NO MORE HEROES Discussion - FS/FT Pure White Giant Glastonbury LE Pink Cartridge

Yeah, I'm pretty hyped regardless of reviews. And I have a $10.00 off certificate for Best Buy so I won't be paying full price anyway.

Well, I'm not convinced, but, one, that's because I didn't like Killer7, and two, the Killer7 reviews said the same damn things, for the most part.
Glad to see the good reviews. This game has never really stood out too much in my mind, but it looks like I'll be pleasently surprised with a great new game to play on tuesday.
While the combat does look repetive, I am comparing this to GTA. I loved San Andreas (not counting the free roam I loved the missions) and the combat there sucked badly (it was hold in fire, press R2 to switch target and repeat). This seems like way better combat system and all the fun. Can't wait till the weekend to get this one (if I only had a fucking car on campus :cry:).
I wouldn't expect the variety of missions that we got in San Andreas, the missions mostly seem like: go somewhere, kill everyone, fight a boss, repeat.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.
[quote name='tankexmortis']I wouldn't expect the variety of missions that we got in San Andreas, the missions mostly seem like: go somewhere, kill everyone, fight a boss, repeat.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.[/quote]Yeah I expected NMH to not be as advanced as SA was mission wise but combat wise this game looks like a blast to play in my opinion. Also the bizarre nature of it is just making me want to play this more.
I got a rebate from my phone. I am getting this game with that. I actually didn't know I was getting a rebate, so this is kind of like free money. I can't wait.
Could someone tell me precisely what makes this game's combat anything more than, say, Soul Calibur Legends? I watched the videos, and I'm not seeing a lot more than hack and slash. Really, if the bosses are half as good as Dead Rising's or Shadow of Rome's and include a boss-rush or stage select or whatever, I'll follow it to a price drop.

EDIT: Of course, DR and SoR's combat was mostly "slash" and "move", with the latter allowing "throw weapon, block, and get another weapon." But Capcom bosswork made both those awesome.

Of course, Suda is definitely not behind DR or SoR.
[quote name='RollingSkull']Could someone tell me precisely what makes this game's combat anything more than, say, Soul Calibur Legends? [/QUOTE]

That's always been my big worry. Well that and that I hated Killer 7. I really don't like mindless hack and slash games. I'm hoping the combat here is more than that, but it's hard to see that it is (despite the good reviews).
[quote name='dmaul1114']That's always been my big worry. Well that and that I hated Killer 7. I really don't like mindless hack and slash games. I'm hoping the combat here is more than that, but it's hard to see that it is (despite the good reviews).[/quote]

Well, remember, if you've played Shadow of Rome or Dead Rising (And I don't mean small chainsaws DR, I mean taking down all the non-gun-whore bosses with a lead pipe DR.), you'd see that Capcom CAN take hack and slash and make it awesome, even and especially in boss battles.

But the real test is if Suda has learned that generic mindfuck + AGGRESSIVELY BORING gameplay does not a game make.
Yeah, I've not played either of those games, precisely because I don't like hack and slash nor beat'em ups.

Will have to give the Dead Rising demo a go sometime.
[quote name='RollingSkull']Well, remember, if you've played Shadow of Rome or Dead Rising (And I don't mean small chainsaws DR, I mean taking down all the non-gun-whore bosses with a lead pipe DR.), you'd see that Capcom CAN take hack and slash and make it awesome, even and especially in boss battles.

But the real test is if Suda has learned that generic mindfuck + AGGRESSIVELY BORING gameplay does not a game make.[/quote]
I hated Killer 7 as well, for the reason you mention (no gameplay). But this looks like a shit-ton of fun, and I'll tell you why.

1. Tight controls. The fact that nobody has complained about the waggle controls thus far makes me think that it must be near perfect. People are always complaining about controls on the Wii, even when they're not that bad. The lack of complaints is a very, very good sign.

2. A system actually built for the Wii. Sure, SCL sort of had this, but at its base it was still a fighter haphazardly thrust into a beat-'em-up. This appears to have a simple, intuitive, and fun to watch combat system.

3. Violence. The more extreme and absurd the violence in a game, the more fun it is. Or maybe that's just me.

Of course, we won't know anything for sure until we play the game for ourselves, but that is what my intuition tells me. Suda seems a lot more focused on gameplay this time, so I think he's at least partially learned his lesson. I don't think that the gameplay will rival Brawl or anything, but the style should make this a must-buy.

[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah, I've not played either of those games, precisely because I don't like hack and slash nor beat'em ups.
[/quote] Then you won't like this game.
[quote name='RollingSkull']Could someone tell me precisely what makes this game's combat anything more than, say, Soul Calibur Legends? I watched the videos, and I'm not seeing a lot more than hack and slash. Really, if the bosses are half as good as Dead Rising's or Shadow of Rome's and include a boss-rush or stage select or whatever, I'll follow it to a price drop.[/quote]

Well, considering Dead Rising's bosses were cheap and shitty, I am going to venture a guess a yes, they are better. fucking rollercoaster clown....

Seriously though, I am not sure how SCLegends plays, but the combat I have seen of NMH, it looks fun. The suplex and stuff is so over the top, it makes me smile. Rent it first. If you like it, pick it up when the price is right for you. I am a first day buy. Like I have said before, I love Killer 7. I like weird games. This is just weird enough for me.
[quote name='tankexmortis']
Then you won't like this game.[/QUOTE]

Just depends on how it works. If it's a mindless beat'em up like Soul Calibur Legends, Streets of Rage etc., then I'd hate it.

If it's more like Zelda combat, then it would be ok. Or if it's more complex like God of War then I'd probably like it.
It's funny, I didn't think much of God of War. It felt like a generic beat-'em-up from the 90s, but with pretty graphics. Strangely, I loved God Hand, which is supposed to be exactly what I described.

No More Heroes definitely looks more like God Hand to me.
God of War worked for me because of the combos and simplicity of the control. But to be frank there's no doubt that the graphics, story and cinematic feel the game had were the main things that drug me in.

While the graphics-whores bashers flame people for these types of comments, good graphics (both technical and art design) can really make a game. They can't save a shit game, but they can make a good game into a great one.

So the same thing could happen here, as I love the art style. So I may enjoy it even though hack and slashes aren't always my cup of tea.
God of War was a videogame trying to be a movie.

No More Heroes is a videogame trying to be a videogame.

Either way, I expect 7.5 through 8.9 scores from this more the mainstream videogaming publications.
[quote name='Kendal']Well, considering Dead Rising's bosses were cheap and shitty, I am going to venture a guess a yes, they are better. fucking rollercoaster clown....[/quote]

Cheap and shitty? Please. If you paid attention, there were specific patterns. You can't just walk up and go upside his head. After the third broken weapon from his block, I think that'd be obvious. It was easy to read when he was vulnerable and when he was not. You just had to keep your distance, then move in for an attack just as he finished his. The rest of the bosses had similar patterns.

Geez louise, you'd think people forgot that bosses are supposed to kill you a couple times.
[quote name='RollingSkull']
Geez louise, you'd think people forgot that bosses are supposed to kill you a couple times.[/quote]Any time I lose to a boss, I go back in time and kill the programmer responsible for the creation of said boss before it is made. Remember the part where you fought Kraid in Metroid Prime?


[quote name='RollingSkull']
Geez louise, you'd think people forgot that bosses are supposed to kill you a couple times.[/quote]
No. Just like every element of games, they are supposed to be FUN.
[quote name='RollingSkull']Cheap and shitty? Please. If you paid attention, there were specific patterns. You can't just walk up and go upside his head. After the third broken weapon from his block, I think that'd be obvious. It was easy to read when he was vulnerable and when he was not. You just had to keep your distance, then move in for an attack just as he finished his. The rest of the bosses had similar patterns.

Geez louise, you'd think people forgot that bosses are supposed to kill you a couple times.[/QUOTE]
People often forget how hard games used to be. In comparison to today where games are generally a breeze, everything was hard as fuck and we didn't complain. You just go AWW MAN then you learn the game and beat it. Back then most of us could only afford one game every so often anyway, so we took the time to learn and beat everything. Hell sometimes we'd even really have to rely on reading a strategy guide or magazine to get some pointers. Nowadays its just look online for how to do it or skip it and don't do it at all then move on to another game.
But Dead Rising's bosses aren't even hardcore hard. They're modest jogging pace hard. Just observe the patterns and get them down, die maybe a couple times, and you have a moderately challenging fight with some back and forth. Decent pacing. That's what is fun. This isn't some Contra bullshit where it is both hard and boring. It is more like a Viewtiful Joe boss.

I mean, my dad has not touched games in years. He can't even clear the first world in NSMB, and he could take down the clown with a handgun and a lead pipe consistently after figuring out that he blocks.

Hell, he took fewer tries than I did.


Damn it.
[quote name='tankexmortis']No. Just like every element of games, they are supposed to be FUN.[/QUOTE]
Walking all over every "challenge" in the game is not fun.
[quote name='pete5883']Walking all over every "challenge" in the game is not fun.[/quote]I don't even know what tangent we're on anymore, but... that depends on the player and the game.

What's the hold up on reviews for this?

Most of the mainstream review sites don't work on the weekend, at least I know GameSpot doesn't so I assume IGN is the same. I suspect we'll see reviews today.
Well I was just going to rent this but the reviews make it tempting to buy. My only fear is replayability - is a game over and then just collect a bunch of stuff worth the $50?
[quote name='Snake2715']Well if you plan on buying any other video games stuff use this $10 off $75 at Best Buy.... Knocks the price down a little!

I think Professor Layton and this would be great to bad it comes out on what the 10th? Maybe buy a placeholder DS game and return it for the swap the week after....?;088877;1247265900;1;02&R=T1_CMP_9468&A=1007&ci=9621[/quote]

This would be perfect with the Phoenix Wright T&T price drop but of course my BB doesn't have any in stock.
[quote name='CouRageouS']People often forget how hard games used to be. In comparison to today where games are generally a breeze, everything was hard as fuck and we didn't complain. You just go AWW MAN then you learn the game and beat it. Back then most of us could only afford one game every so often anyway, so we took the time to learn and beat everything. Hell sometimes we'd even really have to rely on reading a strategy guide or magazine to get some pointers. Nowadays its just look online for how to do it or skip it and don't do it at all then move on to another game.[/QUOTE]

Meh. I actually probably play more these days just because games are easier most of the time. I play to relax, and bosses that I die 10-20 times on before beating aren't conducive to that. I like some challenge, but generally I prefer games that take a good time to get through, never get boring, offer some challenge, but never get frustrating.

Mass Effect is a great example of that, a bit hard early on, but if you do all the side quests you level up a lot and the rest of the game is pretty easy. But it never gets boring as you still die from time to time, and the story keeps you going.

On the Wii, I thought Mario, Zelda and Metroid were all balanced well for me. Died a good bit on all 3, but not enough to want to through my control through the TV. Metroid had it most right probably, as the real solution is to just have selectable difficulty so the people that like a challenge can bump it up, and people like me who don't can leave it on default, or turn it down if need be.

On another note, I think the best thing that's happened in gaming (at least in the FPS genre) is the elimination/reduction of bosses. I love how games like Halo, Call of Duty 4 etc. don't really have bosses. Just tough sections of levels where you run into a lot of guys etc., rather than some giant monster with a lifebar. I find that much more satisfying personally.
[quote name='CouRageouS']People often forget how hard games used to be. In comparison to today where games are generally a breeze, everything was hard as fuck and we didn't complain. You just go AWW MAN then you learn the game and beat it. Back then most of us could only afford one game every so often anyway, so we took the time to learn and beat everything. Hell sometimes we'd even really have to rely on reading a strategy guide or magazine to get some pointers. Nowadays its just look online for how to do it or skip it and don't do it at all then move on to another game.[/quote]
fuck yes.

I just had my brother and I got through some older NES games and he was bitching his head off about how hard those games were. I forced him through Ghostbusters 2, Duck Tales (which is actually quite an easy game - just not to my brother), and Jaws (which is unbeatable).

It just really dawned on me going through those games that videogames used to be a hell of a lot more harder back in the day and we've come attuned to playing games that aren't tough as nails.

Part of the reason games have gotten easier is becomes of memory cards and saves. Remember the times you were half way through a game and that overwhelming sense of disappointment that came over you when you had to start the game all over again? That was a rite of passage for old school games.

No more, though.
Tuesday is the shipping date, so should be in stores Wednesday or Thursday. Maybe some Gamestops will have it Tuesday evening.
[quote name='Ice2Dragon']So is it in stores tuesday or wednesday?[/quote]

Best Buy's ad says Wednesday by 2PM. I'll be buying mine at Target, hopefully. I can't wait.
[quote name='JEKKI']man fuck class... be like HERO and say NO MORE CLASS[/QUOTE]

oh wait... nvm... fuck. I got my days all screwed up. I'll have time before class for the game :)
I won't get to play this till Friday. I think I'll try to pick up a copy of Killer 7(never got a chance to play it) with my NMH pre-order.
[quote name='RollingSkull']Cheap and shitty? Please. If you paid attention, there were specific patterns. You can't just walk up and go upside his head. After the third broken weapon from his block, I think that'd be obvious. It was easy to read when he was vulnerable and when he was not. You just had to keep your distance, then move in for an attack just as he finished his. The rest of the bosses had similar patterns.

Geez louise, you'd think people forgot that bosses are supposed to kill you a couple times.[/quote]

Yeah, but bosses aren't supposed to come out of no where, surprise attack you, knock you off a platform and just kill you before your character can even get up. If that isn't cheap and shitty, I guess I haven't been playing video games long enough...

Anyway, I think I am going to get DoA X2 and this. All the jiggles for $15 more! The more I read about this game and see videos and pictures, I just can't wait to play it. Alright, I am going out to the snow and am going to sleep until Wednesday. Please wake me up before the science loving otters fuck with me again. Please?
[quote name='Kendal']Please wake me up before the science loving otters fuck with me again. Please?[/quote]...

What does Liquid2 have to do with any of this?
bread's done