Official CAG board/card game topic. From Dominion to Battlestar we gots it all!

[quote name='infamyRISE']Worth every cent. Crokinole is timeless in its simpleness and strategy, like billiards. Set aside a little every paycheck, and you'll have enough for a Hilinski before you know it.[/QUOTE]

We budget our money so a % goes to charity, a % to paying the bills, a % to investing and a % goes to fun money we can spend on whatever we want. My share of the fun money comes to $77.60 every 2 weeks. So within 2 or 3 weeks I could probably afford a nice board.......however still its $150-$200 for one freaking game! Thats so hard to justify! Besides im $65 in the red right now and probaly will keep being in the red till after all these damn Christmas sales end ;)

played race for the galaxy for the first time with some friends. i didnt dig it. not sure specifically... maybe it was just a bad first game, but i could not get into it.

I really think that might be one of those games that only people like Thrust and my friend John that are into heavy games can get. I mean I like games like Agricola or some war games that have a lot of depth and rules......but man RftG is just too much.
With my meager Christmas bonus I'm receiving today, I think I'm going to pick up Ad Astra. Even though it looks like another Puerto Rico/Catan resource grab, it's in space, so it's totally different :p
[quote name='MSI Magus']

I really think that might be one of those games that only people like Thrust and my friend John that are into heavy games can get. I mean I like games like Agricola or some war games that have a lot of depth and rules......but man RftG is just too much.[/QUOTE]

i like deep games, i just cant put my finger on why i didnt like this one.

i think im going to buy battlestar galactica for my gf for christmas. were both big fans of the show, but does the game spoil the show for people who have yet to watch it. i have friends who love to game, but havent watched the show yet. i just want to be sure it doesnt give away any character deaths or identities of the characters.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']i like deep games, i just cant put my finger on why i didnt like this one.

i think im going to buy battlestar galactica for my gf for christmas. were both big fans of the show, but does the game spoil the show for people who have yet to watch it. i have friends who love to game, but havent watched the show yet. i just want to be sure it doesnt give away any character deaths or identities of the characters.[/QUOTE]

The only spoilers are the "You are a cylon" cards show 4 of the 12 cylons. This isn't even a huge spoiler since you learn of the 4 technically before the series even starts (during the miniseries). The crisis cards reference some points in the show, but it's going to be all jibberish to people who haven't seen it yet and "Food Shortage" hardly qualifies as spoiling an episode.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']played race for the galaxy for the first time with some friends. i didnt dig it. not sure specifically... maybe it was just a bad first game, but i could not get into it.[/QUOTE]

RfTG is one of those must-play-three-games-before-it-really-clicks games.

Learning all the symbols is a pretty steep learning curve first time around.

I am very curious about those of you that don't like Race, if you like San Juan.

[quote name='RAMSTORIA']i like deep games, i just cant put my finger on why i didnt like this one.

i think im going to buy battlestar galactica for my gf for christmas. were both big fans of the show, but does the game spoil the show for people who have yet to watch it. i have friends who love to game, but havent watched the show yet. i just want to be sure it doesnt give away any character deaths or identities of the characters.[/QUOTE]

You'll be safe. BSG is a great game. The show is my all time favorite. I still need to pick up the expansion...

I picked up Through the Ages. Going to try to play it today with the wife.....l
[quote name='thrustbucket']RfTG is one of those must-play-three-games-before-it-really-clicks games.

Learning all the symbols is a pretty steep learning curve first time around.

I am very curious about those of you that don't like Race, if you like San Juan.

You'll be safe. BSG is a great game. The show is my all time favorite. I still need to pick up the expansion...

I picked up Through the Ages. Going to try to play it today with the wife.....l[/QUOTE]

ive never played san juan. probably the deepest game ive played is twilight imperium, and i love that game. i dont own race, a friend does, so unfortunetly its not something i can play regularly.

i ended up getting BSG for a gift, and wish it were 11 days from now so we could play it.

i also picked up citadels this weekend. we played a couple of games, i really like it. its fast and easy to play. but the strategy can get fairly complex. i also like that when you attack, or steal or whatever from a player, that you do it to a class, and not the actual person. it makes it lot more interesting.
[quote name='thrustbucket']

I picked up Through the Ages. Going to try to play it today with the wife.....l[/QUOTE]

Teach me next. I'm trying to wrap my head around this pictureless rulebook.
Played through the first game of Through the Ages (Simple version) last night. Really was not that hard, but you need to pretty much follow the rulebook as you play - as that's how it's written. Just do what it says, in the order it says, and you'll figure it out pretty quickly.

The only pictures you really need to see are the card examples on the helper cards and at the front of the manual.

Can't wait to play the advanced version next.
Anyone had a chance to play the apparently limited release of Tobago? Looks like good fun.

Do want.

Also: Warhammer Invasion -- best thing ever.
gave my gf BSG for christmas. she got me settlers of catan. so we got those two new games, but havent had a chance to play them yet.

we still really like citadels and played that a few more times.

a buddy of mine bought aye, dark overlord. but its a very odd game with no real scoring and it just kinda is there. i didnt really like it.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA'] i didnt really like it.[/QUOTE]

Aye, Dark Overlord is Fantasy Flight's way of pulling a practical joke.

Not liking it means you're normal.

Now go play the fucking awesome BSG.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']gave my gf BSG for christmas. she got me settlers of catan. so we got those two new games, but havent had a chance to play them yet.

we still really like citadels and played that a few more times.

a buddy of mine bought aye, dark overlord. but its a very odd game with no real scoring and it just kinda is there. i didnt really like it.[/QUOTE]

Battlestar Galactica is fun--especially if you have a lot of players. :) Settlers of Catan is also a lot of fun for a board game that features simple art design. Those are two nice choices. :D

The woman and I dig board games, and have amassed a nice collection. Our most recent purchase is Smallworld, which looks fun.

Though, we've yet to play.
[quote name='thrustbucket']I would love to get Tobago, if I could find it.[/QUOTE]

CSI (my regular shop stop) restocked this week and my copy went out today. They have more, or I'd at least keep an eye out for more if you're doing the local thing, I guess a reprint just happened.
[quote name='thrustbucket']I had my eye on snow trails at one point.

Right now I am eyeing Power Struggle. Anyone played that?[/QUOTE]

I would think there is a decent chance at you liking Snow Tails since you seem to share tastes in games with my friends. Seems like every game he tells me he loves and I hate you have also loved ;)
I just got my combo Christmas/birthday order from Cool Stuff.
Thurn and Taxis
Snow Tails
Long Shot
Roll through the Ages
Castle Panic
Wyatt Earp

I will most likely be playing these most often with my nongamer wife, my 7 year old, and perhaps my parents and inlaws, so obviously I went for short (1 hour or less), reasonably quick to learn and newbie-friendly, but still deeper than mainstream fare.
My boy and I just finished a game of Snow Tails. I won, but he did well for the first time he played.
It is simple to learn - your dogsled has 3 places to place cards, left, right, and rear. You have a deck of cards with numbers 1-5, of which you draw a hand of 5 cards. You play 1, 2, or 3 cards on a turn, but they have to be on different spaces on the dogsled and all the same number. Forward movement is the total of two front cards minus the rear brake, drift is the left minus right (or R minus L) in the direction of the larger number. Crash into a wall, or take a corner too fast, and you have a dent card in your hand the rest of the game. If your left and right cards are the same, you can (optionally) get a bonus burst of speed equal to your position in the race, so that's a nice potential balancing mechanism. It's easy to learn, managing the drift can be tricky, especially with more players or obstacles in the track.
He and i played the game in about 40 minutes (I helped him with hints and explaining his options during the first half of the game.)

i was thinking of picking up a game of thrones this weekend, having started to read the series. anyone already play this or own it?

i was reading the description and it seems like there might be a good number of spoilers from the first and second books. i dont think most of my friends will be reading that series anytime soon, but 1 or 2 might, you never know.
If I can find a good deal on it, I might pick up Horus Heresy. It looks interesting, and 40k will always have a special place in my heart, but I'm just not willing to spend $100 on a board game.
Man! The iPad is starting to get some board games which is great...but I still aint shelling out $500+ for one! I also do not understand why the games have no A.I! It would be so much more tempting if I could play Small World and Carcasonne by myself. It also brings me back to wondering why developers have not made computerized versions of more board games for platforms like steam....if I could buy a copy of something like Lost Cities, Ticket to Ride, Small World or Agricolla for $5-$10 that I could play by myself id be ecstatic!
Has anyone ever played Descent? I've been thinking about picking it up for awhile now.

Horus Heresy looks great too, I really want to check that out. I've never been a big Warhammer guy though, but that isn't due to not liking the universe it's due to not having the cash to spend on the figures or the patience to paint them.

i was thinking of picking up a game of thrones this weekend, having started to read the series. anyone already play this or own it?

i was reading the description and it seems like there might be a good number of spoilers from the first and second books. i dont think most of my friends will be reading that series anytime soon, but 1 or 2 might, you never know.[/QUOTE]

I have not played but have heard that it's a great game as long as you have 4 players. I hear it's unbalanced as hell otherwise.

[quote name='Sigma']Has anyone ever played Descent? I've been thinking about picking it up for awhile now. [/quote]
Descent is a great dungeon crawler. Think of it as d&d with premade characters and stories. Most of the 'hard stuff' removed. Games can go long though.

BTW - Warhammer: Invasion is a great game. Scratches the MtG itch but much cheaper.
OK, I'll admit we're on a video game site, and I at least get more videogaming in than board gaming - but this thread has been idle for way too long.

Been to a few gaming events since the last post, but schedules have been wacky so I haven't been to as many as I would have wanted. Games I've played that were new to me are
Tikal [not really my thing],
Kingsburg [I liked it but need to play again],
Zombie Dice [good for an icebreaker or session=ender with lots of people],
Endeavor [a little dry for me],
Notre Dame [not sure what my opinion is],
Time's Up,
Chaos in the Old World.

Recent acquisitions are Forbidden Island and Word on the Street [Again, I'm more likely to initiate a session with nongamers so I need something middleweight for them.] I really like both of these, obviously WotS is better with larger teams, and though FI is much lighter than its cousin Pandemic, I enjoy it a lot more, both in theme and gameplay [and it seems that it's less susceptible to having a director.]

The big gaming news on my end is my gaming invitational is next weekend. This year I registered about ten days after registration opened up,instead of about five days before it closed. Thursday AM through Sunday PM. I had to leave multiple times last time, but this time I'm going Thursday morning, coming back Thursday night, going back Fri morning and splitting a room Fr and Sat nights with someone who's coming in from out of town. [This year's is a little bit farther than last year's]. That way I can save travel time, have clean shirts, not feel guilty about using a shower in the bonus room we earned, or the breakfast buffet, and maybe even get a little sleep.
I think the current count is about 120 people, and though we've only got about 120 games on the 'I'll bring it" list, last year most people didn't put their games on the list, but I saw certain individuals bring 80-100 games so we should have no problem finding a game to play.

I might even be able to try Descent - I've heard it's great but takes forever to play. Of course, I'm hearing good things about D and D: Castle Ravenloft as well, which plays in about an hour. Hopefully someone will be up for BSG as well, I enjoy that one but it doesn't seem like it's real popular now [unless my gaming group is part of the cult of the new.]

Nuns on the Run is another new game I've heard good things about and am looking forward to trying, along with the newest Dominion expansions [I've only played base game, Intrigue a few times, and Seaside once.
Not much for updates here. We have bought a number of new games but have not played most of them because we have been too busy with moving, we have just stuck to playing what we know already like Carc, Summoner Wars, Cosari and Qwirkle. The only game I can think of that we bought recently and actually played is Wasabi. Despite the games popularity and good references....we really dislike it. We have played a few two player games and a single three player game and all of them gave the same impression. Turn orders can be speedy, but they can also take a long time depending on the situation and while that means there is some depth and strategy to the game it just feels repetitive. Take 3 orders, play a piece and maybe a special card....repeat...over and over.
I didn't know this thread existed! I just got into boardgaming this year and started to amass a collection. I've been pretty lucky the past month or two finding clearances not only at big retailers (Target/Walmart/Toys R Us) but even at local game stores. I scored half of the Zombies!!! expansions at 50% off not too long ago at a local game store. I need to go back actually to pick up Formula D for half off. I've found that most my local game stores have some sort of clearance bin that I can scour for hidden gems. Got a couple duds this way though, figure I'll try to trade/sell those off.

I find it quite enjoyable to read about play sessions and read recommendations so I'm about to backtrack and reas this whole thread. Happy gaming!
[quote name='CouRageouS']I didn't know this thread existed! I just got into boardgaming this year and started to amass a collection. I've been pretty lucky the past month or two finding clearances not only at big retailers (Target/Walmart/Toys R Us) but even at local game stores. I scored half of the Zombies!!! expansions at 50% off not too long ago at a local game store. I need to go back actually to pick up Formula D for half off. I've found that most my local game stores have some sort of clearance bin that I can scour for hidden gems. Got a couple duds this way though, figure I'll try to trade/sell those off.

I find it quite enjoyable to read about play sessions and read recommendations so I'm about to backtrack and reas this whole thread. Happy gaming![/QUOTE]

You should compare the prices you are paying to online prices. I have found that frequently even with 50% off its cheaper to buy online then it is to buy from comic/game stores. I can suggest sites if you need. Also you said you were going to read the thread for recommendations and sessions, if you need any further help just ask(and tell which type of games you like the best).
Yeah I always do research when buying. I've sat in the game store more than once and pulled up BGG for info and watched Tom Vasel's Dice Tower reviews before deciding on certain things. Its nice to read what other CAGs are playing since I'm far more involved in this community versus the BGG one which I basically use as a research tool. For my tastes I have a real open mind to board games, where I'll try any game. Sometimes with the right group of people any game can be a blast. For

The Zombies expansions I got for $7 each, with the exception of the more expensive zombie dog expansion that was $12. It was literally half, maybe more, off retail and the best price I've seen. Makes me feel like I'll be overpaying to buy the other expansions to complete my set. But ebay has them for $12-4, a couple bucks under MSRP so not so bad after getting a great deal off the others.

The Formula D I want to pick up is $30, which even with tax is cheaper than I've seen it anywhere online. Unless you can point it to to me somerwhere else ;) I really want to give that game a try. This particular store is like a cyber cafe/game store and seems to be slowly phasing out their board games, so I have my eye on their Pandemic and Carc expansions that I know no one will never purchase.

As far as what I've been finding at big retailers, I've just been picking up mostly party games and the like for super cheap clearance prices so I for sure got a deal. Most of them are things I wouldn't even purchase unless they were that cheap anyway. Last month I went to visit family in San Diego and went to a Walmart for some stuff, to my surprise found Pictureka, Jenga Max, Quelf, and Blokus Duo all $2.xx-5 each. There was a whole bunch of Scene It varieties at $5 a pop too. It was a right place right time situation but it inspired me to hunt to board games more often. Thus far I've seen a bit of luck but of course its always party type/mainstream games. Which I don't mind because its hard to invest in the more expensive games when it'll be a rare play.

My girlfriend also has a small collection of party games so when we get people together and don't want to go out, her friends already think of board games as a go to solution for a chill night. Now that I've been amassing a small collection of colorful eye catching boxes, it becomes fun and easy to crack open a new game often.
I don't have a huge collection, but I generally order from Cool Stuff Inc. Plus I'm in the SE so they ship to me really quickly.
Though there can definitely be advantages to buying from your local game store, usually the prices are much higher.

I've heard lots of great things about Summoner Wars.

Zombies is interesting. Need a lot of table space. I played it with my boy a little while back, but we played without the cards [some of them are pretty graphic and they can add a little too much backstabbiness for a 7 year old]. He enjoyed moving the zombies around to chase me.

The Dice Tower is one of about four podcasts that I regularly listen to, I really enjoy it. I don't have parties often so I don't need a lot of party games, but I did get my inlaws to play Forbidden Island yesterday. We drowned rapidly the first game, but the second game we won - we got on Fools Landing thanks to the Pilot and a couple extra Helicopter cards as the last other tile sunk [Fools Landing was flooded, and there were no other tiles on the board.] It was the closest you can get to losing, and definitely the closest game we had ever had.
Anyone else planing on picking up Castle Ravenloft? I keep hearing good things and it looks like it will be able to be combined with Wrath of Ashardalon when it releases.
If you guys are looking for a trading card game by chance, there's one I play off and on called Cardmaster Conflict. It's a bit similar to Magic: The Gathering in ways and is actually a free online game.
I am going to buy Forbidden Island and one other game today, either Carcassonne or Ticket to ride. I have a 9 year old to play with. We are having fun playing Castle Keep, battleship, sorry, Settlers of Catan, Tiki Topple. Do you recommend Carcassonne or Ticket to ride? We tried carcassonne demo on XBLA it seemed good. Is $22 an ok price for carcassonne?
[quote name='mickeyp']I am going to buy Forbidden Island and one other game today, either Carcassonne or Ticket to ride. I have a 9 year old to play with. We are having fun playing Castle Keep, battleship, sorry, Settlers of Catan, Tiki Topple. Do you recommend Carcassonne or Ticket to ride? We tried carcassonne demo on XBLA it seemed good. Is $22 an ok price for carcassonne?[/QUOTE]

I recommend Carcassone over Ticket to Ride. Me and my wife love both games but Carc gets played more, has more Xpacks(if you want to get deeper into the game)and its easier for a 9 year old. We started playing both TtR and Carc with my bro when he was about that age and even now at 11 he prefers Carc since TtR can be a bit challenging.

If its $22 shipped then thats a good price, if its $22 + shipping then no since you can find car for around $15-$19(before shipping)online. If you guys think you might get deep into Carc though think about getting the Carc big Box 1 or 2. There are two versions of the Big Box and both give you several expansions AND the base game for $50ish. We find that the base game is good but adding in a few Xpack tiles(but not playing with extra rules)makes the game 10x better.

@ Ramstoria - I actually just read a review for Catan on PSN. I am thinking of getting that, always liked Catan...but we so rarely have 3 or 4 adults to play with.
For PC card games, I like Astral Masters and Spectromancer. Not free, but there were free trial versions. I think one of them was given away free at Game Giveaway of the Day. They're like CCGs, except creating your own deck is optional.

I personally like Ticket to Ride more than Carcassone, and TtR might be more palatable in theme to a young boy than Carcassone, but one interesting challenge I've run into with playing some games with my boy is hand size - games with cards and variable hand sizes can be very cumbersome to play. His grandma has some card holders which help, but one time we were playing Fluxx and he had like twenty cards - little hands just can't hold that many cards at one time efficiently.
That said, while I like TtT, I also don't think it's the Game Everyone Must Have!
The base game Carcassone is 22 bucks on Amazon with FSSS, and 17 on CSI [but shipping's not free unless you spend 100 - which isn't really difficult - and they offer frequent customer discounts].
Somehow I've got Carc, Catan, and TtR all from XBLA - I think one was free and the others were on sale sometime.

Also, keep an eye on - they're a Daily Deal site with a new board game, Tshirt, and miscellaneous thing each day. I know they've had Carc more than once. Sometimes their prices are great, sometimes not so great, but it's worth adding to your daily bookmarks.

I hope to try Castle Ravenloft - looks like it's running 55 to 65 bucks which is a little much for me to spend on a blind buy - but the fact that it's playable solo is attractive, and I've always wanted to get back into D and D, so this might scratch that itch. Playtime less than ninety minutes helps too, although if i"m playing a solo game of Arkham Horror, it doesn't have to take much longer than that unless I slow it down to get in the mood. The main complaints I've heard about Ravenloft are card quality is not the best and there are only a small number of scenarios in the gamebox [but the details of each game are randomized, so it's not the exact same experience.]
[quote name='dtcarson']
Zombies is interesting. Need a lot of table space. I played it with my boy a little while back, but we played without the cards [some of them are pretty graphic and they can add a little too much backstabbiness for a 7 year old]. He enjoyed moving the zombies around to chase me.
I've had my 5 and 9 year old nephews walk in mid-game on a 4 player session with 2 expansions. Tons of figures everywhere and they wanted to jump in on the action but I agree with you that the cards are too graphic and the rules are too complicated (for the 5 year old at least). It was hard to get divert the kids as you see tons of colorful figures sitting around and you have to tell them its not for kids :lol:

Zombies actually fueled my interest in the BG world. It gets much better when you add cards from the expansions. A lot of people hate the luck/randomness but I love that a game can go anywhere with the whole screw your neighbor aspect.
Sometimes some random chaos is exciting and just what the game session needs.
I don't really like games that are 100 percent strategy, where you have to set up for Turn Fifteen at Turn One and if you dont do it just right you're SOL. In addition to the fact that it takes multiple plays to even have an idea of what you should be doing, some of those games can be susceptible to perfect programming - that is, there are one or two optimal ways of play that lead to a victory, so it's much more mechanical.
I'm back after a weekend of gaming, my annual invitational gaming event.
IN one way, too much gaming - in other, not enough.
Started at about 10 AM thursday, came home about 6 to have dinner and sleep. Got back about 11 Friday, stayed till 0430 Sat morning. Came home, slept three hours, went back at about 10 Sat AM. Stayed till 6 AM then came home [at six am, pretty much everybody left the gaming room to hit the sack]. I didn't go back after I woke up because my boy had a Scout meeting at 2 PM that actually ran late, so after that I took a nap till about 7.
Next year I'm going to do my darndest to stay at the hotel, even if I am local [45 min drive is technically local, I guess].

We had about 125 attendees, from brand newbies to folks who have been 7 years. Everyone was awesome and friendly.

Hot games this year were:

Egizia - medium weight worker placement/resource management game about building monuments in ancient Egypt. I liked this one, playtime was reasonable, it wasn't a total brainburner and but you still had to make wise choices [but you could recover to an extent]. I actually won the first game we [three newbies] played, by five points, thanks to the 'Get 8 points at endgame' Sphinx card. Next game I played, I had a solid third. In both games the scoring was pretty close - the second game, a 4 player, first and second place tied, the tiebreaker was their position on the scoring track, and the other players were within 10 points or so, in the 70s IIRC.

The Gates of Loyang - I don't know if this is new, but it was popular. I think it's Uwe Rosenberg, and it's got a very familiar feel to Agricola although it's not as slow, and has a little more player interaction. I think it is good, it's just not my kind of game. Farming/marketing/satisfying customers.

New to me - Evo. This one was OOP, although I heard rumors of an upcoming reprint. When I saw Philippe Keyaert's name on it I was not surprised, I can definitely see the genesis of Small World in Evo.
You're playing dinosaurs on an island that has different terrain types and is too small for everyone [sound familiar?]. The game clock is a meteor track, so it's a limited number of turns, but can end one or two turns early based on an a die roll [meteor arrives early]. You bid on genetic mutations to help your dinosaurs survive cold or heat, breed more quickly, or survive battles more easily. It's pretty fun, more strategic than it looks, doesn't take a whole long time, and is deceptively cute.

The late-night, party-game hit of the weekend: Telestrations. Obviously the people you're playing with have a great deal to do with this, and the atmosphere was just right for certain things to be hilarious, [plus it was late] but this was successful. Players each draw a card with six words or phrases, a die is rolled, one of two words is selected, and the player draws it on an erasable pad within about 45 seconds. Pads are passed to the next player [we had 8 each time], and s/he writes their guess on the next page. Page is flipped again, passed to the next player, who draws the word the previous player wrote. Etc. At the end the initial player has his pad and goes through the chain with the group. We had some that went all the way around [sugar cubes], and some that were hiliariously wrong. "Make-up" became "queen latifah" became "queen" became "big bottomed girls".
"Potty mouth" became "toilet smile", and "stink bug" because "fart bug". There's scoring, but it looked like a pain in the ass and it really didn't matter. If hilarity ensues [and it did], everyone wins.

The board game big hit of the weekend: Dungeons and Dragons: Castle Ravenloft.
I played this three times, and I know I saw it out at least another ten times or so. Cooperative dungeon quest based on D and D [not sure if it's canon on 4e or whatever], where the dungeon is build with puzzle piece map tiles 4x4 squares big as the party [fighter, mage, cleric, ranger, rogue] explores it. The game comes with scenarios which are generally of the "go in the dungeon and defeat this monster" to "go in the dungeon and grab this treasure". Depending on how discussion goes, and which scenario is chosen, it seems like it plays in 1-2 hours [less if you get killed] and is true cooperative with no traitor. The turn itself flows pretty quickly [move/move, move/attack, or attack/move; then explore to get a new dungeon tile; then optionally resolve an encounter from the deck; then monsters controlled by that player move/attack], the length is in the discussion and planning. The way monsters are controlled seems pretty ingenious - there's no need for a DM [although we did have one 'keeper of the figures], since the monsters move in a programmed fashion as shown on their card.
Treasures, traps, spells, skills, lots of great figures, and an exciting co-op time: this one was a hit. As I said, I played it thrice and would have done a fourth. It's for 1-5 players. The only concerns I can see based on those plays are:
- limited number of scenarios [I think 15 or so] - but the way it plays out changes [different map layout, different treasures, can choose different characters, different monsters, etc] each time. Plus it's quite likely there will be fan-written scenarios, maybe official ones as well, and there is already an expansion planned, I think.
- limited number of monster types. Then again, this does keep costs down, and how many do you need ? We encountered about 8-10 different monster types not counting boss monsters, IIRC. I would like to see a few of the more iconic D and D monsters [beholder, gelatinous cube, etc], but no real complaints so far. The variety was still pretty good. Plus many of those were referenced in encounter cards, which is a great way to involve them without jacking up costs with figures.
- Figures. There are tons of great figures in the box, including a six inch dragon. The one complaint is that the player figures are all the same color, so it would be nice if they were tinted differently, though it's not a deal breaker.
- Table space required. Depending on how the dungeon lays out, you could end up needing lots of space. Still, that's the case with many of these games.

I really liked this one. I don't know if I can sell it to my family, and I don't know if my gaming groups are up for it [I'm in two, one usually likes lighter stuff, and the other is more hardcore Euro], but I think if I went to a game night at a store I would definitely get takers. Plus it can be single player as well.
MSRP is about 65 I think, but it could be had for 55 [Amazon] or 50 [Cool Stuff Inc], and I really want this one.

Other game I played:
Dominion Prosperity - not sure what I think about that 10 point province card. I had one turn where thanks to the Bank and the Counting House I had ~30 money - but only one buy. Maybe just the layout we randomly selected but definitely 'big money' focused. Still, it's Dominion, one of the most replayable games in existence.

Ascension - or - Hey Look I'm like Dominion - This left most folks underwhelmed. Has a few changed mechanics from Dominion, but only some of them add to the game, the others add unnecessary cumbersomeness. More of a Magic feel in that there are many more unique cards in one game than in Dominion, but instead of improving it, it seemed to add clutter to the game.

Founding Fathers - had a quiet but strong following. You control states and delegates during the signing of the Constitution. There's lots of very interesting flavor text, and different ways of scoring, but the game has some parts that don't flow as well based on my single play. I'd be interested in trying it again but am certainly going to wait before putting it on a wishlist.

I didn't play as huge a variety of games this year, but I did play the games I enjoyed multiple times. Plus I introduced some newer folks to more middleweight games [Long Shot, Roll through the Ages, Forbidden Island, each got multiple plays]. Plus timing was interesting - someone asked me to play Cuba at 0300. No thanks. And another table started Dungeon Lords at about midnight. [I initially had interest in this one till I saw it played].

TL;DR version:
Telestrations - wacky fun for many people.
Ravenloft - great co-op in D and D universe in less than two hours.
Egizia - the new hotness in resource management/worker placement.
Ascension - disappointing, and totally superfluous in the year 2 AD [Anno Dominion].

So, an awesome, tiring, too short weekend of gaming. And I can't wait till the next one. Also can't wait till I delve into Castle Ravenloft again.
You really didn't like Ascension that much? It appealed to me because it seemed a bit more simple (less decks) and more casual friendly. Like one could catch on quicker. I don't think Dominion could work in my collection, but Ascension might.
I did see Glory to Rome played, but didn't get a chance to play it or watch more than a few minutes.

Ascension definitely wins in setup, but I don't think the deck count has much effect. Ascension has, what, 7 cards to buy on the table, plus 2 more decks that are always available - so that's only one shy of Dominions - and the 7 table cards you see this turn could totally change by your next turn. Ascension is faster/easier to setup, but i don't think it's easier to explain. I'm not sure if someone could catch on quicker. If you gave a casual player all of Dominions decks, or even just the base game, that could be overwhelming, but set the game up with only ten decks to choose from, give them time to review each one - I think the core gameplay in Dominion is much more accessible, the challenge comes in making cards work together. I would think that is harder in Ascension because there are so many different card types. I bought a construct that let me immediately play a future construct I bought. Sounds great, but I was never able to buy another construct. Not to say you won't get stuck with cards you can't/don't use in Dominion - I bought a Bishop which I then never used, but that was my fault - didn't realize/remember that the trashing was required not optional, and I very rarely trash cards.

Add to that the visual overstimulation of the cards, and difference between buying creatures and fighting monsters, and I think Ascension has the potential to be more complicated to learn and play well. I can definitely see MtG players liking it, and if someone brings it to the table, I'll play it, but I won't be buying it and it won't be on my gotta-play list. And again, this is based on only one play, I won't say a game is good or bad based on one play, but I will say if it's looking like a 'buy/actively search for a replay/play if someone else wants to/avoid' for me. Ascension is currently right in the middle for me. Also, since my family doesn't get into Dominion much, and my gaming group is heavy into Dominion, that's where my deckbuilding itch will be scratched.
I see. I actually haven't played either game, I'm going off of youtube and reading reviews. Just from the vast array of cards on Dominions end, it seemed too much to handle to warrant owning a copy. Its strange you say Dominion is more accessible, everything I've seen/read leads me to believe Ascension is. Ascension has something like a 200 card count versus Dominion's 500, on that alone I was under the impression it would be faster to get used to Ascensions set than Dominions. I definitely want to try both games, they're available online for around $25 but I need to play both before deciding and taking the plunge.
[quote name='dtcarson']I personally like Ticket to Ride more than Carcassone, and TtR might be more palatable in theme to a young boy than Carcassone[/QUOTE]

I second this. The scoring in Carcassonne could be a nightmare for a 9-year-old, depending on his/her math and conceptual abilities. Ticket to Ride just asks that they can find a route between two cities, and shows that route on each ticket, to ease the process. There are other scoring bonuses, but they're pretty straightforward.
Though Dominion does have more cards in total, you only play with 10 types at a time [plus coins and points cards] so the number of different types the players are exposed to at any one time is limited. Plus some of them, especially in the base game, are similar - this one is plus one Action, this one is plus one Buy, this one is plus one Action and plus one Buy.

Last time my folks came up to visit, I drafted my mom [who usually plays Rummikub and Scrabble] into playing, and while we only played the suggested base setup, she learned quickly, enjoyed it, and asked to play again.

If you've never played either, and you play Ascension first, you may well have a very different experience for me - but in comparison to Dominion, Ascension seems to fall flat. If you want to experience many different cards, that's be Ascension; if you want to try different strategies based on a more finite set of cards in play at once, that's Dominion. I will say that one major difference is scoring - in Dominion, you generally just go for the victory point cards; in Ascension, you score by doing damage to monsters, and each non-initial card you own is worth points as well. That mechanic is a little different and could provide some novelty.
Thanks for the report of your convention, dtcarson. It certainly sounds like I may need to snag Ravenloft.

Speaking of Dominion-like games, what does everyone think of Thunderstone? I have had it for a long time but have still not played it.

Edit: BTW - Ravenloft can be had at my local buddies place for 39.99, which is probably why it's currently out of stock. They have $8.99 flat shipping so if you ordered other games it would be worth it. Link

So for those that have played Ravenloft, is it a good introduction to D&D rules and gameplay in general or is it an entirely different beast?
I haven't played Thunderstone, so I can't comment on that one.

Ravenloft at Tanga is a pure coincidence, I do not work for them or WotC or anybody in the gaming biz so I chuckled as well when I saw it pop up last night. I'm really not a shill.

I had thought Ashardalon was an expansion, looks like it's stand alone/combinable game. That changes things...preorder WoA for 40 and wait three months before playing it, or buy the one I know I like for a little more now. Not sure if it will add enough difference to be worth owning both [except in terms of sheer size when combined, which might defeat the benefit of the 1-2 hour playtime], or if the 'explore the mountain' theme is better than 'explore the dungeon.' But having larger and hopefully more varied monster/treasure/encounter decks would be good, as would having ten characters to choose from [even if there are some that are almost repeated].

I think undead are cooler, although there's non-undead monsters in CR, so it's not totally focused, so I'm leaning toward CR. Then again, Amazon preorders can always be cancelled.
bread's done