Motorstorm $19.99 USED at Gamestop B&M 2/8-2/14

This is a great deal for you guys, but it sucks for me because I just got one off ebay for $30 shipped brand new. I would of much rather got a used one for $20 and get it right now instead of waiting for it to arrive in the mail.:cry:
[quote name='icarusmight']went to my GS. No copies left, d'oh. Ill try a different one tomorrow.[/quote]

Use the store locator. In my area, it said every store had some, so I dropped by the one I was closest to today. Sure enough, they had two.

17.77 after Edge and tax. Thanks OP!
I went to my local GameStop, and it rang up to 34.99+tax . and i told the rep that it is 19.99 in all gamestop, but the rep didnt accept. so i walked away without picking motorstorm..
I almost bought it used at Game Crazy last night for $35, but then I saw this thread and went out to Gamestop today. Sure enough, I got me a Motorstorm for $20. Thanks OP!!
[quote name='dat27']I went to my local GameStop, and it rang up to 34.99+tax . and i told the rep that it is 19.99 in all gamestop, but the rep didnt accept. so i walked away without picking motorstorm..[/quote]

Once you get to the payment options, the price drops (similar to any coupons at GS). Not all employees know about the sale so they might continue to quote the $34.99 price.
[quote name='dat27']I went to my local GameStop, and it rang up to 34.99+tax . and i told the rep that it is 19.99 in all gamestop, but the rep didnt accept. so i walked away without picking motorstorm..[/quote]

it rang up for that as well for me, but when it's all totaled there is an adjustment to 19.99, this is around the board for every Gamestop. I'm really happy with this deal because the copy I got was in mint condition with no scratches and I also got a copy of Resident Evil 4 premium edition ps2 for 11 bucks, can't wait to get my ps3.
[quote name='lockey']got it for 16.49 with edge. wondering how it came out that price but not complaining. thanks OP[/quote]

they take the 10% off of the original price of $34.99....or $3.50.

$3.50 off of $19.99 = $16.49

One of the best gaming deals I've gotten in the past year. It's really a lot of fun, and I haven't even played online yet.
I got the last copy at my local Gamestop. In was in perfect shape! The clerk was trying to ring me up for $34.99, but I gave him the smackdown with their online ad. He seemed quite surprise, too! You ain't meeting your quota today, skippy!

To add to that, I had the 25% off any Xbox 360 game coupon and picked up Call of Duty 4.

And to add more salt to the wound, I had another transaction; this time for my little sister. It was the 10% off any game from the e-mail offer, and I just bought her a NEW copy of Harvest Moon for the DS. ;)
I was on the fence on this, but I figured for $17 why not. I went to clean up at the JCPENNY green tag sale and swung by Gamestop afterwards. I was very happy to find a pack in version and the disc was pristine. The only time the back may have seen the light of day since the factory was to put it in the gamestop slip for storage.

The beautiful thing about the not for resale copy is it is stamped right on the disc, so you can have them flip through their copies until they see one with that on there.

So far for my PS3 I have gotten Uncharted, Warhawk, Oblivion, and now Motorstorm and spent less then $100 total. On top of getting my 60gig PS3 a year ago this week for $380. :applause:
[quote name='Bubbakja']

So far for my PS3 I have gotten Uncharted, Warhawk, Oblivion, and now Motorstorm and spent less then $100 total. :applause:[/quote]

How did you get a deal on Uncharted?
I did B2G1 at Gamestop the week after Xmas. I got Uncharted, Warhawk, and Oblivion for like $80ish after edge card discount. It took a good amount of work to find a used copy of it, but I found one.

Those were the first 3 games I bought, besides when I bought resistance for $40 back in 2/07 when I got my PS3 @ Meijer. I sold Resistance for a profit so I don't count that. I mainly play games on my 360 since I like the controller more and 90% of my friends play on Live.
Hmmm even though I was tempted I decided to hold off on this game. I don't think I would play multiplayer much and from what i've experienced and heard the single player game is somewhat frustrating and repetitive.

I might bite if it was $10ish
[quote name='DJSteel']I got it for 17 today.. price + edge card...[/quote]

same here. this is a good time to get motorstorm used because most people are selling gamestop their bundled games right when they get their ps3 80gb. therefore, they are in very good if not perfect condition.
Damn went today and it scanned at $34.99. Just have to show them the ad? Employee knew nothing of the new price.
bread's done