Official CAG board/card game topic. From Dominion to Battlestar we gots it all!

The other thing I did with TtR for my kids was to play our first few games with everybody having their cards face up, plus I helped them. They got help and got to see what was in my hand and see how I played each turn. After that they wanted to play with cards hidden, but it was good for the first couple games.
Tell him you want to spend quality family time together. He has a choice, he plays TtR or you and your son force him to the mall ;) I know nothing would scare most games more then a trip to the mall with their wife and young child ;)
Lots of kids are so used to the "gotta win" mentality (since it is very widespread in today's society) - I like playing co-op games. Castle Panic and Forbidden Island are both good co-op games that are very suitable for young kids/family. Castle Panic also has a "master slayer" rule, but you don't have to use it.

Speaking of co-op, I just got Defenders of the Realm yesterday. Co-op for 1-4 players, you have to travel the land and defeat 4 invading Generals and their minion armies, while protecting the home city and keeping the land from being tainted. Shares a few mechanics with Pandemic (and probably other games) with the Overrun/Taint of areas (similar to Outbreak in Pandemic) but the game as a whole feels entirely different to me. It feels like a game, and is much more immersive, versus feeling like a puzzle.
The setup notes are little confusing, but not too bad. Unfortunately, we started playing late last night and my wife postponed the game (we were able to beat Varkalak right before we quit). I'm only half a game into it, but so far I like it - the instruction book is something like 16 pages, but the game is actually pretty easy to learn once you get into playing it. It has a pandemic feel, with the overruns of minions, but while I didn't like Pandemic, I like this one much better. Maybe the theme, maybe the fact that my paladin with a horse figure is racing toward the space with three Minions and a giant dragon, instead of just cubes. There's more options in a turn and all the fantasy trappings (we've tried three quests, failed two of them,and I'm going to go for another one while I still have time) help make it a more engaging/immersive game to me.
There's definitely luck - things can happen real slow or real quick based on the cards drawn (the generals have only moved a total of 4 spaces, and Sapphire the dragon hasn't moved at all), and a poor dice roll can hurt - but there's enough balance (so far) that it doesn't seem overwhelming. Plus the risk/reward ratio for the quests seems fair - the one I'm going for now lets me move as if on a horse (which doesn't matter, since I'm the Paladin and can do that anyway), but gives one reroll of all failed dice every combat.

1-4 players, 8 characters to choose from, the designer has already released multiple P&P scenarios/variants, there's 2 boxed expansions out already (one with just a new character, one with new enemies, minions, cards, etc). Says 13 and up, but if a younger one has someone to teach the game, I think younger kids could play it (for some reason the rules as written just didn't click in my head, until we got a few turns in then everything cleared up). Playing time on the box says 90 minutes, I can't refute or validate that yet.
If you're looking for co-op fantasy with an 'epic' feel definitely check out Defenders of the Realm. It feels more 'epic than Castle Ravenloft, for example - due, I'm sure, to the theming of being outside in this fantasy land and having to travel around to fend off the invading generals and their minions, versus exploring narrow paths in a dungeon filled with monsters. Takes up about the same amount of table space, but is easier to set up.
Placed my first big order in awhile. I bought all the Summoner Wars expansions(the 4 new decks as well as the 2 or 3 that add new cards to the old decks). I also picked up Through the Dessert since we have been loving the IOS version but would like to change a rule or two. Finally I picked up the new Lord of the Rings Card Game that is one of the hottest games at boardgamegeek right now. I needed a filler to get free shipping and it had good reviews, looked like a lot of fun and we do not own any co op games right now. Anyone played it? Any impressions?

On a separate note I am HELLA hyped for the next two months. Apparently Small World and Summoner Wars which are 2 of our fav games are getting their first big Xpacks. Small world instead of just giving you 4 or 5 races adds 15 new races, 21 new powers and is even adding a brand new board and new rules for the board. The game is going to revolve around being underground instead of above ground and have a bunch of new stuff like artifacts that are protected by lots of tough chits but if you win grant major powers! Summoner Wars new Xpack though adds 6 new races(thats more then every Xpack released so far together!)a premium board(thank god)and new rules that let you play the game with more then 2 players.

I am seriously super excited for this!
Its always so exciting when your order for new games showed up! Got my order today for the 6 summoner wars Xpacks, Ingenious Challenges, Through the Desert and Lord of the Rings The Card game and it felt like Christmas.......though I guess that means slightly less exciting then most people since I dont actually celebrate Christmas ;)
I finally was able to try out Ad Astra. It's very similar to Catan in that you win through gathering resources and territory, but all the actions for each turn (either 12 or 15 depending on the number of players) are planned in advance. I really can't think of anything to compare to other than Catan, but it's an absolute blast.
Has anyone played the Carcassonne expansion, Bridges, Castles and Bazaars? It has good reviews on amazon, but I'm wondering if anybody here has firsthand experience. I'm also going to get Traders and Builders and already have Inns & Cathedrals and The River. Actually I might pick up The River II as well as I kind of like the River, though I know some don't. At least this one has a branch. :) Anyway, I know I want to get those, just not sure about Bridges, Castles and Bazaars. Main reason I'm considering it is that I have a few friends with The Big Box and I want something different to throw into the mix when we get together for games.

I also recently played Fluxx for the first time... and then again a week later. Those game are fun, albeit incredibly silly. And man is the Outrageous Accent card in Monty Python Fluxx a bit hard for me to deal with :)

Oh, and also right on the cusp of buying Tikal.
Anyone have recommendations for board games? I am looking to place an order for the next few Summoner Wars and Small World Xpacks due out in the next month or two, but I am $17 short of free shipping. Me and the wife tend to only play 2 player and we prefer things like Small World, Carcasonne Tzaar, Ticket to Ride, Summoner Wars and Ingenious which are easy to learn and do not take 60+ mins to play yet still offer some depth.
So far we have not liked Co Op games, but I am thinking its less about the fact that its a co op game and more about the fact we have not liked the games. We both hated pandemic.
I'm excited. I just placed an order for Carcassonne expansions The River II, Traders and Builders as well as Bridges, Castles, and Bazaars. Plus I ordered Pirate Fluxx and Tikal! All from Amazon. I had my $20 credit from Portal 2 which applied. It's going to be a good Fathers Day, though I wish that were earlier in the month. :)
[quote name='MSI Magus']Anyone have recommendations for board games? I am looking to place an order for the next few Summoner Wars and Small World Xpacks due out in the next month or two, but I am $17 short of free shipping. Me and the wife tend to only play 2 player and we prefer things like Small World, Carcasonne Tzaar, Ticket to Ride, Summoner Wars and Ingenious which are easy to learn and do not take 60+ mins to play yet still offer some depth.[/QUOTE]

Citadels is a fun game that's very easy to learn and quick to play.
[quote name='crunchewy']I'm excited. I just placed an order for Carcassonne expansions The River II, Traders and Builders as well as Bridges, Castles, and Bazaars. Plus I ordered Pirate Fluxx and Tikal! All from Amazon. I had my $20 credit from Portal 2 which applied. It's going to be a good Fathers Day, though I wish that were earlier in the month. :)[/QUOTE]

Whoa, I had no idea that I could be using those game credits for board games. I'll have to re-think my next credit! Thanks for posting this!
[quote name='MSI Magus']Anyone have recommendations for board games? I am looking to place an order for the next few Summoner Wars and Small World Xpacks due out in the next month or two, but I am $17 short of free shipping. Me and the wife tend to only play 2 player and we prefer things like Small World, Carcasonne Tzaar, Ticket to Ride, Summoner Wars and Ingenious which are easy to learn and do not take 60+ mins to play yet still offer some depth.[/QUOTE]

How about Hive?
[quote name='Jek Porkins']Whoa, I had no idea that I could be using those game credits for board games. I'll have to re-think my next credit! Thanks for posting this![/QUOTE]

Video game credits use to only work on video game stuff, but they changed that at some point, presumably to "match" other retailers that give general gift cards. You can now use those credits on anything at amazon, though perhaps only stuff sold by amazon. I'm not sure. I had stuff from amazon and stuff "fulfilled by amazon" in the order.
Ok so I dont know if anyone here actually plays Summoner Wars or not(Iv never seen anyone mention it)but it is fast becoming my fav game. I have even created my own deck idea now and will be working to make mock ups and print them off so I can actually play with it. If anyone does play id appreciate input on my idea

Just submitted this to Plaid Hat Games. Dont know if they take deck suggestions or not, but thought it was worth a shot.If anyone has balancing tips or suggestions in general its appreciated!

The basic concept of this deck is "Blobs/Slimes" who are focused more on defense/immobilization initially. The common cards largely do not have attack values but can do serious damage to walls, work as giant moving shields and have the ability to immobilize their opponents. Even the Summoner does not have any real offensive strength either. However, the Champions have been designed to be fairly strong and to increase in power over time. So this gives you a deck that encourages the player to have a long term strategy that involves trying to kneecap the other player while setting himself up to get his champions rolling. Note that I have already included in extra cards that would come from expansions(like how they have done with most decks so far).

Here is the card list.

Summoner Wars - Blobs

Summoner - 7 life 1 attack(non-ranged) - In place of attacking, you may spend 2 life to summon a 1Life/0Atack blob token in all adjacent spaces.

Common Units
Mucus - Summon Cost of 2, 3 Life & 1 Attack - When attacking a wall, Mucus can add 2 to attack value

Sneeze - Summon Cost of 0, 1 Life & 0 Attack - Sneeze chooses a unit within 3 spaces and then rolls a die. On a hit of 3 or greater that unit may not move or attack next turn.

Jiggles - Summon Cost of 2, 5 Life & 0 Attack - Jiggles may move up to 4 spaces in a turn

??????? - Summon Cost of 2, 2 Life & 1 Attack - After ????? is attacked by an enemy unit roll a die, if you roll 3 or better the enemy unit is immobilized for 1 turn(it may attack but not move)

Slime - Summon Cost of 0, 1 Life & 1 Attack - Slime may move through walls.

Snot - Summon Cost of 7, 6 Life & 1 Attack - Snot may move through other blobs, anytime he does so he absorbs them adding 1 to his Attack value (max of 5 attack value)

Puke - Summon Cost of 6, 5 Life & 2 Attack - Puke is the only real ranged damage dealer for the Blobs. He attacks in a straight line of 4 and damages everything in his path.

Phlegm - Summon Cost of 7, 6 Life & 0 Attack - When Phlegm moves he leaves behind a trail of weaker 1 Life & 1 Attack slime tokens in his path

It - Summon Cost of 8, 6 Life and 1 Attack - Blob units that would go to your discard pile instead go under Blob adding to his strength

Gunk - Summon Cost of 6, 4 Life and 2 Attack - Anytime Gunk defeats a unit he absorbs it (place the card underneath gunk, increase his attack value by 1 and recover 1 life)

Event Cards
Multiply - Create a duplicate of any non-champion blob on the board or spend 2 magic and create a duplicate of any 2.

Hive Mind - You may sacrifice up to 4 slimes to reduce the casting cost of a champion unit by 1 per slime.

Slimed - Target Unit is covered in slime and may not move, attack or use special abilities until his owner pays 2 magic to get rid of slimed.

Jello Wall - Put a wall with a life value of 4 in place. Any unit that attacks Jello Wall may not move or attack (is considered slimed)for 1 turn after attacking jello wall.

Merge - Choose any 2 non-champion units and merge them. The new card has the life value and attack value of the higher of the two cards, but has the ability of both.

So basically the idea is that your basic common units like Mucus, Snot and Jiggles provide defense and possibly weaken the walls of your opponent while you work to get the Champions out. The summoner does not really have much strength, but his ability helps protect him and also pump out slimes for you to sacrifice to summon a champion or make a champion stronger. As I said at the start of my email I feel this makes the deck highly defensive and more about coming up with a long term game plan then the other existing decks. I feel its a unique and cool idea, hopefully you guys do too!
I just got Talisman in the mail today. I picked it up for 50% off from Borders with the most recent coupon. Hopefully, my group will try it this weekend.
[quote name='plasticbathmonki']I just got Talisman in the mail today. I picked it up for 50% off from Borders with the most recent coupon. Hopefully, my group will try it this weekend.[/QUOTE]

Hope you like it, me and the wife hated it. It just takes so god damn long to play or do anything.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Hope you like it, me and the wife hated it. It just takes so god damn long to play or do anything.[/QUOTE]

I actually enjoy these kind of long, drawn out epic games, so I should be alright. I used to play 40K back in the day, and that could take hours.
I got the Carcassonne expansion Bridges, Castles and Bazaars and we tried it out tonight. I like it, although the bazaar auctions are really beyond my kids ability (8 and 10). They understand what they are supposed do, but they really have no idea what to bid and why. I noticed later that it suggests the age range to be 12 and up. Makes sense.

However there is a kid-friendly variant where you don't actually do a tile auction when a Bazaar tile is drawn. Instead the player pulls out as many tiles as there are players, then starting on the left from them, players select one of the tiles and get it for free. I think we'll do that next time even though it's random since obviously the player to the left gets the best deal. They'll like that better. I told them about it and they definitely liked the idea better. With my friends we'll use the auction rules as I think it's pretty fun, though it does slow the game down a bit. I don't think that will be too bad with adults, though.

The bridges are a great addition and I like the castles too.
There is a new Dungeons and Dragons game out called Conquest of Nerath. It looks really freaking good, kinda like a hybrid between D&D and Risk. I might have to check this one out.
7 Wonders showed up in my amazon quick picks today, and I finally pulled the trigger on it. I can't wait to try it out. I also tossed in Fluxx 4.0 so we can play Fluxx without talking like a pirate (I have Pirate Fluxx already). :)

Last friday I got try the Looney Labs game Chrononauts for the first time. It was confusing at first, but once figured out, it was fun. Definitely enjoyed it. Apparently Looney Labs has gotten the rights to make a Back to the Future card game in large part because of Chrononauts. That will be something to look forward to.
[quote name='crunchewy']7 Wonders showed up in my amazon quick picks today, and I finally pulled the trigger on it. I can't wait to try it out. I also tossed in Fluxx 4.0 so we can play Fluxx without talking like a pirate (I have Pirate Fluxx already). :)

Last friday I got try the Looney Labs game Chrononauts for the first time. It was confusing at first, but once figured out, it was fun. Definitely enjoyed it. Apparently Looney Labs has gotten the rights to make a Back to the Future card game in large part because of Chrononauts. That will be something to look forward to.[/QUOTE]

You can look forward to seeing it now, because the Back to the Future game has been out for some time! It's like a very simplified version of Chrononauts. Unless you're completely in love with the theme of BttF, stick with Chrononauts. :)
[quote name='Jek Porkins']You can look forward to seeing it now, because the Back to the Future game has been out for some time! It's like a very simplified version of Chrononauts. Unless you're completely in love with the theme of BttF, stick with Chrononauts. :)[/QUOTE]

I'm new to this thread (and to an extent "hardcore" or "adult" board games) and saw the mention of the BTTF card game. I went with a couple buddies to check out a local game store and one of them bought the BTTF game on a whim as we were leaving. It took us a little while to understand how to play, the mechanics ect. but once we did we found it to be fun. I'm not sure how many games you can play before it gets stale but after about 5 games we are still enjoying it.

The game that I found that has gotten me (and my pals) to become interested in board games of this type is Formula D. We are pretty big racing fans (in video games and real life) and when we first saw this game we thought it looked like a great entry point, and it was!!! We love it, somehow a racing "simulation" has become a reality on a board with plastic cars lol! Anyways if anyone here hasn't tried it out you should at least do some research on it, it is a blast.

So since I'm so new to this whole thing, what are some good suggestions for games to look into? I have been looking at games like Catan and Ticket to Ride, basically trying to find games that remind of playing Civilization on my PC. But it doesn't have to be in that vein, anything that's good and has a little depth is good really.
[quote name='cgarb84']I'm new to this thread (and to an extent "hardcore" or "adult" board games) and saw the mention of the BTTF card game. I went with a couple buddies to check out a local game store and one of them bought the BTTF game on a whim as we were leaving. It took us a little while to understand how to play, the mechanics ect. but once we did we found it to be fun. I'm not sure how many games you can play before it gets stale but after about 5 games we are still enjoying it.

The game that I found that has gotten me (and my pals) to become interested in board games of this type is Formula D. We are pretty big racing fans (in video games and real life) and when we first saw this game we thought it looked like a great entry point, and it was!!! We love it, somehow a racing "simulation" has become a reality on a board with plastic cars lol! Anyways if anyone here hasn't tried it out you should at least do some research on it, it is a blast.

So since I'm so new to this whole thing, what are some good suggestions for games to look into? I have been looking at games like Catan and Ticket to Ride, basically trying to find games that remind of playing Civilization on my PC. But it doesn't have to be in that vein, anything that's good and has a little depth is good really.[/QUOTE]

Based on your interest in racing, maybe check out PitchCar? It's pretty fun!

There are a couple of versions of Civilization as a board game, but they're both loooooong. The above-mentioned 7 Wonders is thematically similar to Civ, but there's no area control element. Take a look at Small World if area control is your thing.
I'm really liking Ascension: Chronicle of the GodSlayer on iOS. I don't have the real version, but I can see getting it at some point, especially since there's an expansion that allows up to 6 players. I haven't played enough Dominion to be able to decide which is better, nor am I sure that I care to. They are pretty different, while both being in the deck building vein. Certainly Ascension has some more luck to it, but then it's also a very fast playing game so I think that works fine. Better players still win more often (and since I'm not a better player, I'm losing a lot :) At least on iOS I'm finishing 2 player games in 15 minutes (or less).

My kids seem to like it too (8 and 10). They don't really get the strategy yet, but they like playing it. I might set up another GC account and log that in on my iPhone and then we can use the iPad and 2 iPhones (mine and my wife's) and play 3 players that way, via the internet. It doesn't support local bluetooth/wifi play, and I wish it did as that would simplify this. Or maybe I should just buy the real game now. Hmm....
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My copy of Ascension and its Xpansion are on the way! I loved the IOS version so much I bought the physical game and its expansion. I cant stop playing the damn IOS game in the mean time.
Think Geek had this kick ass Godzilla Board Game (forgot the name), and it looked sick. It was also $70 I think and I was not going to pay that much for it. It looked awesome because you can build and destroy cities.
MSI Magus - are you on my GC friends list? Would be up for some online Ascension with you, although last night and this morning, Ascension's online has been a train wreck. I keep getting disconnected every 30 seconds to a minute. :( I presume they'll get it straightened out, though and it was certainly working well before. Anyway, I'm "Crunc is". Send a GC friend request if you like.
Question for those who've played 7 Wonders. One of the cards gives you coins based on how many stages of your "Wonder" have been built. There are 3 stages to each wonder, yet the rules state that you get something like 1, 3, 5, 7 coins. That's 4 stages. Those coin values are wrong, I'm sure of it, but it doesn't matter. The point is that there are 4 different numbers, not 3. We took that to mean that you get the lowest value for free, for the card, but it doesn't really say that. Similarly you get victory points at the end of the game, and again it lists 4 numbers (these are right): 1, 2, 3, 4. So is that correct, that you get the lowest value if you have no stages built, then the next if you have one built, etc?

We only played the game once so far, but we liked it. I'm not sure of the strategy yet, but it's fun and once you understand how it plays, it plays fast, which is always a good thing. The person (not here) who told me that it was "better then Dominion" sure tricked me though - it is nothing at all like a deck building game. Still glad I got it anyway.

MSI Magus - you don't show up in my list of friends when I create an online game in Ascension. What is your GC name?
I found the (7 Wonders) answer. I had simply missed that there is a Wonder board that has 4 stages. One of the B sides - Gizah B. Thus why there's 4 stages listed.

I also found the website for this game and they actually have a downloadable 8th Wonder Board. Side A & B. The B side has only 1 stage, but one of the rewards is a well chilled beer from whoever wins the game. :)

Friend request sent, MSI - I must have deleted you by mistake at some point. FYI, it didn't take MSI Magus, but found MSIMagus.
7 Wonders is pretty fun, too bad the expansion is so expensive.

I also just picked up the new fangled LOTR card game everyone raves about. Haven't tried it yet though....
7 Wonders is pretty fun, too bad the expansion is so expensive.

I also just picked up the new fangled LOTR card game everyone raves about. Haven't tried it yet though....
MSI - where did you buy Ascension + Expansion from. Amazon? I'd like to get it too. I'd also like a set of sleeves for the cards. I'm a little worried about my kids mangling them otherwise.

That Leaders expansion to 7 Wonders does seem a bit pricy for what you get. I'll probably get it eventually anyway, though. Similarly to the above, would really like sleeves for 7 Wonders cards.
Awesome - thanks! I went to the 7 Wonders website and counted up the cards as listed there and the total I'm getting is 157 for the base game (7 wonder cards + 49 Age 1 cards + 49 Age 2 cards + 50 Age 3 cards + 2 2-player cards) and 42 in the Leaders expansion (1 wonder card + 36 leaders + 4 guilds + 1 blank leader). That's 199 cards. Either way you need to order 200 sleeves.

FYI, coupon code "livingdice" gets you 15% off. That's $1.05 off of the $7 price for 200 sleeves. Makes it $5.95 + $2.89 first class mail shipping. Total $8.84 shipped. Not bad. I placed my order. Thanks again!
I place most of my orders through They are always WAY cheaper then Amazon and generally several dollars per game cheaper then trollandtoad, fairplaygames and any other competitor iv looked at. Their shipping can be a bit high, but if you order $100 worth of games you get free shipping. So every time I order something I place a $100+ order. I know that sounds like a lot, but if you wait for a few things you want at once its easy enough. My most recent order the two Ascension games were around $30, Small World Xpack around $30 and the Summoner War Xpacks made up the other $40.
Thanks for that info. I might order from them when I do as they have everything I want (Ascension + Fallen + Sleeve/Box combo) and after shipping I think it's still a tad cheaper then amazon. But maybe I'll wait until I've got other things I want to buy.
[quote name='MSI Magus']I place most of my orders through They are always WAY cheaper then Amazon and generally several dollars per game cheaper then trollandtoad, fairplaygames and any other competitor iv looked at. Their shipping can be a bit high, but if you order $100 worth of games you get free shipping. So every time I order something I place a $100+ order. I know that sounds like a lot, but if you wait for a few things you want at once its easy enough. My most recent order the two Ascension games were around $30, Small World Xpack around $30 and the Summoner War Xpacks made up the other $40.[/QUOTE]

Seconded. I only order through these guys, now. They also have a running discount based on how much you've spent on your account over time, which is nice. That, and the free shipping over $100 makes it a no-brainer for me.
The over $100 for free shipping bit gives me pause, though. I mean even though their price for the Ascension stuff would be a little better anyway I think, I can't help but feel like I have to wait until I'm going to buy over $100 worth of stuff or I'm going to feel ripped off... so the end result is that I'll probably buy $100+ worth of stuff even though I don't really want $100 worth of stuff! I know... this is my problem. :)
bread's done