than they used to. Heck, Amazon used to plastic wrap your items to a piece of cardboard and then place it in a box. Stuff arrived in excellent condition. Now you are lucky if you get get it in one of their not bubble mailers instead of just a poly bag.

I got the Dark Souls Compendium in a "box" that's made of material that's softer than the cereal boxes. The book itself is damaged pretty badly and is again sold out/backordered so I can't get it replaced.
Still have not gotten an order from LRG from the blowout sale. What a joke

Cryptocurrency Welcome Aboard GIF by The New Resistance
I'm excited for what might be getting a physical release, but also immediately disappointed they're through LRG.

I still haven't gotten a response back as to why I didn't get everything with Teslagrad either.
Perused through Twitter for a list of announcements. The only things that interested me from their showcase were Fear Effect and Lollipop Chainsaw. I was on the fence with the latter because I already played through the original, but knowing that it's coming from LRG I'll either pass or import. Will probably pick up Fear Effect from VGP/PNP when it ships in 2026.

I get the campy angle to a lot of their releases, but I really do have to wonder if stuff like Gex, Bubsy, and Tonba has the audience to justify how much effort they're putting into it. I feel like a lot of this stuff is going to continue to struggle to hit MOQ.
They probably have me for Dark Forces Remaster but since I never preorder before the last day, I’ll probably forget again like I did with Rogue Legacy 2. Eh, oh well.
I'd like Dark Forces on Xbox. I was also waiting for a physical release of Penny's Big Breakaway, so if it isn't getting a retail release, I'll take it. I have both Tomba digitally, so I'll probably wait until VGP has it if I get it at all. Fear Effect has always interested me, but it's more of a curiosity. Same with Gex. Assault Suit Leynos 2 was inevitable from them after English was removed from the Japanese retail release (jerks). The Fighting Force Collection is a "why?" for sure. Then they used the PlayStation Portal to introduce a VR only game. For a brief second I thought Cosmic Smash was getting a modern release. Oy. Nothing about Hi-Fi Rush, which sucks.

Lots of good physical announcements, especially for Xbox, but it still irks me that these giant publishers are using LRG for what would normally be regular retail releases just a few years ago.

So Dark Forces and Penny's Big Breakaway are the only definite wants for me out of everything they showed. That last announcement actually made me mad. LRG continues to think they're being clever when they aren't. But considering they filmed this in their warehouse with no one working while all their customers wait for their games to ship (and partially in front of Josh's collection), it shouldn't surprise us. Still, the depth of their tone-deafness speaks volumes.
Perused through Twitter for a list of announcements. The only things that interested me from their showcase were Fear Effect and Lollipop Chainsaw. I was on the fence with the latter because I already played through the original, but knowing that it's coming from LRG I'll either pass or import. Will probably pick up Fear Effect from VGP/PNP when it ships in 2026.

I get the campy angle to a lot of their releases, but I really do have to wonder if stuff like Gex, Bubsy, and Tonba has the audience to justify how much effort they're putting into it. I feel like a lot of this stuff is going to continue to struggle to hit MOQ.

I was curious to see how the Lollipop Chainsaw remake would turn out but that trailer that came out recently was just... bad.

Also agreed on Gex, Bubsy and Tomba. Gex was kinda funny back in the day but it's references are dated/don't think the gameplay really holds up. Bubsy sucked then and likely sucks now. And Tomba was fun back in the day but I remember that game being pretty tough/confusing and honestly, it was one of those games that was for the time but not sure it's worth replaying. It seems like they're just using their Carbon Engine to churn out any remakes they can get licenses for...

Ninja Five-O, even though I last played it a decade ago, is easily one worth getting... I remember it being a pretty fun game back in the day and think that'd be a game that holds up even today unless they royally botch the port.
I haven't looked yet to see what was announced... but Tothoro mentioning Lollipop Chainsaw... it's a shame that's going LRG unless they are doing a retail version.

Ninja Five-O, even though I last played it a decade ago, is easily one worth getting... I remember it being a pretty fun game back in the day and think that'd be a game that holds up even today unless they royally botch the port.

That game is great, but it's hard as hell. I know I'm not down for the punishment. If I need to scratch that nostalgic itch, I'll fire up an emulator or something.
Perused through Twitter for a list of announcements. The only things that interested me from their showcase were Fear Effect and Lollipop Chainsaw. I was on the fence with the latter because I already played through the original, but knowing that it's coming from LRG I'll either pass or import. Will probably pick up Fear Effect from VGP/PNP when it ships in 2026.

I get the campy angle to a lot of their releases, but I really do have to wonder if stuff like Gex, Bubsy, and Tonba has the audience to justify how much effort they're putting into it. I feel like a lot of this stuff is going to continue to struggle to hit MOQ.
So Dark Forces and Penny's Big Breakaway are the only definite wants for me out of everything they showed. That last announcement actually made me mad. LRG continues to think they're being clever when they aren't. But considering they filmed this in their warehouse with no one working while all their customers wait for their games to ship (and partially in front of Josh's collection), it shouldn't surprise us. Still, the depth of their tone-deafness speaks volumes.
I bought Dark Forces for XSX cheap in AR before that all ended. For some reason this game was giving me minor motion sickness.
I was able to play and finish it but I will probably never play it again. Glad I got it for cheap.

Still slowly working through Penny's Big Breakaway but have really enjoyed what I played of it. Bought that one on sale.
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I bought Dark Forces for XSX cheap in AR before that all ended. For some reason this game was giving me minor motion sickness.
I was able to play and finish it but I will probably never play it again. Glad I got it for cheap.

Still slowly working through Penny's Big Breakaway but have really enjoyed that I played of it. Bought that one on sale.
That sucks. Are there any options to turn on/off graphical settings? I always turn off motion blur if I can, and that greatly helps.

I started thinking: Dark Forces II is probably already being worked on by Nightdive. One has to assume their will be a release with both games (and the second's expansion), right? They gotta. I guess if it happens with the Turok trilogy it'd be a good indicator.

Yeah Penny just looks fun!

I completely forgot about Ninja Five-O already lol
I haven't looked yet to see what was announced... but Tothoro mentioning Lollipop Chainsaw... it's a shame that's going LRG unless they are doing a retail version.
Retail in Asia, LRG in North America. Not sure about Europe yet. Like HaloGX said, sucks that a lot of games that would've otherwise assuredly been retail are getting scooped up by LRG instead.
I bought Dark Forces for XSX cheap in AR before that all ended. For some reason this game was giving me minor motion sickness.
Try turning off "View Bobbing" in the accessibility settings. The classic DOOM games have the same kind of bobbing and it makes me similarly motion-sick.
Not sure if Dark Forces on Xbox has a FOV slider in the Graphics Options but you can try increasing that too.
That sucks. Are there any options to turn on/off graphical settings? I always turn off motion blur if I can, and that greatly helps.
Yes there are some options but nothing seemed to help. I turned off the bobbing and that sort of helped but not completely. Someone mentioned FOV settings which is one I didn't mess with and maybe should have tried. Not sure why it was happening as I have played ton of FPS game in my lifetime and never had this issue in the past. I basically played through this one or two levels at a time.
I don't understand the nostalgia with Lollipop Chainsaw. It is a bad game. I bought and played it when it came out in 2012 for 360.
It is also really short like 4-5 hours long. It is only six levels. I played through it once and never had any interest in playing it again.
I don't understand the nostalgia with Lollipop Chainsaw. It is a bad game. I bought and played it when it came out in 2012 for 360.
It is also really short like 4-5 hours long. It is only six levels. I played through it once and never had any interest in playing it again.
I never played it and I wanted it for my collection too
I don't understand the nostalgia with Lollipop Chainsaw. It is a bad game. I bought and played it when it came out in 2012 for 360.
It is also really short like 4-5 hours long. It is only six levels. I played through it once and never had any interest in playing it again.
It's a decent game. Nothing memorable but just some junk food like fun.

That said, any excitement I had (left) for Re-pop pretty much vanished on the news that the devs couldn't keep the licensed music (which honestly matters IMHO for this game - it's a James Gunn game and even back then, that classic music selection plays a role in establishing the game's playful tone and feel) and that they're pretty much doing zilch to this title beside getting it to run on the new(er) platforms. As far as I can see, the game looks the same (or worse) than the 360/PS3 versions. Sorry, easy pass for me. May be when it's $15 but definitely not worth $40.
In disbelief that Hi-Fi Rush still hasn't opened up preorders even after today
Wasn’t there something similar last year? A bigger game we knew was coming that they completely left out of their presentation.

Edit-Went beck and checked the thread, and I think I was remembering their tease of the final 3DS game right before they did their late LRG3 in July then there was no word during the presentation.

What was also amusing to see was the games getting a large portion of the discussion from their LRG 2023, Tomba (someone even lamenting they didn’t include Tomba 2), Gex Trilogy, and Clock Tower…
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In disbelief that Hi-Fi Rush still hasn't opened up preorders even after today

I feel like we've seen this before and figure it's to let all the digital sales happen and not have them cannibalized by the physical release, and also potentially so they can double dip.
Lollipop Chainsaw is the video game equivalent of a B-Movie. It's not going to be on anyone's top ten list but it's good for a few hours of dumb fun. Solid 7/10, and I mean that in the best way possible.

Didn't know that they were porting with minimum effort though, might just be happy to hold on to my PS3/360 copies.

Yep. It's a typical Suda51 game: not the best mechanics but hits different than most other 7/10 games.
I don't think I ever played Gex 3, but I played the demo of 2 (fine enough back then) and Gex 1 was my jam for a while since I borrowed my friends copy. I'll get them digitally, but I'm not sure about physical. Tomba games are tempting me, as is Lollipop (I played through the original on PS3....good enough game...a little short though), but I'm likely not going to get them. Just haven't been tempted enough to get anything physical waiting for LRG to deliver.
Finally received tracking for the 2 games I ordered in the blowout sale.

When I checked the site yesterday before leaving work, no change. But I noticed last night in my email was the tracking info (sent after I left work) and this morning the site updated to reflect my game has shipped and a second email from LRG saying my order has shipped. Tracking status on USPS is "Order information received"... but the tracking info says it initially shipped by "Mail Innovactions UPS". I'm not misspelling that, it says "Innovactions" in the email, :rolleyes:. There is a separate link for the UPS tracking which has the same message as USPS with no estimated delivery date.

Now the wait to see when the tracking goes active (my guess, after it's delivered)... and then the big drum roll to find out if my copy of Tiny Metal Ultimate is hole punched and I have to open a ticket.

Wait Goodbye GIF by Silicon Valley
I'm disappointed Star Wars: Dark Forces and Tomba aren't getting physical PS4 versions :(

Maybe not yet... but I'm assuming this is intentional. No way they ignore the PS4's massive base, I'd wager this is intentional to:
1. See how not having a PS4 release impact PS5 sales (I know a lot of people just buy PS4 since it works with both systems)
2. If PS5 sales are disappointing, then maybe revert back to a PS4 release later.

Giving how much shit they had on sale during their recent blowout sale, I'm thinking they're trying to reduce PS eco-system overstock.
The Tomb Raider CE just had too many unknowns. Are those papercraft guns in a shadowbox? Are the figures shown at scale which is the size of the game case? Cool promo images, but I just did the standard Xbox copy.

I got 2 of 4 blowout shipments. Everything was in great condition. 2 more boxes have not left yet.

Edit: last 2 blowout shipments went out today.
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The Tomb Raider CE just had too many unknowns. Are those papercraft guns in a shadowbox? Are the figures shown at scale which is the size of the game case? Cool promo images, but I just did the standard Xbox copy.

I got 2 of 4 blowout shipments. Everything was in great condition. 2 more boxes have not left yet.

Edit: last 2 blowout shipments went out today.
It was a really cool looking CE, just like the Jurassic Park ones were really cool looking… despite the fact that they still haven’t shipped… and are “scheduled” for Q4 2024… when even the retail versions of Jurassic Park collection have been in people’s hands for weeks now.

Over-inflated prices, significantly later delivery, toss-up on quality of finished product… I’m not sure why anyone buys their CE’s anymore at this point. Slick marketing has to be a major factor.
It was a really cool looking CE, just like the Jurassic Park ones were really cool looking… despite the fact that they still haven’t shipped… and are “scheduled” for Q4 2024… when even the retail versions of Jurassic Park collection have been in people’s hands for weeks now.

Over-inflated prices, significantly later delivery, toss-up on quality of finished product… I’m not sure why anyone buys their CE’s anymore at this point. Slick marketing has to be a major factor.

I put an order in for the Jurassic Park CE but that IP is my weakness. I had to get the digital as soon as it was out.
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I ordered TR CE on PS5, Animal Well NS CE and Clock Tower NS CE. I'm sure all 3 will be junk quality but I was interested enough to take the gamble. Biggest question for me was Animal Well and Clock Tower on NS or PS5.. figure CT doesn't matter, it'll run the same regardless of system but I read Animal Well has haptics on PS5 vs NS small screen likely better suited for that game.
Animal Well looks great on the big screen too. I played through it on PS5 via PS Extra and loved my time with it but I don't feel the need to own it.
It's one of those games that is magical the first time you play it, exploring and solving all the puzzles. I liked how I figured out ways to use it systems to your my advantage. Animal Well does have minor haptics but the controller speaker sounds are really great. Wonderful game and one of the best of this year.

Tracking update, my two games from the sale should arrive today. Two open preorders left and then I probably done with this company.
They still haven't added PayPal checkout for preorders in NA which is very frustrating. Notice how that just was a big deal at first and then they stopped talking about it and haven't updated customers in a while. Guess it didn't effect the bottom line that much. Glad I was able to get the sale games via PayPal. Kind of the reason I even placed the order.

Maybe I will order Ninja Five-0 or just get it from VGP down the line. Probably VGP.
I heard back from LRG about the missing components of my copy of 'Teslagrad' for Vita. They said the other items were out of stock, so they're going to refund me $25 and gave me a discount coupon for 25% off a future order. I'm actually ok with this, and a little surprised after the 'Streets of Rage' issue and lackluster response from them. While I would've preferred the rest of this edition, especially the art book, this brings the price of the game below even the PAL physical version (they sent me the ESRB cover). And I'm going to order at least once more from them whenever 'Hi-Fi Rush' goes up, so the coupon is definitely handy. Consider this an improvement.

It's still weird since 'Teslagrad' had to have been removed from the CE in the first place. Ah well.
Sale games arrived today (Mythforce and BloodRoots for PS5). Disc is loose for Bloodroots but that is just standard with PlayStation cases.
Surprised they shipped it in a box and included some packing materials.
I heard back from LRG about the missing components of my copy of 'Teslagrad' for Vita. They said the other items were out of stock, so they're going to refund me $25 and gave me a discount coupon for 25% off a future order. I'm actually ok with this, and a little surprised after the 'Streets of Rage' issue and lackluster response from them. While I would've preferred the rest of this edition, especially the art book, this brings the price of the game below even the PAL physical version (they sent me the ESRB cover). And I'm going to order at least once more from them whenever 'Hi-Fi Rush' goes up, so the coupon is definitely handy. Consider this an improvement.

It's still weird since 'Teslagrad' had to have been removed from the CE in the first place. Ah well.
I've seen other people post pictures where they got the full CE game, it's odd to me that they just thought "Eh, throw a game in there, it'll probably be fine" for your order (and presumably others).
Sale games arrived today (Mythforce and BloodRoots for PS5). Disc is loose for Bloodroots but that is just standard with PlayStation cases.
Surprised they shipped it in a box and included some packing materials.

The box thing was supposed to be their solution to those of us that complained back in the day about loose discs. Every order of two or more games that included a ps4 game would ship in a box. Though they don't put enough packing materials in to prevent the games ejecting themselves.
bread's done