Official E3 2008 Thread

[quote name='dastly75']So apparently Nintendo and Sony's conference were so underwhelming that Microsoft decided to with-hold Bungie's Wednesday announcement that they've been building up.

Of course this could be apart of the viral marketing given the clues previously given...[/quote]

Either its a trap, or the game they were going to show didn't look too hot. I mean, they really need to wow people, as Halo 3 was seen as a disappointment to many fans. But man...

Damn you Bungie, putting a counter on your damn website with a weird as hell main page.

You know that crap gets me riled up. Not to mention the THOUSANDS of fans who visited your website. We all eat it up, but then you do this?

And then what do you do? You say that you actually aren't announcing the new project at E3, and that the counter shouldn't have gone up yet.


Isn't E3 one of the the biggest gaming venues to show of your newest games anyway? What are they going to do now? Present it at TGS? Seeing as Bungie's primer fanbase is American, unveiling the new project at TGS doesn't seem to smart.

It is easy for Bungie to blame the publisher, make them seem like the bad guys, but it seems as though Bungie just wasn't ready. This begs the question: why the counter? A surprise announcement would have been much better, since they could have canceled without anyone even knowing.
[quote name='Nelo Ice']at 7:00 pm hmmm[/quote]

Oh my. How did I totally miss that?

Capcom's Press Conference was just a really long announcement of the Lost Planet Movie coming out in 2011 with some of the producers and creators. David Hayter is writing the script. Overall this E3 has been kind of a let down. Far too many of the good games are kept for behind closed doors so the showcase floor does not have much good stuff to show off like previous E3 shows.
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Microsofts 1-2 punch at e3 was go first, announce a huuge new game (ff13) and then have bungie come in after nintendo and sony's conferences to get back the hype incase nintendo or sony had their own megaton bomb. But due to lackluster (shitty) conferences and no big announcements by them, microsoft decided they had already won the event and should save their other megaton bomb (bungie's new game) for another day.

Smart but bad for fans.
im with MS on having the best press conference. They appeased Core and casual gamers..and their lineup is pretty sick. Im really excited now about whats to come out on the 360. I cant wait for FF XIII and the host of the JRPGs and Core games that are coming out on it.

I was really hoping to hear from nintendo about storage issues but heard none of that.
I am interested on how GTA will be on teh DS.
I am one of those people who think that this year's E3 is a disappointment. But for right now, I feel that Microsoft/Xbox has won this year. FFXIII for the 360 is a shock. I bought a PS3 because of that. Netflix is something I can't wait to see.

Nintendo really pisses me off now. Nothing addressed about future WiiWare titles, storage issues, and most importantly, the mediocre VC releases and what us Gamers really want.

Sony did okay. Their prices for on-demand movies are more expensive than M$ and no Netflix. However, if their rental period is longer than M$ 24-hour period after viewing, then I can tolerate that.
Nintendo has made me forget about all the games that they had promised/I was expecting. Not only did they not show anything, they didn't even mention games like:
Kid Icarus, Punch-Out, Disaster: DOC, Metroid, Star Fox, Wario, etc. Also Nothing about storage, nothing, just nothing. Sony and MS FTW
[quote name='pop311']Nintendo has made me forget about all the games that they had promised/I was expecting. Not only did they not show anything, they didn't even mention games like:
Kid Icarus, Punch-Out, Disaster: DOC, Metroid, Star Fox, Wario, etc. Also Nothing about storage, nothing, just nothing. Sony and MS FTW[/quote]

But wii music, you dont need the skill of pressing buttons at the right time to play a music game, you can just hold the controller up. And, if you buy wii sports 2 you get an attachment to make the wiimote work like it was supposed to before. Sadly my girlfriend is going to see this on the Today Show before anything from any other company.
I don't know about you guys, but I waas grinning from ear to ear during the LBP Sony numbers spin-a-thon presentation. And not because of the numbers.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Wow I know Yahoo isnt the place to go for video game news but this was on their main page and I had to read it. Seriously what a joke.[/QUOTE]

I liked how the main page link was "Sony leads the gaming console battle".
Sony had a solid showing but this is some serious spin:
"That wasn't all, though. Sony's press conference rolled out a set of game trailers that had fans cheering: a new God of War game on PS3, a vast-looking massive action game named MAG, and a couple of promising superhero games: one massively-multiplayer title based on the DC superhero universe, and one futuristic, open-city game from the Sly Cooper studio. It's a great selection, and one that leaves Microsoft's roster of Gears of War 2 and Fable II looking a little tired."
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[quote name='spoo']I liked how the main page link was "Sony leads the gaming console battle".
Sony had a solid showing but this is some serious spin:
"That wasn't all, though. Sony's press conference rolled out a set of game trailers that had fans cheering: a new God of War game on PS3, a vast-looking massive action game named MAG, and a couple of promising superhero games: one massively-multiplayer title based on the DC superhero universe, and one futuristic, open-city game from the Sly Cooper studio. It's a great selection, and one that leaves Microsoft's roster of Gears of War 2 and Fable II looking a little tired."[/quote]

yeah i was about to copy and paste that same paragraph. This has sony fanboy written all over it.
Oh please you guys are just complaining because someone liked the Sony presentation better than the others.. He just gave a synopsis of the event and his opinion. I don't see what's the problem. Plus you all know if he had said MS won, then Yahoo would bethe place to be.
[quote name='Thomas96']Oh please you guys are just complaining because someone liked the Sony presentation better than the others.. He just gave a synopsis of the event and his opinion. I don't see what's the problem. Plus you all know if he had said MS won, then Yahoo would bethe place to be.[/QUOTE]

My PS2 collection is about 200 games and till my fiancees car broke down and I had to sell some my PSX collection was over 200 games. R&C is one of my fav series and im praying for a new Sly Cooper or Dark Cloud game on the PSP or PS3.

This isnt a matter of us wanting them to praise MS. Its a matter of Sonys show was lack luster so claiming that they are running the competition and sprinting to first place is just a joke.
[quote name='MSI Magus']My PS2 collection is about 200 games and till my fiancees car broke down and I had to sell some my PSX collection was over 200 games. R&C is one of my fav series and im praying for a new Sly Cooper or Dark Cloud game on the PSP or PS3.

This isnt a matter of us wanting them to praise MS. Its a matter of Sonys show was lack luster so claiming that they are running the competition and sprinting to first place is just a joke.[/QUOTE]

Maybe he went a little too far in his praise, but to me he's really saying Sony did well to present some new IPs. If MAG , and two MMOs Agency and DC universe are good they could be better to have than some MOTS - in Gears of War 2. Fable II and Gears are somewhat like new IPs(in my opinion) because this will be their first time on next gen consoles. PS3 could use some MOTS from their previous franchises especially Sly Cooper. I'd love to see a Destruction Derby Game on line 32 players with small to large arenas (although I don't think that's a Sony IP) I would say that Sony's show was basic, and just presented some good IPs, I don't think that it was lacking. But it definitely wasn't Blockbuster, more like basicbuster.
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As for MAG, I wish companies wouldn't talk about games until they can show them playable. Now I have to sit through many months of people saying that the ps3 is better than the xbox because of MAG, a game that we haven't seen any actual gameplay yet. Same with God of War 3 -- show me gameplay.
[quote name='Thomas96']Maybe he went a little too far in his praise, but to me he's really saying Sony did well to present some new IPs. If MAG , and two MMOs Agency and DC universe are good they could be better to have than some MOTS - in Gears of War 2. Fable II and Gears are somewhat like new IPs(in my opinion) because this will be their first time on next gen consoles. PS3 could use some MOTS from their previous franchises especially Sly Cooper. I'd love to see a Destruction Derby Game on line 32 players with small to large arenas (although I don't think that's a Sony IP) I would say that Sony's show was basic, and just presented some good IPs, I don't think that it was lacking. But it definitely wasn't Blockbuster, more like basicbuster.[/QUOTE]

Again disagree. Basic buster would have had twice as many games.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Again disagree. Basic buster would have had twice as many games.[/QUOTE]

well at E3 you only get games from SCEA, that's why the games steming from SCEE and SCEJ weren't there. [mana explained that well over in the PS3 E3 2008 thread - PS3 forums] Plus Sony has to prepare for 3 consoles whereas MS only has one and Nintendo has 2.
[quote name='Thomas96']Oh please you guys are just complaining because someone liked the Sony presentation better than the others.. He just gave a synopsis of the event and his opinion. I don't see what's the problem. Plus you all know if he had said MS won, then Yahoo would bethe place to be.[/QUOTE]

Did you read the article? It praised Sony for the same things it bashes MS for, here are some examples, notice the choice off words for MS vs. the choice of words for Sony;
"Despite rumors of price cuts, Microsoft opted to expand the hard drive of its mid-range offering instead of delivering any real savings to consumers."
"Sony put together a similar performance, shuffling its PS3 package offerings to little real effect (although you might pick up a bargain as retailers clear stock of the older lines)."

"On-demand movie and TV programming courtesy of Netflix will expand the 360's already bulging video abilities"
"[Sony] also expanding its video offerings by offering online movie rentals from an impressive portfolio of studios -- and you can take them on the road on your PSP, too. Unlike Microsoft's offerings, which have a vague "fall" ETA, Sony's new online features should be available by the time you read this."

"a new motion-sensing microphone controller will deliver new horrors to the terrifying world of karaoke games."

Just look at the words that are used to describe stuff in the MS conference vs. the Sony conference. Not one negative word in the article about Sony but plenty of negative things in the article about Nintendo and MS.
I dont really think that MS had a bad conference, but not a lot there I like. I just happen to like the stuff Sony stuff better

Nintendo on the other hand......complete joke
Here's a question about Sony's GH. Warhawk. That $30 price. Is it with or without the headset? Without the headset, that's a $10 drop. Not quite worth it. Also, what will it mean for the downloadable version. Will that drop in price as well?
^w/o the headset

Anyways, here's a tease on...(rest in blog - haha!)

My take on Gamespot's take on their E3 coverage of Sonic Unleashed:

The twist in this adventure comes in the form of nighttime levels that completely change the traditional gameplay. In these levels, you play as a mutated form of Sonic known as a Werehog. These levels are much slower than the Sonic levels and centered on combat. You have 30 different moves in your arsenal, so battles should offer a lot of variety. Since you can't just quickly dispose of foes as you fly by, you'll find yourself surrounded by evil beings. These resemble the creatures from the Twilight Realm from Zelda, and you can toss them around or just punch them until they give up.

Great...more knockoffs of other games
Dark Void is basically a ripoff of Gears cover-and-fire gameplay (but you get a jetpack!) and this is a knockoff of the latest, and dare I say, the shittiest, Zelda console game I've played.
[quote name='Thomas96']well at E3 you only get games from SCEA, that's why the games steming from SCEE and SCEJ weren't there. [mana explained that well over in the PS3 E3 2008 thread - PS3 forums] Plus Sony has to prepare for 3 consoles whereas MS only has one and Nintendo has 2.[/quote]

though it maybe true that sony does have three consoles to concentrate on [ps2, psp, ps3]. but should you really consider the ps2?! their just doing the ps2 what they did with the ps1 [trying to cashin on it's death bed]. microsoft and nintendo knows when to end it, these people they just go on and on. i could see the ps2 go upto 2009, maybe 2010. if ps2 goes to 2010, they should kill ps3 since the ps2 is so successful [10 years]. by 2010, ms will have ideas for xbox 3 and sony is still on ps2 and ps3. by e3 2011, ms reveals xbox 3 and sony declares the ps2 dead and sony now fully concentrates on ps3.
[quote name='pochaccoheaven'] microsoft and nintendo knows when to end it, [/quote]

Not really. MS killed off the Xbox too early to get the 360 out there, and the Gamecube had been dead in the water for years when the Wii finally appeared.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Not really. MS killed off the Xbox too early to get the 360 out there, and the Gamecube had been dead in the water for years when the Wii finally appeared.[/quote]

it took upto the ps3 for sony to end production of the ps1. so if we try to assume the same for ps2, then that will be a long long time. if i'm correct, the ps3 is to last 10 years according to the sony reps. so ps3 is released in 2006 and 10 years later would be 2016. so the end production for ps2 would be 2016 when the next playstation system is announced assuming that sony does decide to release a system at that time.

that is 16 years, ps2 released in 2000 and production ends in 2016.
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Personally Microsoft had the best by far. Banjo Kazooie coming to XBLA, FF13, all the Rock Band 2 stuff, Gears 2

Nintendo's made my finally make the decision to sell my Wii

Sony's was ok. But personally, I think MAG is gonna be crap. The name of the game is super generic, and it's gonna be a huge lagfest. But I could always be wrong
^what about pikmin!
7:35 Miyamoto and Yeguchi address a question about "core gamers" and whether or not these games will appeal to them. In a nutshell, they respond that they hope anyone will enjoy these games, and that a "core gamer" is someone that enjoys games, regardless of genre, as long as they're good. "We're making Pikmin."
[quote name='anomynous']Nintendo's made my finally make the decision to sell my Wii

You only need to mention this about 19 more times before you win a prize.

Go for the gold.
What, no your mom joke Strell?

everybody keeps repeating the samething over & over, so I can't?

Oh that's right, I'm an OTTer, so you dont like me
[quote name='anomynous']

Oh that's right, I'm an OTTer, so you dont like me[/quote]


[quote name='Eric Cartman'] RACE WAR!




[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I'll be happy when penny arcade starts being funny.[/QUOTE]

Oh sure, ask for the impossible why don't ya?
I got drunk at Bethesda's E3 party, told CheapyD he had the best website in the world and I don't think he thought I was incredibly smart.

True story.
But seriously, besides GTA Chinatown & Animal Crossing, did Nintendo even show any REAL games?

I guess Wii Sports 2 could count as one, but Wii Music barely qualifies as a game
[quote name='anomynous']Nintendo's made my finally make the decision to sell my Wii
Nintendo thanks you for helping them meet demand.
bread's done