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[quote name='neverletthem']That's a yes. Though, who knows. If they cancel it, that stinks.[/quote]

They aren't going to cancel it after they just added a feature where we can actually vote for what prize we'd like added.
[quote name='YouDummy']They aren't going to cancel it after they just added a feature where we can actually vote for what prize we'd like added.[/quote]

I know they aren't going to, I was just saying if they do, it really doesn't matter.
[quote name='YouDummy']They aren't going to cancel it after they just added a feature where we can actually vote for what prize we'd like added.[/quote]

True but they can only put up lame-o prizes with the club live logo that have no resale value.
[quote name='a.self']Does anyone remember what day the digitial picture frame might be release?
I could have sworn it was today. :eek:[/quote]

November 17th, tomorrow :D
[quote name='stupidxaznxboi']November 17th, tomorrow :D[/QUOTE]

Everyone keeps saying that, but if you read the details it's not exactly clear on if it's added the same day the poll closes.

"After two weeks, the poll will close, and soon after, the winning Member Selected prize will be available for redemption in the Prize Mall."

Especially when dealing with this site, "soon after" can very well mean days.

[quote name='irishsoccermbw']The picture frame looks like complete crap (to me) I really hope they put up Vista or Office again.[/QUOTE]

It is crap, not only do they print the name of the site on it, but it's small as hell. Not worth the points at all.
Yeah the digital picture frame means nothing to me either, I am just hoping and praying :pray: that this will be the beginning of a replenishment of prizes....I am sitting on 72000 and I want to start getting something for all my hard work :whistle2:x
[quote name='mrmagoo1974']Yeah the digital picture frame means nothing to me either, I am just hoping and praying :pray: that this will be the beginning of a replenishment of prizes....I am sitting on 72000 and I want to start getting something for all my hard work :whistle2:x[/quote]

72,000???? Did you max flexicon/chictionary and others? Thats an absurd amount lol. I have one account with 10k and another with 5k (took a break then found out I love juicey goodness). How many points do other people in here have?
[quote name='irishsoccermbw']72,000???? Did you max flexicon/chictionary and others? Thats an absurd amount lol. I have one account with 10k and another with 5k (took a break then found out I love juicey goodness). How many points do other people in here have?[/quote]

I just started doing this again a couple weeks ago and I'm up to 17,000+. Just do your maximum amount every day and it adds up quickly.
[quote name='TehMuff1nM4n']Man I love it. Thank you CL. Just made $720 off two copies of Vista to go towards my laptop for college.[/QUOTE]

lol wtf? Who the heck would pay $360 for a Vista?
[quote name='SlammedNiss']Isn't that considered return fraud?[/quote]

No, because you guys assumed I returned it to Sams Club, when I never said that I had. :lol:
Considering they retail for $320 + tax, I find it hard to believe that some fool would pay more than retail for them. Besides, you never denied it, and considering they don't sell for more than $200 on ebay, you can't convince you sold it there either.
[quote name='SlammedNiss']Considering they retail for $320 + tax, I find it hard to believe that some fool would pay more than retail for them. Besides, you never denied it, and considering they don't sell for more than $200 on ebay, you can't convince you sold it there either.[/quote]

Haha, ok. But there are other places to sell besides eBay. :)
[quote name='TehMuff1nM4n']Haha, ok. But there are other places to sell besides eBay. :)[/quote]

Then share the wealth of knowledge, as we'd all love to know where you can sell things for more than retail value. :lol:
[quote name='SlammedNiss']Then share the wealth of knowledge, as we'd all love to know where you can sell things for more than retail value. :lol:[/quote]

Black market. :cool:
[quote name='irishsoccermbw']72,000???? Did you max flexicon/chictionary and others? Thats an absurd amount lol. I have one account with 10k and another with 5k (took a break then found out I love juicey goodness). How many points do other people in here have?[/QUOTE]

Well dude, I started 73 days ago (there was one day a couple weeks ago that the site was down, thats why i have 72000 instead of 73000) and I have not bought anything yet. I metioned this before, and I am SOOOOO angry at myself, but I kept holding on to my points when there were PLENTY of things I wanted really bad that at the time i had MORE THAN ENOUGH points for....I wanted extra controllers for my 360 which i could have easily got a few of them, I wanted rock back which I had way more than enough points for, I really wanted that wireless keyboard/mouse combo which was only a measely 10000 points but like a fool I just kept hanging on to my points thinking that they might put an awesome prize on there for like a 100,000 or something that I could get. Yeah I know I gotta stop listening to those little voices in my head :(
FWIW, I recognized the picture frame immediately. I received one from the company that I worked for at Christmas last year. I threw it away. It wasn't even worth the batteries that it required.

I voted for the candle. I didn't want that either but I wouldn't throw it away if you gave it to me.
Just got my kitchen timer. It's pretty awesome. Glad I ordered it before they removed it.
Found a weird glitch..

If you click on the visors and then scroll down to the bottom of the screen.. the Frequent Flyer Miles come back up (but it says unavailable).

edit: Now that I think about it.. I don't think it's a glitch.. but it's weird..
I can see (for) miles (and miles, and miles, and mileeeeeeeeeeees)


Good News: I got Zune Headphones!
Bad News: They subsituted for the origninal version that is not nearly as good :(
[quote name='DaftPunkFan37']I can see (for) miles (and miles, and miles, and mileeeeeeeeeeees)


Good News: I got Zune Headphones!
Bad News: They subsituted for the origninal version that is not nearly as good :([/quote]

Yeah, the more I think about it, I think I'll build up my wife's and my account with FFM before they disappear. Was gonna save up for whatever they put up new, but I'm starting to lose faith.
My dad seems to think they're trying to get people to bite on the cheaper prizes to clear them out. I got over 50k built up. I was working for the 360 when it hit and was like 3-4 days shy :( I snagged a shirt for myself and the ball game for my nephews.

I'm sure stuff will return. I just hope it's good stuff. This happened somewhat to Coke Rewards... they slowly removed good stuff and left crap like magazines or else had such limited quantities if you did work your way up, it was usually gone before you had enough.

I'm really hoping a 360 returns as I don't feel like shelling out for a HD for mine. If not, I'd settle on games. I was gonna get Blue Dragon but with the way most of the 360 games had dropped in price a bit, I held off hoping it would too. Either way, I'm still ecstatic with the prizes I've gotten so far... I just really don't wanna get burnt with 50k+ points.

EDIT: Forgot to mention this. Not sure if anyone else has brought it up but...

A few weeks after I got my Zune case, I checked out that email addy. They sent me the billing crap for it. Only they sent it like a month after the thing arrived. Luckily, there wasn't a signature required as the UPS guy who stops here is half a dick. He reported that he stopped here for the Windows I'd gotten and said noone was home but that day my mom and dad were in the rooms by both doors AND he didn't leave any notes saying he stopped. (I checked the report on and got the package the next day. Had I not, I'd have been calling UPS over it.)
I'm starting to freak out...I don't wanna waste my tickets WTF MICROSOFT...they should at least tell us although I know it says they don't have to
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