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[quote name='Miranda']Sweet!! I got my 360 today.:D

I ordered it on 1/11/08. FedEx Home tried to deliver yesterday, but I missed the delivery, but they came back today.


That's great! :) Tell me about delivery.... lol I got a shipping email 3 days after they had first attempted delivery. I live on a gated property so it was undeliverable until I was made aware of the delivery attempt. I ended up having them put a hold on it at the warehouse and picking it up myself...

Just out of curiosity, you ordered yours after the bundle was removed right? What all came with yours? Any games? Accessories?
[quote name='Snowback']That's great! :) Tell me about delivery.... lol I got a shipping email 3 days after they had first attempted delivery. I live on a gated property so it was undeliverable until I was made aware of the delivery attempt. I ended up having them put a hold on it at the warehouse and picking it up myself...

Just out of curiosity, you ordered yours after the bundle was removed right? What all came with yours? Any games? Accessories?[/quote]

Live Search Club didn't send me any kind of shipping notice at all. I live in a gate community, but the guards let in delivery drivers, school buses, emergency vehicles, etc. FedEx left a door tag on my door to let me know they attempted delivery, so I signed it so that they could just leave it at the door today in case I missed delivery again.

Yeah, I ordered mine after they got rid of the bundle. It didn't come with any games, but that's fine since I also ordered Rock Band from LSC last week, so I hope that comes soon so I'll have something to play. I guess I can just use my original Xbox games with it for now.
That's cool. Hope you get it soon. :)

I was "lucky" enough to get it while the bundle was still available but none of the stuff that was supposed to come with it did. The box I received was the same one you got based on the pic you posted. The only difference is they included Forza 2 and Marvel Ultimate Alliance and slapped a sticker on the box saying "two free full games inside". Like it was some kind of promo or something... Oh well, that's ok though, I didn't really believe they'd send it anyway, so it was a nice surprise.
[quote name='Miranda']Sweet!! I got my 360 today.:D

I ordered it on 1/11/08. FedEx Home tried to deliver yesterday, but I missed the delivery, but they came back today.


aww ur so lucky, im trying to order a 360 but its not there and im pissed at them. i bought 2 web cams cuz they took it off.

miranda, do u think they'll out the 360 back up?
[quote name='jtokchain5']aww ur so lucky, im trying to order a 360 but its not there and im pissed at them. i bought 2 web cams cuz they took it off.

miranda, do u think they'll out the 360 back up?[/quote]

If I were you, I wouldn't order any more of the smaller prizes just in case the 360 does come back. That way, you'll be closer to having the points for it.

If it does come back, I think they might make it the Arcade version instead of the Pro. But you never really know what they'll put up and what they'll get rid of next. They do have a habit of downgrading the prizes or increasing the points (or doing both). Like how they had Vista Ultimate for 6000 points and changed it to Vista Home Premium for 20000. They also had a better version of Microsoft Office for less points before too.

I would've ordered Rock Band on the first day that they had it if I had known they were gonna increase the point amount for it, but I ordered the Roomba instead because I was already saving my points for it. Oh well. Now I don't really know what I'm saving my points for (maybe I'll go for the camcorder, but I don't need it), but I'm not redeeming them for anything small in case they add another new, big prize.
Well, this is encouraging at least, I had definitely been slacking in playing the games lately since the 360 disappeared, but I'll definitely start up again.
i haven't herd anything of my 360 since I ordered it a month ago. But, then again, I ordered it when they were out of stock so they should send around April.
[quote name='WarriorBlake']i haven't herd anything of my 360 since I ordered it a month ago. But, then again, I ordered it when they were out of stock so they should send around April.[/quote]

I'm thinking Miranda ordered it when it was out of stock, due to the date it was ordered. Is this true Miranda, did you order it when it was OOS?
How is flexicon the best game when it takes a long time? i would think crosswire is the best, 20 points and the fastest to complete. And how you guys , especially Miranda, Getting this vaolume of points? You HAVE to be cheating. Plus they give a point cap per day. This is just ridiculous.
[quote name='Pyramid_Party']How is flexicon the best game when it takes a long time? i would think crosswire is the best, 20 points and the fastest to complete. And how you guys , especially Miranda, Getting this volume of points? You HAVE to be cheating. Plus they give a point cap per day. This is just ridiculous.[/quote]

one word: I have read the ToS and it says not to use any kind of bot or "automated process", but does not say anything about a website. is user-based and has most answers to all the LSC puzzles, including flexicon. I typed or clicked every part of the puzzles without a bot doing it for me and i got 35k for the 360 in around 1 1/2 months.
[quote name='neverletthem']I'm thinking Miranda ordered it when it was out of stock, due to the date it was ordered. Is this true Miranda, did you order it when it was OOS?[/quote]

Yes, it was OOS and said it wouldn't be until April.

[quote name='Pyramid_Party']How is flexicon the best game when it takes a long time? i would think crosswire is the best, 20 points and the fastest to complete. And how you guys , especially Miranda, Getting this vaolume of points? You HAVE to be cheating. Plus they give a point cap per day. This is just ridiculous.[/quote]

ALL of my points were LEGIT. And those points that I got were spread out over at least one month apart since the limit is around 1K a day. So it's not like I get an instant volume of points like that Freshly person did who's number 1 on the leaderboard now. That person is DEFINITELY cheating since he/she just came out of nowhere and was all of a sudden number 1 in every game (not anymore for some games though).

It takes me a couple hours each day to reach my daily ticket limit - I just play while watching TV, so I don't get bored. Flexicon is really easy for me... it's slow at first, but if you play it enough times, you'll start to see that they reuse a lot of the same clues, so it doesn't take long after a while. I only get 5 new Flexicon, Crosswire, and Chicktionary games per day now since I reached the max amount of points for all of those games. I think I only get 4 new Seekado games since once it gets to this one puzzle it's messed up and I can't complete it at all or skip it, but that's still a total of 385 per day from playing just those four games. After those, I just get the rest with Spelling Bee/Word Slugger. There are no new Word Slugger games for me, so I just do Spelling Bee now.

I can type pretty fast, so instead of using thewordfinder right away, I think of all the words I can come up with myself and then just use thewordfinder to get words that I couldn't think of on my own. It's really easy when you have letters like MTAERS, because then I can type up words quickly like:


Those just roll off the tip of my fingers, especially the three letter words since I can type them with one hand (all of the letters are on the left side of the keyboard).
Holy Crap! All prizes are gone besides airline miles and donate. Hopefully this means a new beginning and not a premature end...
[quote name='brashl']Holy Crap! All prizes are gone besides airline miles and donate. Hopefully this means a new beginning and not a premature end...[/quote]
The prizes are still there, I just checked...
i see wut ur saying miranda, its just that its really boring and i ordered the stuff that i want from that site except for the 360 and right now im waiting for it to get back up. so far im not playing until they have it up.
How is everyone earning so many points so quickly? >.< I've only managed to get 3000 points within 2 weeks! I suck lol. And when on earth are they going to update the prizes? I wanted to get that zune case and just as I got enough points someone nabbed it! *grumbles* I worked for 14 hours straight without even a potty break!!!! I was going to give it to my husband for fathers day. :(
[quote name='Dave4086']Man... I emailed them about my Xbox 360 Controller I ordered in early December, and they said it was still out of stock. WTF[/QUOTE]

That explains why I still haven't heard back from them!
[quote name='BluesCluesMama']How is everyone earning so many points so quickly? >.< I've only managed to get 3000 points within 2 weeks! I suck lol. And when on earth are they going to update the prizes? I wanted to get that zune case and just as I got enough points someone nabbed it! *grumbles* I worked for 14 hours straight without even a potty break!!!! I was going to give it to my husband for fathers day. :([/quote]

I have my ways ; )
[quote name='BluesCluesMama']How is everyone earning so many points so quickly? >.< I've only managed to get 3000 points within 2 weeks! I suck lol. And when on earth are they going to update the prizes? I wanted to get that zune case and just as I got enough points someone nabbed it! *grumbles* I worked for 14 hours straight without even a potty break!!!! I was going to give it to my husband for fathers day. :([/quote]

Personally I am online more than not so I have lots of time to play.
A lot of us that have points built up didn't do it over night.
It took me over a month to get enough points to get the 360 if it is put back on.
If it isn't put back on, I have the points for what ever they add lol.
It's really a toss up if you get anything big or not. Since we don't know how they're "screening"process works, we don't know how it will turn out until its at your front door...or not!
[quote name='WarriorBlake']It's really a toss up if you get anything big or not. Since we don't know how they're "screening"process works, we don't know how it will turn out until its at your front door...or not![/quote]

Thats true. It's kinda sad, really. I must be loved by them, since when i ordered my 360 controller a few months ago, the ESD came, I waited a couple days, then sent them a support email. Two days later, it came, I went and checked my email, and there was the reply, with a tracking number. Four days after that, they sent me ANOTHER email, stating that my order was not in the system anymore.
[quote name='lobitoh']whats is the customer service email? So that I can request info of my missing controller since november 17[/quote]

Don't bother, they never give you a real email, always automated shit
[quote name='lobitoh']whats is the customer service email? So that I can request info of my missing controller since november 17[/quote]

I don't know for sure , but i would almost swear everyone that sends emails about the order seems to get rated as cheating. I have never sent them one and have gotten everything I ordered. Granted I have to wait a long time for most of of it. So for myself I can't really complain. Just have patience is all I can advise.
Good luck to all.
It's pretty much all automated to what I have read and barely any real person response (unless you spam them with emails like one CAGer XD). Thats why i'm not gonna ask them anything since if you do, your chances of CHEATER!! is dramatically higher.

conchopearl, when you were waiting on a prize, did it take more than 3 months to get your prize(s)?
I have an idea but I'm going out on a limb here... And it would be a charity case LOL Since I'm busy with my kids too much to get onto my account to play any of the games, perhaps I could find someone here that I could trust with my account when I'm not on that could help me out? I'm trying like hell to get my husband a gift for father's day and since they don't seem to be updating their prizes for the smaller amount of points(was trying to get that zune case) maybe I could get him that camcorder. His job allows him to get Vista or Office for half off or free apparently so thats not an option and we don't have an xbox. Would anyone be willing to help out that doesn't do anything sneaky and is all legit that I can fully trust? He works two jobs just to make ends meet and really deserves this and since I'm a stay at home mom I don't have enough money to get him what he really deserves as a gift. So I really wanna do this. My past gifts to him have sucked. DVDs, a shaving kit, a poster. Blah! This camcorder would be awesome.
When is his birthday because they take a long time to ship prizes out..

and I have accounts that I'll be willing to sell you or if you want to complete my freebie site.. but you are not guaranteed to get a prize from cl either
[quote name='chimpian']congrats,
hopefully they send everything you ordered :)[/quote]

So far, I have received everything but 2 items. If you've been accused of cheating, but they didn't actually freeze or zero your account, be patient. I figured they'd never send my prizes, but they started coming over 3 months after I ordered them. There's still hope.
[quote name='Crazyglitcher']Just wondering, using sites like is considered cheating or not? Cause at least half of the people on the site use sites like that. Also, just wondering what would make an account "zero"? For example, what would look like a violation of the TOS? I wouldn't want to zero my account by accident lol.[/quote]

I don't know if it's considered cheating or not since I've never been to the site. If you can do the puzzles without help, which are actually pretty easy, I'd go that route. But that's my opinion.
[quote name='WarriorBlake'] I

conchopearl, when you were waiting on a prize, did it take more than 3 months to get your prize(s)?[/quote]

I just got a mug in that was due to be here 2nd of January. I think I ordered it sometime in November. Most of the rest of it came in 3 months and under.
[quote name='Ha429rout']When is his birthday because they take a long time to ship prizes out..

and I have accounts that I'll be willing to sell you or if you want to complete my freebie site.. but you are not guaranteed to get a prize from cl either[/quote]

His birthday is in July so that could work too. I'm working on that Points2Shop thing too that could work for Fathers Day but I don't think I could manage both Fathers day AND his birthday at the same time on that site. There's only so much I could do with that.
[quote name='BluesCluesMama']perhaps I could find someone here that I could trust with my account when I'm not on that could help me out? He works two jobs just to make ends meet[/quote]

ha ha, good luck with that. although, if you need someone to hook up with while your husband is working his 2 jobs then i will be here for you. :p
I think i may be getting my xbox today.
yesterday fed ex left a slip at my front door and i looked it up and the weight of the box was something like 14.7 lb.s ....seems heavy enough for an xbox
it is coming from phoenix, az which is club searc club.....

that would be sooooo sweet.

anyone have any idea what the weight is on the 360?

I also have a controller and blue tooth keyboard that should have been sent months ago, but i got the dreaded email about that one......
well my wife is home till about noon so i hope it comes before then so she can tell me for sure otherwise its gonna be real hard not to bolt out of work early and check and of course test it out :)
Well the 360 itself weighs 8.8 lbs. just like the Xbox I just read that somewhere online.. so maybe with the box and plugs and all it's 14? :)
[quote name='chimpian']I think i may be getting my xbox today.
yesterday fed ex left a slip at my front door and i looked it up and the weight of the box was something like 14.7 lb.s ....seems heavy enough for an xbox
it is coming from phoenix, az which is club searc club.....

that would be sooooo sweet.

anyone have any idea what the weight is on the 360?

I also have a controller and blue tooth keyboard that should have been sent months ago, but i got the dreaded email about that one......[/quote]


When did you order yours? This is making me more excited that I will probably see mine come VERY SOON.
[quote name='neverletthem']I.Hate.You.

When did you order yours? This is making me more excited that I will probably see mine come VERY SOON.[/QUOTE]

i ordered it on Dec 30th.
i have been waiting a long long time, that is if the package is an xbox.

to be honest i gave up hope and started a new acct ordering stuff and hoping to ebay it to get enough funds for an xbox.
[quote name='chimpian']I think i may be getting my xbox today.
yesterday fed ex left a slip at my front door and i looked it up and the weight of the box was something like 14.7 lb.s ....seems heavy enough for an xbox
it is coming from phoenix, az which is club searc club.....

that would be sooooo sweet.

anyone have any idea what the weight is on the 360?

I also have a controller and blue tooth keyboard that should have been sent months ago, but i got the dreaded email about that one......[/quote]

Yeah, that's the 360. Mine was 14.7 pounds too. Congrats on getting yours!
[quote name='BluesCluesMama']His birthday is in July so that could work too. I'm working on that Points2Shop thing too that could work for Fathers Day but I don't think I could manage both Fathers day AND his birthday at the same time on that site. There's only so much I could do with that.[/quote]

bluescluesmama- i see that u go on points2shop and i want to know if that site is good so if it is ill make an account. just explain wuts in the site. thx
[quote name='Miranda']Yeah, that's the 360. Mine was 14.7 pounds too. Congrats on getting yours![/QUOTE]

thanks so much
now all they have to do is deliver and for me to get my ass home :)
God when are they going to update these lame prizes? I don't want anything they have up except for the prizes that would take me YEARS to get.
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