New to DS, how to WiFi?


Hey I just got my DS Lite today. My first question is how do you connect online and download some demos? I have a wireless router that my Wii is hooked up to. But whe I go to the DS Download Play option when you boot up your DS, it gets stuck with "looking for software available for download..." However when I went to a Gamestop, I was able to connect and actually downloaded a demo of Brain Academy. Just dont know why I can't do the same at home. Another thing is when I rebooted my DS, the game is gone. What's up with that?
[quote name='superspiffy']Hey I just got my DS Lite today. My first question is how do you connect online and download some demos? I have a wireless router that my Wii is hooked up to. But whe I go to the DS Download Play option when you boot up your DS, it gets stuck with "looking for software available for download..." However when I went to a Gamestop, I was able to connect and actually downloaded a demo of Brain Academy. Just dont know why I can't do the same at home. Another thing is when I rebooted my DS, the game is gone. What's up with that?[/quote] First off the DS download play has nothing to do with Wifi, at GS they give you demos to try through that feature, but they are demos and they power off when the system is off, but it isn't through Wifi, to better explain it is it connecting like you would do with classic GB multiplayer and that is through a cable, but it is wireless now. Now the good news is if a game uses Ninendo Wifi on the front of the box right next to the Nintendo DS symbol you will see a Nintendo Wifi label, that means the game will have a special wifi menu where you can first set up your connection, add friends and then play the game online.
sir_fragalot is right in general but wrong in one detail.
demos are downloaded through local wifi, so you have to be in the physical vicinity of a ds demo station to download the demos. to do that you fire up your ds, get to the main menu and choose ds download play, it will then find the demo station and you get to choose which demo to download. it most definitely is through wifi.
first question, does your DS download updates over WiFi?

second, can you send/receive messages or email?

third, can you play these Wi-Fi branded DS games online with people who you dont necessarily know? like find a game and join it or host a game?
1. There are no updates for the DS, I don't think there are going to be any in the future also.

2. Well, there's pictochat which is a local wifi chat program. But no checking e-mail or chatting with someone through the internet unless it's through a game (i.e. Final Fantasy, Club House Games, or Animal Crossing:WW)

3. Some games support online play without Friend Codes. The only games that I can think of that require Friend Codes are Animal Crossing and Final Fantasy III. However connecting with someone from your friends list adds a little extra on some games, for example in Club House Games you can only use the built in Pictochat with people on your friends list. Another example would be Metroid Prime which allows VoIP while you pick your character and map.

Also when connecting with random people no one hosts the game. You just kind of connect to each other and vote on the level to be played.
Aberforth pretty well covered it but I'll add a couple more things. There is a web browser coming to the DS sometime next year (already out in other part of the countries but not in the U.S. yet) so you'll be able to check e-mail/surf the net once it does come out. Contact is another game that requires friend codes.
Is there a quintessential must-have accessories list for the DS Lite? like screenprotectors? carrying cases? I dont know how scratch resistant is its shell and I'm anal when it comes to scratches.
you should definitely get a screen protector at least for the touch screen. I carry around my ds pretty much naked and it's held up well except for that cracking hinge thing many launch dses had.
If you're careful enough, you shouldn't need screen protectors. Of course, I don't trust most people to play my DS Lite after letting them use my DS Phat, getting nasty fingerprints and scratches all over the touch screen.

If you'll only use the DS for yourself and take good care of your stuff, I'd suggest not getting one. If you will let other people play with it, then you'd most probably want to get one.
I think screen protectors are a good idea, especially if you let others play your DS. Otherwise, it kinda depends on the games you play, for touch screen intensive games like Elite Beat Agents I think a screen protector is still a good idea. I wouldn't bother putting a protector on the top screen, no point really since it's protected when the system is closed and the only time you ever touch it is while cleaning it.

A case isn't mandatory, but it's nice to be able to throw it in a backpack or wherever and know that it's protected. I got a Hori Compact Case and it does the job pretty well, protects the system, has storage for a few games, and it's still small enough to cram in a pocket without too much discomfort. But it depends on what you want, people have given good reviews to all kinds of cases, from ultra small to big enough to carry all of your DS stuff in.
My friend and I have just got Mario Bros ds but we're not sure how to link up and play together. Can anyone help?

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