Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

[quote name='Ryuukishi']Saw a dude in the Silver Dollar City parking lot with an N7 hoodie. Do want.[/QUOTE]

I got mine, the old style, when it was on sale for $30. Keep an eye on They have the newer, elite style, now. The grey one is on clearance for $50 which isn't too bad. I wear mine all the time and I'm actually a little bummed that it's been so hot in the midwest and summers coming around as it'll be way too hot to wear it!
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Man the rage online has just put this game to a 2 star rating on Amazon.


30 hours of 5-star gaming ruined by 15 minutes of 1-star gaming.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Man I wish the MP was more diverse, I dislike almost all of the generic already built classes. Plus I just found out you are capped at 20 which isnt a big deal other than it basically just forcing me to only play for gold runs.

havent found a build I liked yet. I guess more playing is in order.[/QUOTE]

yeah it'd be nice, but i still see high teens and 20's playing bronze...i suppose they just like to dominate or are just really bad they can't play silver or gold.

i encountered my 1st idle booster on bronze today while leveling a fresh promo. a lvl 20 no less, just took cover and seemed to be practically immune to all damage against her.
[quote name='Bloodbooger']I miss Saren :'-([/QUOTE]

Then you should pick the
synthesis green flavored explosion. You're practically buying in to the same mindset he was indoctrinated into believing in the first game if you take that route.

PS: I miss him too. :cry:
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[quote name='MSUHitman']FYI the soundtrack from the CE is a Zip file and the music files when unzipped are .wav files. I'm having a horrible time finding a program that will work w/Win 7 64-bit to convert the .wav files to .mp3.[/QUOTE]

Foobar 2000 doesn't work?
[quote name='goodbyetonight']I saw that, that's freakin ridiculous. Yeah, the ending is crap but the rest of the game is great.

I want one of those N7 hoodies too but $74 + shipping is a bit much.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, on both points.

Foolish me, I actually tried to get into a discussion with one of these nutbags on a message board, and I said that a great game cannot be ruined by the ending. I brought up the MP as one of my points, and his response was, "No one cares about the MP." Yeah...but 3 million brutes got killed during the no...
Interesting story about Patrick Weekes, a BioWare writer, and his thoughts on the ending. This is a man that has left his mark on the series by writing numerous missions and characters, including Mordin.

There was some speculation if this really was him, but the evidence seems to be there. IF this is him, he was sticking his neck out here for sure, but I respect and appreciate him for doing so. You can tell the ending just didn't feel right to him. Really makes me wonder about what could have been.
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[quote name='Soodmeg']Man I wish the MP was more diverse, I dislike almost all of the generic already built classes. Plus I just found out you are capped at 20 which isnt a big deal other than it basically just forcing me to only play for gold runs.

havent found a build I liked yet. I guess more playing is in order.[/QUOTE]

I thought the MP was the best part then found out about the level 20 cap. I would have less of an issue with it if the cap was not for the class. I leveled up the male soldier to 20 and then found out all of them were now at a level 20. No real point in playing the other soldiers. I have read that if I import them to the front lines it will reset them to level 1 so at some point I might do that. However that leads me into my question. With importing them to the front lines does that do anything for single player? If not and all it does is reset that class I see no point in doing so.
[quote name='sendme']I thought the MP was the best part then found out about the level 20 cap. I would have less of an issue with it if the cap was not for the class. I leveled up the male soldier to 20 and then found out all of them were now at a level 20. No real point in playing the other soldiers. I have read that if I import them to the front lines it will reset them to level 1 so at some point I might do that. However that leads me into my question. With importing them to the front lines does that do anything for single player? If not and all it does is reset that class I see no point in doing so.[/QUOTE]

+75 war assets to current and all future playthroughs for each promotion
[quote name='aheineken']30 hours of 5-star gaming ruined by 15 minutes of 1-star gaming.[/QUOTE]

I can see that bringing it down to 4 stars for some, making the game no longer perfect. I'm still undecided on which I like more myself, ME2 or ME3, but that's riding on what DLC is in store for us.
[quote name='Arikado']Then you should pick the
synthesis green flavored explosion. You're practically buying in to the same mindset he was indoctrinated into believing in the first game if you take that route.

PS: I miss him too. :cry:

Just because he was indoctrinated into believing it doesn't mean it was wrong.
one thing I've learned about video games. Ending doesn't matter. The best games have the shittiest endings. Anybody remember FF7 ending? Yeah I do. What a shitstorm after 60+ hours of amazing gameplay.
[quote name='Arikado']Interesting story about Patrick Weekes, a BioWare writer, and his thoughts on the ending. This is a man that has left his mark on the series by writing numerous missions and characters, including Mordin.

There was some speculation if this really was him, but the evidence seems to be there. IF this is him, he was sticking his neck out here for sure, but I respect and appreciate him for doing so. You can tell the ending just didn't feel right to him. Really makes me wonder about what could have been.[/QUOTE]

Wow, that's fascinating, and it completely explains the most baffling part of this whole situation-- how the the last sequence could be so thematically and tonally divorced from the rest of the game's writing. I wonder what Hudson thought was so important about his singular vision of what the ending should be that it shouldn't have been subjected to the normal collaborative process.

It's also nice just to see that someone at BioWare recognizes that the ending is out of step with the rest of the game and series.

[quote name='AshesofWake']one thing I've learned about video games. Ending doesn't matter. The best games have the shittiest endings. Anybody remember FF7 ending? Yeah I do. What a shitstorm after 60+ hours of amazing gameplay.[/QUOTE]

Seriously? :) I loved that ending. I thought that was one case where a major ambiguity really worked.
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[quote name='sendme']I don't think the debate should be about the art or not when it comes to the ending. Changing the ending would be like asking the writer of a book, movie or tv show to change the ending just because you don't like it. If this is the ending the team that wrote the game want to have then fine even if I don't like it I will have to be okay with it. The game being are has nothing to do with the debate of changing the ending.[/QUOTE]
Unlike those other mediums, this one has the capability of changing itself after release due to feedback from its consumers. It's hard to abide what boils down to the argument of "artistic integrity" when they've expressly designed the game to sell you DLC and microtransactions and cut out a significant character as DLC.

[quote name='Freemason']This game was fucking brilliant and beautiful.[/QUOTE]
I definitely would not go that far. Setting aside the ending, there's plenty of other issues with the game and its design. I'd feel a bit generous at giving it four stars. It's good, but the side content is so lacking in quality that only the strength of the game's character writing and scenes, and central story missions, carry it through.
[quote name='JustYourAverageJoe']Unlike those other mediums, this one has the capability of changing itself after release due to feedback from its consumers. It's hard to abide what boils down to the argument of "artistic integrity" when they've expressly designed the game to sell you DLC and microtransactions and cut out a significant character as DLC.


Plus they just got it flat out wrong by essentially have one ending. The game should have had a number of ending and them adding alternate endings shouldnt be a big deal.

What they likely will do is add an epilouge and I cant really see how anyone could argue that is some dangerous precedent plus Bioware can keep their "artistic integrity"
Yeah, see this is where gamers just are full of shit. Gamers in general buy into this new modern opinion system in which things can only be "greatest of all time," or "Basically Hitler." There is very little in between and most people VASTLY overrate everything because it simply is a video game. Even as a game stand point ME3 fails on a decent amount of things, are we just not counting the shitty journal system, fetch and questing, glitches, etc etc.

One of the biggest things that separate art (this theroy is also true in my career in television although I am not an artist) is knowing that what you are doing is the ultimate in subjectivity and all opinions toward is are in fact true. Do you think Pablo Picasso sat around truly caring what people thought of his art? All of those artist died broke with everyone hating them at the time. You do not review art neither do you try to convince someone that art is good or bad. No one assigns a number value to interpretive dance. Art simply exist for viewers to make their own opinions on and everyone has to accept it.

This is way I think the "is it art topic" is laughable. The simple fact that you review it and assign it a score that are widely considered MAJOR influences to its worth disqualifies it from ever being actual art. Most art is worth nothing. It seems to me that some of you follow the "anything that is drawn is art" which is so narrow minded and lazy it makes me want to murder you. You are making the catergoery so wide that its diffuses and defeats the purpose of it. Video games are art because people drew pictures in it? Thats like saying everyone is a Olympic sprinter because they have 2 legs. If video games are art just because some people drew some stuff..that means stools, tables are also art because someone had to draw them too before building.

If you really want video games to be art you are going to have to work for it...which I know most gamers wont. You are going to have to stop valuing reviews, stop looking at number values, accept all opinions as fact as art is view by everyone different, stop trying to convince people that xxxxx game is better/worse than what it is, and stop looking for flaws and MOST OF ALL stop bickering like fucking school girls when the people who actually created it do something you dont like. If you are complaining about the ending of the game then clearly you do not think video games are art.

Video games like movies will never be art but they live in their own separate but equal category and can achieve a limitless amount of emotion but in order to really make it art you are going to have to change the entire culture around it.
[quote name='Freemason']Have you played them? That is about the only thing I can come up with sorry. If all you take away from this franchise is Star Trek and Resistance, the overall story is massively more involved and dissimilar than it being in space and having aliens.[/QUOTE]

Note: spoliers for trek, resistance, and ME trilogy ahead

Yes, all three completely. The reapers are a perfect combination of Borg and chimera, collection equals assimilation, and the combination of bodies into huge monsters is straight from the chimera playbook. Shepards back from the dead from wild miraculous tech, like Spock( althought yes, that was an accident). Reapers are untold ancient here from the beginning just like the chimera. The origins and ends, especially synthesis, even mimmick the Borg origin story from trek novels, created becuase of biological booboo idea to survive and then ended because the idea didn't turn out so well. A massive unlikely alliance to stop a foe that will end life as it is known is straight from DS9 AND Voyager.I challenge someone to name a story element that you don't think relates, I honestly want to find one. Some elements hark on older stories and elements than my examples, but ST and Resistance is the most recent and through I.can think of.

And if the indoctrination theory is true, Nathan Hale
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Already got the Adepts up to level 20. Damn is the Drell much better than the humans. I honestly thought you'd be able to level each character up to 20. Makes me sad that's not the case.

I'm gonna work on my Krogan soldier now, but I'd love to get a Quarian so I can name it Qwib Qwib.
[quote name='pete5883']
Just because he was indoctrinated into believing it doesn't mean it was wrong.

You don't think there's anything wrong with changing every being in the galaxy without their consent? This goes directly against why you fought against Saren and the Reapers themselves. A major theme in the series is free will and diversity. Forcing the entire galaxy to conform goes directly against this.
[quote name='Arikado']
You don't think there's anything wrong with changing every being in the galaxy without their consent? This goes directly against why you fought against Saren and the Reapers themselves. A major theme in the series is free will and diversity. Forcing the entire galaxy to conform goes directly against this.

I agree with this.

The ending does come out of left field with vastly different ideas than what seem what the game established throughout. I think the real crime was not at least making the ending different form each other...they are all basically the same.
Does the Krogan go into "Blood Lust" mode or something like that after you kill a certain number of enemies by melee?

I noticed twice in the last game I played that my soldier essentially got an Adrenaline Rush bonus for constantly ramming myself into enemies... which is ABSURDLY FUN.
[quote name='JustYourAverageJoe']

I definitely would not go that far. Setting aside the ending, there's plenty of other issues with the game and its design. I'd feel a bit generous at giving it four stars. It's good, but the side content is so lacking in quality that only the strength of the game's character writing and scenes, and central story missions, carry it through.[/QUOTE]

My opinion is based on the overall experience I had, not in its minority of glitches, the trival to some ending(s), or the lack of side quests outside the main story. The setpieces were amazing and awed me at points, the cahracters were remarkable, the music was fantastic. The overall experience, cinematics, presentation, far outwayed the things i can accept and move on from while embracing the core elements that made this absolutely awsome to play.

[quote name='Soodmeg']Yeah, see this is where gamers just are full of shit. Gamers in general buy into this new modern opinion system in which things can only be "greatest of all time," or "Basically Hitler." There is very little in between and most people VASTLY overrate everything because it simply is a video game. Even as a game stand point ME3 fails on a decent amount of things, are we just not counting the shitty journal system, fetch and questing, glitches, etc etc.

One of the biggest things that separate art (this theroy is also true in my career in television although I am not an artist) is knowing that what you are doing is the ultimate in subjectivity and all opinions toward is are in fact true. Do you think Pablo Picasso sat around truly caring what people thought of his art? All of those artist died broke with everyone hating them at the time. You do not review art neither do you try to convince someone that art is good or bad. No one assigns a number value to interpretive dance. Art simply exist for viewers to make their own opinions on and everyone has to accept it.

This is way I think the "is it art topic" is laughable. The simple fact that you review it and assign it a score that are widely considered MAJOR influences to its worth disqualifies it from ever being actual art. Most art is worth nothing. It seems to me that some of you follow the "anything that is drawn is art" which is so narrow minded and lazy it makes me want to murder you. You are making the catergoery so wide that its diffuses and defeats the purpose of it. Video games are art because people drew pictures in it? Thats like saying everyone is a Olympic sprinter because they have 2 legs. If video games are art just because some people drew some stuff..that means stools, tables are also art because someone had to draw them too before building.

If you really want video games to be art you are going to have to work for it...which I know most gamers wont. You are going to have to stop valuing reviews, stop looking at number values, accept all opinions as fact as art is view by everyone different, stop trying to convince people that xxxxx game is better/worse than what it is, and stop looking for flaws and MOST OF ALL stop bickering like fucking school girls when the people who actually created it do something you dont like. If you are complaining about the ending of the game then clearly you do not think video games are art.

Video games like movies will never be art but they live in their own separate but equal category and can achieve a limitless amount of emotion but in order to really make it art you are going to have to change the entire culture around it.[/QUOTE]

your opinion on the process of how one evaluates and judges art seems to make that your sole point of why video games and movies "will not" ever be art. Everyone who disagrees that art can be reviewed, judged, or because art can be given a value by the populace over the artist is not narrow minded or lazy, it is just not how others see art. If someone wants to say, "I give this a 7" even if the artists does or does not think his art is to be evaluated, does not make it any less a piece of art. Not liking an ending has no bearing on their interpretation of the overall work as art. There is no working for it to make it art, or opinions to sway, or cultures to change, it is just you and your understanding of what you feel it is to you. In the end, the greatness of art is again, what it inspires in you, makes you feel, or how you want to interpret it.

If it makes you so angry to murder people, figuratively or otherwise, you you are willing to assert that anyone outside your opinion is wrong or narrow minded, then perhaps you can just be happy knowing that it is your option to feel that way, and relish knowing that those strong emotions can empower your own views but trying to pass them as absolutes is just not valid.
I wouldn't even try to have a debate with someone who doesn't recognize movies as an art form. Video games, fine. It is a medium that is still really crawling out of its infancy, and opinion on its status as art is quite split. Movies? They have been widely recognized as an art form for decades. If anyone says a category of media that includes Citizen Kane, The Godfather, The Shawshank Redemption, and Lawrence of Arabia isn't don't even know what to say about them...

Also, thank you for pointing out the flimsy nature of his "scoring" argument. I give the Mona Lisa a 4. I don't like it. I wish da Vinci had put some balloons in the background. Is it now not art?

Oh, and as far as artists caring about what people thought of their piece, let's not forget that many of the greatest works in Western history were commissioned pieces by the Catholic Church., they did care what the patron thought, and they were forced to cater to their wishes. Does that diminish the greatest of the Sistine Chapel and make it not art?
[quote name='6er']Note: spoliers for trek, resistance, and ME trilogy ahead

Yes, all three completely. The reapers are a perfect combination of Borg and chimera, collection equals assimilation, and the combination of bodies into huge monsters is straight from the chimera playbook. Shepards back from the dead from wild miraculous tech, like Spock( althought yes, that was an accident). Reapers are untold ancient here from the beginning just like the chimera. The origins and ends, especially synthesis, even mimmick the Borg origin story from trek novels, created becuase of biological booboo idea to survive and then ended because the idea didn't turn out so well. A massive unlikely alliance to stop a foe that will end life as it is known is straight from DS9 AND Voyager.I challenge someone to name a story element that you don't think relates, I honestly want to find one. Some elements hark on older stories and elements than my examples, but ST and Resistance is the most recent and through I.can think of.

And if the indoctrination theory is true, Nathan Hale[/QUOTE]

Sci Fi shares so many story and character elements from other stories, that I could say that Star Trek borrowed from Day the Earth Stood Still, Buck Rogers, or Flash Gordon. Story Elemtents, architecture in the game, sound, look, and cultures are all molded from outside influence. Although sharing them, they are completely different in presentation.

What portions of the story are not related to Star Trek, Resistance, etc?

Whichever ones you want to relate ton on their own accord. Anderson and Saren COULD be Kahn and Kirk... but they aren't. Jenkins COULD be a red shirt landing party member... but hes not (although they did mention a red shirt nod in this scene), Krogan COULD be Klingon... you get the idea. Appreciate it the elements in their own enviroment and you will find how dissimilar they are from other existing mythos.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']I wouldn't even try to have a debate with someone who doesn't recognize movies as an art form. Video games, fine. It is a medium that is still really crawling out of its infancy, and opinion on its status as art is quite split. Movies? They have been widely recognized as an art form for decades. If anyone says a category of media that includes Citizen Kane, The Godfather, The Shawshank Redemption, and Lawrence of Arabia isn't don't even know what to say about them...

Also, thank you for pointing out the flimsy nature of his "scoring" argument. I give the Mona Lisa a 4. I don't like it. I wish da Vinci had put some balloons in the background. Is it now not art?[/QUOTE]

You forgot the REAL greats in Cinema like Uwe Ball Films, White Chicks, and Ninja Assassin lol. If nobody discussed, rated, or opinionized on art, their would be no purpose to view it or experience it.
So I was playing on that fire base level and I somehow got stuck outside of the level. I was just floating there all round yet someone I was still being shot and killed. How is that possible?
[quote name='Soodmeg']So I was playing on that fire base level and I somehow got stuck outside of the level. I was just floating there all round yet someone I was still being shot and killed. How is that possible?[/QUOTE]

You were indoctrinated. :lol:
[quote name='Raccoon2117']
You were indoctrinated. :lol:


I had that happen to me too on a different level too when i melee'd while charging with the Vanguard to a different elevation, it was all very weird.
[quote name='Arikado']Interesting story about Patrick Weekes, a BioWare writer, and his thoughts on the ending. This is a man that has left his mark on the series by writing numerous missions and characters, including Mordin.

There was some speculation if this really was him, but the evidence seems to be there. IF this is him, he was sticking his neck out here for sure, but I respect and appreciate him for doing so. You can tell the ending just didn't feel right to him. Really makes me wonder about what could have been.[/QUOTE]

Whaaa, Whhhaatt?! If this is 100% true,

Also WHY/HOW did this happen!?!:shock:
Just finished the game moments ago. I was expecting the worst from all the outrcry, I had still avoided spoilers. Me feelings below.

What a bunch of whinebag baby cakes in nerd-world. The ending wasn't bad at all. Sure, I wish there were more of a difference between the 3 main endings. But it really seems most of the nerd outrage is that people expected Bioware to create 134 different endings based on their choices in 3 games. Give me a break. I had always assumed the trilogy would end roughly the same no matter what my choices.

I am a bit bummed that the ending, on the surface, eliminates the galactic travel; but there are several ways to sort of mitigate that (more advanced FTL drives: Hello, lots of Reaper scrap tech to study!) - while still having the galaxy fundamentally changed (which is actually kind of cool). I can't wait to see if they make games taking place after ME3 where they salvage Reaper tech to rebuild a new galactic society - the possibilities are really neat.

I'm happy with ME3. I can't wait to play it again.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Just finished the game moments ago. I was expecting the worst from all the outrcry, I had still avoided spoilers. Me feelings below.

What a bunch of whinebag baby cakes in nerd-world. The ending wasn't bad at all. Sure, I wish there were more of a difference between the 3 main endings. But it really seems most of the nerd outrage is that people expected Bioware to create 134 different endings based on their choices in 3 games. Give me a break. I had always assumed the trilogy would end roughly the same no matter what my choices.

I am a bit bummed that the ending, on the surface, eliminates the galactic travel; but there are several ways to sort of mitigate that (more advanced FTL drives: Hello, lots of Reaper scrap tech to study!) - while still having the galaxy fundamentally changed (which is actually kind of cool). I can't wait to see if they make games taking place after ME3 where they salvage Reaper tech to rebuild a new galactic society - the possibilities are really neat.

I'm happy with ME3. I can't wait to play it again.

[quote name='thrustbucket']Just finished the game moments ago. I was expecting the worst from all the outrcry, I had still avoided spoilers. Me feelings below.

What a bunch of whinebag baby cakes in nerd-world. The ending wasn't bad at all. Sure, I wish there were more of a difference between the 3 main endings. But it really seems most of the nerd outrage is that people expected Bioware to create 134 different endings based on their choices in 3 games. Give me a break. I had always assumed the trilogy would end roughly the same no matter what my choices.

I am a bit bummed that the ending, on the surface, eliminates the galactic travel; but there are several ways to sort of mitigate that (more advanced FTL drives: Hello, lots of Reaper scrap tech to study!) - while still having the galaxy fundamentally changed (which is actually kind of cool). I can't wait to see if they make games taking place after ME3 where they salvage Reaper tech to rebuild a new galactic society - the possibilities are really neat.

I'm happy with ME3. I can't wait to play it again.

super agree. The nerd rage is just dumb over the ending. It's fine.
[quote name='AshesofWake']super agree. The nerd rage is just dumb over the ending. It's fine.[/QUOTE]

It's one thing to like the ending. It's another to say it's "fine." It is filled with plot holes and contradictions to the lore established in previous games.
Think of it this way, if Bungie decided to finish Halo 3 with Master Chief dying and the Halos blowing up all over the galaxy. Yeah there would be "nerd" rage.
I beat 2 levels on gold today on the first try with a group of ransoms. Crazy it was like the stats lined up and everyone on the team was actually good.
I went into a random lobby for a silver game and didn't notice it was changed to gold. We actually got through it, even though I didn't figure it out until halfway through when the Phantoms seemed to flood the screen. I got the sole survivor extraction for us by keeping my infiltrator cloaked near the extraction zone.
[quote name='Arikado']It's one thing to like the ending. It's another to say it's "fine." It is filled with plot holes and contradictions to the lore established in previous games.[/QUOTE]

it truly is fine. The nitpicking on the ending is ridiculous, especially with how open ended the ending was and how much fan fiction is written and theories that have come about from nerd ragers to justify the ending which was fine in the first place.

and as for multiplayer, I'm only playing bronze from now on, I've tried playing gold and silver and it's just a waste of my equipment. It's as if people don't understand you need to work together or something. All my of my silver and gold matches have pretty much ended before wave 5 because at least one person decides to be a hero and go solo and fuck everything up. -_-
[quote name='Lord_Kefka']I went into a random lobby for a silver game and didn't notice it was changed to gold. We actually got through it, even though I didn't figure it out until halfway through when the Phantoms seemed to flood the screen. I got the sole survivor extraction for us by keeping my infiltrator cloaked near the extraction zone.[/QUOTE]

Ha! I just got the sole survivor bonus tonight, too. On silver, though. Everyone was down and I was in a mad dash to the extraction zone, I was downed JUST inside it with a few seconds to go where the brute and banshee didn't have time to stomp me.

Also, on another round, we were on the last wave, 35 seconds to go. The host was downed and exited, so we were all screwed. So far the ME3 MP community has been pretty decent, but every once in a while you get a pack of tools, like that dude. Ticked me off. They couldn't stick around for 35 more seconds?
[quote name='AshesofWake']it truly is fine. The nitpicking on the ending is ridiculous, especially with how open ended the ending was and how much fan fiction is written and theories that have come about from nerd ragers to justify the ending which was fine in the first place.

and as for multiplayer, I'm only playing bronze from now on, I've tried playing gold and silver and it's just a waste of my equipment. It's as if people don't understand you need to work together or something. All my of my silver and gold matches have pretty much ended before wave 5 because at least one person decides to be a hero and go solo and fuck everything up. -_-[/QUOTE]

After you find the right group gold becomes silver and silver becomes bronze ;). Actually you don't even need a group, one trustworthy partner will do.
This is OT. Did anyone get the Bestbuy Egiftcode yet for preordering? Today is the daedline and I'm still waiting for mine.

[quote name='Arikado']It's one thing to like the ending. It's another to say it's "fine." It is filled with plot holes and contradictions to the lore established in previous games.[/QUOTE]

I finished the game a couple of days ago and Arikado hit it on the head as to why I'm bothered by the endings or hell even the last 10 mins.
[quote name='BigPoppa99']This is OT. Did anyone get the Bestbuy Egiftcode yet for preordering? Today is the daedline and I'm still waiting for mine.


Got it yesterday.

Given I'm planning to return the Best Buy copy since I bought two Collector's Editions, I'm sure I'll lose the gift card, but oh well.
[quote name='Arikado']Interesting story about Patrick Weekes, a BioWare writer, and his thoughts on the ending. This is a man that has left his mark on the series by writing numerous missions and characters, including Mordin.

There was some speculation if this really was him, but the evidence seems to be there. IF this is him, he was sticking his neck out here for sure, but I respect and appreciate him for doing so. You can tell the ending just didn't feel right to him. Really makes me wonder about what could have been.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the article if that is true, I think part of the problem with the game was Mac Walters(lead writer) instead of having continuity with have Drew Karpyshyn(lead writer for ME 1 and ME 2 and the first few novels). Mac walters is the guy who messed(badly) the latest ME novel..
[quote name='js1']Thanks for the article if that is true, I think part of the problem with the game was Mac Walters(lead writer) instead of having continuity with have Drew Karpyshyn(lead writer for ME 1 and ME 2 and the first few novels). Mac walters is the guy who messed(badly) the latest ME novel..[/QUOTE]

Not the fact that it seems that Casey Hudson had way too much creative freedom with no peer review for the ending? That's the main thing that got me,
The best missions in our game are the ones in which the gameplay and the narrative reinforce each other.

Every other mission in the game had to be held up to the rest of the writing team, and the writing team then picked it apart and made suggestions and pointed out the parts that made no sense. This mission? Casey and our lead deciding that they didn’t need to be peer-reviewe.d

That's why i think the game was so good up until that part.
[quote name='AshesofWake']it truly is fine. The nitpicking on the ending is ridiculous, especially with how open ended the ending was and how much fan fiction is written and theories that have come about from nerd ragers to justify the ending which was fine in the first place.


I guess you can say plot holes are no big deal but what about all your decisions from throughout the series that dont matter? I dont see how thats fine when they said all along that they would effect the outcome.
[quote name='yankeessuck']I guess you can say plot holes are no big deal but what about all your decisions from throughout the series that dont matter? I dont see how thats fine when they said all along that they would effect the outcome.[/QUOTE]

well I already explained in another post, but to me, the decisions you made only affected HOW the games were going to be played out. What I mean is HOW you reach the end. For me I never had Ashley through all three games. And that's the aspect of Mass Effect that was intriguing. To me, it was always going to end with the Reapers being destroyed ultimately, but everything else was what affected the next game and so on. I mean to me the ending was fantastic or anything, it was fine.
in my run through Tali ended up killing herself and I lost the entire Quarian fleet and in the end game I never saw the Quarians anymore or even heard about them so therefore to me it worked out pretty ok as following my decisions.
The majority of decisions you make through the Mass Effecr series have really nothing to do with the end game. They are just side choices like deciding if you're going to punch a reporter or give an interview. How is a decision like that have really anything to do with ending the Reaper invasion? That's where I'm coming from.
bread's done