Make $20-30+ Month of Amazon Gift Cards/Cash Easy ~ Gift Hulk Code Drops

Had a nice night hitting the SuperLucky Button after my post and I'm not about 30 SuperPoints away from $50. Booyah! I'm just trying to make a dollar out of fifteen cents and it seems to be working. Good times.
I did it, I hit $50 worth of SuperPoints, now to decide what/where I want a $50 gift card to or if I want to split it up or not. Either way, that happened way faster than I expected.
Having some really nice days on SuperPoints, getting about 100 points a day if not more. That's $30-40 a month right now, SwagBucks isn't even touching that for me, despite the fact that I did get a gift card from them the other day. Look up for some current invites.
Coming up on 5200 SuperPoints, maybe tonight, if not probably tomorrow. Some decent luck lately can't believe more people don't give it a good shot. I've got friends winning 50-100 points a day, too.
Wow, I guess haters gonna hate for some reason and vote down my thread. Thanks a bunch for letting me know why. If you don't want the knowledge to grab freebies you're in the wrong place.

Anyway, I'm giving away a Gears of War 3 beta code on
There's also a bunch of SuperPoints invites, contests, and other things for those interested in some freebies.
Didn't know you could vote down or up a thread. Anyway, checked out your site and noticed the M&M contest and entered. Thanks for the heads up on that.

Also noticed in the past you received a 1000 point click via the Superpoints button. How often has that happened?
They did that once, three times in a day and I won twice. Lately I've seen as much as 200 points at a time, (along with 25, 50, 75, and 100) but they do it multiple times a day. You've just got to be lucky and do whatever you can to increase your amount of clicks to the maximum of 100.

The star rating is at the top of the thread where the facebook, twitter, etc is at. Not a huge deal, but I'd like to think that if I'm being informative people have no reason to rate my thread down. I answer a ton of PM's and questions in the thread and, while I'm really trying to make a dollar out of fifteen cents for my own benefit, there's no reason anyone can't do it for themselves. I got the idea from other people and I've just stuck with it, at least I don't type 'bump' and run.
SuperPoints has been promising new ways to get points and new contests for the past month and a half, but there's been no news about anything since, but as soon as it breaks, I'll post about it. I did manage to reach 5300 SuperPoints sometime overnight. I had planned to cash out at $50, but I don't have a huge need for anything at the moment, so maybe I'll sit on it and wait for it to hit $100 or until I decide on something.
5500! Averaging 100 points or more per day. About $15 every two weeks, I don't know of an easier site to make money, even SwagBucks can't hook you up like that without a ton of friends. At this rate about another month before I hit $100, not too bad for clicking a button 100 times a day at random moments.
5800 SuperPoints and still haven't used up all my clicks on the SuperLucky Button. Awesome.

On a side note, I did break $10 on Prize Rebel! Not sure what I'm going to do with that, so I'll just hold out until I think of something.
5900 SuperPoints, yay! Getting hooked up with Motorstorm and MLB The Show from the PlayStation Rewards program on, and with the free games from the Welcome Back program, I'll be set with PlayStation games for a while. Now to hook up some 360 games and points, I guess.
Round about 6000 SuperPoints, so it's all gravy right now. Still got nothing in mind, so I'll build up the points until I think of something. Booyah!
Was approaching 6200 points, but one of my friends won 200 SuperPoints (which is the most I've seen on the SuperLucky Button), so I'm hovering around 6400 now. As of last Friday I had 5500 and in a week I've made nearly $10! Take that SwagBucks. I've got my daily clicks left, too. Invite above if you want it, or you could go on not making any free money and leave it all to me.
That was actually me this morning (I'm JT). The most I would get is 25, but I randomly had 200 from one click and it blew me away. In total, I received 227 points from 30 clicks today. The past two days I had 1 or 2 points a day so maybe this was some way of catching up.
Oh nice! Now I know who to thank for the extra points. Thanks a bunch. Have you been able to cash out at all? Or has your member level not allowed that?

I'm at 6500 SuperPoints and I appreciate it a lot. I'm hoping for some more luck today. 3500 more and I hit a hundred bucks. The easy math says another month, but if I can speed that up any I will try my best.

Here's an invite for anyone up for one:
a second one:
I don't know a good way to get referrals so I'm at basic status. I have around 600 points so I have a long ways to go until I can cash out at 2500.
Yeah, I don't know other than making a blog, twitter, facebook, any social network, etc. That's pretty good, though for one person.
I'm up to 6735, I know my girl will want something nice, so maybe I'll just end up getting her something she wants.

I just looked at their blog and noticed they gave away 500 SuperPoints to their 100000th winner. Wish I would've noticed that and went for it.

Here's an invite for when those above expire:
Broke 7000 SuperPoints last night and noticed this on their blog:
We will be sending 1 daily email (no more than 1 per day, but may be less than 1) to each of our members who have validated their email account. EVERY email sent WILL contain points ranging in value from 1 to 450. This means NO EMAIL IS A LOSER!
To redeem your daily points all you need to do is open your email, display the image and click the link which will log you in to your Superpoints account and assign your points. That’s it! Daily points for checking your email, which you’re probably doing anyway.

Just another way to earn SuperPoints and if it's only going to take a few seconds of my time, why not? I've done more for less. Oh, and I noticed I moved up to the number 4 ranked member. That's why I tell everyone I know about this site because I know how to get points and why I pimp it so much. Why not, I've made close to $600 from this site alone. You don't want a piece of that?
7155 SuperPoints, I won 25 points in the email yesterday. Booyah! Three emails and 27 points. Didn't cost me any extra time, either. So worth validating your email if you want to get more points.
Considering the lack of points yesterday and the day before, I thought my luck would change soon and I was right, I hit a 200 point button just a few minutes ago and I'm now up to 7500 SuperPoints...and I've got 91 of my 100 clicks left! I wish I could convince more people to take the time out to hit the button and get some bonus money thrown their way, but whatever, that's their loss, not mine.
8000 SuperPoints. Not sure if this is going to go towards Gears of War 3 or not, though, but I know I'm ordering it from Amazon.
Did a short survey on SuperPoints for 50 points, probably not worth it, but since I was bored out of my mind and had ten minutes to burn it was cool. That puts me up to 8111 right now with almost all of my clicks left for the day. I'm hoping to hit the 10k mark two weeks from today. That's a smidge over 100 points a day. I think I can do it.
8226 and counting. Got my eye on some Amazon stuff, so that's probably where I'm going with my points. Not much action this weekend, but for some reason it slows down for me on weekends, hopefully it picks up today.

Here's some more invites:

Good for one week. Don't forget to validate your email so you can get the daily points in your mailbox, it's anywhere from 1-450 points, so it's definitely worth it.
Hey, Prize Rebel is having a sale on $10 Amazon gift cards this weekend, 9 points for $10, not as good as the 8 points they did a few months ago, but I'll be taking advantage of it either way. I've got 15 or so points, so I'm hoping I can boost that up to 18 so I can grab twenty bucks, but we'll see.

In other news...

Approaching 8600 SuperPoints, it's been a good day after slumping the past week.
Don't forget the Prize Rebel Amazon deal, save yourself a couple points. Make a buck.

SuperPoints is having weekly points giveaways via their Facebook page, check it out if you want a shot at more points.
Prize Rebel is almost exactly like Gaming Lagoon and Rewards1, not much to set it apart other than it was one of the first GPT gaming themed sites, so it's been around for some time (I'm number 91, that's how early I jumped on it). Otherwise, no games or anything other than monthly contests and 'sales' on gift cards or other prizes.

In minor news, I broke 9000 SuperPoints. I think I can hit my goal of 10k before the end of June. It's looking good right now.
9144 SuperPoints been sort of rough lately, but it only takes a few clicks to turn it all around, so I'm not worried too much. They're giving a ton of points away, so things must be going really good for them.
Kind of, but I just attributed it to bad luck because I won like 15-20 times last night. Nothing more than two or three 10's and a few 5's with the rest being 1's and 2's. They added a share with xxxxx option when you win points, so I did everytime I won last night (I missed one or two) and so there's this crazy string of posts on my blog about winning points, just to prove that there's a lot of points to be had, with most wins coming every two minutes or so, if not faster.
Didn't do much yesterday until I hit the last win of the night for 75 SuperPoints to put me at 9370. Hopefully I hit 10k by the end of this week.
Had a 50 and 75 point win last night amongst some others to put me over 9500. I'm at 9541 with 74 more clicks left today. Hopefully I get lucky again. I'm trying to break 10k this week. We'll see.
Got 25 SuperPoints via the daily email and some friends won to put me over 9600 and I still have 97 clicks left. I hope I can hit 9700 tonight because 10k is just around the corner.
Right at the cusp of 9700 SuperPoints now, was hoping to hit 10k this week, but that may not happen after all. The button refuses to give me points other than the occasional 1 or 2.
Got a couple boosts today, with a friend winning 75 points on the Lucky Button, someone else just joined up and I got 25 points, and I won 25 points via the daily email for the second time this week. Yay. I'm up to 9800+ now. Only 200 more to go to hit 10k. Sasquatch!

Invites above if you want to join my gravy train.
bread's done