New terms for trade-ins: 1 copy per game title


I just noticed at that they are now restricting trade-ins to one copy per game, as listed on the rules page (Step 4):

"Maximum of one of any individual title will be accepted"

I'm 99% sure I didn't see this last night when I put through five sets of four games each. They'd better not claim this rule applies to that group of games. :evil:
[quote name='PaulEMoz']Wapcaplet? Adrian Wapcaplet?[/quote]

Now, Mr. Simpson... Simpson, Simpson... French, is it?

Back on topic, I do have two more sets of games to ship out that were processed yesterday. They both include games that I've shipped out previously. Dare I send them?
[quote name='Wapcaplet']I just noticed at that they are now restricting trade-ins to one copy per game, as listed on the rules page (Step 4):

"Maximum of one of any individual title will be accepted"

I'm 99% sure I didn't see this last night when I put through five sets of four games each. They'd better not claim this rule applies to that group of games. :evil:[/quote]

hmm. now, is this max of one title per 4 game trade in deal or what?
[quote name='dlee']hmm. now, is this max of one title per 4 game trade in deal or what?[/quote]

Someone over at got the following nastygram from, which makes it sound like it's limited to one title per offer, not per shipment:

Hello from,

Thank you for participating in our trade-in prom motion. However there was a problem with the trade-ins that you provided. It was noticed that in separate trade-ins you included duplicate games. We cannot not accept duplicate games for trade-in. This is listed under, step 4, the terms and conditions that you accepted when you completed your trade-ins online. However we will honor your trade-ins at this time in the future we will not accept any duplicate games for trade-in. We have listed the terms and conditions for trade-ins below for your reference:

-Maximum of one of any individual title will be accepted
-We accept only English-language games, published in the United States

[rest of rules quoted verbatim from Step 4 deleted]

This is what prompted me to double-check the web page, and sure enough, they snuck the max-one-title rule in. If I only had proof that it wasn't there on Sunday night...
As of about 3 pm Pacific time on Jan 12, it was still

"No more than one individual title of any game"

I think they should honor everything sent before that point. & WHY DON'T THEY HIGHLIGHT IT SO PEOPLE SEE THE CHANGES!!!! GGGRRR!

EDIT: There's your proof right there! It doesn't matter if you took a screenshot of the rules or not. They could just say you photoshopped it.
Anyone know if they'll take SSX? (the original one). I've been looking to unload this thing. About 2 years ago my local EB offered me 2 bucks for it.
Last Friday I called into EB and asked them some "stupid customer" questions:

1) My buddy told me that I could send in any non-sports game. Is this right?
A) Yes. Any non-football, blah blah blah.

2) So is Crush Hour ok?
A) Uhhh... yes.

3) What about JSRF?
A) For the XBox?
3q) Yes (What the hell, did he think I was talking about the DC version?)
A) Yes.

4) Can I take advantage of this offer more than once? (Referring to the Ninja Gaiden trade-in)
A) Yes.

4) I was also told that I could send in more than one of the same game, but on the website it says that I can't. Is this a new policy?
A) Yes, you can't have more than one of the same game in the same trade-in.

5) So if I have 3 trade-ins for Ninja Gaiden and the same game is in all three it won't go against that rule?
A) Right, but you just have to send them seperately.

So Friday and Saturday I packaged up 10 different boxes with a bunch of different games and shipped them out yesterday. They better not try and screw me, I'll let them have it.
I don't think this is a new rule, as I remember reading that in the fine print when this deal first came out.
[quote name='TheRaven']I don't think this is a new rule, as I remember reading that in the fine print when this deal first came out.[/quote]

No, I know for sure that the web page did NOT list this rule until at least Monday. I double and triple-checked when I sent in my first order two weeks ago. This question has come up a few times in the past month, and there were conflicting responses from EB's online customer service (one e-mail said it's okay to send in duplicate titles, another said you couldn't do it within the same shipment).

There have been a few reports of people sending in multples of the same game and getting the $52 credit without any hassle, too.

This is definitely a new rule change.
That's why you are better off just going into the store. I'd rather walk out pissed off with my handful of games than send away my property and run the risk of them getting damaged in transit or worse, not getting them back at all.
What they don't say is if you can trade in the same game for different promotions. Like if I traded in Fantavision for the Ninja Gaiden deal, would I be allowed to trade in another Fantavision for the PS2 Hard Drive deal. I don't think I want to risk it though.
I asked them if I could return the game for $50 credit & they said "no." So I guess your YMMV. The Ninja gaiden trade in was great because you can use the vouchers on anything! (not just Ninja Gaiden).
I decided to play it safe and not trade in any duplicates even if it was for the hard drive deal. Ended up trading in Surfing H3O (paid $10), Pulse Racer (paid $6), MDK 2 (paid $5) and The Thing (free, from a contest).
Well it's as we all know it but just clarified
It is now

Maximum of one of any individual title will be accepted per customer

The "per customer" was just added in. Ok I guess that clears things up.
Well it's as we all know it but just clarified
It is now

Maximum of one of any individual title will be accepted per customer

The "per customer" was just added in. Ok I guess that clears things up.[/quote]

great...what am i gonna do with these havens and rtx red rocks now.
[quote name='dlee'][quote name='puzzlefite']EB TERMS OF AGREEMENT HAS CHANGED AGAIN
Well it's as we all know it but just clarified
It is now

Maximum of one of any individual title will be accepted per customer

The "per customer" was just added in. Ok I guess that clears things up.[/quote]

great...what am i gonna do with these havens and rtx red rocks now.[/quote]

[quote name='dlee'][quote name='puzzlefite']EB TERMS OF AGREEMENT HAS CHANGED AGAIN
Well it's as we all know it but just clarified
It is now

Maximum of one of any individual title will be accepted per customer

The "per customer" was just added in. Ok I guess that clears things up.[/quote]

great...what am i gonna do with these havens and rtx red rocks now.[/quote]

That's really dumb. So now basically you have to keep track of all games sent in on their trade deals. Also what about B&M vs online. For example, if I traded game A in a store, will they not it in a online trade then?
[quote name='TrackZ']That's really dumb. So now basically you have to keep track of all games sent in on their trade deals. Also what about B&M vs online. For example, if I traded game A in a store, will they not it in a online trade then?[/quote]

I would say, without any authority, mind you, that while that may come some time in the future, for now, transactions at one B&M have nothing to do with transactions online, or even at another B&M (count the clauses in this sentence, win a prize*). It is kind of annoying to keep track of what one has sent for past deals, and I don't know if they will keep a running tab ("You traded that game on a deal 14 months ago -- DISQUALIFIED!"). I can only hope that when and if they do have the online system synched with the B&Ms, they will allow use of store credit for online purchases. That may only be a pipedream, though.

* No actual prize will be awarded.
I sent in a few different titles, wipeout fusion, bloodrayne, slipheed and freaky fliers. But I sent 3 different packages containing only these 4. It didn't have that new edit when I sent them in, so I hope it works.......True story.
Well it's as we all know it but just clarified
It is now

Maximum of one of any individual title will be accepted per customer

The "per customer" was just added in. Ok I guess that clears things up.[/quote]

They better honor all of my crap, 'cause it was in the mail when changed the policy...
The same value it would have whether it was used or new. I mean nothing is gonna change, they are not gonna give you any extra for a sealed game. The don't do it in stores, they definetly won't do it online.
Would it be possible to trade in 4 games for the instore deal like for NFL Street, get the game come back later with the receipt and all and say your not interested in the game anymore or your system broke and you cant play it or whatever and return the game for 50$ credit to spend on something else? Like say FFX-2. Technically then you would be trading those 4 games for FFX-2 but with a little more work, which would be much easier then mailing them and risking it get sent back.

I got the "you sent in duplicate titles, but we'll let it slide this time" e-mail from them today, after they sent two sets of codes yesterday. I replied to point out that the multiple game restriction didn't exist when I filled out the online forms, and I mentioned that I've already shipped a few more sets of games.

We'll see what happens...
[quote name='Wapcaplet']I got the "you sent in duplicate titles, but we'll let it slide this time" e-mail from them today, after they sent two sets of codes yesterday. I replied to point out that the multiple game restriction didn't exist when I filled out the online forms, and I mentioned that I've already shipped a few more sets of games.

We'll see what happens...[/quote]

I got the same "you sent duplicate titles email" and I did recieve my

However they shared my email address in that email to a bunch of other customers who had the same problem (I'm assuming some of the people here). CHECK THE HEADING on that email.... if they shared your address COMPLAIN. I wrote the following back:

Thank you for your email.

I do not appreciate your complete lack
of thought in sharing my personal information
with other customers you sent this same email to.

My personal email address was shared by you with
the following other customers? as per the heading on
your email:


Who are these other people you're sending my personal
information to and why am I also receiving and viewing
their personal information?
This is a violation of your own privacy policy and
poor Internet security. How am I to feel secure
giving your company my credit card information
when you can't even keep my email address to yourselves?

In regards to my duplicates in my trade ins...
Your terms where not clear as to if you
could send in duplicates in separate offers. Since
then, you have changed the terms to make this more
clear. This is good.
I would suggest however, that you pay as much
attention to the details of your privacy policies and
practices as you do to your trade in issues.

I await your response.
My thoughts exactly. To warn me when they changed their policy mid-stream and told me it was ok to send dupes anyway is bad enough, but to send out mass emails? Wow.

That was a new email account too, I hope it doesn't get shelled with spam.
Just want to make sure, is the Final Fantasy HDD trade in deal the same as the Ninja Gaiden one? I.E. So I'd be able to use the code it get from the FFXI HDD deal to buy anything I want.

I want to get on this deal, but I don't want to spend money on crappy games and find out its not what I expected it to be.
Here's the response I got to my e-mail about the terms changing:


Thank you for contacting The notice that maximum of one of any individual title will be accepted has always been listed under the terms on step four.

If you require further assistance, we are available 7 days a week from 8 AM to Midnight EST.

Have a great day!

Bastards are lying to us, in addition to giving out our e-mail addresses. Dammit, why didn't I print out a copy of the terms page? Did anyone else print it out?
I didn't print out the rules, but I quoted it in a thread before. So yes i do have the exact wording before Jan 12.

I wouldn't say they're exactly lying. Just clueless. Everyone's gotten different answers about the requirements. They're only saying what other people tell them to say. The people who handle the Ninja gaiden trade-in are probably different than customer service. That's the biggest problem. I think the policy was originally no duplicates, but was never stated in the actual rules. The CSRs went by what was written at the time, but now it has changed.

At the beginning you were allowed to have 4 of the same game in each package. Then it changed to different games for each package. Now it's different games for each offer. Soon it will be 1 offer per person I bet. :cry:
bread's done