Metal Gear Ac!d 2 $10 @ Best Buy


8 (90%)
I think the price went down a day or two ago, it was $15... This game must have bombed pretty hard, but the reviews are solid and the price is right so I figured it's worth a try, it is a Metal Gear game after all... :)
Thanks I might have to check this one out. I've been waiting for this to drop for a while. Still haven't played the first one, though, like I want to. Hope that won't be much of a problem...
i was waiting on this until i beat the first one, then it got stolen, so this is a nice price. think im gonna pm this somewhere.
this is a very good game. Skip the first one's hokey story. Lots more content, cards, and more entertaining levels in MGA2. The Solid Eye is perfect goofy MGS fun too. I was so confused when videos of japanese models started showing in the solid theater, then I remembered the lockers in MGS2.. ;)

It's kinda funny to watch these japanese models look awkwardly at the camera in pretty convincing 3D. The MGS3 scenes are amazing, though. The PSP is basically doing what the Virtual Boy did back when, with the solid eye.
My local gamestop has this title for 9.99 new and 8.99 used. I was in there on Saturday and was going to pick it up, but decided not to since I know I'll never play it.
Fantastic game. A lot of us like this a lot more than the "real" Metal Gear series now. Excellent if you like strategy games, but there's really nothing else exactly like it (other than the first one of course, which is also good).
[quote name='jer7583']this is a very good game. Skip the first one's hokey story. Lots more content, cards, and more entertaining levels in MGA2. The Solid Eye is perfect goofy MGS fun too. I was so confused when videos of japanese models started showing in the solid theater, then I remembered the lockers in MGS2.. ;)

It's kinda funny to watch these japanese models look awkwardly at the camera in pretty convincing 3D. The MGS3 scenes are amazing, though. The PSP is basically doing what the Virtual Boy did back when, with the solid eye.[/quote]

I disagree to a point. If you believe you may ever want to play the first MGA, play the original first. You will feel way too limited in what you can do compared to the second game.

Oh yeah, don't hate on MGA1's story and not take issue with the MGA2's story. Both story's suck. Luckily, gameplay more than makes up for it.
Definitely a good deal. Would urge any hardcore strategy fans to pick up for that price.
The series requires quite a bit of devotion though, imo.
I literally just ordered this off for $8.41 shipped (new condition). Hope it's good - reviews say so, but you never know till you try it!
[quote name='yoursisterspretty']My local gamestop has this title for 9.99 new and 8.99 used. I was in there on Saturday and was going to pick it up, but decided not to since I know I'll never play it.[/QUOTE]

LOL--just like listening to myself talk. I saw this in a local EB Games for $10; and, I, too, passed on it because I'd prolly never actually play it--it would've been a totally franchise-based purchase.
[quote name='AwRy108']LOL--just like listening to myself talk. I saw this in a local EB Games for $10; and, I, too, passed on it because I'd prolly never actually play it--it would've been a totally franchise-based purchase.[/QUOTE]

It's a better strategy game (or whatever the heck it is) than the "real" series is a stealth game. Every friend I know who owns these has played through them to the end. One even restarted the first one after having his PSP stolen (rebought the first game and replayed through it even though he was already really far in).
[quote name='paddlefoot']I disagree to a point. If you believe you may ever want to play the first MGA, play the original first. You will feel way too limited in what you can do compared to the second game.

Oh yeah, don't hate on MGA1's story and not take issue with the MGA2's story. Both story's suck. Luckily, gameplay more than makes up for it.[/quote]

Yeah, after reading a review I thought about the same thing. It'd be frustrating to play the first and experience all the crap that was fixed in the second. Perhaps I'll just buy it w/ the coupon and keep it sealed until I can get my hands on the first AC!D- $9.99 used for the first game at GS is still too high in my opinion.

I've been patient on them so far, but I know I will eat them up as soon as I can get them. I'm getting tired of waiting.
I seem to be alone on this, but I didn't really think the second game blew away the first game. I thought they were both pretty awesome. Though I think I kind of ignored a lot of the new "stuff" in the second game.

I should say this too-the Metal Gear Acid games have a bit of a learning curve. I actually think they're pretty easy once you "get" how the system works, but since they're pretty different from anything else, they're a bit confusing for the first hour or so, though they start you off on easy areas.

They're basically a strategy game, that uses a deck of cards to do movements, only has two characters to deal with, and also a stealth game...and it all works together really really well. They're like Advance Wars in their addictiveness IMO. And it's fun because unlike the "real" MG games, you get to use lots of your best weapons all the time, which is a lot of fun, versus always having to conserve all your stuff. They're also one of the only games of this genre I can think of that uses stealth.
Picked it up today at BB in Richmond VA on Midlothian Turnpike for $5 after coupon. Thanks OP!

I went by 2 BB and there was 1 copy at each store.
Dropped in price at Target too. I picked up the one and only copy at a Nebraska store yesterday. It was on an endcap with a bunch of other random games.
[quote name='Dezlen']Picked it up today at BB in Richmond VA on Midlothian Turnpike for $5 after coupon. Thanks OP!

I went by 2 BB and there was 1 copy at each store.[/quote]
Where can I find those coupons?
ah fizz, I bought it when it first dropped to $15 at BB, $10 w/coupon. So I guess that's not too bad given that it seems to be a good title. Haven't opened it up yet but the receipt is past 30 day return period.
bread's done