My Coke Rewards is dead, long live Coke Rewards. Or not.

Has anyone heard anything about the free Mellow Yellow t-Shirt deal? I just bought my third 12-pack expecting to get it but THIS time it didn't say ANYTHING about how to redeem or how many more packs I needed.
CRAP! I entered all my points for the week earlier today. That's 120 points I just lost out on. Hopefully at least some of you can take advantage of it.

[quote name='neocisco']CRAP! I entered all my points for the week earlier today. That's 120 points I just lost out on. Hopefully at least some of you can take advantage of it.


now im realy lost my email is saying for a week on your email it saying 1day
MF'ing GD it. I just maxed out Sunday and only have like two codes now. Didn't they used to give a weeks notice for these promo's?

What B&M has the cheapest 12 packs today?

The running this promo never cease to amaze me with their boneheaded decisions.
I received the e-mail this morning about the double points promo. I entered one of my 12 pack codes and I only received the normal 10 pts. It does say "participating Coca-Cola beverages" but I couldn't find a listing of which products were/weren't included.

Oh and if you're looking for a good deal on 12 packs this week I think CVS is probably the best.

They have them on sale 5 for $15 but you get $5 in rewards bucks back. I went in, bought 5, got my $5 rewards bucks, went back in, and bought 5 more.

5 for $15 + 5 more for $10 after -$5 rewards bucks = 10 for $25 which is $2.50 each. Funny thing is the ad says you only get one $5 rewards bucks certificate per family but it printed another one on the second transaction so it makes it an even better deal!
[quote name='Chitown021']I received the e-mail this morning about the double points promo. I entered one of my 12 pack codes and I only received the normal 10 pts. It does say "participating Coca-Cola beverages" but I couldn't find a listing of which products were/weren't included.

Oh and if you're looking for a good deal on 12 packs this week I think CVS is probably the best.

They have them on sale 5 for $15 but you get $5 in rewards bucks back. I went in, bought 5, got my $5 rewards bucks, went back in, and bought 5 more.

5 for $15 + 5 more for $10 after -$5 rewards bucks = 10 for $25 which is $2.50 each. Funny thing is the ad says you only get one $5 rewards bucks certificate per family but it printed another one on the second transaction so it makes it an even better deal![/QUOTE]
[quote name='irishsoccermbw']just entered a 12 pack of diet coke code, and only 10pts. Don't get your hopes up even if you got the email (as I did).[/QUOTE]
Yeah, same here. I entered 16 caps and none of them doubled.
I believe the double points is only for coke bottles. I entered some Coke bottles today and all of them doubled, my Diet Coke, Sprite, and Root Beer caps didnt.
[quote name='macontosh2000']I believe the double points is only for coke bottles. I entered some Coke bottles today and all of them doubled, my Diet Coke, Sprite, and Root Beer caps didnt.[/QUOTE]
Yup, that's got to be the issue then. All of my caps were from Diet Cokes.
Thanks for the verification.
Bastards! How about giving us the terms & conditions when you throw a promo out there like thst Coke? I have a stack of Coke Zero/ Diet Coke 12 pack codes as well as a couple codes from those flats of Coke you buy at Sam's Club. it would rule if those bad boys could be doubled! I stopped collecting the bottle caps since they give so few points and there's such a strict limit on the number of codes you can enter in a week.
Regular Coke caps only - and maybe only to a select few who get an email about it? (I never get included in those promos).

How utterly useless. I don't know anyone who ever drinks regular Coke nor do I ever see anyone drinking it. Maybe when I was a teenager...

Now, had it been for 24-pack Diet Coke codes, I'd be rolling in the points ;). Target has had that "marketplace" setup ("bulk" grocery/household items where the Christmas stuff used to be) for a few weeks with 24-packs for $5.99 which is a pretty good deal nowadays (with sub-$3 for 12-pack pricing becoming pretty rare).

Edit: Ok, just for kicks I entered a Sprite cap I found on the floor of my office - no bonus points. And I also entered a 24-pack Diet Coke code - of course, no bonus there either.
[quote name='io']Regular Coke caps only - and maybe only to a select few who get an email about it? (I never get included in those promos).

How utterly useless. I don't know anyone who ever drinks regular Coke nor do I ever see anyone drinking it. Maybe when I was a teenager...

Now, had it been for 24-pack Diet Coke codes, I'd be rolling in the points ;). Target has had that "marketplace" setup ("bulk" grocery/household items where the Christmas stuff used to be) for a few weeks with 24-packs for $5.99 which is a pretty good deal nowadays (with sub-$3 for 12-pack pricing becoming pretty rare).

Edit: Ok, just for kicks I entered a Sprite cap I found on the floor of my office - no bonus points. And I also entered a 24-pack Diet Coke code - of course, no bonus there either.[/QUOTE]

In all the previous Double Points Days, they would only double up to the 12 pack (10 pts.) codes. The codes imprinted inside the larger 20 - 24 cartons that are worth 17/18 and 20 points were never doubled.

I just entered 3 Coke caps and 1 Sprite. Nothing DOUBLED!!!! :whistle2:?
[quote name='TXboxGuY']In all the previous Double Points Days, they would only double up to the 12 pack (10 pts.) codes. The codes imprinted inside the larger 20 - 24 cartons that are worth 17/18 and 20 points were never doubled.

I just entered 3 Coke caps and 1 Sprite. Nothing DOUBLED!!!! :whistle2:?[/QUOTE]I can't be entirely certain since I got the code from a relative, but it appears that a 25-point code from a 30-pack was doubled late last night when the promo began. My Sprite 12-pack code wouldn't double, again confirming the limited-brand consensus around here. Tried a caffeine-free Coke 12-pack code a few hours back, but that didn't double, either.
It says my cap is only worth 3 points and it only gives me 3 points. I see on twitter that they're having a problem with double points, but I don't even see notification (except for here) that there was double points. Is it still active? Where do I even ask them what's going on?
Cokes? You mean like regular full calorie Coke?
I don't have any of those. I only have Diet Cokes and Fresca.
Stupid company.
[quote name='CaptainKirk']the double points are only on Cokes[/QUOTE]

That is what I had . . . regular Coca-Cola red bottle caps. None were doubled.
I entered two powerade caps and a regular coke cap today. IIRC, the powerade cap gave me the "6 points have been added" when it was only 3. Unsure what the cokes code said
Got this in an email from Coke:

We’re having trouble with our website and the Coke Family Nights Double Points* offer is not working properly. We’re working to fix it, but don’t worry, your Double Points will show up in your account within the next 14 days.

Crap, I didn't bother enter codes yesterday after reading that coke flaps weren't doubling, and then they tell me TODAY that it was a glitch and will be added? Way to go, Coke :p
[quote name='jmarano7836']unsure if this has already been talked about, but wanted to share the info that for 0 points you can enter to win a playstation package with Move stuff contest every day. description ill post below and try to setup a link.

Coca-Cola Family Night PlayStation®Move Sweepstakes
Dates: 01/06/11 - 03/03/11
Want even more chances to win?
Enter the Sweepstakes up to 1 times per day.
*No purchase necessary. See rules for details.[/QUOTE]

I've been entering this every day since this was posted, I wonder if I'm the only one here doing it...and I wonder if any of us are gonna win. :) 400 PS3s in the sweepstakes
[quote name='irishsoccermbw']I've been entering this every day since this was posted, I wonder if I'm the only one here doing it...and I wonder if any of us are gonna win. :) 400 PS3s in the sweepstakes[/QUOTE]

I entered it for probably 2 weeks straight, but now just every couple of days.
[quote name='irishsoccermbw']Guess none of us won :( bummer[/QUOTE]

yeah no winner over here either. it started on my bday and i was hoping it would bring me luck, oh well... I think i entered a total of close to 43 entries after doing it religiously or almost daily (mon-fri that is)...
2011 FIFA World Cup Game for PS3 - 1500 points

Think this was added today, don't recall seeing it over the weekend & it isn't listed with 'What's New' on the reward catalogue tab. Seems a pretty good deal, fingers crossed they do the same for NAPCAR when those items finally show.
[quote name='io']Posted in the Deals forum:

Tron Evolution for PS3 is 600 points today (Weds, March 30th). It is normally hugely overpriced at 1500 points. 600 isn't too bad, though, given how little else there is to get.

I just wanted to make sure people subbed to this thread find out about it before it is too late.[/QUOTE]

Thanks io, I would have missed out without your post.
:D In for one.
If my points werent reset and they had more in stock I so would have bought TRON. Ive kinda given up of Cokerewards though whenever I start saving points for something my points always get reset before I get enough to get something I want. Maybe if I bought a 2 liter or 12 pack day I could get something...but yah...thats not happening.
[quote name='Heavyd814life']I have 4 30 point codes from the subway contest if any one is interested[/QUOTE]

I'll take a code if one is still available.
bread's done