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scrapmetal will have avatar awards one for beating the game and one for buying

the one for buying is a tshirt that says scrap metal

the second is a toy car prop
[quote name='KingDox']Not sure if this still works for other folks. But I did use the link posted here shortly after this was posted and it worked for me. So thanks man.[/QUOTE]

Yeah the linked worked for me. Thanks :D
[quote name='lavkib']scrapmetal will have avatar awards one for beating the game and one for buying

the one for buying is a tshirt that says scrap metal

the second is a toy car prop


I'm guessing Perfect Dark will follow suit as well. Where are you getting this info from anyways? Do you already have the game?
i downloaded the windows client and problem - but can't get the damn thing to actually log in when I go to run the game - fails on synching my profile. not sure I care enough to bother trying to troubleshoot it. otherwise, thanks for all the great links!
So I was downloading the free trial of Scrap Metal today and I had to cancel it after only ten-percent. When I came home from class I was going to download it so I could get the second part of the Block Party code but it was already showing on my dash.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']The block party code is for trying or buying the games. So everyone who tries out the games will get the code.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I know. But as I said I didn't download the full or trial version of Scrap Metal.
thats weird that its showing for people who dl the trial since i downloaded the trial for TS and it never showed
[quote name='dwb6']thats weird that its showing for people who dl the trial since i downloaded the trial for TS and it never showed[/QUOTE]

Same here. I dl'ed the trial and never saw the code.
[quote name='tangytangerine']Same here. I dl'ed the trial and never saw the code.[/QUOTE]

i guess the TS one worked for some people only. i just dl the scrap metal one and the code showed up within seconds.
[quote name='gmac']block party codes so far


same for me. Looks like the entire code will be the same for everyone unless they change the characters for Code 3
perfect dark does have avatar awards a grey shirt that says perfect dark and a secret avatar award

me and my brother are going to go threw coop tonight and try and get the second avatar award ill put the perfect dark shirt on before we do tho

edit: i just unlocked the secret award its a elvis doll prop(elvis is the alien in the game) add me if you would like to see gt sgt leif
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[quote name='lavkib']perfect dark does have avatar awards a grey shirt that says perfect dark and a secret avatar award

me and my brother are going to go threw coop tonight and try and get the second avatar award ill put the perfect dark shirt on before we do tho

edit: i just unlocked the secret award its a elvis doll prop(elvis is the alien in the game) add me if you would like to see gt sgt leif[/QUOTE] Nice. I have been wondering if this game would have avatar awards. Thanks for the update!
[quote name='lavkib']perfect dark does have avatar awards a grey shirt that says perfect dark and a secret avatar award

me and my brother are going to go threw coop tonight and try and get the second avatar award ill put the perfect dark shirt on before we do tho

edit: i just unlocked the secret award its a elvis doll prop(elvis is the alien in the game) add me if you would like to see gt sgt leif[/QUOTE]
Do you know how they're unlocked?
[quote name='Nebenator']Do you know how they're unlocked?[/QUOTE]

The tshirt is unlocked for getting a headshot. The prop for doing a special assignment after you beat all the solo missions.
[quote name='lavkib']
edit: i just unlocked the secret award its a elvis doll prop(elvis is the alien in the game) add me if you would like to see gt sgt leif[/QUOTE]

Nice, i cant wait to get this.:)

Does Battlefield Bad Company 2 have any unlockables? I noticed that i had a premium theme, but i don't remember if this was a free download months ago, or unlocked via the game. I didn't see any info in the OP.
[quote name='lavkib']perfect dark does have avatar awards a grey shirt that says perfect dark and a secret avatar award

me and my brother are going to go threw coop tonight and try and get the second avatar award ill put the perfect dark shirt on before we do tho

edit: i just unlocked the secret award its a elvis doll prop(elvis is the alien in the game) add me if you would like to see gt sgt leif[/QUOTE]



There's also more free standard themes and pics:

  • Discovery Chanel's Life
  • Kick-Ass
  • Hot Tub Time Machine (no theme)
  • Kia Sorento

Sorry no links at the moment but they're in the marketplace via both the X360 and website.
Not sure if it was already mentioned,

but there's a free theme and gamerpics for the upcoming game "Risen" as well as a registration for a chance to win 46,000 MS pts
[quote name='gmac']block party codes so far


Following up on this, this is Part 3 I have on my Dashboard, for Perfect Dark (i bought it)


Confirm / Deny this the same for anyone else?
[quote name='nnthomas']Following up on this, this is Part 3 I have on my Dashboard, for Perfect Dark (i bought it)


Confirm / Deny this the same for anyone else?[/QUOTE]

Confirmed, this is the same I got..

Stupid question.. is the code more than 3 parts, or am I entering it in the wrong place? Because when I try to enter it, it says invalid code and I thought every code for 360 was 25 characters?
or... it'll be a prop for the arcade and the arcade has a special code form? Or they just give out a ten digit code for the last one. Which says to me that the last ten digits will be unique, meaning that we know how limited this prop will be (at a maximum.)
For Avatar Awards/Apparel

Scrap Metal

1) Scrap Metal T-shirt - Complete the first single player tournament.

2) Scrap Metal RC Car prop - Complete the single player game.

this is supposed to come out and be free on the arcade its called nexiuz an FPS not sure when though it was supposed to out already this month but now its TBA.
[quote name='BudzMcGee']Nowhere does it seem to state that Nexuiz will be free on the console.[/QUOTE]

I would be shocked if it was... I cannot think of a single game free on the PC that went to the console and remained free.
[quote name='INMATEofARKHAM']I cannot think of a single game free on the PC that went to the console and remained free.[/QUOTE]
Heck, even the free dlc rarely makes the crossover without gaining a price. :roll:
Either way, thx for the heads up freedogg. I'd never heard of Nexuiz before now.
Free 'Bing' shirt for your avatar:
[quote name='Khalid']I think its an universal code.



[quote name='LinkinPrime']Free 'Bing' shirt for your avatar:[/QUOTE]

Thanks. Prolly won't ever wear it, but free stuff is always a win.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Free 'Bing' shirt for your avatar:[/QUOTE]
:whistle2:k It tells me to enter a valid code when I enter the code.

Edit: Weird. I just tried again and it worked, so never mind and thanks!
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Thanks. Always nice to see free avatar items :)

[quote name='Kaiju Nexus']Thanks. Prolly won't ever wear it, but free stuff is always a win.[/QUOTE]

Hmm...sure looks you're wearing it there... :p
So I assume male avatars cannot get the female bing shirt? I am a completionist and part of me wants both. But thanks to whoever posted the Bing shirt, I got the male one of course.
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