Magic: The Gathering Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012- Out Now 800 Pts

[quote name='zewone']I'd like to play against the top guys but I haven't seen them.[/QUOTE]

they list the names of everyone ranked/not ranked, can't you just send them a play request or PM them? worth a shot.
[quote name='CaptainPiracy']Anyone from XBL have a Promo Code for the Grave Titan? I know a lot of people have no use for the actual card. I bought the PS3 and steam game, but I don't have an XBOX.. :whistle2:/ It would be SUPER appreciated! Just getting back into playing a lil after a 10 year hiatus.. lol.[/QUOTE]

Same here :D. I got the PSN version, but that gives you the promo red card. Since I mostly use a black deck IRL, I could really use the XBL promo card. If anyones feeling generous, I'd really appreciate an XBL code :D
Bought the DLC this morning and tried out the Auramancer/Grave Whispers decks. I'm really digging Auramancer, but both are really solid decks.
Absolutely love: Not being able to see your opponents deck in multiplayer lobby.

Hate: Auromancer is the new Ancient Depths; meaning everyone plays it.
Finally, a discard deck worth playing. And yes, of course the white/green is the new blue/green, it is beastly. Discard is my go-to deck now, but burn will remain a close second.
[quote name='Kevfactor']how many decks are in the dlc? this was a card game but there just wasn't enough variety :)[/QUOTE]

3 new decks with 20 unlockable cards for each. On top of that, 4 new unlockable cards for the existing decks. All of the new decks are unlike any of the other ones you'll find in the game. I have a hard time grasping why anyone would have a problem with paying $5 for this.
Here's an updated list of my preferred deck builds from this post:

Gideon Jura's Wielding Steel
1x Brave the Elements
2x Elite Vanguard
2x Gideon's Lawkeeper
1x Infiltration Lens
2x Kitesail Apprentice
2x Kor Duelist
2x Trusty Machete
3x Kor Outfitter
1x Puresteel Paladin
2x Revoke Existence
1x Stoneforge Mystic
2x Sunspear Shikari
3x Arrest
1x Gideon's Avenger
3x Kor Hookmaster
1x Sword of War and Peace
2x Congregate
1x Loxodon Gatekeeper
1x Baneslayer Angel
1x Conqueror's Pledge
1x Argentum Armor
1x Captain of the Watch
24x Plains

Jace Beleren's Realm of Illusion
1x Fleeting Distraction
4x Phantasmal Bear
1x AEther Figment
2x Counterspell
4x Krovikan Mist
2x Lord of the Unreal
2x AEther Adept
3x Blind Phantasm
2x Cancel
2x Divination
2x Phantom Warrior
3x Repulse
1x Phantasmal Dragon
2x Phantom Beast
1x Sower of Temptation
1x Bribery
1x Mind Control
1x Time Warp
1x Cultural Exchange
24x Island

Tezzeret's Machinations
2x Signal Pest
4x Etherium Sculptor
2x Go for the Throat
2x Gust-Skimmer
2x Steel Overseer
2x Tidehollow Strix
1x Darksteel Plate
1x Dead Reckoning
2x Dispense Justice
1x Etched Champion
1x Master of Etherium
2x Pilgrim's Eye
2x Snapsail Glider
3x Stoic Rebuttal
1x Undermine
1x Damnation
1x Sanctum Gargoyle
1x Shape Anew
1x Sleep
1x Mirrorworks
1x Razorfield Rhino
1x Wurmcoil Engine
1x Sphinx Sovereign
3x Terramorphic Expanse
5x Plains
10x Islands
6x Swamp

Sorin Markov's Blood Hunger
1x Blade of the Bloodchief
2x Quag Vampires
3x Tormented Soul
2x vampire's Bite
1x Bloodghast
2x Child of Night
2x Feast of Blood
2x Gatekeeper of Malakir
2x Ruthless Cullblade
2x Urge to Feed
2x Vicious Hunger
1x Bloodhusk Ritualist
3x Bloodrage Vampire
1x Captivating Vampire
2x Vampire Aristocrat
2x Vampire Nighthawk
1x Mirri the Cursed
1x Sangromancer
1x Vampire Nocturnus
2x Vampire Outcasts
1x Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief
24x Swamp

Kiora Atua's Ancient Depths
4x Coiling Oracle
4x Explore
1x Compulsive Research
1x Treasure Hunt
3x Cultivate
1x Elvish Piper
2x Explosive Vegetation
1x Levitate
1x Polymorph
1x Rite of Replication
3x AEther Mutation
1x Mind Control
1x Tidings
1x Mass Polymorph
1x Primeval Titan
1x Isleback Spawn
2x Simic Sky Swallower
1x Lorthos, the Tidemaker
1x Tidal Kraken
1x Yavimaya's Embrace
1x Inkwell Leviathan
1x Kozilek, Butcher of Truth
1x Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre
15x Island
10x Forest

Garruk Wildspeaker's Apex Predators
2x Giant Growth
2x Wall of Vines
2x Garruk's Companion
2x Nature's Lore
2x Runeclaw Bear
3x Borderland Ranger
1x Dungrove Elder
3x Grazing Gladeheart
2x Lead the Stampede
1x Leatherback Baloth
2x Cudgel Troll
1x Fresh Meat
2x Giant Spider
1x Hunters' Feast
1x Thrun, the Last Troll
1x Wolfbriar Elemental
2x Garruk's Packleader
2x Overrun
1x Stomper Cub
1x Terra Stomper
1x Engulfing Slagwurm
1x Gaea's Revenge

Nissa Revane's Guardians of the Wood
3x Elvish Eulogist
1x Elvish Lyrist
2x Ezuri's Archers
1x Joraga Warcaller
3x Might of the Masses
1x Norwood Ranger
2x Elvish Visionary
4x Nissa's Chosen
1x Plummet
2x Sylvan Ranger
2x Viridian Emissary
1x Elvish Champion
2x Eyeblight's Ending
1x Ezuri, Renegade Leader
1x Imperious Perfect
1x Jagged-Scar Archers
2x Maelstrom Pulse
1x Titania's Chosen
1x Viridian Shaman
2x Elvish Promenade
1x Lys Alana Huntmaster
1x Nath of the Gilt-Leaf
6x Swamp
18x Forest

Sarkhan Vol's Dragon's Roar
2x Burst Lightning
3x Disfigure
1x Dragonmaster Outcast
1x Earthquake
2x Festering Goblin
3x Dragon Fodder
1x Pyroclasm
2x Ruby Medallion
2x Assassinate
2x Dragonspeaker Shaman
2x Rally the Forces
1x Crucible of Fire
3x Furnace Whelp
2x Gravedigger
2x Breath of Malfegor
1x Flameblast Dragon
1x Hellkite Charger
1x Malfegor
1x Rorix Bladewing
1x Volcanic Dragon
1x Furyborn Hellkite
7x Swamp
18x Mountain

Chandra Nalaar's Unquenchable Fire
1x Banefire
1x Blaze
2x Flamekin Brawler
2x Flame Slash
2x Goblin Arsonist
2x Incinerate
2x Kiln Fiend
2x Punishing Fire
1x Pyroclasm
4x Volcanic Hammer
1x Chandra's Phoenix
1x Prodigal Pyromancer
2x Sizzle
1x Volcanic Fallout
1x Wheel of Fortune
3x Chandra's Outrage
1x Flametongue Kavu
1x Relentless Assault
1x Fire Servant
2x Lava Axe
1x Flameblast Dragon
1x Inferno Titan
1x Insurrection

Koth of the Hammer's Strength of Stone
1x Assault Strobe
1x Darksteel Axe
3x Goblin Mountaineer
1x Grim Lavamancer
1x Spikeshot Elder
1x Fault Line
3x Spitting Earth
2x Volcanic Strength
2x Act of Treason
2x Claws of Valakut
2x Koth's Courier
2x Molten Ravager
2x Rockslide Elemental
2x Slagstorm
1x Cerebral Eruption
1x Cyclops Gladiator
1x Hero of Oxid Ridge
1x Lavaborn Muse
1x Vulshok Berserker
2x Spire Barrage
1x Stuffy Doll
1x Tephraderm
1x Conquering Masticore
25x Mountain

Liliana Vess' Grave Whispers
2x Disentomb
2x The Rack
2x Consume Spirit
3x Doom Blade
1x Marsh Casualties
3x Reassembling Skeleton
2x Hypnotic Specter
4x Liliana's Specter
3x Mind Rot
2x Quag Sickness
2x Guul Draz Specter
2x Moan of the Unhallowed
1x Mortivore
1x Beacon of Unrest
1x Bloodgift Demon
1x Monomania
1x Ob Nixilis, the Fallen
1x Corrupt
1x Grave Titan
1x Massacre Wurm
24x Swamp

Ajani Goldmane's Auramancer
1x Hyena Umbra
2x Lifelink
1x Rancor
3x Suntail Hawk
1x Canopy Cover
1x Divine Favor
3x Fists of Ironwood
1x Kor Spiritdancer
1x Nature's Spiral
1x Pacifism
1x Silhana Ledgewalker
1x Spectral Rider
1x Stormfront Pegasus
1x Armadillo Cloak
1x Auramancer
3x Aura Gnarlid
2x Boar Umbra
1x Griffin Guide
1x Mesa Enchantress
1x Oakenform
1x Sacred Wolf
1x Snake Umbra
1x Angelic Destiny
1x Retether
2x Gigantiform
1x Three Dreams
1x Totem-Guide Hartebeest
12x Plains
12x Forest

Ral Zarek's Cloudburst
1x Elixir of Immortality
2x Lightning Bolt
1x Lightning Serpent
3x Shock
2x Spark Elemental
3x Into the Roil
1x Reverberate
2x Sparkmage Apprentice
2x Thunder Strike
2x Turn the Tide
2x AEther Tradewinds
1x Ball Lightning
2x Gelectrode
2x Wee Dragonauts
2x Skirsdag Cultist
1x Skizzik
1x Murder of Crows
1x Prophetic Bolt
1x Spellbound Dragon
1x Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind
1x Thundermare
1x Thunder Dragon
9x Island
16x Mountain

I've obviously not had enough time to determine if I'm content with the lists for the three new decks, so they are definitely subject to change. The Grave Whispers deck seems really flexible, as far as having a lot of variety in the way you want to build it. My build is more of a "dude version", meaning it has slightly more creatures and less spells. I can certainly see why someone would want to try a more spell-intensive "punishing" build for the deck.

In general, I worry about the mana curve (press Y in the deck manager to see the "curve" of your mana, most decks tend to want a bell curve for maximum efficiency) above all things for these decks. Obviously, decks like Ancient Depths tend to break that rule as it a deck that likes to ramp into fatty creatures as fast as possible. I tend to add in cards that benefit me or my team in Two-Headed Giant, as it is the mode I play the most - so that may explain a few weird choices here and there. I also tend to stay away from situational cards (ex. Wreath of Geists in the Auramancer deck), cards that could potentially help my opponents out as much/more than me or my team (ex. Rites of Flourishing in the Apex Predators deck), and I never use the "lucky charms" in any deck (two-mana artifacts that gain you 1 life when a certain color spell is played).

If there's any specific questions anyone has, feel free to ask and I'll answer to the best of my abilities (or at least show you my thinking involved with the decision). There's definitely some changes I'd make if I only played 1v1 or in Archenemy.
bread's done