New DS w/Mario 64 still only $129.99 at Wal-Mart


3 (100%)
On, and at most of the B&M stores, the DS bundled with Super Mario 64 has been dropped to $129.99. Great deal for the system and a fairly decent game, so check your local Wal-Mart and see if they have any bundles left.

The deal is on and off at Wal-Mart's website, so check back often if it appears to be out of stock.

DS + Mario $130
They were still $149 at my Walmart, as of an hour ago. I bought mine yesterday at that price, and was hoping to get the difference refunded, but I'll have to find a competitor's ad and go back tomorrow.
[quote name='defiance_17']They were still $149 at my Walmart, as of an hour ago. I bought mine yesterday at that price, and was hoping to get the difference refunded, but I'll have to find a competitor's ad and go back tomorrow.[/QUOTE]
That's how my brother did it. He brought in the Best Buy ad and price matched, because it just showed the system in the ad, not the box.
[quote name='Kaijufan']That's how my brother did it. He brought in the Best Buy ad and price matched, because it just showed the system in the ad, not the box.[/QUOTE]

Will they just adjust the price with my receipt, or will I have to try and return-rebuy?
In about two minutes I'm going to break down and open the goddamned thing.
They were already marked down to $129 today at my local store. I plan on picking one up this week, if not tomorrow. I have a feeling these will go fast.
[quote name='defiance_17']Will they just adjust the price with my receipt, or will I have to try and return-rebuy?
In about two minutes I'm going to break down and open the goddamned thing.[/QUOTE]
I'm not sure, but I bet you can just take in your receipt and an ad, and get your $20 back.
Just to let you know, with shipping and tax added (walmart charges nearly $10 in tax!) the $130 DS / Mario eventually comes up to $150 anyways.

Just to alert those thinking of buying it online from Walmart
[quote name='Requiem']Just to let you know, with shipping and tax added (walmart charges nearly $10 in tax!) the $130 DS / Mario eventually comes up to $150 anyways.

Just to alert those thinking of buying it online from Walmart[/QUOTE]

It's still $10-12 cheaper (more or less, depending on your state's sales tax) than going in store, and that's assuming you can get a bundle B&M for that price.
How much do you expect taxes to be on a $130 item?
[quote name='Requiem']Just to let you know, with shipping and tax added (walmart charges nearly $10 in tax!) the $130 DS / Mario eventually comes up to $150 anyways.

Just to alert those thinking of buying it online from Walmart[/QUOTE]
I'm pretty sure it's not Walmart charging the tax.
Wow, my first "real" deal makes front page! Thanks, Cheapy!

And yes, I realize that after tax and shipping, it's almost not a deal...but you'll still save a few bucks. Also, don't forget you can still pick up the Electric Blue version at the B&M stores. It should come out to about ten dollars more after tax. I'd rather pay $140 instead of $162 (which is the price of buying a DS and Mario 64 separately).
This is great news! Going tomorrow to get my Nintendo DS and Advanced Wars!! (The only game I want for the system as of now) Thanks OP!
[quote name='Jaket']the NDS bundle the blue one with the mario included is still 149.92 in store... confirmed[/QUOTE]

Not in good ol' Lumberton, TX. :D
So would this be somewhat YMMV? I'm heading by Walmart tomorrow - if they have the bundle in stock would it be luck of the draw whether I got it for 150 or 130?
[quote name='Maverick CRV']Not in good ol' Lumberton, TX. :D[/QUOTE]
[quote name='CaoPi']oh hey does that Mario 64 that come with it have a lable saying not for resale?[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately it comes in that same cardboard sleeve that the Metroid Prime Hunter demo came in (so I've heard)

Mario definitely doesnt come in the standard DS case.
Checked at the West Hills Walmart in CA, they still had it marked as $150. The lady wouldn't check for me, she said she hadn't heard of a price drop.
I stopped yesterday, it was marked 149.99, and there wasn't an employee in sight. Figured instead of searching someone out and possibly fighting over the price, I'd just printout their webpage listing and go back today.

When I stopped again today, the price label had been changed to Electric Blue/with Mario for 129.44. Picked it up.

P.S. I was on the fence about getting this at launch. Had I been able to play these mini-games on a kiosk (instead of that idiotic Hunters), there's no way I would have resisted the temptation. Old-school brilliance! This game puts a smile on my face.
Has anyone been able to confirm the 129 price in California?

Gas is killer here, would just like to know before I drove around town to wallyworld.
This is going to be pretty YMMV, as always.

My Wal-mart had two DS stickers on the glass case. (and these were Nintendo-made, not just Wallyworld price stickers) One had a picture of a DS and $129.82 (or some pointless price point), and the other had a picture of Mario and the DS for $149.82. If you can get it, good. But don't count on it.
I went to my new local Wal-Mart that just opened last month, the DS still had the stickers for $150 on them, and the price labels on the shelves for the same, but I asked the guy there to check anyway and it rang up as $130. They did not come with Mario 64 unfortunately, but at least I have a DS and Nintendogs now. :)
Picked up my Blue DS with Mario 64 bundle at Wal-mart. I saw a sticker on the display case indicating the price drop so I bought it. It was $129.44 plus 8.41 for tax.
Woah are you serious!?
Damn - I thought it was just like the game you pull off the shelves =\
[quote name='Segaholic2']All you get is the game cart, manual, and all the inserts. No case, full or cardboard.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Requiem']Just to let you know, with shipping and tax added (walmart charges nearly $10 in tax!) the $130 DS / Mario eventually comes up to $150 anyways.

Just to alert those thinking of buying it online from Walmart[/QUOTE]

The tax would be a wash between Walmart in store or Walmart online - you're going to pay that anyway. The difference comes down to the shipping expense.
Picked up an electric blue one w/ Mario included for $130 tonight, looked to be the last one in stock.
[quote name='62t']since walmart's return policy is 90 days, can i get $20 back if i brought my ds back in june?[/QUOTE]

Does anyone know the answer to this?
Grrrrr.....stop talking about the DS price drop. You are all making me want to buy one despite the fact that I rarely play my GBA SP. :evil:

This may be heresey for some, but I purchased multiple SPs (Always sold them) and never really could get into it. Always thought handhelds just weren't my thing, butI've had more fun with my DS in the last couple days than I ever did with the SP.
i just picked up a blue ds with mario 64 for 136 after tax at walmart in iowa city, ia. i just played the first stage. oh the memories. my girlfriend is mad. one more system to buy games for! arrghh!
I saw that the blue w/ Mario came back in stock after it had disappeared earlier this week. Maybe they will get more in. Keep checking. As for me, I called all of the Wal*Marts within fifty miles of here and none of them have them. So I called the Wal*Mart in the little podunk town my mom lives in and they have two. She said she would pick one up for me.:cool: (I didn't want to spend the extra $8 on shipping from Besides, their estimate for shipping was a bit over two weeks out!:hot: )
Do the DS systems with Mario 64 DS still have the Metroid demo in the package? Or does Mario take the place of Metroid?
Mario takes the place of Metroid. The Metroid demo was in the launch DS systems was it not? Some stores still have them around so that's not saying much for sales of the DS. :(
[quote name='aoLat']Mario takes the place of Metroid. The Metroid demo was in the launch DS systems was it not? Some stores still have them around so that's not saying much for sales of the DS. :([/QUOTE]

Do you even know the sales numbers? And now that Nintendogs is out... I mean do you know how many people I have seen at the mall or on these or other forums who are buying/have bought a DS just because of this game? I have wanted one for a long time. Nintendogs has finally pushed me over. Look into what you are saying before you dismiss something. Or just grow up...:roll:
[quote name='MorPhiend']Look into what you are saying before you dismiss something. Or just grow up...:roll:[/QUOTE]

He wasn't stating fact, just his opinion.
bread's done