Magazine Deals! - All magazine-related posts go here.

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Check out the new thread:

If its not letting you select the proper magazine, the offer has probably ended.


Computer Gaming World:

Tips & Tricks:

Electronic Gaming Monthy (offer expires 01/15/2004)

Electronic Gaming Monthly, Computer Gaming, PC Magazine, and Computer Shopper: [DEAD]


Official Xbox Magazine: [DEAD]


Xbox Nation: [DEAD]

PC Magazine (electronic format, not a paper magazine):


Maxim & Blender: [DEAD]

Rolling Stone:

Maxim: [DEAD]

Stuff Magazine: [DEAD]

Maxim Magazine: [DEAD]

Seventeen: [DEAD]



Biography Magazine: [DEAD]

Video Store Magazine:

Alternative Sports: [DEAD]

Comedy Scene Magazine: (3 months)
How long should it take for my first issue of XBN and CGW from to deliver? I thank I subscribed on 4/23/04. Should I have gotten mine yet? So far I have gotten 0.
[quote name='Moxio']Be patient. If you're on their records, they'll send it soon.[/quote] Some people have been saying they were screwed out of an issue so I'm just not sure.[/b]
Well, these are free. Feel lucky that you get them at all.

For missing issues, go to the Customer Service part of the site, there should be an option to report missing issues.
I got my first XBN issue today(finally!) but the weird thing is that I'm still not in their database*confused*. Anyways, do you guys know the phone number to change your address? I will be moving in a couple of days so I'd like them to send my mags to the new address.

EDIT: Nvm guys, they mistook my first name for a last name so there was a bit of confusion.
Phone customer service is (800) 365-4093. However, if you find yourself in their database before you move, there's the option there to change your address.

Make sure you check you're typing in your info correctly. You should be in their database if they've sent mags to you.
Is the Cgw supposed to come with the demo cd-rom each month? Cause I got my first issue, it didn't have the cd, I wrote to them and they said the subscription was offered by a "subscription agency" and they did not offer the cd-rom. The link clearly states the cd-rom comes with the deal. Anyone else have this problem or did anyone get the demo cd with this deal?
[quote name='jab315']Is the Cgw supposed to come with the demo cd-rom each month?[/quote]

No, the offer went with the cheaper subscription that CGW offered, one without the CD.
You would think they would change their site so it didn't clearly state that you get the cd's with the offer. I understand mistakes happen but to leave the ad up for several months knowing that its incorrect is ridiculous. I politely wrote to some admin on's site asking about the situation and he rudely replied passing the buck off to someone else and saying that anyone that questions this is harassing them. What a jerk! I guess it takes all kinds though. This is a great way for Computer Gaming Monthly to get positive publicity though huh? lol
Well I agree with jab315 about the incorrectness. That's not cool.

I got 2 issues of Computer Gaming Monthly (NO CD). It's kinda weird though. I got May's issue like the 2nd week of May. Then like 4 days later I got the June issue. Whatever. It's all good.

And I haven't received any more junk mail then usual, just to let you know.
[quote name='sj41']How long should it take for my first issue of XBN and CGW from to deliver? I thank I subscribed on 4/23/04. Should I have gotten mine yet? So far I have gotten 0.[/quote]

That's exactly what I was thinking Tuesday afternoon, then I got my first issue of XBN in the mail Wednesday!!!
[quote name='XboxMaster'][quote name='sj41']How long should it take for my first issue of XBN and CGW from to deliver? I thank I subscribed on 4/23/04. Should I have gotten mine yet? So far I have gotten 0.[/quote]

That's exactly what I was thinking Tuesday afternoon, then I got my first issue of XBN in the mail Wednesday!!![/quote] I guess I will get mine soon so I won't be too worried.
I'm not sure if I was entered either. I'm afraid to sign up again because of their harsh policy:

"We reserve the right to change the terms of this free offer any time for any reason. If you signup more than once your original registration will be canceled, if you try and cheat we will prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law with no mercy. "

I went into CGW's customer service website, and sent them an email from there requesting that my digital subscription be changed to a print subscription, and they said sure!

So, there's a solution if you don't want to call, like me.
I couldn't get the PC mag or computer shopper to work. It says I must choose at least one, as if my entries aren't registering. I can't do the others because I've already got those mags.
[quote name='Moxio']Holy crap. is now offering three additional free magazines.

PC Mag
Computer Shopper[/quote] I'm just glad I don't even want PC mag and CS, even though I do need a new subscription to EGM. I'm already registered so I guess I can't do it again. I only got XBN and CGW when I signed up.

I just got another CGW today but still no XBN.

CGW is still not coming, After my first 2 issues, if they don't all come within the next couple of days, I'll have not recieved 3 months worth. Why couldn't it be the X-Box mag that didn't come, I don't even HAVE an X-Box...
Here is one about animals... this is wierd

"Animal Free Press is a newspaper for secondary students, featuring celebrity interviews, in-depth articles about current animal issues, resources sections, and much more. Students can receive individual subscriptions, and teachers can receive bulk copies with an accompanying teaching guide.

Animal Press

And more:
Golf for women

Technology and Learning mag
[quote name='zewone']Damn yesterday,in the mail, I just got Rolling Stones & Penthouse free. I don't know if i signed up from someones post on this thread, but if i did i'm very thankful. (especially for the Penthouse!)[/quote]
Uhmm how did you get Penthouse for free? I damn sure didn't see it.... :cry:
[quote name='LoganDX'][quote name='zewone']Damn yesterday,in the mail, I just got Rolling Stones & Penthouse free. I don't know if i signed up from someones post on this thread, but if i did i'm very thankful. (especially for the Penthouse!)[/quote]
Uhmm how did you get Penthouse for free? I damn sure didn't see it.... :cry:[/quote]Where is it? :evil: He better tell us now. :evil:
[quote name='Moxio']Calm down, porn-eaters.[/quote] I just can't stop. The internet's not enough. :cry:
[quote name='LoganDX']got a CGW finally. They skipped a month, which is really weird.....[/quote]

I received BOTH the June AND July Issues of CGW today! w00t!

Still waiting for XBN and EGM though. Oh Well, atleast I know they did sign us up for free. :D
[quote name='xbox lives on'][quote name='LoganDX']got a CGW finally. They skipped a month, which is really weird.....[/quote]

I received BOTH the June AND July Issues of CGW today! w00t!

Still waiting for XBN and EGM though. Oh Well, atleast I know they did sign us up for free. :D[/quote]

Great just rub it in my face that I don't get the June issue. Thanks :wink: ....

Hey I just want Penthouse for the articles..... 8)
[quote name='LoganDX'][quote name='xbox lives on'][quote name='LoganDX']got a CGW finally. They skipped a month, which is really weird.....[/quote]

I received BOTH the June AND July Issues of CGW today! w00t!

Still waiting for XBN and EGM though. Oh Well, atleast I know they did sign us up for free. :D[/quote]

Great just rub it in my face that I don't get the June issue. Thanks :wink: ....

Hey I just want Penthouse for the articles..... 8)[/quote] If your eyes start to wonder off, then I guess that will be okay. :D
[quote name='sj41'][quote name='LoganDX'][quote name='xbox lives on'][quote name='LoganDX']got a CGW finally. They skipped a month, which is really weird.....[/quote]

I received BOTH the June AND July Issues of CGW today! w00t!

Still waiting for XBN and EGM though. Oh Well, atleast I know they did sign us up for free. :D[/quote]

Great just rub it in my face that I don't get the June issue. Thanks :wink: ....

Hey I just want Penthouse for the articles..... 8)[/quote] If your eyes start to wonder off, then I guess that will be okay. :D[/quote]

i just got 2 copies of this months XBN... only diff is they have a different DOA chick on the front...whats up with that?
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