Media Play Trade-In Specials


188 (99%)
I saw the thread about getting a new release game for free after 5 trade-ins, but I figured I'd put all of the Media Play trading specials together in one topic.


- trade in 5 used games, get a new release game free (reg. price $49.99 or less)
- trade in 4 used DVDs, get a new release DVD free (reg. price $27.99 or less)
- trade in 5 used CDs, get a new release CD free (reg. price $16.99 or less)


- trade in 1 used game, save $10 on any video game (reg. price $29.99 or more)
- trade in 1 used DVD, get a new release DVD for $13.99 (reg. price $27.99 or less)
- trade in 2 used CDs, get a new release CD for $7.99 (reg. price $16.99 or less)

The fine print:

"All items must be in good playable condition with no visible scratches. Must include original packaging and artwork. No promotional copies or cutouts. No public domain audio or video recordings. DVDs must be full-length theatrical releases. All games must contain original package and instructions. All games must be complete versions. Budget games selling new for $19.99 or less are not acceptable. All items must have UPC bar codes."
2 questions-
1. So it can be any $50 game? Or must it be new (for example, could I get Ninja Gaiden? Or would it have to be newer, like Spiderman 2?)
2. Are all games accepted? For example. could i walk in there with THPS 3, Spider Man, GT 3, and two cheapo old sports games and walk out with a new release?

I called MediaPlay about it. They said that their exclusion list is pretty small and that most games work so I'm going to try it today. It's always nice having an EB directly next to MediaPlay.
I have done this mediaplay deal NINE times to purchase several copies of ncaa football 2005, tales of symphonia, and 3 copies of madden 2005 - All for ebay. However, you must find new psone games ( NO scratches) or mediaplay will blow you off, or buy lousy ones and have them professionally resurfaced ( no disk doctor). By the way, if you're in Michigan, stay out of my way - I own this town.
Called the nearest MediaPlay (40 miles from me) on Monday to confirm that I could get Madden 2005 if I traded in 5 games on Tuesday. They said "sure." Drove there on Tuesday, and there was a sign right on the front door announcing that Madden was being excluded from any trade-in deals. I thought, "BS. I am not leaving without Madden." Thankfully the manager didn't give me a hard time. Said corporate sent a memo out Tuesday morning re/ Madden, so they would let me in "under the wire" since I had asked about it the day before.

So YMMV on getting Madden...

I sure hope this isn't going to become policy at Media Play---you can get any new release you want, just as long as it isn't a popular game...
[quote name='andrewh7'] By the way, if you're in Michigan, stay out of my way - I own this town.[/quote]
Are you talking about the one in Ann Arbor? I have yet to even see any used games or anything on the shelves, but if going down the road 2 miles and picking up some cheap ass games at GameStop and taking them in for a $50 release game works, then I have no problem doing so :)
Ann Arbor is fine, but my frequent visits have got ps one games excluded from the deal in Utica, southfield, and clinton township. You can verify this by calling them up. *(EDITED OUT because you people ignored my comments and repeated stupid questions and concerns)* is still gold though, they take psone no problem but must be in like new condition. Good luck finding unscratched games at gamestop.
I picked up several copies of Madden 2002 at EB for 1.99 apiece to take to MediaPlay. I was promptly shut down at MediaPlay because the discs had (minor) visible scratches. They then told me that if I used the disc doctor, they'd take them. Picked one up, did the disc doctor, brought the game back in to see if they'd take it and they did.
"Budget games selling new for $19.99 or less are not acceptable"does that mean that madden 2002 wouldnt work? ehhh

and what games are on the exclusion list? should i just ask ove rthe phone?
DON"T LET THE EMPLOYEES SUCKER YOU INTO BUYING REPLAY CARD. You get zero points when you buy the new game because its free.
I am almost glad you babies whining about the budget game 19.99 or less clause have stayed away. Its given me free reign. I made 1300 profit from blockbuster so I know what I'm doing.
Local store here lets you trade in four of any game and get any game free.. only games they exclude are older sports ones.

That store would be Hastings.
alrite, well, io checked media plays website, im just gonna pick up a copy of the mad cheap games...madden 2002 shows up as $30 there, lol
I called the Southfiled, MI Media Play up, and they said that if they sell a game for less than $20, they won't accept it as a trade-in for the deal. Is that BS or the truth?
its in the fine print that you already posted...anybody have a list of the cheapest games from eb that they will take?
[quote name='Minger']its in the fine print that you already posted...[/quote]

Yeah, I know, but others here have been able to trade in cheap games contrary to what the fine print reads. I'm just asking if anyone who's been to the Southfield location has had success trading in cheap games.
well, if you're saying like Madden 2002...

On their web site it still says $30, so i guess thats why its still legit...
Anybody in St. Louis tried this at the Media Play on Big Bend, near Twin Oaks? Just wondering if they take Madden 2002, or other cheap games like that.
I had originally written a long and detailed explanation here for you guys but then I remembered that telling you guys how to get it to work would overwhelm the store and get the deal shutdown. I'm tired of trying to help you people. I figured it out on my own. you do the same.
thats just a little rude...

but o well...he said to get games, then trade in at FYE for store credit cuz its nuts there, and then get new ps1 games and trade those in...

too much work for me, lol...anybody take in games that arent listed on their web site?
I was just in Media Play today and one of the people gave me the flyer for this deal. Looks like, according to the fine print, that the only restrictions are that the trade-ins have to sell new at Media Play for $19.99 or more. I know this has been stated already, but I noticed people kept asking about it.

As for restrictions on the "New Releases", I didn't ask specifically, but they might have to be released within the last 30 days. I was talking to the guy about the CD deal (which is a great deal, considering most of us probably have utter crap that we haven't listened to in 10 years) and he said that the "New Release" DVD had to be released within 30 days. He said the reason for this is because most CDs are released on Tuesdays, so this is their way to get you in the store.
...I'd like to hear more stories about this so I can get a better feel for what the deal is like... If a game has to be released in the last 30 days then that sucks, there are plenty of games that were released a few months ago that I'd rather have. Is there an exclusion list? Anyone know of one? Can you giftcard the deal or do you have to choose your game on the spot? What does Media Play offer in store credit for games anyway? Is there a list to what they are willing to pay you or is it just like EB & Gamestop prices?
[quote name='andrewh7']I had originally written a long and detailed explanation here for you guys but then I remembered that telling you guys how to get it to work would overwhelm the store and get the deal shutdown. I'm tired of trying to help you people. I figured it out on my own. you do the same.[/quote]

I'm tired of you whining like a self indulgent little 12 year old.
You ceased being helpful or interesting long ago.

No one cares about your silly little exploit and how you pull it off. Are you that hard up for attention that you feel the need to pester people that are talking about a deal they'd like to do? Offering help and advice is one thing. Bragging and generally being a whiny little bitch when people aren't paying attention to your pestering is quite another.

**Sorry about the multiple edits, guys... logic shut down for a second while emotion took over ***
[quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='andrewh7']I had originally written a long and detailed explanation here for you guys but then I remembered that telling you guys how to get it to work would overwhelm the store and get the deal shutdown. I'm tired of trying to help you people. I figured it out on my own. you do the same.[/quote]

I'm tired of you whining like a self indulgent little 12 year old.
No one cares about your silly little exploit. Are you that hard up for attention that you feel the need to pester people that are talking about a deal they'd like to do. Offering help and advice is one thing. Bragging and generally being a whiny little bitch is quite another when people aren't paying attention to your pestering is quite another.[/quote] :applause: :applause: :applause:
Back to topic, I did this trade in today at Media Play. I had hoped to pick up Pikmin 2 or Star Ocean, not realizing that they don't come out until tomorrow. When I asked the clerk how you were suppoed to pick up a game that comes out this week on a Tuesday when this week's games don't come out until Wednesday, he said that it's not limited to just this week. When I asked how far back it goes, he said one month.

So I traded in 2 copies of Madden 2002, 2 copies of NCAA Football 2003 and 1 copy of NCAA Final Four 2002 (Final Four? Whichever the 989 NCAA game is) for Tales of Symphonia, which came out roughly a month ago. The receipt said that each game I traded in was worth $0.50, for a total of $2.50. Not bad to get a $49.99 game for that trade in value.
The deal is so phenomenal its not funny. Okay you walked in to EB Games or Gamestop by the cheapest used games you can find. I walked into Eb Picked up Nhl 2001, Madden 2001, Madden 2002, Madden 2003 and Nfl2k3 total cost after 10% off 12.61. I then ripped off all signs that it came up Eb games. I drove over to Media Play went to back gave them the 5 games and it came up ast 5.14 in credit. I traded in 5 games and walked out with Nascar 2005 Chase for the CUp for Xbox. Only catch is if your under 18 i think you might have to have a parent with you. It works on any new release game, The week before i ended up getting Madden 2005 for Xbox for 20 dollars.

I havent gotten Madden 2005 for Xbox, Full Spectrum Warrior and Nascar 2005 .
I didn't even bother with the EB stickers except for the one covering the SKU. They need that one removed so that they can scan the real SKU.
where are media play's located? damn i got plenty of cheap xbox games that i can use to get 1 good game. so if i trade in 5 xbox games, can i get like anotehr game for ps2?
I traded in five games today:

Madden 2002
Madden 2004
Silent Hill 2

Walked out with Tales of Symphonia. The employee said the only limitations were no promo games, and no PS1 or N64 games. I'm going back in a couple weeks to get Burnout 3 and Star Ocean, assuming they have them in stock then.
I can't imagine this promotion is going to continue much further--I just hope it lasts through the month.
I went back yesterday for Star Ocean and got shut down. They told me they can't take old Madden games anymore.
Does anyone know if this deal is still active at Mediaplay, are they still doing the trade in tuesday thing? And I take it from an earlier post FYE sells new ps1 games? If it does I am in business, I've got a gamespot, a FYE and a mediaplay all very close to each other I will be rolling in cheap games.
bread's done