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[quote name='JetBlackout']ATTN: People who have a Zune. I can't seem to find a solid source on the internet to tell me.... How big is the Screen on it, is it about the size of a Nintendo DS screen? Everything says its 3 inches, but that tells me nothing.[/QUOTE]

Do these pictures help?


Inubu, yes that hit the spot.

Thank you very much :D:D

Also: Is that netbook? My wife just ordered one. I'm a little shifty on them.

Of course, if that isnt a netbook, disregard anything I say.
[quote name='JetBlackout']Inubu, yes that hit the spot.

Thank you very much :D:D

Also: Is that netbook? My wife just ordered one. I'm a little shifty on them.

Of course, if that isnt a netbook, disregard anything I say.[/QUOTE]

They're not actually my pictures, so I don't know. I just posted them as they seemed to be the perfect answer to your question.
Well then, thank you muchly for finding and posting them for me. It seems as though the screen is about the size of a DS screen, or, a bit smaller than a playing card. (thanks, 93)
[quote name='JetBlackout']Inubu, yes that hit the spot.

Thank you very much :D:D

Also: Is that netbook? My wife just ordered one. I'm a little shifty on them.

Of course, if that isnt a netbook, disregard anything I say.[/quote]

It's running OS and says Macbook on it...
[quote name='JetBlackout']Inubu, yes that hit the spot.

Thank you very much :D:D

Also: Is that netbook? My wife just ordered one. I'm a little shifty on them.

Of course, if that isnt a netbook, disregard anything I say.[/quote]

I've been looking into netbooks myself and they're starting to grow on me. For the longest time I wanted my laptop to be as powerful as my desktop, but considering most of the netbooks out there can probably run WoW... they're starting to grow on me. I'm planning on buying a Dell Mini 9 when I sell the two Vistas I've ordered from LSC

I think the laptop in the picture is a Macbook though, not as small as most netbooks.
[quote name='8ball305']Spelling Bee maxed out at 28,397[/quote]

Yeah, I think we've come to the conclusion that Chicktionary, Spelling Bee, and Word Slugger all max out at 28,400 give or take a few points if you have been maxing them as you go.
Anyone else have a problem where they can't play Chicktionary? I just get a long "Verifying Game" screen and eventually "Verification Failed". Happens on the new monkey game too. Word Slugger still works, but doesn't have that oh so necessary mute button.
question i recently been seeing that points reset at a different time. I usually was able to start again at 4pm pst time. But now when i try to play it says i exceeded limit. Anyone else have similar issues?
I hope the pink controllers come back someday I ordered 2 white controllers and one black controller I got today , one of the two white controllers is coming friday the other controller i didn't get a notice for
[quote name='keamster']I usually was able to start again at 4pm pst time. But now when i try to play it says i exceeded limit.[/QUOTE]
Try it right after 5pm PDT.
[quote name='keamster']question i recently been seeing that points reset at a different time. I usually was able to start again at 4pm pst time. But now when i try to play it says i exceeded limit. Anyone else have similar issues?[/QUOTE]

Did this start happening right after Daylight Savings Time? :)
[quote name='Dual45s']Anyone else have a problem where they can't play Chicktionary? I just get a long "Verifying Game" screen and eventually "Verification Failed". Happens on the new monkey game too. Word Slugger still works, but doesn't have that oh so necessary mute button.[/quote]

I get hang ups often with Chicktionary. I just reload the game and it works again. F5 or Right-click and R on Firefox. Might not fix your problem, but it's worth a try.

As for killing the sound for Word Slugger, on Vista you cna mute individual windows, so that might help. For XP I use FlashMute. It's a cool little program that you can use to adjust the volume of all your Flash based entertainment. But keep in mind this will mute all Flash on the system, including Flash based video players like YouTube.

Hope that helps.
[quote name='mrmagoo1974']Did this start happening right after Daylight Savings Time? :)[/quote]

Not sure but i know that after i posted i tried around 6 and it started to work. So it has to be bt 5-6pm. Used to be 4pm. Maybe the servers aren't updated with the daylight savings.
[quote name='keamster']Not sure but i know that after i posted i tried around 6 and it started to work. So it has to be bt 5-6pm. Used to be 4pm. Maybe the servers aren't updated with the daylight savings.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I was just being a wise ars when i said the daylight savings time thing, I assumed you knew what you were doing as far as that goes. Sometimes when I log in at the correct time it will tell me that i already earned enough tickets for that day even though i know its "the next day' so i just log out, log back in and i'm good to go, so you might want to try that next time it happens to you.
[quote name='mrmagoo1974']Yeah I was just being a wise ars when i said the daylight savings time thing, I assumed you knew what you were doing as far as that goes. Sometimes when I log in at the correct time it will tell me that i already earned enough tickets for that day even though i know its "the next day' so i just log out, log back in and i'm good to go, so you might want to try that next time it happens to you.[/quote]
I found the answer in the Faq's section on day when I had maxed out for the day.
[quote name='keamster']Not sure but i know that after i posted i tried around 6 and it started to work. So it has to be bt 5-6pm. Used to be 4pm. Maybe the servers aren't updated with the daylight savings.[/quote]

Computers don't give a crap what time the sun rises or sets.
I still haz no drill-sorz :cry:

Teh UPSz man keepz coming at time I iz not homeZ. :whistle2:(z

How is the drill working out for teh rest of ya CAGz, is it pretty sweet?
[quote name='EchaniDrgn']I get hang ups often with Chicktionary. I just reload the game and it works again. F5 or Right-click and R on Firefox. Might not fix your problem, but it's worth a try.

As for killing the sound for Word Slugger, on Vista you cna mute individual windows, so that might help. For XP I use FlashMute. It's a cool little program that you can use to adjust the volume of all your Flash based entertainment. But keep in mind this will mute all Flash on the system, including Flash based video players like YouTube.

Hope that helps.[/quote]

I've been trying to play since that new monkey game showed up and no dice. I do most of my LSC playing while at work and waiting for long renders to finish. Unfortunately I'm on a Mac so neither of the mute solutions will fly. Thanks anyway.
[quote name='muzras']I still haz no drill-sorz :cry:

Teh UPSz man keepz coming at time I iz not homeZ. :whistle2:(z

How is the drill working out for teh rest of ya CAGz, is it pretty sweet?[/quote]

We haven't had a chance yet to use it on any heavy duty work but just trying it out on what ever we can find it is working great for us.
I don't even mind the LSC logo on it. It is tastefully done. I don't plan on selling anyhow and that is the only reason anyone would care I guess.
Got the Drill, White Controller, and Pink Controller last night. Got a Black Controller two days ago, and an Xbox and pink controller to my Moms house too. Everything was shipped the same day i assume, the only thing in the bunch missing a confirmation was the White Controller.
[quote name='muzras']I still haz no drill-sorz :cry:

Teh UPSz man keepz coming at time I iz not homeZ. :whistle2:(z

How is the drill working out for teh rest of ya CAGz, is it pretty sweet?[/quote]

I wasn't home when the UPS guy delivered my prizes, but the delivery guy delivered them to my brother's house down the street from me lol I get packages from LSC so often that the UPS guy knows where and who to drop it off to if no one is available.
Of course they add Gears of War a day after I order a book for my friend.
[quote name='JetBlackout']Massive Prize Update!

Gears Of War
Scene It
Xbox Controller For Windows
First Aid Kit
Song Downloads[/QUOTE]

Nice -- looks like it's the second Scene It game, Box Office Smash. I'm in for that :)
Put in an order for Too Human. Already have Lost Odyssey tho :( May have to start playing again now that they are starting to add decent prizes. Thanks for the update and shall be watching the list closely
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