
Sadly, yes. It is the only way to keep in touch with old high school/college friends therefore I participate in the hell that is myspace.
I have an account, but I rarely log in. I actually checked out my account a couple of days ago and saw that I had some friend requests and messages.
[quote name='AngellicLulu']Sadly, yes. It is the only way to keep in touch with old high school/college friends therefore I participate in the hell that is myspace.[/QUOTE]

That's what I did. I got in contact with a few old classmates and then some people I go to college with found me. I have like 15 friends because I don't go around adding random people and I have met all of the ones I do have.
[quote name='David85']That's what I did. I got in contact with a few old classmates and then some people I go to college with found me. I have like 15 friends because I don't go around adding random people and I have met all of the ones I do have.[/QUOTE]

ditto except switch out college with old military buddies. I made mine private so as to avoid the porn friend requests
[quote name='JSweeney']Myspace is for perverts and pedophiles.[/QUOTE]

So I guess we can see your multiple accounts then.
Facebook. No idiots posting bad music on thier pages, or making them unreadable. (I guess I shouldn't care about talking to those people anyway...)
Yes, I'm on MySpace.

I joined to be able to keep in touch with a buddy of mine. Within a week or so some of my old friends had tracked me down somehow. I'm still not a huge fan of the site though.
no but most of my friends in real life do. since i see them almost every weekend i don't need to use myspace to keep in touch with them
[quote name='AngellicLulu']Sadly, yes. It is the only way to keep in touch with old high school/college friends therefore I participate in the hell that is myspace.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Quackzilla']I rarely look at my myspace account, Facebook is way better.[/quote]

Bah, facebook sucks dick now that it tracks everything that you do and tells everyone in the world when you do anything from send someone else a message, join a new group, take a shit, etc...
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Bah, facebook sucks dick now that it tracks everything that you do and tells everyone in the world when you do anything from send someone else a message, join a new group, take a shit, etc...[/QUOTE]

You can set it so that info doesn't come up
Why does everyone hate MySpace so much? I understand not liking the freaks that use it hours a day but otherwise what's the issue.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Yeah, I have one. I laugh in the general direction of people who think they're hardcore because they don't have a Myspace.[/quote]

I fart in their general direction.
I used it for a bit, liked it at first, then decided "What the fuck is the point of this? I can just see these people or talk to them elsewhere, fuck it". Myspace is lame and the people who use it are mostly dumbasses. Many of them are at least, if not the majority...
Yeah, but I'm not proud of it. I have a few friends who basically live on MySpace -- they can't (or won't) e-mail or call regularly so if I want to stay up-to-date with them, I have to use MySpace. Seriously, is that hard to pick up a phone?!

I also got tired of people constantly sending me MySpace invites...
[quote name='Rozz']I used it for a bit, liked it at first, then decided "What the fuck is the point of this? I can just see these people or talk to them elsewhere, fuck it". Myspace is lame and the people who use it are mostly dumbasses. Many of them are at least, if not the majority...[/QUOTE]


[quote name='Mr. Anderson']

Yes, have you heard them though? No? fuck off then. They're nothing like those shitty emo bands you might enjoy.

But really, I'd reccomend their first cd... you can get it cheap off Amazon... It's a hard album to dive into, but it grows on you after awhile and its in my top albums of all time now...
[quote name='Rozz']Yes, have you heard them though? No? fuck off then. They're nothing like those shitty emo bands you might enjoy.

But really, I'd reccomend their first cd... you can get it cheap off Amazon... It's a hard album to dive into, but it grows on you after awhile and its in my top albums of all time now...[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I've heard plenty. Don't like it. I could care less about your musical preference, I was just demonstrating how you can apply what you said to just about anything anybody likes at any given time. And before you (poorly) try to insult me, take a look at my avatar. I'm no emo jackoff; check yo'self before you wreck yo'self. :D
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']And before you (poorly) try to insult me, take a look at my avatar. I'm no emo jackoff; check yo'self before you wreck yo'self. :D[/quote]

Yea man, He's ENGAGED. Watch out!
This is just Homo. Come on Myspace freinds .Bull Tar! Myspace is just another stupid place for people to dump there ideas.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Yeah, I've heard plenty. Don't like it. I could care less about your musical preference, I was just demonstrating how you can apply what you said to just about anything anybody likes at any given time. And before you (poorly) try to insult me, take a look at my avatar. I'm no emo jackoff; check yo'self before you wreck yo'self. :D[/QUOTE]

Oh hush now; they're the underground of the underground. Nobody's ever played electric guitar until them. They also invented the drums...and the flute (though they deny it).

Rozz is the kind of person who, alas, when I harken back to my youth, makes me think of those poor childrens who want to engage in a game of "lesser-known-band-syndrome" with you, but somehow think that "Metal Edge" magazine was the bottom floor of the underground. I don't take pride in being a pretentious asshole of a teenager, but I don't deny it either.

I also don't make the assumption that nobody's heard of a band before. In the internet age, dissemination of information is far too easy to make that false assumption. Back in the tape-trading days? Sure, it would be easy to say "oh, I bet you've never heard this latest band with the prefix "Dis" and nicer dreadlocks than guitar playing skills." Today? Sheeeeit, even iTunes has the entire Sound Pollution catalog available.

At any rate, I use MySpace to keep in contact with long-lost friends; I can weather the attacks about it, given that those who refuse to use it are easily the same kind of people who don't like (fill in the blank) because it is popular; that is, those who define themselves not by what they are, but what they are not. Lamers, man. fucking lamers.

At any rate, MySpace is fantastic as a *supplement* to your social life; once it becomes the *substitute* for your social life, then you're in trouble. I know plenty of fuckers who have had that happen to them.

My biggest problem with MySpace? Glitter pictures in the comments page. I want to shove a Buick up the ass of the person who invented those.

Some pisspoor drawing of a sparkly big-booty trizz-amp with the message "just stopping by to say hello" is just bad. Badbadbad.
bread's done