New DS w/Mario 64 still only $129.99 at Wal-Mart


3 (100%)
On, and at most of the B&M stores, the DS bundled with Super Mario 64 has been dropped to $129.99. Great deal for the system and a fairly decent game, so check your local Wal-Mart and see if they have any bundles left.

The deal is on and off at Wal-Mart's website, so check back often if it appears to be out of stock.

DS + Mario $130
[quote name='CocheseUGA']He wasn't stating fact, just his opinion.[/QUOTE]

Some things are just facts and there are no opinions, just delusions. That is the same thing as saying that because I don't have a DS, it means they are not selling well. That's just plain stupidity. You can't have the opinion that grass is hot pink. It's green. Period.
[quote name='MorPhiend']Some things are just facts and there are no opinions, just delusions. That is the same thing as saying that because I don't have a DS, it means they are not selling well. That's just plain stupidity. You can't have the opinion that grass is hot pink. It's green. Period.[/QUOTE]

No. It's really not. They aren't selling well in his area. From that, he extrapolates that they aren't selling well. The correct analogy would be his grass is pink (which it really might be) and all grass is pink. Which is probably not right.

The DS is selling actually rather well. Nintendogs (I have no idea why any right-minded person would spend money on it, but that's just me) has caused sales to jump, but the blue DS did that too.

Sony puts out a 'must have game' (I dunno, like LCS and GT4M) and some different colors, and you'll see a similar jump.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Sony puts out a 'must have game' (I dunno, like LCS and GT4M) and some different colors, and you'll see a similar jump.[/QUOTE]

I would hardly call those "must-have" games.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']No. It's really not. They aren't selling well in his area. From that, he extrapolates that they aren't selling well. The correct analogy would be his grass is pink (which it really might be) and all grass is pink. Which is probably not right.

The DS is selling actually rather well. Nintendogs (I have no idea why any right-minded person would spend money on it, but that's just me) has caused sales to jump, but the blue DS did that too.

Sony puts out a 'must have game' (I dunno, like LCS and GT4M) and some different colors, and you'll see a similar jump.[/QUOTE]

He didn't say anything about his area. So stop pulling things out of your butt (except your head, go ahead and pull it out, that's just nasty...). And the DS was already doing well before Nintendogs. And we don't have the numbers for last week yet. But yes, I am sure there will be a spike. But that doesn't have anything to do with the fact that DS sales have been constantly good since it's release (even during any "slumps").

And those are hardly must haves. Maybe to you they are, but if Sony is depending on the sales of one little third party game to get their PSPs out the door, they don't have much. All the hype around this new GTA is retarded. All it is doing is making people expect something more than SA. Sorry, but it ain't going to be as big, nor as immersive on a handheld as it is on the console. People are going to be sorely disappointed. And that's not the way to sell systems either.

It's obvious that you are just a Sony fanboy. This is a thread about a sale on the DS. Someone made a comment that DS sales aren't doing too hot (same mentality of the people who said the price drop meant that they were doing bad:roll: ). They are corrected and now you've turned it into a "the PSP will turn around and squash the DS, just you wait and see" thread. Please, Give me a break and stay out of the DS thread. Thanks.
I saw several of the Blue DS/Mario bundles in stock at the WalMart Supercenter at Beach Blvd./Southside Blvd. in Jacksonville, FL. FYI
[quote name='MorPhiend']He didn't say anything about his area. So stop pulling things out of your butt (except your head, go ahead and pull it out, that's just nasty...). And the DS was already doing well before Nintendogs. And we don't have the numbers for last week yet. But yes, I am sure there will be a spike. But that doesn't have anything to do with the fact that DS sales have been constantly good since it's release (even during any "slumps").

And those are hardly must haves. Maybe to you they are, but if Sony is depending on the sales of one little third party game to get their PSPs out the door, they don't have much. All the hype around this new GTA is retarded. All it is doing is making people expect something more than SA. Sorry, but it ain't going to be as big, nor as immersive on a handheld as it is on the console. People are going to be sorely disappointed. And that's not the way to sell systems either.

It's obvious that you are just a Sony fanboy. This is a thread about a sale on the DS. Someone made a comment that DS sales aren't doing too hot (same mentality of the people who said the price drop meant that they were doing bad:roll: ). They are corrected and now you've turned it into a "the PSP will turn around and squash the DS, just you wait and see" thread. Please, Give me a break and stay out of the DS thread. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

You want to be a dipshit, fine. Go ahead. It clearly states in his post "some stores have them around." I'm sure he didn't mean his area, I'm sure he was just guessing about a random location 500 miles from his.

Secondly, read my post. I clearly stated the DS was doing well before Nintendogs. Re-read it. It's there. I never said slump. Re-read it. It's not in there. I never said that a) I had or wanted a PSP, or b) that high quality games for the PSP wouldn't do the EXACT SAME THING as respective titles would on the DS. (And how do you know that GTA won't do well? Clairvoiant?)

BTW: GT4M isn't a third-party title. And it will sell.

Read my posts again, and you'll see that I never bashed the DS, just the mentality of those who would buy the 21st century version of a Tamagotchi. But that's the problem, you didn't read any of it. You were too busy assuming I was a fanboy, and for that the man in the glass house should cast no stones. I own more N consoles than my others almost combined.

Please, if you can't get your facts straight before posting, don't. And get back to the OP's intent. Thanks.
[quote name='Stace']I saw several of the Blue DS/Mario bundles in stock at the WalMart Supercenter at Beach Blvd./Southside Blvd. in Jacksonville, FL. FYI[/QUOTE]

The Wal-Mart in Batavia, NY had the Blue/Mario bundles as well. FWIW
Hey, you're the one who started the assuming. Baseless assumptions no less. Let the other guy say what he meant. You have no idea what he meant. And you were the one going all over the place. My original comment to the other poster was just because he sounded to be baselessly judging the DS (which he was). It was not harsh nor vulgar (as your filthy little mouth is). It was just trying to say,"Hey, don't make dumb claims about something a deal has been posted for." And then you come in pulling ideas out of your butt. If this guy wants to say that he was just being unclear in his comments, that's fine. But you have no room to criticize me from your position.
[quote name='MorPhiend']Hey, you're the one who started the assuming. Baseless assumptions no less. [/QUOTE]

Kind of like the random 'Sony fanboy' comments? Sure buddy.

Weird. For some reason, the link to the Electric Blue DS bundle is invalid. Fortunately, you can still choose whichever color you want from the Titanium DS page.
Well I broke down and ordered one online, I would have to pay tax regardless, so I looked at it as paying $8 extra for Mario (with the shipping). I tried to find this in store but couldn't. Going to pick up a couple games (probably meteos and kirby) for the ds with my gamerush credit. Have a couple car trips coming up in the next couple months, and I could use a portable.
[quote name='Maverick CRV']Weird. For some reason, the link to the Electric Blue DS bundle is invalid. Fortunately, you can still choose whichever color you want from the Titanium DS page.[/QUOTE]
Blah, I wanted to get the blue one for somebody, but you can't get the blue one anymore online. :cry:
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']Blah, I wanted to get the blue one for somebody, but you can't get the blue one anymore online. :cry:[/QUOTE]

Awwww, thanks Judy^3, but I actually prefer the silver one.....:cool:

Just keep checking the site as they both seem to go in and out of stock almost daily. B&M has quite a few of them (at least around Chi-town), so you might want to try there also. I know petrol is expensive, but its not like you can go anywhere without passing a WalyWorld nowadays.
^ Thanks sub, got one as a surprise for the bf :) now I can play multiplayer with someone.

[quote name='RavenHawk']Just keep checking the site as they both seem to go in and out of stock almost daily. B&M has quite a few of them (at least around Chi-town), so you might want to try there also. I know petrol is expensive, but its not like you can go anywhere without passing a WalyWorld nowadays.[/QUOTE]
I want to check B&M, but I'm lacking a car at the moment :\ It was an extra $8 for shipping, but like someone else said before, I'll just think of it as getting Mario 64 for $8. And damn CA tax...
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Blue is back. If I was at all interested in Mario 64 this would have been mine long ago. As it is, I can wait.[/QUOTE]

I'm so fucking weak. :cry: :lol:

And now I'll have to buy a few games ... :wall: :lol:
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I'm so fucking weak. :cry: :lol:

And now I'll have to buy a few games ... :wall: :lol:[/QUOTE]

Did you break down and order one? I applaud you. You've done what I can't bring myself to do.

I even have two DS games waiting to be played (Nanostray and Polarium), but my bills and loan payments are preventing me from buying one right now. I'm really hoping my wait is justified by Nintendo perhaps releasing a black one before Christmas.
Import it.

[quote name='DrunkTigerWoods']I would jump in on this but I really want a black ds. Any news on the next ds color?[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Maverick CRV']Did you break down and order one? I applaud you. You've done what I can't bring myself to do.

I even have two DS games waiting to be played (Nanostray and Polarium), but my bills and loan payments are preventing me from buying one right now. I'm really hoping my wait is justified by Nintendo perhaps releasing a black one before Christmas.[/QUOTE]

I should be the one applauding you. :lol:
[quote name='tokerblue']FYI. If you bought the Mario DS bundle and would like a game case and cover art, you can buy official cases from the Nintendo store. While you're on the site, buy some component cables for your GCN and play in 480p glory. :)[/QUOTE]

Only GCN's made before May 2004 have the Digital A/V just a heads up to those who have bought one more recently.
[quote name='Drahken']Only GCN's made before May 2004 have the Digital A/V just a heads up to those who have bought one more recently.[/QUOTE]
> Thanks for the correction. I always forget that Nintendo took out the Digital output.
My DS is still on the way, but Walmart shipped my copy of Mario 64 DS separately and I recieved it yesterday (they shipped the game from cali). Came complete with case and everything, factory sealed, so maybe they are out of the bundles and shipping their own bundle? My DS should be here on Wednesday.
[quote name='msdmoney']My DS is still on the way, but Walmart shipped my copy of Mario 64 DS separately and I recieved it yesterday (they shipped the game from cali). Came complete with case and everything, factory sealed, so maybe they are out of the bundles and shipping their own bundle? My DS should be here on Wednesday.[/QUOTE]

Mine were shipped seperately too. I got both of them on Friday. I was afraid I was going to have to wait until after the holiday weekend to receive it. Another nice extra is that my Titanium DS came with the Metroid demo, I wasn't expecting that.

So far I'm impressed with the system. I'm really looking forward to Lunar later this month. That game made me break down and get a DS. What other games are worth picking up? I've heard good things about Nanostray.

[quote name='msdmoney']My DS is still on the way, but Walmart shipped my copy of Mario 64 DS separately and I recieved it yesterday (they shipped the game from cali). Came complete with case and everything, factory sealed, so maybe they are out of the bundles and shipping their own bundle? My DS should be here on Wednesday.[/QUOTE]

Interesting ... mine is still "processing". :cry:
[quote name='coolest_stan'] does walmart let you get a refund without receipt?[/QUOTE]

I don't mean to jump to conclusions, but why must every thread about Wal*Mart have at least one person who is seeking to screw Wal*Mart?

(note: This post was immediately after the post where someone mentioned that they got a factory sealed copy of Mario with their DS... It just seems that someone is trying to get a $100 DS from this deal...)
[quote name='Stingermck']Is this still available online? All i see now are regular systems for $129.[/QUOTE]

Still available as far as I know. If you click on the link on the first page of this thread, it takes you right to it. It's saying both models are still in stock.
I really want this, especially now that people are saying they recieve factory sealed copies. Very tempting to buy, but I Definitely don't have the money. Argh!!!
I hope this lasts long enough for me to order one...most of these bundles were over a few months ago. Hopefully WalMart doesn't decide to change their minds the day before I order one. ¬_¬

Now I just need to decide whether I want the blue one or the titanium one...
Does anyone know if Walmart stores will pricematch the website? None of my stores have the bundles, but I wonder if I print the online page out, would they give me a new copy of Super Mario DS?
[quote name='snipegod']Does anyone know if Walmart stores will pricematch the website? None of my stores have the bundles, but I wonder if I print the online page out, would they give me a new copy of Super Mario DS?[/QUOTE]

Doubt it. We were out of the Gamecube bundles the other day, and the customer was trying to get a regular Cube and a copy of Smash Bros. , and management did not approve it. As well as the site being separate from the stores.
[quote name='snipegod']Does anyone know if Walmart stores will pricematch the website? None of my stores have the bundles, but I wonder if I print the online page out, would they give me a new copy of Super Mario DS?[/QUOTE]

Definitely not. I tried. And it's not really a bundle, it's a deal. They aren't packaged together.
All right, I'm going to be ordering one tomorrow...hopefully my luck doesn't turn out bad and this bundle is suddenly over right before I do it. ^_^ I'm leaning towards the Titanium right now. The Electric Blue one does look cool, but I've always liked more neutral colors.
This is extremely tempting. Jeeze. I know there will be good games out in the future I will be interested in, but all I want at the moment is Nintendogs and whatever Pokemon game comes out. Mario is a nice bonus, but I'm assuming it's much the same game I beat what...nine years ago?

Anyways, thanks for the updates all. I'm trying to be strong as well. ;)
[quote name='Inferno-X']This is extremely tempting. Jeeze. I know there will be good games out in the future I will be interested in, but all I want at the moment is Nintendogs and whatever Pokemon game comes out. Mario is a nice bonus, but I'm assuming it's much the same game I beat what...nine years ago?

Anyways, thanks for the updates all. I'm trying to be strong as well. ;)[/QUOTE]It's the same game except there's 30 more stars, supposedly integrated into the game seamlessly. Also you play as 4 different characters who each have unique abilities. You find hats within the level to change your person.

Can anyone tell me if I can return stuff ordered from at the B&M store?
Got my DS today, came with the Metroid Hunters Demo. Played some Mario DS tonight, I miss the analog stick, but enjoying the new system.
Just wanted to let everyone know what I did with my Wal-mart DS bundle:

I ordered Nintendo DS with BONUS Mario 64 for $129.82 + 7.94 shipping + 11.37 tax.

When you get it, it arrives in two shipments. The DS comes in a shipment whose invoice reads:

subtotal: 129.81, shipping fee: 595, tax amount: 11.21, total: 146.98

the mario 64 game says:

subtotal: 0.01, shipping 1.98, tax 0.16, total 2.15

then i took the DS to my local walmart and returned it for 140.52 refund to my credit card.

so I paid 149.13 and got refunded 140.52 so I got Mario 64 for 8.61. Then I took mario and exchanged it for Meteos.

So bottom line was Meteos (or any $29.99 game) for 8.61. Not bad. If anyone didn't order a DS yet they can do the same.
bread's done