Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


182 (100%)
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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Did LRG report any irregularities with the 2nd batch? I missed the first batch but during the afternoon batch, I refreshed my browser 2 minutes before they're supposed to go live and Oceanhorn showed up as 98% for each platform- not 100%. And when I tried to check out, even though I did it pretty quick, I got the "trying to check out" message. 

I really wanted an extra copy of Oceanhorn but missed the morning batch because a client stopped by to ask me some questions on something I worked on 3 months ago... like I remember dammit!!:whistle2:

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Did LRG report any irregularities with the 2nd batch? I missed the first batch but during the afternoon batch, I refreshed my browser 2 minutes before they're supposed to go live and Oceanhorn showed up as 98% for each platform- not 100%. And when I tried to check out, even though I did it pretty quick, I got the "trying to check out" message.

I really wanted an extra copy of Oceanhorn but missed the morning batch because a client stopped by to ask me some questions on something I worked on 3 months ago... like I remember dammit!!:whistle2:/
They were at 98% before the afternoon batch went up (after the initial batch sold out). I would assume that means 98% of the remaining inventory, minus some held back copies.
I wasn't going to buy anything this go around but decided at 2:59 that I would get Oceanhorn, I figured I would take one copy from the self entitled elite from here, so glad that I did.

I'll get some more gratification hearing some of you whine more about it, so please continue.... because we all want to hear how it's LRG's fault. =/

I wasn't going to buy anything this go around but decided at 2:59 that I would get Oceanhorn, I figured I would take one copy from the self entitled elite from here, so glad that I did.

I'll get some more gratification hearing some of you whine more about it, so please continue.... because we all want to hear how it's LRG's fault. =/
You fucking bastard!
I wasn't going to buy anything this go around but decided at 2:59 that I would get Oceanhorn, I figured I would take one copy from the self entitled elite from here, so glad that I did.

I'll get some more gratification hearing some of you whine more about it, so please continue.... because we all want to hear how it's LRG's fault. =/
Such a sneaky surprise.
I wasn't going to buy anything this go around but decided at 2:59 that I would get Oceanhorn, I figured I would take one copy from the self entitled elite from here, so glad that I did.

I'll get some more gratification hearing some of you whine more about it, so please continue.... because we all want to hear how it's LRG's fault. =/
Nice try Josh and Doug, but that shit was scary today. Probably for the first time since Firewatch. Please fix.

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I know some will probably get mad at this comment but I kind of feel that LRG is moving too fast. I say that because they are selling games faster than they can fulfill them. After yesterday's orders, I now have 7 games from 3 different orders totaling around $200 waiting fulfillment. I love buying these games but $200 is pretty much to just have in the air without anything physical in my hands. I understand that they did say that they won't ship until August but why not just put games up for sale that can be shipped within a week? It seems like so many problems could arise with having so many open orders. Could LRG be using our money that has been paid for previous games that are yet to be fulfilled to already be funding future games?

I'm in no way trying to bash LRG but I do feel like they need to slow down and catch up with previous order fulfillments before they release new games. I do think that maybe releasing 2 games a month is more than enough for collectors and helps a lot of people be able to fund buying these games. I bought 1 of each game released in July and that totaled around $300. I'm sure more people would have loved to buy 1 of each game but didn't have the funds to do it.
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A month long delay between taking payment and delivering the item is essentially a pre order. If they're doing this on purpose or not ( I'd assume no since I've read a few times that contractual obligations give them a certain window to put games up for sale) it would be wise to invest anything not immediately put to bills.
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I know some will probably get mad at this comment but I kind of feel that LRG is moving too fast. I say that because they are selling games faster than they can fulfill them. After yesterday's orders, I now have 7 games from 3 different orders totaling around $200 waiting fulfillment. I love buying these games but $200 is pretty much to just have in the air without anything physical in my hands. I understand that they did say that they won't ship until August but why not just put games up for sale that can be shipped within a week? It seems like so many problems could arise with having so many open orders. Could LRG be using our money that has been paid for previous games that are yet to be fulfilled to already be funding future games?

I'm in no way trying to bash LRG but I do feel like they need to slow down and catch up with previous order fulfillments before they release new games. I do think that maybe releasing 2 games a month is more than enough for collectors and helps a lot of people be able to fund buying these games. I bought 1 of each game released in July and that totaled around $300. I'm sure more people would have loved to buy 1 of each game but didn't have the funds to do it.
I know this thread moves fast, especially after quick sell out days, but this matter has been discussed(plenty, and then some), and until they get to a better place, where not so many games are due out, this will be the norm probably until next year.

When they make a deal for a title, they have a set amount of time to release said title. Of course, they plan for a better release schedule, but due to the developer, or production, or whatever else, games get delayed, and then it's a release it now, or not at all kind of deal. So yeah, you end up with a shit ton of titles coming fast and hard all in a small window.

If every piece of the chain delivered as promised, this would never be an issue, but as you can see at a global level, parts and production and other issues can cause delays even for those in the industry with billions in the bank. But LRG can only make the best of the situation by trying not to release 3-4 games on any given day, but most of these titles have to be released when they are, so it's a deal with it, or stop buying, as it will be like this for awhile.

Demographic for this kind of thing is definitely established folks. I remember saving my 5$ week to buy Super Mario Bros 2. I feel for those guys who would like to own these but just cannot at this point in their lives. A nice lesson in capitalism kids- you gotta have it to get it.
I know this thread moves fast, especially after quick sell out days, but this matter has been discussed(plenty, and then some), and until they get to a better place, where not so many games are due out, this will be the norm probably until next year.

When they make a deal for a title, they have a set amount of time to release said title. Of course, they plan for a better release schedule, but due to the developer, or production, or whatever else, games get delayed, and then it's a release it now, or not at all kind of deal. So yeah, you end up with a shit ton of titles coming fast and hard all in a small window.

If every piece of the chain delivered as promised, this would never be an issue, but as you can see at a global level, parts and production and other issues can cause delays even for those in the industry with billions in the bank. But LRG can only make the best of the situation by trying not to release 3-4 games on any given day, but most of these titles have to be released when they are, so it's a deal with it, or stop buying, as it will be like this for awhile.
So let me get this straight, it's not their fault because...

1) They couldn't help over ordering this year, but next year they like totally won't?
2) They never thought to tell the truth of the matter until they got behind?
3) They lost track of how many games they signed in a 3 month window?
4) Quotes from LRG about having games on hand vs. preorders when Skullgirls launched don't apply anymore?

I'm a fan boy too - but the fact they have a reason, doesn't justify the reason. If I was late to work because all the traffic lights were red , I still need to plan ahead to make sure I get there on time. It's always "deal with it, or stop buying" with any company, and I finally reached "stop buying." They act like they were in the dark, or their hands were tied. They act like the ground moved up all around them, but I say they dug themselves a hole. They can afford a team to ship these games out, but they are busy signing up more games. Josh and Doug may very well be responsible for this collector's resurgence, but they also hold the pin that pops the bubble.

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Also, I keep hearing about a 3 month window, but it seems to me this trend started more than a month ago, and is presumed to continue until next year. Ummm, that means it wasn't a one time fluke over a 90 day period - they knowingly over-signed and expect to continue signing new titles for months...

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I know some will probably get mad at this comment but I kind of feel that LRG is moving too fast. I say that because they are selling games faster than they can fulfill them. After yesterday's orders, I now have 7 games from 3 different orders totaling around $200 waiting fulfillment. I love buying these games but $200 is pretty much to just have in the air without anything physical in my hands. I understand that they did say that they won't ship until August but why not just put games up for sale that can be shipped within a week? It seems like so many problems could arise with having so many open orders. Could LRG be using our money that has been paid for previous games that are yet to be fulfilled to already be funding future games?

I'm in no way trying to bash LRG but I do feel like they need to slow down and catch up with previous order fulfillments before they release new games. I do think that maybe releasing 2 games a month is more than enough for collectors and helps a lot of people be able to fund buying these games. I bought 1 of each game released in July and that totaled around $300. I'm sure more people would have loved to buy 1 of each game but didn't have the funds to do it.
If we wait to release many of these, we'll start to be in breach of contract for many of these. It's not a matter of needing money to pay for anything. We don't have the luxury of waiting for manufacturing to complete on these, unfortunately. Peak season has thrown a lot of wrenches into our schedule.
Also, I keep hearing about a 3 month window, but it seems to me this trend started more than a month ago, and is presumed to continue until next year. Ummm, that means it wasn't a one time fluke over a 90 day period - they knowingly over-signed and expect to continue signing new titles for months...
When we sign a game we don't control when the developer submits the game to Sony and when it ultimately passes certification. Once a game passes certification, that's when we have a limited time to press the games. We signed too much and neither I nor Douglas have EVER made any attempt to sugar coat that or deny responsibility. Much of what will come out over the course of the next few months was signed 6 or more months ago and this issue didn't become completely apparent until 3 months ago. At that point, we made a decision to greatly reduce what we sign. It's going to take a while to put out all the games signed earlier this year and get to the point where the games we're signing now are coming out.

People always try to say we pass responsibility and never accept it ourselves, but we have accepted it in every single case where we were at fault.
So let me get this straight, it's not their fault because...

1) They couldn't help over ordering this year, but next year they like totally won't?
2) They never thought to tell the truth of the matter until they got behind?
3) They lost track of how many games they signed in a 3 month window?
4) Quotes from LRG about having games on hand vs. preorders when Skullgirls launched don't apply anymore?

I'm a fan boy too - but the fact they have a reason, doesn't justify the reason. If I was late to work because all the traffic lights were red , I still need to plan ahead to make sure I get there on time. It's always "deal with it, or stop buying" with any company, and I finally reached "stop buying." They act like they were in the dark, or their hands were tied. They act like the ground moved up all around them, but I say they dug themselves a hole. They can afford a team to ship these games out, but they are busy signing up more games. Josh and Doug may very well be responsible for this collector's resurgence, but they also hold the pin that pops the bubble.
Fortunately there is a very simple solution to your dilemma; just stop buying the games. There is no written law that says you must buy every release to "keep up". That Pokemon mentality ("gotta catch 'em all") is just a state of mind. I can easily afford every release, but I decided a long time ago just to buy the games I am most interested in. Once you get past that OCD mentality of needing a complete set, your issues will just go away. It's really not that big a deal.

Plus it's a great thing that so many games are getting physical releases, that otherwise wouldn't have happened. No one should be complaining about too many physical releases, in a time when many games are going digital only.
So let me get this straight, it's not their fault because...

1) They couldn't help over ordering this year, but next year they like totally won't?
2) They never thought to tell the truth of the matter until they got behind?
3) They lost track of how many games they signed in a 3 month window?
4) Quotes from LRG about having games on hand vs. preorders when Skullgirls launched don't apply anymore?

I'm a fan boy too - but the fact they have a reason, doesn't justify the reason. If I was late to work because all the traffic lights were red , I still need to plan ahead to make sure I get there on time. It's always "deal with it, or stop buying" with any company, and I finally reached "stop buying." They act like they were in the dark, or their hands were tied. They act like the ground moved up all around them, but I say they dug themselves a hole. They can afford a team to ship these games out, but they are busy signing up more games. Josh and Doug may very well be responsible for this collector's resurgence, but they also hold the pin that pops the bubble.
First off, I'm no fanboy, but I do know how a business like this functions, as I've worked retail in the past, and ran a warehouse that dealt in millions of dollars of merchandise a month. There are many jobs and businesses that function on deadlines and other things, but a lot of businesses and issues function outside of a rigid form structure.

As an example, our buyers would order products in maybe January for a holiday release, and maybe they where spread out over October to December, with each week getting a portion of products. Now fast forward to that period, some items get delayed, maybe a part of the product is behind in production, or just never shows up, that item is now delayed. Another product ships early, as the manufacturer may not have room to store, or just wants to ship early because they can. It's the nature of retail, when there are many moving parts in the chain from start to finish.

Have you ever bought or sold a house? I have done this several times, and there are appraisers, other agents, escrow officer, and many points in between, where if one person doesn't do their job, it delays the whole process. I've seen that more often than not, and everyone wants to be paid, so no one is slacking on purpose(well some do), but mostly one part can't be finished without another, and in a certain order.

There are many issues here I have personally said where BS, as LRG was in 100% control of said issues. Then they are 100% accountable. If they make deals, and then the processes get done when and where they may not have wanted it to, it's out of their control. I'm all for accountability, but only when it is justified. Oceanhorn yesterday should have had the limit set at 1 in the am, and it wasn't, they are completely to blame for that. Setting up deals 6-12 months ago or more, and not having any form of control once the deals are done, that's not their fault.

First off, I'm no fanboy, but I do know how a business like this functions, as I've worked retail in the past, and ran a warehouse that dealt in millions of dollars of merchandise a month. There are many jobs and businesses that function on deadlines and other things, but a lot of businesses and issues function outside of a rigid form structure.

As an example, our buyers would order products in maybe January for a holiday release, and maybe they where spread out over October to December, with each week getting a portion of products. Now fast forward to that period, some items get delayed, maybe a part of the product is behind in production, or just never shows up, that item is now delayed. Another product ships early, as the manufacturer may not have room to store, or just wants to ship early because they can. It's the nature of retail, when there are many moving parts in the chain from start to finish.

Have you ever bought or sold a house? I have done this several times, and there are appraisers, other agents, escrow officer, and many points in between, where if one person doesn't do their job, it delays the whole process. I've seen that more often than not, and everyone wants to be paid, so no one is slacking on purpose(well some do), but mostly one part can't be finished without another, and in a certain order.

There are many issues here I have personally said where BS, as LRG was in 100% control of said issues. Then they are 100% accountable. If they make deals, and then the processes get done when and where they may not have wanted it to, it's out of their control. I'm all for accountability, but only when it is justified. Oceanhorn yesterday should have had the limit set at 1 in the am, and it wasn't, they are completely to blame for that. Setting up deals 6-12 months ago or more, and not having any form of control once the deals are done, that's not their fault.
Exactly. You know hitches can come up, and if you know ahead of time, it is imperative that you directly address the issue to the consumer BEFORE it becomes a problem.

You wouldn't say "June will be tough to get the house" then change it to "summer will be a tough time for the house deal" and then finally end up on "next year the clogs will be out of the system" hundreds of dollars later. Look, I understand there can be delays, and that it is not their fault. They are 0% liable. It doesn't mean they will address the HUGE backlog of games that need to be shipped, or what they will do to make it better. They spent so long knocking distributors who sold items before they had them on hand, but now it's inevitable?

Also, I understand I don't have to buy all the games. That's literally why I said I won't. I am explaining why I finally stopped trying. You don't have to be mad at me. I am not at all upset about this. I am confused as to why the conversation is about excuses, rather than resolution - like how they will keep up with shipping, exactly when we can expect to see a more conservative 1 game per week, or directly addressing why they changed their opinion about selling games that aren't ready to ship only when they needed an excuse.

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Fortunately there is a very simple solution to your dilemma; just stop buying the games. There is no written law that says you must buy every release to "keep up". That Pokemon mentality ("gotta catch 'em all") is just a state of mind. I can easily afford every release, but I decided a long time ago just to buy the games I am most interested in. Once you get past that OCD mentality of needing a complete set, your issues will just go away. It's really not that big a deal.

Plus it's a great thing that so many games are getting physical releases, that otherwise wouldn't have happened. No one should be complaining about too many physical releases, in a time when many games are going digital only.
I never said I have a dilemma. I already stopped going for a complete set, and without issue.

Also, I like LRG and the fact they release physical games. That's why I don't want them to pop the bubble.

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Where did this misconception that physical games are good come from? Good physical games are good; mass produced shovelware is not good in any format. No one is saving the world by throwing every digital game on physical media- it's not a charity project. Stop acting like it's taboo to speak ill of these (increasingly large number of) groups selling this stuff.
I'm with everyone else in agreeing that there's way too much to handle right now, and yes, my unfulfilled games are disappointing to me as well.

But I'm capable of reading, and I fully understand how and why this happened. I also am relieved that the problem is acknowledged and steps are being taken to prevent it in the future.

I'm doing my best to knuckle in and buy what I can. I've already broken my full collection streak, but I'm worried that I might miss something I really want too now because of the cost involved. I'm glad it won't be so stressful next year.
You wouldn't say "June will be tough to get the house" then change it to "summer will be a tough time for the house deal" and then finally end up on "next year the clogs will be out of the system" hundreds of dollars later.
Not gonna lie, but this is a poorly thrown together, and incoherent analogy. :p

Care to elaborate a bit more? I don't really understand what you were trying to do with this comment.

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You wouldn't say "June will be tough to get the house" then change it to "summer will be a tough time for the house deal" and then finally end up on "next year the clogs will be out of the system" hundreds of dollars later. Look, I understand there can be delays, and that it is not their fault. They are 0% liable. It doesn't mean they will address the HUGE backlog of games that need to be shipped, or what they will do to make it better. They spent so long knocking distributors who sold items before they had them on hand, but now it's inevitable?
If you look back at what we've said, things have never shifted from one month to a season to a year - even in this thread, I've mentioned several times that things wouldn't, and couldn't, slow down until 2018.

Shipping the games out is not going to be an issue. We have stuff prerolled and ready to go as much as possible. We have ship dates from Sony for everything but Oceanhorn PS4 and Plague Road Vita.
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It's flippin laughable that anyone would complain that a company is releasing too many games. Oh my goodness, more games for people! The horror! LRG are selling out every single thing they release, most times very rapidly. Any proper business would take that as a sign of success and try to make more money by releasing even more games. I don't go into the grocery store and freak out because there are so many choices. It's not like I have to buy one of everything in the store. I actually enjoy having more choices from which to select. If there are too many games, in someone's opinion, being released then don't buy some of them. Don't complain that there are too many choices. LRG is a business. It is making money and is satisfying a clear demand in the market. I hope LRG releases tons of games and gives people tons of choices. Same goes for the other companies such as Play Asia. I will buy the games I want and pass on the ones I don't want. Thankfully I enjoy a wide range of games and have bought every Vita release from LRG because they are quality games and I am a physical-only kind of person. If LRG starts releasing junk then I will pass on the junk. I sure as hell won't come on a forum and complain about titles I don't want. Stores and web sites are full of things I don't care for. That doesn't mean I whine about the quality and/or quantity of products. I just simply vote with my wallet one way or the other.

It's flippin laughable that anyone would complain that a company is releasing too many games. Oh my goodness, more games for people! The horror! LRG are selling out every single thing they release, most times very rapidly. Any proper business would take that as a sign of success and try to make more money by releasing even more games. I don't go into the grocery store and freak out because there are so many choices. It's not like I have to buy one of everything in the store. I actually enjoy having more choices from which to select. If there are too many games, in someone's opinion, being released then don't buy some of them. Don't complain that there are too many choices. LRG is a business. It is making money and is satisfying a clear demand in the market. I hope LRG releases tons of games and gives people tons of choices. Same goes for the other companies such as Play Asia. I will buy the games I want and pass on the ones I don't want. Thankfully I enjoy a wide range of games and have bought every Vita release from LRG because they are quality games and I am a physical-only kind of person. If LRG starts releasing junk then I will pass on the junk. I sure as hell won't come on a forum and complain about titles I don't want. Stores and web sites are full of things I don't care for. That doesn't mean I whine about the quality and/or quantity of products. I just simply vote with my wallet one way or the other.
That's okay. Lots of people can't see beyond their own world view. :)


If anyone is interested, I have the Oddworld LRG Vinyl that I'd trade or let go at-cost. Trying to just recoup funds for this months releases. PM me of course if you're interested, I know this isn't a trade forum!
It's flippin laughable that anyone would complain that a company is releasing too many games. Oh my goodness, more games for people! The horror! LRG are selling out every single thing they release, most times very rapidly. Any proper business would take that as a sign of success and try to make more money by releasing even more games. I don't go into the grocery store and freak out because there are so many choices. It's not like I have to buy one of everything in the store. I actually enjoy having more choices from which to select. If there are too many games, in someone's opinion, being released then don't buy some of them. Don't complain that there are too many choices. LRG is a business. It is making money and is satisfying a clear demand in the market. I hope LRG releases tons of games and gives people tons of choices. Same goes for the other companies such as Play Asia. I will buy the games I want and pass on the ones I don't want. Thankfully I enjoy a wide range of games and have bought every Vita release from LRG because they are quality games and I am a physical-only kind of person. If LRG starts releasing junk then I will pass on the junk. I sure as hell won't come on a forum and complain about titles I don't want. Stores and web sites are full of things I don't care for. That doesn't mean I whine about the quality and/or quantity of products. I just simply vote with my wallet one way or the other.
I don't recall anyone saying that LRG is releasing too many games but I may may be wrong. As for my comment, I stated that I feel they are releasing too many game without fulfilling previous orders. So many things can arise from selling something that you do not have in hand especially from smaller companies which can hurt the reputation of the company such has happened with Special Reserve. Even big companies have problems with pre orders which these orders through LRG have become. Shipping delays from the manufacturer, damaged items from the manufacturer, and mixed up orders are just some that I can think of off hand. My post was in no way trying to bash LRG and like I've said before in previous comments, I love the fact that they are bring physical games to market as I love physical releases rather than digital. My post was just a thought that came to mind when I noticed after yesterday's order that I now have 3 previous orders unfulfilled and if I get lucky next week with Wonderboy, that will make 4.
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The too many titles conversation has been brought up quite a few times in the past, so it's certainly not anything new.

I think the only thing that I sort of have an issue with is your comment in regards to the ulterior motives of why they aren't shipping things faster, and insinuating some sort of underhanded plan.

Instead of trying to break it down so deep, and creating hypothetical ethical quandaries, why can't we just call it what it is; poor planning.

They've even admitted it themselves that they overextended on this, and now they're paying for it. They screwed up. Not sure it's all that helpful to try to dig that much deeper into an issue that is clearly a miscalculation on their part, and even noted as such several times by them.

Other than that, I don't think you anything else you said was all that offensive.

I hope they figure everything out sooner rather than later, and maybe once things slow down (whenever that is), they'll get back to shipping things in a more reasonable time frame, but at this point, it doesn't make sense to try to solve something in the future, when they still need to fix the things in the present, so let's just let them take it a step at a time.

Bear in mind a lot of recent shipping delays (Furi/DBCS, Bard's/RIVE, D! D! D!) have been due to our switch to trading cards.

Lead times for those were WAY off from what we expected. We were quoted 12 days and the first batch took a month. Second batch should be done this Tuesday and covers up to card 52. Third batch covers up to card 83 and should be done 10 - 15 days from now. That'll put us into October or November with cards so those won't hold us up again.

Let me be clear here - I'm not passing the buck on this. WE should have anticipated longer turn times and put the cards into manufacturing sooner.

Our shipping team is incredibly capable and quick and you'll all see that when manufacturing catches up to our release schedule.

There's no worry regarding unfulfilled games because they already have shipdates from Sony. SRG's SW2 thing was similar to our Skullgirls situation. They sold it before having an approved build. Everything we're selling is already in manufacturing.

I can tell you that SRG ordered SW2 from Sony two weeks ago - so that should ship in 2 - 3 weeks, I'd imagine. Peak season at Sony is affecting everyone's capacity to get things manufactured quickly. They're focusing manufacturing efforts on AAA games at the moment (Destiny 2, CoD, Assassin's Creed, etc.) which severely impacts the timeframes we usually see for this.
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How many discs does Sony produce in a day? I'm sure big name AAA games like Assassin's Creed and such have crazy amounts of copies produced. Is Sony able to pump those all out in a day? I'm just curious is all.

That's... surprising. Von's, Randall's, Alberton's, Kroger's?
Nope, nope, nope, and nope. At least not within a 150 mile radius. Out of all those the only one I've ever seen in person was a Kroger's and that was when I was in Ohio for a couple of weeks visiting a friend.

Other than Soedesco (at maybe 2 releases a month on average) I can't think of any publisher that releases two games a week for months in a row without considering some kind of burnout. I love their model but am very worried they will create their own demise if they over publish. There's a limit for everybody, and if in the future they expect to sell 3,000 copies of 2 different versions of the same game, like Mutant Mudd, they better slow down if they want to maintain customers who buy it for reasons other than the fact they like the game.

Again, I know I don't have to buy the games, but I'm not sure why telling people that helps the business. I will continue to buy games from them. I have expressed concern, to which they have adequately responded.

That's okay. Lots of people can't see beyond their own world view. :)
I am stuck in my own world view? I don't even know what world view you would be referring to.

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If anyone wants to take the stance that hardcore collecting is a hobby and not an illness, this thread is giving the latter more credence by the day with how mad it's driving everyone. I'm no psychiatrist, but this can't be healthy. People freaking out about everything from cover variants to who keeps plastic on their games, to people trashing LRG for not getting copies, posters trashing those people for trashing LRG and then trashing the people on ebay.

If this thread isn't already completely off the rails, it's hanging on by a hair.

Are you not reading what josh has said? They never intended for the releases to be this rapid fire and are actively taking measures to avoid it in the future.
At this point I'd second the LRG book of America club membership as well. Hectic schedule and hectic releases- I've only missed 1-2 I wanted but there's good stuff in the pipe.
Anyone try the Lawbreakers beta? I like the game quite a bit, after thinking about skipping Lawbreakers the beta has made me excited to buy it.

It's basically Unreal Tournament mixed with Overwatch, just without the characters or personality of Overwatch. But it plays very well.

If you think LRG is releasing too many games, might I suggest picking the ones you think shouldn't have happened and then just skip buying those? It's kind of  the same result, right? If they either don't release it or you don't buy it then in both cases you end up not having it. Unless your goal is a complete collection, of course.

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This might be a dumb question, but I only use my ps4 to play rpgs and niche games mostly, never online games.

If I crack and buy Lawbreakers will I need PS+ to play it? Or is it different since I have the physical disc?
Unless the game has single player/offline bot modes I am not aware of, you will need PS+ if it's strictly an online multiplayer game

Too many games, wah-wah, how am I supposed to buy them all?

Gawd, what a first-world problem ... sad. As Grunkle Stan would say, gives me a good reason to punch him in the face.

Dear LRG - pay no attention to the idiots complaining about there being too many games.  Carry on.  Nothing to see or read here.

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Too many games, wah-wah, how am I supposed to buy them all?

Gawd, what a first-world problem ... sad. As Grunkle Stan would say, gives me a good reason to punch him in the face.

Dear LRG - pay no attention to the idiots complaining about there being too many games. Carry on. Nothing to see or read here.
I never said they make so many games that I can't buy them all. You don't even know why you want to punch me.

I said they print so many games that
1) they are selling games they don't have on hand, even though they've spoke out against that in the past (it's truly not their fault though)
2) they won't be able to get away with printing 6,000 copies of Mutant Mudd if they only expect people who enjoy the games to buy them.

I don't mean to keep this going. I thought it was over with. As I stated earlier - they clearly addressed my concerns and I'm happy with the responses. It's incredible that the owners of LRG keep calm and respond to people like me who genuinely care. This is not a personal gripe and I hope I was in no way offensive toward them. Just seemed like they were going in a direction that was dangerous, and they seemed to know it to, and soon they'll be slowing things down. I don't care if I get every LRG game...but why the hell are people so quick to tell people who used to buy every game to quit? That's the opposite of what LRG wants, and why you'd never see Doug or Josh say that. There's nothing to see here, because like I said, they've already addressed my concerns. Get over it.

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bread's done