My grandmother brought over some books for ebay...

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[quote name='Blade']It's not a dud, and I don't think it's a reprint.

But you guys pissed me off when you started calling me a fucking liar five minutes after I posted the topic.

Assholes, for THAT you get no pictures. Dwell in curiosity.

Thanks for the links to the guides. It is real and from 1938, I haven't put it on ebay yet because I want to get it graded.[/QUOTE]
You know they'll just call you a liar for not putting pictures, or rather refusing to.
[quote name='Blade']It's not a dud, and I don't think it's a reprint.

But you guys pissed me off when you started calling me a fucking liar five minutes after I posted the topic.

Assholes, for THAT you get no pictures. Dwell in curiosity.

Thanks for the links to the guides. It is real and from 1938, I haven't put it on ebay yet because I want to get it graded.[/QUOTE]
Do you honestly think they really care if it's real? I love comics and I'm happy for you theres just so much BS on theese boards that even one is jaded when it comes to incredible finds. I hope you don't put it on ebay as you will get more from a private company or buyer. I think Nicolas Cage is a huge fan of comics like this look up his company and i'm sure they will be more than willing to buy it off you
[quote name='Blade']It's not a dud, and I don't think it's a reprint.

But you guys pissed me off when you started calling me a fucking liar five minutes after I posted the topic.

Assholes, for THAT you get no pictures. Dwell in curiosity.

Thanks for the links to the guides. It is real and from 1938, I haven't put it on ebay yet because I want to get it graded.[/QUOTE]

dwell in curiosity ...OH NOOOO I"M DWEEEEEELLLINNGGG OMGGGGGGGGGG. oh god i dont get to see pictures oh my godddddddddd.

you "dont think it's a reprint". you make my day brighter, that's for sure.
no pics=you own yourself even more.

here's a link of a bunch of old reprints.
have fun getting owned.



EDIT: And the first guy to ask for pics or assume you were joking didn't come for 35 minutes. Don't exaggerate you dirty liar.
[quote name='Blade']It's not a dud, and I don't think it's a reprint.

But you guys pissed me off when you started calling me a fucking liar five minutes after I posted the topic.

Assholes, for THAT you get no pictures. Dwell in curiosity.

Thanks for the links to the guides. It is real and from 1938, I haven't put it on ebay yet because I want to get it graded.[/QUOTE]

wait to feed the people calling you liar even more, the "I'm not sharing" technique does not work and makes you seem like a child. Congrats if its true, if not enjoy your 15 min of fame on a video game website.
[quote name='Blade']It's not a dud, and I don't think it's a reprint.

But you guys pissed me off when you started calling me a fucking liar five minutes after I posted the topic.

Assholes, for THAT you get no pictures. Dwell in curiosity.

Thanks for the links to the guides. It is real and from 1938, I haven't put it on ebay yet because I want to get it graded.[/QUOTE]

Wow, not only have you established in your first post to be a liar, youve established with this post that you are a complete idiot. Learn to cover your lies better.
What a douche. Anyone who claims to possess Action Comics #1 and then fails to put up the evidence is completely full of it. I'll maintain my opinion until proven otherwise.
Why would someone lie about this? What's the point? He must either be ignorant or telling the truth- no one is a big enough loser to lie on a message board for fun!
Wow, thanks for calling the liar a liar guys, now I'll NEVER see the picture of the Action Comics #1. I hate all of you.
I have a similar question.

My Grandfather brought over some postcards to put on Craig's List, and in the back of the envelope there was a really old baseball card. It has some Honus Wagner guy on the front, I've never heard of him. The back is sort of stained, so I can't tell much about it, but the date on the back says 1909 and the number is T206. It's old and yellowed too.

It's probably really rare, right? I don't know anything about baesball cards.
[quote name='kaw']I have a similar question.

My Grandfather brought over some postcards to put on Craig's List, and in the back of the envelope there was a really old baseball card. It has some Honus Wagner guy on the front, I've never heard of him. The back is sort of stained, so I can't tell much about it, but the date on the back says 1909 and the number is T206. It's old and yellowed too.

It's probably really rare, right? I don't know anything about baesball cards.[/QUOTE]
OMG Post ZEE pics NOW or your a fucking lier... YOU LIER :lol:

Note to self: it is hard to make mistakes on purpose.
[quote name='Limpbizkit182521']Haha, actually I dont follow comics but I didnt believe that Superman has been around since 1938 so I looked it up. Just helping out a CAG.[/QUOTE]

:roll: Yes. 1938. Know your history, man. And yes, Batman has been around since 1939, too. Amazing, isn't it?
[quote name='kaw']I have a similar question.

My Grandfather brought over some postcards to put on Craig's List, and in the back of the envelope there was a really old baseball card. It has some Honus Wagner guy on the front, I've never heard of him. The back is sort of stained, so I can't tell much about it, but the date on the back says 1909 and the number is T206. It's old and yellowed too.

It's probably really rare, right? I don't know anything about baesball cards.[/QUOTE]
Haha, if not for the fact that finding Honus Wagner's rookie card is about as believable as finding Action Comics #1, I would answer you seriously.
alright so we moved to a new house and were going through the attic and found a chest full of documents.

Here is a painting hanging in my living room, anyone have any idea about the artists

The other one is this long document, I got no clue about it.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']alright so we moved to a new house and were going through the attic and found a chest full of documents.

Here is a painting hanging in my living room, anyone have any idea about the artists

The other one is this long document, I got no clue about it.

Ha. The thing is, back when the Declaration of Independence was written,some reproductions of it were made to sell to the public. They're about as old as the real thing, and they fetch quite a bit of money (10's of thousands or more). It's possible you could've found one ;)
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']alright so we moved to a new house and were going through the attic and found a chest full of documents.

Here is a painting hanging in my living room, anyone have any idea about the artists

The other one is this long document, I got no clue about it.

im pretty sure some guy named mikelanjello did that drawing. hes that guy that did the naked guy and the 16th chapel. :dunce:
[quote name='2poor']im pretty sure some guy named mikelanjello did that drawing. hes that guy that did the naked guy and the 16th chapel. :dunce:[/QUOTE]

I hate when people draw pornography where children can see it
It's not a dud, and I don't think it's a reprint.

But you guys pissed me off when you started calling me a ing liar five minutes after I posted the topic.

Assholes, for THAT you get no pictures. Dwell in curiosity.

Thanks for the links to the guides. It is real and from 1938, I haven't put it on ebay yet because I want to get it graded. have a long and fruitful life ahead of you at CAG, sir. I hope your reprint emits noxious gases in the middle of the night and dissolves your game collection.
[quote name='Blade']It's not a dud, and I don't think it's a reprint.

But you guys pissed me off when you started calling me a fucking liar five minutes after I posted the topic.

Assholes, for THAT you get no pictures. Dwell in curiosity.

Thanks for the links to the guides. It is real and from 1938, I haven't put it on ebay yet because I want to get it graded.[/QUOTE]

Oh please, don't be such a baby. If someone else posted that they'd found a $30,000 dollar comic but didn't know if it was worth anything would you believe them?

If you wanna show these guys up, go get your comic appraised and sell it in a REAL auction house. (Not full-of-fraud-lowering-prices-and-people-scamming-sellers-out-of-money Ebay). Considering how rare the comic is, you're bound to make a newspaper article somewhere. Give us a link to article. Then you win cuz you made a few grand over something a handful of people on the internet told you was fake. Yay for you.
kind of funny how you claim to not know the holy grail of comic books....but you know getting it graded will improve it's value........I personally think you are lying..but whatever floats you boat. I will now cry over that fact that you won't show me a picture...enjoy the money :)
[quote name='almasy82']kind of funny how you claim to not know the holy grail of comic books....but you know getting it graded will improve it's value........I personally think you are lying..but whatever floats you boat. I will now cry over that fact that you won't show me a picture...enjoy the money :)[/QUOTE]

Good catch, didn't realize that but you make a really good point. Then again, we won't see OP in this thread anymore anyway...
even if he was pissed at everyone for calling him a liar, wouldn't that give him more reason to show the pics to prove them wrong? I call BS.

If it is real though, congrats.
Well, at least the OP, through getting into this, has ceased posting self-taken photos (the "myspace" angle, I call it) with his shirt off in the "what do you look like?" thread from awhile back.

Poor child, starved for attention. Well, I suppose lying online beats overdosing on the pills in your parents' medicine cabinet, only to find out that you just took half a bottle of extra-strength laxatives.
[quote name='2poor']im pretty sure some guy named mikelanjello did that drawing. hes that guy that did the naked guy and the 16th chapel. :dunce:[/QUOTE]

No way dude! It wasnt Mikelanjello at all. It was that other Ninja Turtle, Leonardo Da Caprio! Hes the turtle that painted that supper picture dealy...
[quote name='Puffa469']No way dude! It wasnt Mikelanjello at all. It was that other Ninja Turtle, Leonardo Da Caprio! Hes the turtle that painted that supper picture dealy...[/QUOTE]

I thought that was Raviolli... the red one right?
[quote name='Blade']It's not a dud, and I don't think it's a reprint.

But you guys pissed me off when you started calling me a fucking liar five minutes after I posted the topic.

Assholes, for THAT you get no pictures. Dwell in curiosity.

Thanks for the links to the guides. It is real and from 1938, I haven't put it on ebay yet because I want to get it graded.[/QUOTE]


Worst. Thread. EVAR!
You know, he thinks we are gonna dwell over not seeing the pic.

Hate to break it to you bro, but I'll dwell as long as it takes for me to click out of this topic and open another one and completely forget about this. Showing us a pic of the comic would leave a longer lasting envious impression.

But in the end, we don't care random internet guy.

K, Blade, I am a comic book collector and am serious search of this one, I have put aside money for this specific one, I would like to see the condition of the comic book, if it isn't to bad I will offer a large amount of money for it, you can PM me the pic as I know you don't want anybody else to see it.
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